Worth veering. I At The HotdS. Kev. J. V. Mulligan, Portland, on his Gillespie Housekeepers should bear in minJ that w'len netted by canvassers or ro- "r" "T lnZp""'Z , ay to villi City to see Rev, they will refuse such powder. Phos R- Shier, the Black Eagle Mining nhate baking powder is made from man. .... , burning bones, gathered at alaughier Lon Morrison, with his wire goods, houses whether from diseased animals i D. I. Fetree, Lebanon, or not. It is then mixed witn a solu-l keo. E. Chamberlain, not the gover tion of oil of vitriol. 'inor, Lebanon. Such baking powder usually contains G; Haywood, Portland, more or less alum and sells for 25 cents ' Stanley Ray, CorvalliB. per pound. g- Coorvallis. Manufacturers of inferior baking Walker, Eugene, powders never print the ingredients on1 . S. Townsend, the Portland cream thoir label, never state how much alum 1 erv man, former president of the board or phosphate it contains; in fact the of trade. stronger at is. the more liable it is to ue "unewuii. injurious to health, Be on tUe safe side and protect your health by demanding the ouie cream of tartar kind, which is made from the purestof grapes. .Read tne label and don't be deceived. The Eclipse Washer. The best, does work equal to hand work, under the mangel system. Re sults and construction guaranteed. A fine thing. Call at the Albany Hard ware Co s store and see one. J. E. Wells, Portland. A Slave Bargain. A good 18 inch air tight atove for only $1.75, at the store, of the Albany naraware uo. Home and Abroad. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Shamborn who has been visiting at Sodayille at the h ime of h-v mother and . a. Govro nave left for their home at Wasco. 0. A. C. and Multnomah were play ing foot ball at Portland this afternoon. Multnomah ought to win; but foot ball ii a very uncertain quantity. Albany continues in the Finch swim. The following is the title of a new case at Portland: J. R. Douglas vs. J. A. finch, to recover $100.75. A corps of eugineersTwith headauar- ; Vancouver, came over from the MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts If you can't help don't obstruct. Every street should Ave. be a Sunshine ' Of course the old horse barn at the depot will disappear. Albany's last horse car ride is now famous. The Oregonian did it. ' mil "fiBi Spei.ial Deal. CABBGES. For sale, some line ones by E. B. Davidson. On 1.50. Weekly Oregonian, 18! months Ben Clelan. Agent. HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly served, according to taste. V Out Way of Selling Paint is to make you satisfied by giving you material that does what you want it to do. If it's a floor, woodwork, a ; table, bath-tub, or the whole house ' you're about to paint or varnish, enamel or stain we can supply exactly the article that will do it best. You can be sure of this be cause we sell the perfect QUALITY IV- v kind of paints, enamels, stains, varnishes, all carrying the guar antee mark. , With every purchase of the "Acme Quality" kind we give you free "The Selection and Use of Faintsand Finishes, " theonly com plete paint book ever published, Ohling & , Taylor V'" j mm aam t ters at Bay this forenoon and left for home nu ii.. . u this afternoon. Thev have been Hr.! Tne trolley Wlres are hanging high. some topographical surveying down the coast for Uncle Sam. . In 'the circuit court at Salem vester. day Prof. H. L. Hopl.ins was granted It looks iike an electric line for sure. Isn't it about time the site of the P. ! 0. was announced. Weall wishtoknow for sure. a aivorce irom nis wne, Joyce r. Hop kins. The daughter is to remain in the custody of" the mother. A couple tickets are in the field at, d mm to et along with, an he has Toledo, with C. E. Hawkins for mavor 8 longhead too. ; Mr. J. P. O'Brien, S. P. is a mighty I at the haad of one, and M. N. Anderson the olher. It is said the candidates are all hustling for the other fellow. Scio News: Last week J. F. Wesely, of this city, received from the East, one of the very highest-bred Irish setter does that can be obtained. The nurii- gree of both sire and dam is of the very Portland evidently has a rotten gang of i best and purest strains of this particu- lawyers, some of whom ought to be in i lar breed. . . . stripes. Well, Croker ought to be slashed by some one. He has- been a disgraee to American politics. ,' Mixed up with some excelltnt men B- 1 1 . "J .1 .. I - ! -Graduates ..i.. i t l I lUiM and di.lt ICJT 3jH03L9 in Linn cou nd elsewhere: . I I , . ,. Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. AJLBANY COLLEGE Oarers you large"advantages;'can carry you forward from any point above the eighthjgradeltoa , Commercial Course or A Musical Course or . A Teachers Course or AlFour-Year College Course a iu.- nniianfo. Address Albany, Oregon. Brownsville. Times: Mrs. D. ft. N. Blackburn. of this citv. has been granted an increase in her pension., A mass meeting will be opera house next Tuesday 7:31) o clock, lor the purpose or or ganizing a local Rod and Gun Club. The Lebanon and Brownsville Hieh School football teams will contest at Athletic Park tomorrow afternoon, the game being called at 2:30. This will be a return game, Brownsville winning the rsi game. On last Saturday afternoon some of the young ladies of Brownsville met at the home of Mrs. Winfield Smith and it was decided to organize aLadies Musical -Club. The Club was organized with twelve charter members. . Mrs. Smith and Ivan Crawford were chosen a temporary chairman) and secretary. ' Even the men who pud Finch into an I important position in the state legisla-: ture have gone back on him. He's down and out. Lawyer Finch's plea of self-defense : held at the is too thin to be seen. It is a fake of i eveninir. at the worst order. What was Finch do- . ing wun a revolver in c isner a omce anyway. Jefferson Review: Fred Nutting, of the Albany Democrat, is home- from Denver, and the misfits fit all right again. We sure missed Fred, who has j a style of writing all his own. I It might be a good idea to begin-some I more pavementordinances: one for see- ... ond street and side streets to third,, and one for Lyon street to the new depot. It comes high but it makes a city out ot a town. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT, i AVegeteblefteparailanlrAs slmilatindrtERvvf.-inriRodiib. Promotes DTtionCkafaH ness and RestContaliunelita i Opium.Morphine narMueraL WOT NARCOTIC. Acttfoidikamzanaa JtLSaaa jtnheSettt 1 Aperiect Remedy for ConsK-: Hon . Sour Storaach.DUntKa Worms fonvalsKms .toensB- ness andlOSS OF SEEEP. facsimile Signature tZ NEW YOBK.; Wim) CAST0R1A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aw IF Exact Copy of Wrapper. . In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC Stimuli OOMMHV, NKW This embraces lands in Benton The Eugene Guard declares that'; the Dffi,a.nd.???.C-0Ju?.tl by Joeal app lcations, as they cannot fact of the retirement of Ex-Governor Big land Opening. j Fajrda,1e Pla"! hfm- , I have for sale a chome lot of plants , for fall planting at reasonable prices. On Jan. 20, 1909, at Roseburg, Ora- Gooseberries, red and white currants, gon,. 91,500 acres are to be withdrawn, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, from the UmDaua. Forrest Reserve neuge piam ana sage. Deafness Cannot be Lured .aner: Home Phone 7102. R. F. . lNo.5. reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and tnat is Dy tne constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, Geer from the newspaper business good news to the profession, as be was and unless the inflammation can be send invitations for a bridge party, taken out and this tube restored to its through the mail, this being contrary normal condition, hearing will be de- to the lottery law. Of course this ap stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten plies to all other kinds of card parties are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing with prizes. Swallow the medicine, nut an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars ; for any case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circular., free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. I Take Hall's Family PillB for constipation. on the DaDer merely to boost himself nn Alan full inatrneliana aa tn rlai.a politically, which is not what the news manner of filing etc.. etc paper is for. That's what. . The' Douglas County Abstract Co. j Successor to Frank E. Alley, According to a ruling of the U. Si. Roseburg, Oregon Post office department, it is illegal to i IP'S WORTH KNOWING When. Not all of this land is subject to en i A healthv man is a kino- his own try. For $2.50 we will send you pre- right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy paid 18 large lithograpic township maps- slave. Bnrdock Blood Bittera builds up with above vacant lands colored there- sound health keeps you weii- Blanch, That's it. blanch baking powder guaranteed to be as good as Royal or ! Schillings. Try it and be convinced. v e sen it. sea the (5u steel range. ELLIS ft SONS, Grocerymen. 