Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 18, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Beginning next Monday thp new de
pot will be a unijn depot in fact. Then
all the C. & E. trains will leave and
arrive at the union depot, where all the
business will be done, such as the sale
of tickets, etc. It will make the trac'tB
crowded for a while until more track
age is secured after the removal of the
old depot and other buildings.
Twenty-four passenger trains daily
will then do business at this depot,
making it a busy place. The new yard
will be extended as fast as possible; a
job, though, that will take a year or
two to complete.
A Six Foot Basket Ball Team,
The Alco Club has the material for a
six foot basket team, all good players:
the Ellis Brothers, Professors Mar
quam and Flo, and Conrad Myer. a tall
gang. Several of them will be in the
game Friday evening.
Last evening Blain and Simons had a
try out at boxing. It will be worth
seeing. Merrill and Ries will give an
exhibition in wrestling as good as seen
in the big cities.
The other numbers will be worth see
ing, including a fifteen hundred pound
lift by Merrill, high jumping, tumbling,
etc. . .
The gym is one of Alban" s best in-;
tomorrow night and help out a good
Councilman Hand for Chief.
At o meeting of Linn Engine Co. No.
2 Comcilman William Hand was nomi
nated for chief engineer, subject to the
will of the firemen next Monday. The
nomination seems to give general satis
faction. R. Hurz, a Portland attorney, is in
the city on a short le;al trip.
Cecil Cathey is home from a sign
painting trip east of the mountains.
Heney again appeared in court yes
terday, a man of marvellous -vitality.
A poultry show will bo held in Dallas
Wednesday, Thursday and f riday of
next week.
John L. Sullivan is suing his wife for
. divorce. Few pugilistic marriages are
ever 'happy affairs.
F. C. Stellmacher has been appointed
Telegram correspondent for Albany.
He will appreciate the news.
The nickels make 'the dollars. A
Portland man is said to have made $40,
008 with moving picture shows in ,two
Mrs. O. P. Mishler left today : for
her home at San Francisco aftera two
weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Freerksen, and other relatives.'
Nelson 0. Powell, wanted:at Portland
for the non-support of his fmijily,
brought down from Lebanon last even'
ing and taken to Portland on the 8:18
Some new mayors: Hon. B. F. Jones,
Independence; C. E. Hawkins. Toledo;
R. A. Bensall, Newport; L. J. simp?
son, North Bend, the only mayor the
citv has had since incorporated six
years ago. .
Georsre Rolfe has gone to Portland
after some fine oDera chairs for his
play house, also a new machine and
other things, making the place an up-
to date amusement house, witlli moving
pictures as thn main attraction
Dr. W. D. Huntington. Dentist, has
leased the office of Dr. A. J
Hodgea, and will be ready for business
there next ween, snom Monday, tie is
a eraduate of the North Pacific Den
tal Collepe, Portland, and is highly
recommended as a man and dentist.
The assessed valuation of Salem
$8,599, 754. a good showing for the cap
ital citv. Secretary rioter, oi tne uoara
of trade, figures that - there has been
$195,400 worth ot property bought by
newcomers in that city since May,
quite a straw.
E. Milton Dindinger was drowned at
Astoria recently, lie was a brother ot
W. H. and G. L. Dindinger and Mrs. H
B Mi former Albanv people The
deceased was a barber and his daughter
naa tn have been married on the day
she received the news of her father's
death. .
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
nulla made in citv and country. Phone
Main 38.
Notice is hereby giveo lhat the under
stoned administrator ol the estate of
Lavina S. Chilria, deceased, will pur-t-uant
'o the orner of ihe County
Conrt of Lino County, Oreron, made
and eniered in ttm matter of the
ecmeof said .teoenssd on the 2'irf. day
of November, 1908. sell, '. pm!e Bale,
for cash io baod.lrom and alier the 28tb
any of Ueceubo', 19u8, all the lu, lowing
desciibed real property belonging to
eoid estate, to-it: .. ,
LotB 3, 4, 6. 6, 13, 14, 15 16. 17 and
18 in Block 7 in Hill's ftdniii u to the
town of Sodaville, in Linn C.iuntv, Ore
gjn, as the fanm aprer upon the maun
andolateof "aid addition now on file
and ol record in the office of the County
Recorder of said county.
