to Mt journal ONLY SEVEN MORE SHOPPING DAYS Until Christmas. This is hardly time'enough to enable you to make yom gifts tho perhaps we can suggest a few things to you which will be easily and quickly made. We have however a wonderful lot of daintv readv-to-giye presents. All boxed and a Christmas card or each. Better come early. They are selling fast. 2 V to For the Little Girl We Suggest Dorothy Dainty Ribbons In hair seta of six boxes, assorted colors, or in hair and Bash sets to match. They are of highest quality ribbon in new and distinctive designs, nicely boxed with a Christmas card for each. Prices $1 75 to $2. BO. See Window Display. 2 L. F. & H. J. Hamilton I mi journal She 4uiurm i(Kireu h me post otiicu, Albttuy, Or j 4 4tcood clftsi mail matter. FP NUTTING- The Democrat, The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year to. 60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.60. After 8 years at 12 OUR WANTS HALSEY PROPERTY. For sale 7 room house, 2 lots, at Halsey, for $800. Call upon G. T. Hockensmith, at S. E. Young & Son's. 14t FOR SALE. Cook stove, in good con dition, roservoir. $6 takes it. 816 E2nd St. 11 WANTED.-8 people, either sex. Easy work. $85 pur month. $2.50 per day. Call room 57, Hotel Ravero. LOST. A woman's breast pin, star shnped, gold filagree with small stone. Leave at Democrat office. APPLES. Baldwins, Jonathans and Northern Spies. J. G. GiBsoN, Home phono 4051. 10t WANTED. Chickens and turkeys at the highest cash price, at Brown & Roth's market, Lyon utroet. ' 12t FOR SALE. Fresh milch cow, young, big and rich milker. 93'J F. First St. lit LOST. A watch charm, gold, four chains, initials W. H. A, on fob. Re turn to Democrat office. kr. BBiffl Se.ias to live the same as any one else, te, , M. A. MILLER. GIRL WANTED. To do general house 1 - nnn o a r 171 r 1 DI..MnU l-,.l- work. Call at or phone the Democrat ofllcq. HOLT AGAIN.- Mince meat by Mothe Phillips. POTATOES FOR SALE. At my home on Sixth and Lafayetto St., at 40 cents per bushel, Unsorted first as thoy came from the field, and if you help me sack them, or measure them I will tuke loss, now is your chance. Alvin J.. Carothers. NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltvoit 1016 E. Wator. Homo Black 167. tl-1 FOR SALE. 160 acres foot hills 12 . miles west of Junction, good house, bain; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an aero or will trado lor Albany prop- erty. J. R. Metzgnr 3rd and nd K. it. 29t FOR SALE. 38 acres, all in cultiva tion, Willi nouse unu uurn, mutis, cast of Albany. Also two corner lots between 1st and Water Streets, by j Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water St. Home Phono blackl67. FOR SALE. Pure bred White Lcg- horn roosters. Blnck Minorca roost era. Plymouth Rock roosterb, and pure bred luiouso geese, mra. j . v... 15. Home Porter, R D. 2, phone 3bol. WOOD FOR SALE, wood. Phone E. tfl. -Some good dry M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 204 Homo. music: I.KSSONS. Pinno!nnd orcan. Phono black 971. Helen;iilkins. I FIRE INSURANCE.-Boavor State! Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera I House liklg. SODA WATER. -Cascadia water from the Geisendorfer springs, may be had nt Toinlinson & Uolmiin's and at the Peacock stables, at $1.00 a dozen. 2t AERMOTEIOrnsoline pump, an-coated with pump jack, rendy to hitch to pump for only $15. Crawford the Aorinotor man will be glad to show you. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cuaick Bank Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE. Modol N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in fine cendition. Apply to W. W. Craw ford, agt. Ford Motor Cars. J. H. RUITER, W00DSAW1NG Phoae red 942, Home 1211. We use gasoline tad don't burnjrour wood power, PATTEgJSJS For Any One We Suggest HANDKERCHIEFS We was told the other day that our line of Handkerchiefs surpassed anything in the city for beauty and quality. We are glad for we tried to make it thus. Soma elegant hand made ones. The kind that will always be appreciated The Prices Range From 10c to $3.60 each Hamilton's Bazaar PATTEBISR) "w The Couatry Side ot ft- Editor Democrat: It is a well known fact that can be ' easily ascertained that the farmer pays I his full Bhare of the taxes and receives I but little if any of the big appropria tions while the cities get the benefit of nearly all public monies. The county seat always is a subject of contention as to where it shall be located. Now there is some underlying reason for this, and the reason iB here, that they receive the public money much out of nrnnnrHnn tn t.hpir nnmilnr.inn The capital of a state and the cities 1 , . . ...... , . , . where state institutions are located re-1 ceive tne Denent ot expenditure of pub- lie money out ot proportion to their population. . When we come to consider the distribution of public funds we find some astonishing facts. For instance in 1903 congress appro priated $764 millions; Agriculture, less than 6 