C. H. NEWS i ! County Court: Expenses of apple fair $134.53 were allowed. t40.75 allowed Dist. 14 account volun teer work, Newton Huddleson resigned as con stable of Dist. 9 and John H. Turpin Jr. was appointed. $13.87 allowed Disc. 29 from general fund. A petition for cougar scalps waB on file and the high school is being con sidered, pending an opinion from the attorney general. The County officials are now well fortified against book agents. A warn ing on the wall under the corrupt prac tice law prevents solicitation from an official, subscriptions for religious, chartiable or political organizations, or officials subscribing, also for tickets for raffles, entertainments or balls, un der penalty of 1 year in jail to $5000 fine. Probate: In estate of Weert Alber inventory filed. Real property $3600 personal about $900. Circuit Court. New Case: G. R. Lent agt. Jas. B. Condon et al. application to register title. G. W. Wright attorney. Deeds recorded: Mable Hawk to C M. C. Fores man 80 a .. . . . ..i $ 1 J. H. Higgins to Hoy E. Banta & Vina Banta 2 lots Crawfords ville 1500 D. B. Robinson to Wm. & Mary Bowers 100 a . 3000 A. J. Matlock to D. B, Robinson 100a -.- ...,. . Thos. Skelley to Ambrose Beard 2 lots Tangent.'.'.. .'.: 250 Jos. P. Settle to J, P Wallace 40 a 1600 Mortgage for $700. Satisfactions for $600 and $400. MORE WANTED FOR ROADSl A special session of the county court will be held at 7 o'clock tonight, when a committee of the Albany Commercial Club will meet with the court, and pre sent the matter of an increase of the road levy, urging a much larger levy than the present one of 1 mill. The sentiment is universal in the county that the levy for road improvement should be high, and the people of the county will back the court if they make it at least 3 mills, if not 5 mills. Following is the committee: E. H. McCune, Dr. Davis, M. Senders, E. W. Langdon, B. I. Dasent, E. D. Cusick, P. A. Young, J. C. Hammell, L. E. Hamilton, 0. O. Woodworth, Judge H. H. Hewitt, F. M. French, i PERSONAL. Floyd Bilyeu was up from Portland yesterday on a business trip. Leland Gilbert arrived home this noon from Portland, for a Sunday visit with . his folks. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Steele, of. Port land, arrived this noon on a visit : with Albany friends for a couple of days. Mrs. Geo. Hindes, of near this City, will leave on Tuesday for Rockford, 111., on a visit with relatives. W. H. Jenkins, travelling passenger agfnt of the S. P., has been in Albany today looking after the interests of the road. Robert Conn and wife have moved from Corvallis to Albany, where Mr. Conn will wurli for the electric light, company. v. Hon. Virgil Carter, of Benton county, was in town today with a lemon, 13 inches in circumference, which his wife raised. It is tine and the genuine arti cle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pfeiffer and F. H. Pfeiffer and family returned last evening from a three . week's Btay at the Pteittet larm near Waterloo, wnere they have been busy building an annex to the house. Rev. H. L. Hopkins, of Eugene, has Unnn ,n tUa nlt-i, tnrlmr Row I-Tnnlrina is now very busy in his father's saw mill, which has had its hands full with ihe locbl demand alone, which has been big in Eugene the past year. OR. M. U. 41LLIS, Physician and Surgeon Albany, Oregon Calls made in city and country.. Phone Main 38. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby ttiven lhat the under pinned administrator of the eetnte ol Lvina 8. Chiles, deceased, will pur-i-unnt 10 the order uf tbe Count., Coort ol Linn County, Oregon, made sod en'ered in the matter ol the e-'B'enf said deceased on the 2nd day ol November, 1908, sell, at prit eale, lor cash in hand,lrom and after the 28th nay of Deceube', 19u8, all the following dafcnbtd real property belonging to to'd eerulp, o-wit : L.te3, 4, 5 6 13.14,15. 18. 