Lois numbered 5. 6, 7 and 8 in Block
6 in Hill's Addition to the town oi
Sodavlile, in Linn Couoty, Oregon, as
tne rsame api.ear npon the recorded plat
of laiJ addition in the office of the
rnHH DM,Hnr of mad COUDtv.
giid tale to made unbjsot to confirm- (
ftin by laid uiiiii win.
liEO. S. CHILD8,
H EW1TT & SOX, Administrator,
Attorneys lot Adtnioiitratar.
Hanns A Modern School.
Henderson Education and the Long
er Life.
Arnold Waymarks for Teacher.
James Talks to Teacher on Psychology-Smith
Children of the Future.
Munger On the Threshold
Churcn Wi h the King at Oxford.
Johnson American Railway Trans
portation. Spearman Strategy of Great Rail
roads Williams The Romance of Modern
Gillette Economics of Road Con
struction. , . .
Clapp The Courtesies.
Buliinch-The age of Chivalry.
Hodge Nature Study and Life.
Newcomb -Astronomy for Every
body. Atkinson Electricity for Everybody.
Clarke-A. B C. of Electrical Exper
Hopkins Experimental Science.
Jackson An Elementary Boolf on
Electricity and Magnetism.
Meadowcrof t A. B. C. of Electricity.
Sroane Electric Toy Making for
Amateurs. ' -
Alexander The Conquest of the Air.
Santos-Dumont My Air-Ships.
Hammer Radium
Bottone - Electric Bell and All About
Anoleton Beginners Handbook of
Wmchell walks and TaiKs in tne
Dunn The Weather,
Shaler Outlines of the Earth's
Donnelly Atlantis.
Clodd The Story of Creation.
Drummoud Ascent of Man.
Parsons The Wild Flowers of
Steele & Jenks Popular Zoology.
Roberts Kindred of the Wild.
Holland-The Butterfly Book.
Howard Insect Book.
Bailey-Handbook of Birds of the
Western U. S. .
Moffet Careers of Danger and Dar
ling. Williamp Remance of Modern In
vention. Allen Almost a Man.
Hatfield Physiology and Hygiene.
Martin The Human Body. . .
Shepherd - For Girls. ' . ,
, Walker Beauty Through Hygiene.
Blaikie How to Get Strong, etc.
Call -Power Through Repose.
Gardiner The Care of the Consumpt
ive. . '
Mayo The Care of Animals.
Williams The Romance of . Modern
Baker Municipal Engineering . and
Reagan Locomotives.
. Trevert Dynamos and Electric Mo
tors. ..-..
. Shinn The Story of the Mine. .
Price Handbook on Sanitation.
Bailev Principles of Agriculture. -
Bailey The Principles of Vegetable
Roberts The Horse.
Watson Farm Poultry.
McCarthy-rFamiliar Fish.
s Fa'rmei Be ston Cooking School Cook
Book.. - , ,-,
Parloa Home Economics.
Langtun How . to Know Oriental
Ruga. ... ..
Harrison Home Nursing.
Opppenheim The Care of the Child
in Health.
Wheeler The Baby. '
Burdick The Essentials of Business
,vi oore Accounting : and Business
Hopkins Home Mechanics for Am
ateurs. ' Wheeler Woodworking for Begin
ners. Sanford -The Art Crafts for Begin
ners. Clark Care of a House.
Reinach Apollo.
Parsons How to Plan House Grounds.
Hamlien A Text-bookof the History
of Architecture.
Caffin American Masters of Sculpt
ure. Marquand -Text-book or the History
of Sculpture.
Vandergrift to Chicago.
Vandergrift Citizen:
Last week we announced the resigna
tion of the Presby terian minister and
this week we regret to say it becomes
our duty to announce the resignation of
another minister of one of our leadinc
churches, as on Sunday last, Rev. C.R.
Stevenson, of the United Presbyterian
church, asked his congregation to re
lease Km f .om that charge.