193 W. First St. Both phones. J. H. RUITER, W00DSAWINQ Phone red 942, Home 1211. We use easoline and don't burn vour wood for power. Ii. M. Crooks Pres Beware ot Defective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Oi the real property you intend to purchase, or accept u security for money loaned. K'tablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 8rd ar j Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm ED. SCIUIV.L. Proprietor JBreeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs , S. C. White ana Bint kognorns, w. P. Rocks, Livrht Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantni.-u. . il. Turkeys, Wim ,i i den Geese, i . n Ducks, i'o i , -Guinei" Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis &.Clnrk Fair. Frgs in Season Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 95 - - R D no-3 J. (VI. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have monev to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgage. bought. 1 wili bond you. Property handled for non-resident Now is the time to visit Colixs & ii vim; Rail Estate aid Insuran Want's Your Patronage Telephone Red 671 j Buy and sell really. Injure prop erty and trantict loans. Large or small timber tracts. 133 W. FIKSl'ST. ALBANY, OR. CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, an exporienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tee satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second t.. Albany, Or Jim WrscrALU 5- California When summer has passed in these northern states, the run is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter tourists." Its hotels and stopping places are as varied as those of all well -regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodation, congen ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. S00TIE1 PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some very -attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many de lights of winter in Cali'ornia. Very low round trip excursion tickats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi lar excursion rates are in effect to all California points. For full infermation, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write C. K. FRONK. Agent Albany, or WM. MoMURRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. AGE NO BAR Everybody in Albany i ciig Old people stooped with suftertng, Middle age, courageously fighting, ' Youth protesting impatiently; : Children, unablo ti explain; ; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch cold. ' ' Or when you strain the back , Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache Cure every form of kidney ills. J. a Walling, retired, of 424 S. Denver St., Albany, ore., says: "For several years I endured more or less; suffering from kidney complaint, the worst trouble being a retention of the secretions and painful passages. I found temporary relief at times but Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured at Poshay & Mason's drug store, provedi to be the best remedy I had ever usedl for the trouble, bringing prompt and gratifying relief and fulfilling every claim made for them. Some of my. neighbors have found equally good re- of Ui you start out to purchase a Razor or brocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that dears a personal.1 giarantee you get just this from us I prices aie right. See our window. I Buhkhart & Lee. I A. 