Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 11, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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! t 1
Stocks Arranged for
Easy Choosing.
Our stocks offer countless solutions
of Gift Problems and are arranged for
quick choosing. The light is excellent,
the aisles are open. In every respect
you will find this a moat pleasant
Christmas Shopping place.
New Hosiery Goods.
Are daily arriving. You will find a
wealth of of useful things here suitable
for gift giving and you will find our
prices temptingly low.
New Fancy Goods
Japanese Brass and Bronze Vases, Stauary, Framed Pictures,
Toilet and Dressing Cases, Comb & Brush Sets, Manicure
Sets, Traveling Cases, Fine' line of Triplicate aud Hand
Mirrors, Picture Frames, Ebony and Fox Wood, Military
Brushes Fancy Stationary, Fancy Package of Perfume, Per
fume Pumps and Atomizers and many other useful articles.
You are invited to come and inspect the line. Prices are right.
Burkhart & Lee.
M Af A A A
Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in Bhow
ing you any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post OHice. 333 West first bt
when cleaned by our methods of dry
cleaning, are made to look just as good
as made to .ook just as new. Waists
and dresses of delicate colors and ma
terial we renovate to the delight of the
owner. We also dye any garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and colorings.
C. E. SHELbEY. Prop.
0W?lil St. Bell Phone black 273
Horns phone 196
Pillow Tops,
Drawn Work,
Hand Embrioder
ed Doilies,
new effects
in Barettes
and in Side
Combs and
Back combs
Back combs
50c to $3.00
Embroidered Silks
and other Fancy
Beautiful Pillow tops
Doilies from
20c to $3.00
A few Hand Em
broidered Hand
kerchief Sets at
Come to our store and
see the elegant line
of Holiday Goods
now on display.
Many new novel
' .
The Suitable Christmas Gift
The one you are racking your brains
for you'll find in bur superb show
ing of Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand
painted China, Cutlery Novelties,
Silverware, etc.
We otter foryour inspection the
most incomplete showing of dis
tinctively artistic and beautiful
( stocks we ever carried.
YOU are cordially invitedy to
drop in and inspect whether you buy
or pot
A Little Money
Accomplishes Wonders
Perhaps the most pleasing feature of
our Christmas service lies in the price
tags. There are no exaggerated values.
"Goods well bought are half sold" runs
an old dry goods slogan. How true
it is is verified by the Christmas bus
iness we are enjoying. Our goods are
well bought.
Fancy Neck Pieces and Muffs The
best Pur stock we have had. Prices
extremely low for genuine stylish furs.
Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c.
Fresh Chinook salmon from . Yaquina
Baylat the Metropolitan. -
If you want to buy or rent a type,
writer, see Rawlings.' He handles al
makes and keeps supplies for any m a
chine. See his window of Remingtons
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set
if desire. ' ' ' ' : .
Land in Small Tracts.
For. thirty days we have five 5-acre
tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within a
mile and a half of Albany. Fine land
at the right price and on easv terms
Get busy before it advances in price.
Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real
Estate Co., temporary offices over the
P.O. , .
Oysters at the Metropolitan.
The oyster season has opened, and
from now on the Metrowolitan Market
Broadalbin street, will have tho best to
be secured, the fat article, good meas
ure. Just from the beds.
Also all the fish delicacies of the sea
son. Call when you want the best,
ueui. unu clean.
.Asys - a Ione
nuvi b. IID IIHYII 1.116111,
OYSTERS, served in all styles, and
oy me pint or quart, at Hoflich's.
Burkhart guarantees his photos.
Try a Patrick Uordan Cigar. 6 cent
Ia.Mlolin Lessons
Evening3at his residence 128 Water St.
Lessons 50c. Home Phone
323. Home Phone day time evenings
Mr. Clias.O. Ilarsrrave,
Graduate of William H. 'Sherwood's
School of Music, will give private in
structions in Pianj at the Private Par
lors Hotel Revere un Saturdays. Hours
o to o. .