Mr SteT-inson cama here about sev
en am, one half years ago from Albany,
Or., ana nis woik in the local church
since that time has been a steady unin
terrupted growth, so tliiit the church is
now in the most prosperou i condition
since us oramzrt'ion. ivr s me
church has gron n also hut f.hj pas
tor. and with hi gr iwth has come a de
sire on the p irt of I irger churches to
possess him, as ne now nas cans irom
the First Un'tel P.vViyterian church
of Portland, Or., an i iitvenwojd, Chi
cago, LI.
Mr. Stuvenson hs accepted the lat
ter on account of tha wonderful held of
Inhor nml the creat c!un;n fur progress
and christian advancement particular
ly in the Sabbath sciooi worn neia out
by it and expects to begin his work
there with the beginning of the new
year. , ,
In the years Mr. Stevenson has been
here he has not only pleased and served
his congregation in a most satisfactory
manner, but has made friends wherever
he is known throughout the town, who
will with his congregation both be sorry
to see him leave our midst, and glad to
see him called to a larger field of use
fulness. We all wish him success in
his new field of labor.
B4rlll)4 fV Hind w H Almjt tafff
A busy place these holiday days.
Not a vacant store,
places are occupied.
even the little
New pool room opposite Fortmiller
Bros., a man selling out some furnish
ing goods just west of Ohling & Taylor.
Some splendid stocks
of Christmas
The Toggery is now owned by Cleek
& Stevenson, Fred Ward having sold
his intnrest to Chester Stev ensen, of
North Yakima, a former Albany young
man,, brother-in-law of his partner,
who will come buck to the Willamette
valley to reside.
George Rolfe is busy rearranging his
popular moving picture Bhow resort,
putting in raised seats, with less ar
cade room in front, more audience
room, made necessary by the big crowds
that attend.
The store rooms in the Elks building
.pancy. The corner store to be occu
pied by Uhambers & McUune is one . ot
trie finest and most modern in the val
ley. The committee is busv securing
furnishings for the Elk's different
rooms, to oe elegantly equipped as a
lodge and club house.
Some cleanups along the sides of trie
street for the holiday gatherings will
be in order.
frnm Alhanv'c Siy Farlv
irom ftmany s six cany
Th ire were two crowds at the depot,
one going to Portland to hear Noruica,
one of the world's great singers, and
nual convention of the State Dairy-1 tR" J """J113; a prominent pioneer
men's Association, interested in me of of Molalla, Clackamas county, died to
the most important industries. I day at the age of 80 years. He waa an
Those going to Portland to hear the
prima donna were Dr. and Mrs. W. H.
lHauia ' Miaa Cnm Snnmlrt- Mioa W!ni.
tnA TnKTn; nnrl Mica Dan m.eln !
loving people.
Those going to Salem to hear the
cows moo: C L. Shaw, T. Froman, R. L,
burkhart, a. U. stellmacher,
rie and Dr. Withycombe,
dairymen. . '
Mr. Cur -
H. M. Stone, of Corvallis,
man. went to Salem.
a prune
S. V. Hall returned up the C. & E.
to continue his log cutting.
Prof. Hargreave returned from
Shedd, where he has been teaching
The old depot is about cut in two.
when moving will begin. Get out of
the way. .
At the Hotels.
I. b. Smith, Coos Bay.
Webb Campbell, Portland. .
' W. P. Smith,; the commercial travel
ler. ' '
F. A. Bailey. Gates.
A. R. Brakefield, Gates
C. R. Davis, Gordon.
Theo. M. Barr, Salem.
A. C. Paul, Berkeley.
G. E. Smart, Salem.
R. L. Wells, -Portland.
A. C. Seley, Portland.
W. C. Cooper, Portland.
Geo. H. Graves, the broom man, Sa
lem. i
G. O. Brown, Newport.
John E. Howard, Portland.
Tmo Matters Considered.
At the meeting of the Albany Com
mercial Club last evening a telegram
was read from Senator Bourne in refer
ence to the improvement of the Wil
lamette at this city, and the securing
of an appropriation in the emergency
bill, urging a conference with Chief
Engineer Mclndoe, of Portland. Upon
motion Maj. Mclndoe was ordered tele
graphed to, asking him for a date for a
conference with the commercial club.