'STARK, M. D ; PHYSIOIAN AND SliRO-KON ' n K Bldtf, - Albany UjEi. J. Xj. HIX-lLt Physician and surfi-noL Hill blocs - - Albany, idv.CJ C! EBES ECZEMA, kjJ teJ. taP. ACNE.TEITER. ETC, Tbeskin is an index to the quality of ihe blood. Eczema, Acme, Tetter jjrjBples, rashes, eruptions, etc., allow that some unhealthy hutaor or cit impurity is diseasing and corrupting tibe circulation, so thatriinstead o: supplying nourishment and strength to tfrt fine, delicate tissues off the skin, it is continnally pouring out its acrid and. unhealthy accumulations External applications of salves,, washes, lotions, etc., may relieve some o! the itching and other discomfortoausedi ty skin troubles, and for thiis reason should be used, but such treatment camonot reach the humor-ladien blood, and therefore cannot cure. A tfiorougtc cleansing of the blood iis the on h crtre for skin diseases. S. S. Si,.aipuirfj- vegetable preparation, is the besi and quickest remedy. It goessdowni into the circulation and neutralize; and removes the acids, impurities arid humors, thoroughly purifies th ctrcnlation and permanently aures stm diseases of every kind. Whet S. S. S. has driven the humorsand: impurities from the blood, and coolei and cleansed the acid-heated circulation, every symptom passes away, th skin is again nourished with rich, healthful blood and the trouble cured, a the cause has been removed. Book, on skin diseases and any medical advict toe to all who write. TH3E SJWFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. Lodge Meetings. salt from the use oan's Kidney The K. O. M. every Saturday even- Pills and I hear a great deal of praisoing Chas. Schoel commander. infl vtooamen for this remedy, For sale by all dealers. Price 69 cents. FosterMilburn On., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for th; United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , , , , Jersey Dairy. Harsh physics react, weaken, the hawels, cause chronic constipation. Doan s Keguiets operate easily,, the stomach, enre constipation. Ask your druggist for them of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Hilka Warford G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. ! The Ladies of the Grand Army of the ', Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues- tone day afternoons in the G. A. R. hall. ! 25c. Strangers belonging to thiB order will rsceive a royal welceme. Mrs. Jennie , M. Brown, Secretary. , C. and E. lime Table. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated (families keep Dr. Thomas' Electric.Oil for such emergencies. It subdues'theTpain 'andlheals the hurts. "Suffered day and night the torment ..,,. . ,-, of itching piles. Nothing hemed me I Effective) Thursday, October 1st, a until I used Doan's Ointment, It. cured new time card will go into effect on the , per manenuy. non. jonn.K. . Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, as fol Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice a day. Phone Bel) Main 64 ; Home Main 144. : FIRST NATIONAL BAft B-A.r.-A-TT-Sr ORHQ-ON OrncRR. DtRRCTORS E W LANGDON S E Yonnt Prtiidant P & Goodwill S E VOUNO O J Schmilt Vlce-Prednt E W Langdon ! A0SCHITr AOP'hmlu Caahler Transacts a general bankihg business.. Accounts Tteptsabject to check. - Sight exchange auri telegraphic trans I fer sold on New York, San Francisco,. Chicago and Ptrthuid, Collections made on favorable terms- Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. NO EXCESSIVE LOANS, NOT A DOLLARUN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH , DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR i OUR OWN, NO OTHER BUSINESS TO . KEEP IP, 'just straight.old fash. , 10ned banking. J.W. CUSICK&C0. , BANKERS. Albany, Oregon lows: Through trains 6:45 a. m. leave Ya quina; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. Leave Albany IZ.ii p. m., arrive la-' quina 6:15. L uorvaius U5cai-b.au a. m. leave uor vallis daily; 2:15 p m. daily, except au.iaay; t w p. m. aaiiy. ; . 7:65 a. r. leave Albany daily; 3:35 p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. m. ' daily. 1NO. J, SHEA. Agent. ' Phone Red 71, Home phone 8. j s ai-peDsiii cansutss A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation orUato&rbot tbi) Btarldsrand Dlafascd K.ir) ,ne i. HO CURI HO PAT. Cnr8 rid aiet, no matter n bow Dug BiKuuin- a oaoiaieir rmiw. bold Dy aTA8tata. 'rice tl.00. or h m&fl. daiLi paid, fl.oo, i boxM, $9.79. THE SANTAL-FEPSIN CI. MldanUlM, Ohio. For m)c br Bnrlrhr ft 1 Scatr Milk Notice Beginning Oct. 1st our milk will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month S2.10 ' " pt. 4 " " ' $120, In can lots 20 cents per gallon. I Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25 cents, pint 15 cents,- pt. 10 cents. I H. M. Palmer. Prop. Golden Rulf Dairy. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St. , Albany ' First-clas3 meats fofrjillj kinds: from charges for selected stock.; ' m cms. a, no4(;, 1 SURVEYOR j City and farm surveying fpseially. 8U Weit3rdSt., . A I any, Or