Over Wcodwor'h's Druo- Rtnra. Unit
' V ill be open for ikatera Tuesday,
u. sdayjand Saturday nights. Go'anc
i the sport. t21
News from Albany's Six Early
The sandwich merchants continue at
there trade, though they stopped a few
days. And they will continue to sell
their goods. They can t be stopped.
Another building is going up, that of
Newport & Hornbaoh, opposite their
present place, which will have to be
moved. Besides they need more room.
Lawyer G. W. Wright went to Sa
lem on legal business.
nH t r d u a. i
most successful physicians, went to
D...1 1 - I i
Mr. Roval Shaw and familv returned
to Mill City.
Prominent drummers leaving were
ayne Stuart. Henry Lang and Capt.
C. L Dick.
Rev. W. T. Wardle. of Lebanon.
came down on his way to Salem.
1 ho depot lights have been having a
rocky time, most of them burning out
as fast as installed, evidently due to
tne transformer.
Wanted, More School Room,
Albany needs more school room,
Everything is full and a room is being
used, at the Congregational church.. Notice from County Clerk of assess
Some think the best way out of it is to m6nt 0f Albany at $2,722,940 was read,
move the present central building to TnB ievy wa8 ordered placed at 8 mills.
if o kik ..hi k,.iMinr
nn tkof :n k . Aarfit tn thU ortno?.'
tional and railroad center. In a few
days the annual school meeting for mak-
intr a law mill ha hold. inH it will ha
well for Albany people to study the
situation, tor the problem is one that
must be solved, and we might as well
go at it.
Was Paid Promptly.
A letter received by the local lodge ferred to committee on health and po
A. O. U. W. from Mrs. Dr. Boughton, lice.
ot San Francisco, expresses . apprecia- Councilman' Wilmot complained of
tion of the prompt manner in which the
death loss of her husband was paid. The
Albany lodge is noted for its prompt
ness, the business here being attended
to well and expeditiously. In this case
the Dr. for thirty years had faithfully
kept ud his dues, though a resident of
another city most of the time. , I
. Telephone Girl Married.
Albany has lost another telephone
girl by the matrimonial route. Miss
Belle Lindsey, a popular and accom
I plished member of the force, head op
j eracor, on Monday was married to Mr-
Will Covell, a well known Portland
young man, who is well spoken of. ;
! They have the best wishes of many Al- i
oany menas of tne Driae.
Placing the Big Wire.
The tower construction car of the
electric line started out this afternoon ,
in charge of Conductor Hoflich, lading
a big eopper cable as a trolley wire,
which will be ready for the juice when j
the track, now about at Fifth street on 1
Lyon, is completed. I
M E Church, South
Services Sunday, Dec. 13, at 11 a. m.
Rev. W. H. Martin, of Jeff erson, will
preach. A cordial invitation is extend
ed to the public. i
, i
Pocket Cutlery. . j
Fine pocket knives at Baltimore's, i
guaranteed. ... j
What is nicer:
for your sweetheart, mother or sister, I
than a nice bottle of sweet perfume.
We carrv onlv the highest grade ner-I
fumery, sweet and lasting. Fancy
packages, plain and cut glass bottles.
25c to $5: You are invited to call and
inspect our Holiday line. Prices right.
i A M T - n T A '
Bom u, Ito Kind ton Haw Always Boitght
, .Ito Kind i(
The Customer who came back made us.
We pleased him by giving him Value, not
by what we told him. The clothes we sold
him, was the magnet that brought him back
again. The clothes we'll sell you will bring
you back. We have no other sort. Call
at our newly equipped store, and investi
gate our new lines, which will appeal to
you more than mere words can say.
Everything for Men.
The Blain Qoting Company.
Tax Levy for 1909 Placed at 8
Present Mayor, recorder, street
supt. and Councilmen Marshall, Tomlin
son, Miller, Dawson, Hand and Wilmot.
Bills allowed:
Willamette Valley Co. $162.83; C. B.
Miller $2 80; Jeff McDaniel $97.35; A.
Kyle $1.50; Senders Feed Store $22.50;
Judges and clerks of election $45; O. T.
Porter $3; L. L. Swan $3; Henry Sue
sens $2; J. A. Whilesides $24.