The matter of extending the city lim
its, in keeping wilh the growth of the
city was discussed, and Dr. Ellis, Sena
tor Miller and Judge Hewitt were ap
pointed a committee to look after the
Boosting the College
The Ministerial Association of the
Portland Presbytery gave a dinner at
the Commercial Ciub last night, when
question of furthering the . endowment
movement for the benefit of Albany
College was aiscussed by prominent
members of the faith. Covers were
laid for 51 guests and denominational
education was the theme. Those who
sooke oif the" subject were: Wallace
McCamant. William M. Ladd, H. M.
Crooks president of Albany College,
and Professor J. R. Wilson, principal of
Portland Academy.
Mining Development.
Mr. Paul T. Gadsen, one of those in
terested in the proposed Bmelter in the
Gold Creek mines, has been in the city
in the interest of the mines. Mr. Guy
Vail, the civil engineer in charge of the
installation of the smelter, and family
went into the mines a few days ago to
mako their home there for some time.
The work now is in securing money
through stock sales, for the develop
ment of the mines sufficiently to justify
th smelter. It is being pushed with
g od results.
Boost the condenser meeting, Satur
day afternoon, at the circuit court
room beginning at 1:30. It is for busi
ness, for the establishment of an im
portant industry here.
The condenser people want it distinct
ly Understood that it is not in any way
in opposition to the creamery business,
a fine thing for the country, there is
plenty of business for both.
Speaking about that Roth item, the
Democrat is assured the figures given
were correct. At that time, though
butter fat was not near the present
price, the average price for milk given
the Democrat being about 80 cents per
The condenser committee wish a eood J
uttcuu?iiii:e at tne meeting ana every
body interested is invited. It has hung
fire long enough. Push it through.
A School Entertainment.
The Madison street school on Satur
day evening at 8 o'clock will give an
entertainment at the Grace Presbyter
inn nhllrnh urkinh mill ha u,tt-h ntlanil.
incr. Tr. ;ii Mn.r nf m..oi vaMto-
tions, dialogues, tableaux, etc. The
funds will go to beautify the grounds
of the school, in which all Albany peo
ple are interested, particularly those at
the east end.
Great Fisherman Home.
Tom Cummings and family returned
this noon from a two months sojourn at
the Bay. Mr. Cummings fished with
Dora and Mart Bussard. the oartv cret-
tind 47 salmon in all; but none could
comDare wjth Tom all alone cauht
zd oi tne a nan, ana oesiaes ne rjeatB
them all telling fish stories.
Died at Molalla,
uncie or. w, ra. ranter ot tnis city, tie
came to Oregon in 1848. The deceased
leaves a wife and two sons.
The funeral will occur on Saturday.
C. L. Shaw returned this noon from
the dairymen s convention at Salem
1 Carl Shnurstein has returned from
Roseburg, where he left , his mother
I slightly improved in health. i . .
Father Lane has been in Eugene as-
sisting at the Catholic church in the
forty nours' devotion service.
Father McGhee, of Roseburg, where
he is doing an efficient work in his
church, has been in the city on a short
visit with J atner Liane.
Harrisburg has made a contract with
the Sunset Co.- for publicity of the
character being received by Albany.un
der a smaller contract.
Misses Schmitt and Barton returned
this noon from Portland, inmensely
pleased with Nordica. whom they heard
last night, a singer with marvelous
Mrs. Nelfie Miller Coates arrived last
night from The Dalles, to spend the
holidays in Albany, and is the guest of
her father Senator Miller and family.
A verdict of guilty was found against
Abram Ruef yesterday, a Bplendid vie-1'
tory for justice and F. J. Heney. It
may mean fourteen years in the pen
itentiary. ' .,!..
The Elks of Marshfielr) will fake a
special census of the citv. It takes a
population of 5,000 to secure a charter
lor a new Elks lodge, and : they are
confident the city has that numoer of
The deposits in the First National
Bank at Medford are $344,000 and a lo
cal paper there makes a big display
over the bigness of it, a little over a
third of that of the First National of
this city.
Married, at Eugene yesterday, Orval
C. Gilstrap, of the Register, and Lillian
Goodenow Gilstrap. The Democrat
doesn't understand it, but knows they
deserve congratulations and best wishes
of everybody.
