"f f VOL XL1V ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18 l;08 NO -,'0 Mbany Dreamland Vaudeville Every Afternoon and Evening all this week. PROF. FROUZARD the GREAT and ONLY HAND CUFF KING. Who defies you to hanJ cuff or tie him so he can't got loose in less time than it took you to tie him up. He also does a number of slight of hand and magic tricks and will change his program three times during the week, also the regplar Moving Picture Program which is guaranteed to be good. A very unique and attractive pro for the price of admission., 10c. We strive to please at the HOUSE OF QUALITY. ' BENTON'S ASSESSMENT. FINCH'S TRIAL i HARRiSBURG SHINGLES. The Times: If figures count, Benton county really does not amount to much. According to official - computation at the court houso, the whole works from beginning to end is worth only $5,113,480 and it takes a $5 dog to bring it up to that total. We have tillable land l worth oi an average of $23 an acre and five times as much non-tillable worth $5 an acre. We have $15,610 in cash and we don't know what to do with that. The mer chandise in Benton county reaches the enormons total of $137,095-yet Phil omath's enterprising merchants would get insulted if any but the assesor ap- raised their stocks at that amount. A ozen firms in this city have stock that, collectively, are woith more money than that. That there is only $15,610 coin of he realm in this connty seems slightly ab surd. Postmaster Jehnson alone carries that much money around in his jeans all the time. We make the BEST. Every bunch branded with our name. Look for it. Our No. I's are the only first class shingles in this market. We make three grades, pack them closely and use n dry kiln. , A shingle full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER . Albany, Oregon. Albany to City of Mexico. An excursion to the City of Mexico, an ideal place to be in the winter. Date Dec. 12 and 13, good for sixty days. Round trip rate $102.10. Berth should be reserved early, as the num ber is limited. C. K. FRONK, Agent. Order your slab wood (cheap now) from Ola Saltweit. Phone Black 167. tl-1 Pocket Cutlery. Fine pocket knives at Baltimore's, guaranteed. Special Deal. On Weekly Oregonian,;l8; months 1.50. Ben Clf.lan, Agent. CHRISTMAS COMING- What is nicer for your sweetheart, mother or sister, than a nice bottle of sweet perfume. j We carry only the highest grade per fumery, sweet and lasting. Fancy packages, plain and cut glass bottles, 25c to $5. You are invited to call and inspect our Holiday line, rriees rignt. BURKHART & LEE. Will Begin on Friday, Dec. 18. Portland. Dec. 12. A stubborn fight was begun today to save the life of J.A. Finch. After the Judge refused t r..tl.A. avennainn nf time this morning Finch with trembling knees refused to plead to ine cnarge oi mur der in the first degree for murdering attorney Fisher. Judge Gantenbein ordered a plea of not guilty to be enter ed and set the date of trial for Dec. 18, next Friday. Ruel's Case. San Francisco. Dec. 12. Abraham Rnef who was convicted of the charge of offering a bribe was granted a delay of one week before receiving his sent ence today. Ootthe Linvt. Vancouver, Wash. Dec. 11. -Pleading guilty to having beaten his mother and painfully hurting his little "ister by .nnhinii her in hia arms, while intoxi cated. Edward Rinehart today advised the court to give him the "limit' , "I am guilty", Rinehart declared, "and I want to be given the iimit. If you ever catch me doing it again I want you to sentence me to be hanged." Rinehart was sentenced to one year imprisonment in the county jail. Home and Abroad. ; Bulletin: 1 DeMoss, Lyric Bards will be here Saturday evening, Dec. 19. W. C. Nicholson closed a deal Tues day for the purchase of the Calvin Steward 880 acre farm three miles north of town, the consideration being X.'i2 nni bum i. u.- Montag, or me Klock Produce Co., of Portland, Seattle and other big towns, :was here yesterday and told us that his company will put in a creamery here in.Harrisburg inside of one year Aiuiuiituib January. . The Pacilc Northwest gave Harris- burfir a dandv firm wrir.A.nn in it no. cember issue in connection with the arnnnintV nf ilia lli.mnnntHlinn The front cover page was entirely tsken up wnn me picture oi tne crowa at tne depot and shower) J. C. Sabins's Gallo way cattle up in fine shape. Prominent mention wag, also given Mr. Sabin. OYSTERS, served in all styles, and by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. Going at a Sacrifice I Lots of tires at Baltimore's, site the Democrat office. open Haviland China OUR FALL IMPORT ORDER of white CHINA is now in stock. OUR PRICES still remain the Lowest ever quoted Jin spite of tariff advance. - We will gladly furnish a list of our prices for comparison and will , guarantee to deliver the goods at the prices quoted you. Our Fall lines of Holiday goods are on display. HEISER & MEISER Harrisburg beat Cottage Grove at basket ball last night 26 to 20. The deposits in the Jefferson bank are $34,000. $135,000 in the Brownsville bank. Tka Tnfvallia nnrl Brownsville hieh school teams were playing foot ball this afternoon at Brownsville. PAniMot-nn haa nassed an ordinance nrnvidintr for a near-beer license of $1,000. That's a suggestion. The enumeration of the Junction school district shows 247, and the nuro hur in the school of the city is 260, a remarkable showing. A big lumber trust is being organ ized bv Weverhauser and others, to control the pine lumber of the country) Where is tnac Dig suck. A big Junction sale was the Bushnel! farm near tnat city, ooi aciea jui ?ci. paid by CJhas. tl. jones, stock. Great Removal SALE In and Around Albany, F. G. WILL, for Watches. S. Christmas Postals at Meisers. See Santa Claus in Meiser's window. Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. "Baby" red ink pencils at Rawlings for $1.00 just the thing forXmas. Lebanon Peas and string bnans at Ellis & Sop. Lebanon Peas and string beans at cms & sons. A nice line of Siernet and Emblem Rings at French's Jewelry Store. Si ill more barrells at the : Albany Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel.! Buv the bov a Drintine loutfit for X'mas. 35, 50, 75 and $1.00 at Raw- lings. Attend the condenser meeting at 1:! o'clock tomorrow afternoon at t io court house. It looks like business back of the Democrat office, with 150,000 brick piled ready for u?e. Sweeping and dusting, washing and ironing or any kind of work. Call at 333 E Second street, up stairs' Watch Rawlings' windows for hand painted college and high school posters. Just the thing for a Xmas. present. ' Ben Clelan nas boosted the Oregonian above the three hundred mark. Besides getting it for breakfast is appreciated. Goo J, the dog has a warm friend. An article, though anonymous, will ap- nani MnnHflv in rinfanan nf thfl Animal. ZnTom the sSt." Hi Li? SLE ' Z . . ' - . . " , ' ie vjThe Democrat has no apaee for long At the dairvmen's convention at Sa.vi- lem the Douglas Creamery butter won, I " . . , , first prize at 95. Capital Creamery 2nd.(t, Grocer Owen Beam is improving the Albany was not entered. F. G. WatkeAront of bia Btore, putting in a modern of Sweet Home won fi'st prize for th'i vegetable corner. Napolean Jean is best dairy butter, at 94. i doing the work. m The finest brand of scissors in the On next Tuesday evening there will , city at Baltimores, every pair guar- Btudent's musical at the dormitory; i anted. Money back in ten days if .not periectiy satisfactory. Those "Hull" detachable handle um brellas have been imitated but never equalled. They make tery appropriate Christmas gifts. F. M. FRENCH the Jeweler, sells them. Some oil paintings at Chas. Knecht's are worth noticing. They were done by B.-R. Alterrr att, a young man of this city, and display a good deal of talent. The scenes are good ones. A large bald headed eagle was seen in Benton county yesterday, flying se renely over tne country. J nis is Bam to be a Bure sign that there iB going to be a storm. Perhaps, but an eagle has to be somewhere, storm or no storm. Go down to the east end tonight and attend the Madison school benefit en tertainment at the Grace Presbyterian church. A fine program has been pre- fiared, one that will please all attend ng. It is to help beautify the grounds of the Madison school, worthy of boosting. Ths balance of the $10,000 stock of Crockery, Cut Glass, Hand Paint ed China, Haviland China, Dolls, Bric-a-Brac, Silver Plated Ware 1847 Rogers and Community Sil ver, Lamps, Dinner Sets, Salad' Sets Chocolate Sets, Water Sets, Tea Sets, Etc. Remember there are only a few days left to purchase your X'mas presents. Don't' (ail to see the jarge Doll that will he given Free. Tell Everybody COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Christmas ha which will be open for the public, cord ially invited to pe present. Burkhart Photographer. OASTOniA Tha Kind You Haw Unit Boqftt See big circular for genuine sale bargains. Do your Christmas shopping here. It will pay you. Will soon be here and Gilbert Bros, have the largest stock of Candies, Nuts, Oranges and Lemons in the city, abo nice clean Homemade Mince Meat, and a full and complete line of Groceries and Provisions,also a fine line of Razors and Cutlery, Cissors, Shears and Silverware at as low as the lowest. Call and be convinced,at sign of the Big PadLock 310 W. First St., Albany, Or, Land in Small Tracts For thirty days we have five 6-acre i tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within a ! mile and a half of Albany. Fine land j at the right price and on easy terms, j Get busy before it advances in price. I Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real ! Estate Co., temporary offices over the V. U. Holt Again It has been noised about that Holt is going away; but it is a mistake. BUT HE IS HERE TO STAY Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STOP E5 irc ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dealer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twin. 4i2 WEST FIRST STREET. ; ' BRO E & ANDEhSON, Op) o-it the Hotel Revere, give e a Bl aitmiM. to alt Lnicrlal unit. FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... At the old Schubel stand, cleaned up, BROWN & ROTH The highest market price paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany,. Or. Headqairtera for "AlBen and Pyramid" Porllana Cement,. "Roache Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fikra Piaster, Sulphur, Spray, Poultry lupplies. Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bell bard wheat flour,; Hay, Grain, Mill Feed aad Salt STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop,, First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer . and; Baker 216 WKBT FIBST STtitiET,, ALBANY OREGON, 2 First class goods In tbeir'season.