millions. It was insignificant in comparison to the appropriation, less than one per cent. ' The appropriations for the' army and navy were more than 25 times as much. The last congress appropriated more than one billion of dollars; not one dol lar for public highways; over $12.50 per capita; yet nothing for the great public highways of the country. The farmer pays more than his share of taxes for he has visible property. If he has an acre of land the assessor can find it. If he has horsos they can be counted and the pigs will squeal when the assessor comes. In indirect taxes he pays his full share because he Sendlns Mo.iey. A now way to send money ia through the newspapers, that is, by plac ng the greenbacks inside a newspaper, wrap ping it tightly, and mailing it carefully. One in doing it Bhould be careful to ad dress it very plainly, and it might be will to have the street number on. In the recent case ot the money sent from Portland this did not occur and the wrong man secured the money, and thereby hangs atalo which is attracting a good deal of attention. Because on one occasion money was sent this way. do not look for your ship from England this way. It won't come. Better have your money sent by drafts, above board, in an honorable way, for murder .... . , will out, and dishonesty generally seeks its level. ' ' Tne President According to the pictures President Roosevelt is a very savago kind of a fellow; but he is not. It ia just carica ture. He has really hurt nolhirg. At the sumo time he has stood for a better m inhuod and a clean citizenship, and this is a good deal. If he had just con fined hill-self to this without making so much demonstration with his big stick, after nil only a stuffed club, it would have been better for all. F.G.Will for watches. A Stove Bargain. A goodjlS inch (air .tight stovo for only $1.75, at the store of the Albany Hardware Co. A Library lamp makes a long evening short. Wo have them. Ralston Electric Supply Co. Miaa'on Art Glass Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply co. HOFLICH'S for ycur oysters properly erred, accor t ing to taste. CHRISTMAS BUYING MADE EASY. F. M FRENCH, the JEWEL Albany, Oregon uRNAi PATTERS OPERA HOUSE I Those who failed to see that beauti . ful play, Kerry Gow, last season, will now have another opportunity as it has just been booked for February. ; This is where those trained white pig eons took such prominent part in carry ing the messages. ! Don't forget Thursday, Dee. 17 when the College girls will display their ability in the Merchant of Venice to help out uie uuyg. . JX hJErJ tc"n r-ot far off are I hos. Jefferson m Rip Van winkle, and Arizona. .' be Look out! somebody is going to, arrested and fined in the gallery. MANAGER. IT'S LIKE THIS-Johnson's Best Flour is the beat beciuse it is milled from the best wheat in scrupuouslr ciean mills. Its use insures delicious bread, cake and pastry. , A nice X'mas present: A box of Mc Donald Chocolates. None better. At The Crest, . L L. POTTS. For your X'mas nuts and candies go to The Crest. L. L. POTTS, 816 W. 2nd St. - Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at Fronk's near the depot. 1 m m Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 6 cent Burkhart, photographer, successorlto McKinstry. BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels for sale from $1 to $2.50 each. W. L. Cobb, R. t. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t A BICYCLE. -Belonging to Chas. Cleek, was taken from in front of the Toggery Thursday night, a Ra cycle. No. 19827, 22 inch block frame, (Jorbin brake, wide handle bars. Please report to Mr. Cleek. Tamalies ! Tamalies ! We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making them, try one. At The Crest. L. L. POTTS Both Phones, Newest and -IN- Diniugroom Library Lamps. A large assortment to choose from. Prices to suit anyone. Ralston Electric Supply Co. 306 West Second Street. A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. PERSONAL 'AND SOCIAL W. R. Hoover came up from Port-! land. ... Ben Barry returned this noon fiom a Salem trip. j M . Ritchie went to Corvallis this i afternoonion real estate business. QProf. Tom Settlemier left this noon , for his Lane county home in the hills; , W. H. Jenkins and N. Rose, S. P. ; men of Portland, were in town today. Mr. and Mrs. George Geisendorfer, of Cascadia, are down in the valley lay ing in their Christmas goods. The Tuesday Club met yesterday af ternoon with Mrs. George Taylor, en joying a pleasant social session. This is the sixty -eighth birthday Mrs. A3. Acneson, which is being re- membered with a visit from some of the "boys," a small family reunion in honor of the event. N. C. W. Risley returned this morn - ing from Junction. The ground at that city was frozen hard and covered with snow. It also snowed at Corvallis and Portland among other places, not a flake at Albany. The young people of the United I Presbyterian church last night held the i first social of the winter season, in the i new basement rjarlor. Games were i nlflvfwf nrtii n "npnt nnri taatv" Innph i served under the direction of Miss Sue Breckenridge . MARRIED . DerryPlummer Mr. Ed Derry and Miss Rosi Plum mer were united in marriage at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, Dec. 15, at the resi dence of Mr. Matt Craft, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. J. Evans, pastor of the bride. Both are worthy young people with many friends whose best wishes they will have. The groom is employed at Craft's market. A North Albany Party. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glaze last night entertained about thirty young people of North Albany and Albany in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hughson of Cor vallis. 600 and other gamps were played. In a guessing contest Mr. E. Golf of the Spaulding Lumber Co. won first, prize and Jos. Harder the booby prize. Cider and doughnuts were served, after which the happy crowd dispersed. Letter List The following letters remain in tne Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Dec. -16, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Rachel Baker, Ora Brown, Birtha Barnett, R. C. Baughman, Jess Culver, H R. Fant, A. B. Fetzer, H. W.Jones, Ladies' Guild Episcopal Church, Coddie Q. Miller, Emma Miller, G. M. Parme lfee, Mrs. W. H. Timm, Mrs. E. N. SVells, Mrs. W. O. Wills. Y J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. Albany Opera House I. R. SHULT?. Manager Thursday, Dec. 17 The Comic Hit of the Season, The Merchant of Venice . UP TO DATE. A Revised Edition of Shakespeare's I Ureat flay. 25 People In It. Local Hits, College Songs and College Yells by College Students. Benefit Albany College Football Team. 316. W. 2nd St. Best Designs Domes, Electroliers, WH1STON i & LONGMAN,' Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church during January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heat them. A Musical The conservatory of music of Albany College last evening gave a mucical at the dormitory, attended by a number ; of the members of the conservatory f . and their friends. An excellent pro- Bram of vocal and instrumental music , presented, showing splendid pro gress in the worK. of the conservatory, r The departmeut now has a member- ' j d?eh'lUne dSnentTbv gi!ffiVUtShVrSTte' corps servatory is well organized, and success this year has been marked. its Pocket Cutlery, Baltimore's, Fine pocket knives at guaranteed. LOST. A purae con tainin about $6.00. See and re- Return 'o Democrat ceive reward. To all those desiring to list country and city property for sale, we would say, we are at the present time getting out a new list, and would like to have all desiring to place their property on the market to come in and list it with us by the middle of December, as we , desire to have the new list completed ny tnat time. i i If you will list your properly with us we will do the best we can in regard to I selling same. We have a great many I Eastern people inquiring for price list ': of city and country property, and are Bending eacn day a great number to the East and to different states in the union. All those desiring to get their prop erty in this new list please call at our office and leave description of same to our office between this and the middle of December, and we will do the very i best we can in securing you a buyer for your property. We promise you we will deal fairly and squarely with you in all our undertakings. J. A. HOWARD h CO.. Real Estate. 325 W. First St., next door to Post Office. CHRISTMAS Are Invited A NEW LIST. F. M. FRENCH'S JEWELRY STORE FOR THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN THE JEWELRY LINE. We have Some bargains in Diamond Rings, Studs and Ear Screws. OPEN EVENINGS We carry insurance against Burglaiy and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would be employed to hunt the criminals indefinitely. And then we have invested 100,000.00 all to protect our depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. CLOSING OUT SALE. Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, , Cutlery, Phonographs and Records. ; safe and show cases, must be sold by jjan. 1, '09. All at cost except contract , goods. Your last chance for the Cream ot Columbia Records. Don t miss it. 1 , A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Or., Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First - class work guaranteed. . DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, , 226 Broadalbin'Street, Albany. Phone Black 482. ' HENRY BRODERS, DEALER IN CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Second and Ellsworth Streets. Albin CHRISTMAS PRESENTS F. M. FRENCH, the JEWELER. SHOPPERS to Cn ll at Go to EASTBDRli'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a speiialty. BARGAINS n Crockery a d Glwi.waT' as we in tend to close out thBt depnrtrner-. Come and get out prices and see our tit. -tM'i,tt ttrre. Both phones Main 66. TT