W. M. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. N.
H. Wheeler left this afternoon for
Mollalla to attend the funeral of the
uncle of Mr. Parker and Mrs. Wheeler,
K. R. Thomas, who died there this
Hon. H. B. Miller, consul general at
Yokohama, was in the citv on a short
visit with his brother before leaving for
ban Francisco, and thence to Japan by
steamer. Me is one ot uncle bam a
most efficient foreign ministers.
R. M. Kelley, manager of the board
of underwriters for Oregon, has been
in the city,- looking over the field, his
fi-st visit here. He is the successor of
Stone, assuming his new position about
two weeks ago.
Mr. Clyde Beal and Mr. and Mrs.
Looney and baby, the latter of Jeffer
son, arrived this noon on a visit at Judge
Hewitt's. Mr. Beal is now a civil en
gineer, at one time on osteopathic phy
sician at this city. Mrs. Looney, his
sister, is a former Albany music teach
er. Douglas county has been doing things
in the assessment line. The total this
vear is $23,888,500. One item explains
it: 1.709,604 acres non-tillable land,
$12,559,790, Another: railroadsi3.262,
460. The amount of money assessed is
interesting: $83,190.
The second annual election of the
municipality of Sweet home occurred
last Monday and resulted as follows:
mayor. J. C. Wilkins; ricorder, R.
Mooredend. marshal, Arthur Sportsman
treasurei. F B. Weber; counciimen,
John Minhice, John Coulter, Dr. N.
R. Luther. S. W. Bower.
The Rogue Kiver Kruit Association,
I. A. Perry, formerly. of Linn county
president, recently shipped acarloalol
Newton apples to New York, which
have just sold for $2.87 to $3 a box,
giving the producers a net income from
.heir apples ot about $2 a box. Several
more car loads have been shipped, but
not yet sold.
Comes from Grapes
The only baking pow
der made! from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
Imitation baking powders ar mad from harsh
mineral acids and leav in the food .
. 'unhealthful properties
On Wednesday evening, Dec. 9. 1908,
at the. residence of C. N. McKee, by
Kev. j. j . juvans, Mr. L,ora L. McMor
, ris, of Dayton, Wash., and Miss Bessie
I. Burnett, of Albanv.
The happy couple left on
ing's Portland express for
home at Dayton.
l8st even
their new
Schoel Stellmacher.
t r. l) i -vri . r-v n
, r"rv,a" .un "eonesuay.
190S. Mr- Louis F. Schoel and Miss
j Lena Stellmacher. '
i The irroom is an emDlovee of the Al.
bany Iron Works, of this city, and the
I bride a daughter of Mr. William C.
oteumacner or near tnis city, young
people with many friends here, who
will unite in best wishes for their hap
piness and prosperity. i i .
They came up to Corvallis on the
West Side on a visit with relatives and
arrived home this noon.
Sunset as a Christmas Gift.
Many Albany people are subscribing
to Sunset magazine for their friends in
other places as a Christmas eift. Be
cause it is a reminder throughout the
year of the thoughtfulness of the giver
this form of Christmas gift is particu
larly appropriate. It also confers a
dual benefit, because each subscription
brings nearer the possibility of Miss Orah
Harkness makintr that wonderful trin
to the Inauguration at Washington and
the visiting tour of the great cities of
the country. Miss Harkness will do
effective publicity work for Albany
throughout her trip and will take a sup
ply of Albany literature for distribution
in the various cities that she visits, bo
that she merits all the assistance Al
bany people can give her in securiug
the requisite number of subscriptions
which will enable her to become a mem
ber of the Sunset Travel Club. Sub
scribtions will be received by Miss
Harkness at the office of the Albany
Commercial Club. Subscription price
everywhere in the United States and
possessions $1.50 per year, and includes
a beautiful book.
Four Years in Navy.
Mr. Charles Sullivan, son of Mr. John
Sullivan, arrived' home last night after
a cruise of four years, in the U. S.
navy service, getting a wide experience
cn the ocean. He was mostly in the
southern waters, seeing many strange
tnings, wnicn wouia nil t dook.
A new high school building by all
The income of the S. P., in Oregon,
according to the report, last year was
$2,682,302. That's not very bad for
Oregon. .