Mayor Wallace reported u conference
I wiin tno uounty uourt in reference to
the road tax. with Drosnects of a 2 mill
Councilman Miller reported an agree
ment by the Albany Lumber Co. to
build a cross walk over Water St.
Councilman Marshall reported the
Water Co. people stating that the pres
ent prices are as low as can be furnish
ed for the present service. Mr. miller
thought the prices unreasonable and
there should be a contract. The re
corder was directed to ascertain the
best contract tu be secured from the
Petition of Barrett Bros, asking for
the privilege of erecting a corrugated
iron building next their implement house
to be 24 by 100 feet. Referred to com
mittee on fire and water.
An ordinance establishing the grade
wus passed
ot a sewer tnrougn block a, western
1 The report of the official canvas of
the vote or therecent election was red.
Tfie cistern at 4th and Montgomery
was reuuriea oy oouncuman raarsnau
to need repairs. Referred to the street I
sup'-and Chief Engineer.
A house on property of John Wilson
I and three houses in block 28 H's ad
i were reported not connected with the
sewers, Proper connections were or-
dered at once. -
Uomplaint was made of poor Bewer
finnnni-Hnna in klnnb- WH'a OnA nA Ra.
the hydrant at First and Montgomery
always leaking. The Water Co. was
ordered to fix it or put in a new one.
A Very Odd Character.
A large crowd enjoyed Sis Hopkins
last night Miss Rose Melville portrays
the odd character with genius. The
essence of awkwardness Sis Hopkins
possesses an element that appeals
to the best in one, and the triumph of
character is pleasing. The support is
good, and there is not a slow movement
in the doings. One always getB one's
money's worth in Sis Hopkins.
Special Deal.
On Weekly Oregonian, J18J months
1.50. Ben Clelan, Agent.
To Exchange.
Some good farm
land tor city, prop
erty. Call on J.Q
V. Pipe, 203 W.
Second St.
We carry insurance against ' '
Burglary and Hold up.
We are members of the
American Bankers
Association. If we
were robbed the Pinkertons
. would be employed to hunt
the criminals indefinitely.
And then we have Invested
$100,000.00 all to protect our x
depositors against loss.
Established 1892. ,
Twenty-five years is a long time to
serve continually as a teacher. That is
the record of Sister Mary Jurvasia, of
the Sisters's Academy of this city, the
silver anniversary of the popular sister
superior of the school occurring yester
day. It was an occasion for rejoicing,
and the event was celebrated in a jubi
lee last evening, attended by a large
number of the friends of the school. A
program in keeping with the occasion
was presented, the feature of it being
the presentation by the ladies of the
church of a complete silver service for
use in the school, to Sister Superior
Jurvasia. Those present were partic
ularly favored in the solos of Miss
Flynn, a member of the Cathedral choir
oi Portland, here on a visit with her
Sister Jurvasia began teaching at
Gervais Dec. 8, 1883 and before coming
to Albany also taught at Portland, Mt.
Angel, Oregon City and Grande Konde.
She is a native of the U. S.. havintr
been born in Illinois. With its splend.di
annex and facilities for work the school
promises to become the leading institu
tion ot tne Kind in the state outside ot
The Weather.
Range of temperature 55-32. Quite a
drop occurred during the night, which
must have been a surprise to the Port
land office predicting rain.
The river is 2.1 feet.
Prediction fair tonight and Thursday.
Business Men
If you are not satisfied with your
system of keeping books, phone or
call on Rawlings and let him show you
the most complete up-to-date safetv.
sub series. self-Indexing loose leaf
i ledger and safety loose leaf self index
ing invoice and purchasing record there
is on the market. Are you from Mis
souri, let me show you. Both phones.
A Stove Bargain.
A 3 id ! I- . : . ' 1. .. .. . a
only $1.75, at the store of the Albany
Hardware Co.
Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, opo
site the Democrat office.
Pri ces Just Right
' -AT
Chnrlfs RTnprhf'c
When you want
Ice Cream Bricks
or '
Confections for
your Dinner... '
ri X 17 "Chocolate
Hi Li 1 1 Ei Shop."
f k A I
f4 vf !