The road districts of Banton county
have special levies for road work of
$9,929.74. Hone Fairmount gets some
of it.
Jefferson had a hot election this week.
Dr. Allen defeated the republican coun
ty chairman for mayor by a vote of al
most two to one.
Upon complaint of Ira Cox, Deputy
Sheriff Del Smith went out to Knox's
Butte this afternoon after a darkev.
supposed to be insane.
At the Grace Presbyterian church
last night Rev. Knott preached on Christ
the Vine, a strong plea for young men
to pay more attention to serious things.
An interesting account, of the recent
Y. M. C. A. convention was given.
There were forty-two high school
boys on the floor of the gymnasium this
morning under Prof. .Luck, and they
were given a fine drill. Under the pres
ent splendid policy of the management
of the Alco Club, Albany College and
the high school, which nave no gym
nasiums are being given the advant
ages of one of the BeBt gyms in the
state, a great thing for Albany.
Carrie Nation has gone to Europe
Bet Emperor William's beer keg gets
News From Albany's Six Early
Trains. 7
ihe old depot hotel was cut in two
pieces, and the east end was being
raised several feet preparatory to a
change of location under the new order
of things. Watch this morning depart
ment and keep posted about lis doing.
Ex-Commissioner Isom came down on
the Springfield Irain to attend the good,
roads convention.
Commissioner Butler returned home
from , bridge building to be at the good
roads convention.
J C. Lowe and wife came over from
Corvallis. ......
Some one comes in on nearlv everv
I train with a piece of mistletoe, suggest
ive oi tne season or cne year. What 8
prettier, particularly when it is over
the right person,
Mr. J. E. Knox and son Sam returned
to Portland, the latter asbig as his
Hon. A. M. Miller and daughter Juan-
nn-. A T U 1.L
., uvwu iiuui ueimnuii, tne
former to remain at the good roads con
vention, the latter to return to her
home at Portland.
ft,f .... n t- . t. n l, i
imo. ly. iu. i ante! went to jrortianu i
on a visit.
Frank Wire came in from the south
with a suit case full of furniture.
It is going to keep one track hot to
meet the demands of five trains all nr.
onia in lhamn.ninn Tk.nn l..m. Un ....
been more than crowding things. But
there will be more trackage later.
At the Hotels.
R. F. J. Thurston, theCrawfordsville
saw mill man!
Geo. Stangel, Wilsonville.
Jake Owen, Portland.
A. H. Hudson, Gates..
R. E Peery, Elkhorn.
A. J. White, Portland, Or.
Mrs. N. A. Emmet, Monmouth.
R. J. Peterson, Portland.
: E. G. Munson, Albany, N. Y.
C. Schuebel, Oregon City.
F. L. Cranfill, Medford.
Walter A. Goss, Portland.
Chas. Holt, Jefferson.
R. L. Wells, Portland.
E. Wilson, Portland.
W. H. Jenkins, the S. P. passenger.
The Willamette at Albany.
Another dispatch received by Mana
ger Dasent from Washington states
that Chief Engineer Mcldoo, of Port
land, has been instructed to investigate
the river at Albany with a view of im
provement. Six dispatches have al
ready been received on the subject.
The Commercial (Jlub means business.
College Social Life.
The sun .is shining at the college?
The Fudge and Pickle Clubs last even
ing met together in a social session,
having a jolly time, showing how well
pickle and fudge can mix. Another soc
ial organization at the college is the B.
B. B. Club.
Manager Welch reports the Alban y
car for the street car service having
been ordered, and it is expected here
next Wednesday, and it is thought ihe
cats wil1 be running regularly on Thurs
day the 17th. The laying of rails with
a big force of men has been pushed by
Mr. Lunger in railroad style, the men
being out by the canal on Lyon Btreet.
Here is a good one in connection with
the work. An old man came up to the
tower-car, where the men were placint
the cable, and remarked that he had
heard a good deal atiout the juice that
runs the cars, and he would like to see
the hole in the end of he big 6-8 inch
wiro, through which It run. He was
shown it by Judd Ross.
W. H. Rhodes has returned home
from a trip up the road, and will now
be at borne until iprinp.