17 anrl 18 in Block 7 in ritil'a adrtiii a la the town of Sodaville, in Linn Couo'y. Ore Kjii.ns the ta-jn-pi)r upon tbe maps nrl oUia of addition now nn file and ol record in tbe office of the County Recorder of laid connty . Lot uuuiirered 5. tt, 7 and 8 in Block 5 in Hili'. Addition to the town of ttnriavlne. in Linn Coo tv, Oregon, as toe m apt.ear npin the "corded plat ol tail Bddition in tb. office ol the Connty Recorder of id connty. Slid tal to mHnVnnj Ot to conflrm-; """""'.VKatbHILDS, I HEWITT & POX. Administrator. ; al.uiueyi ivt Aduilui.i.ator. j 3 MILLS FOR GOOD ROADS. The good roads convention at Leba non yesterday afternoon was a big af fair. About three hundred were pres ent, and they were enthusiastic After thn usual live talk by Judge Scott a res olution passed asking the county court to make a levy of 8 mills for road pur poses, three times the present appropri ation, and a good many would, be will ing to put up for a five mill levy. Commissioners Butler and Russell were present and made Bhort talks. At the conference here on the 11th there will be action of a live order. News From Albany's Six Trains. Early Messrs. M. H. Gibbons and George Prichard left for San Francisco by way of Portland, where they will take the Rose City for an ocean trip. They ex pect to engage in the newspaper busi ness. They take with them the best wishes of a large number of Albany friends for success in their new field. W. W. Francis, L.M. Curl, Council, man Hand, Isaac Butler and Mr. Voss returned from Lebanon, where they had been to assist in the manipulation of the K. P. goat. , , Hon. M. A. Miller came down from Lebanon on an Albany trip. G. A. Flood went to Portland. Mrs. Schlosser went to Portland, called there by the death of Mrs. Shan-, nar, whose funeral was to be held this afternoon. Rev. I. G. Knotts left for Salem. Lila Patton and Gertrude Taylor ar rived from Halsey as anticipated. , ! Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moon left on a honeymoon trip to Pasco, Wash., on a visit with their son, in business there and doing well. . . W. F. Holraan went to Portland. . Rev. Gardner came down from Tan gent. 18 passengers got off the Brownsville train. J. D. Scharff, the veteran drummer, arrived. Degree of Honor. Greenleaf Lodge No. 23 Degree - of Honor have elected the following of ficers: Mrs. O. A. Archibald, Past Chief of Honor. Mrs. J. A. Shaw. Chief of Honor. Mrs. E. A. Thompson, Lady of Honor. Mrs. W. W. Rowell, Chief of Cer emonies. - Mrs. C. W. Sears, Recorder. Mrs. W. M. Parker, Financier. Mrs. A. Barker, Receiver. Mrs. P. C, Anderson, Sister Usher. ! Mrs. C. Myer, Inside Watch. . Mrs. Wm. Eagles, Outside Watch. I Mrs. C W. Sears, Mrs. Wm. Eagles, Miss Maggie Barker, trustees. . 1 " m ; 1 The Horse Car Post Carded. Crawford's new post cards showing the last trip of the old horse car are just out, and are being gobbled up as fast as they can be secured. This is a fine one for post card collections, show ing the last cf a notable institution in the history ot Albany, tew things dur iug recent years having caused more comment, particularly by people pass ing through Albany; Work is being pushed rapidly along Lyon street on the eleitric line and the Albany car is liable to he running by Jan. 1, and then we.will take anoth er ride in a loaded car, ,. and the field will be a good one for more post cards, with the band tooting. Royal Neighbors. On Wednesday evening, ; Oregon Laurel Camp 1744, Royal Neighbors of America "fleeted the following officers for the ensuing year: Oracle, Amanda Baltimore. Vice Orpcle, Florence Bruce. Chancellor, Mima Sherif. Recorder, Alice Kirk. ' Receiver, Caroline Fish. 11 ' ; Inner Sentinel, Myrtle Hiatt. : Outi r Sentinel, Jennie Ellis. Marshal, Lizzie Weaver. Manager, P. J. Bnltimore. Physician, Dr. Joseph Myers. Detective J. F. Reilley, of the 3. P. arrived this noon. Mrs. Guy Thompson went to Inde pendence this afternoon. The Ali'O Cluh is to have a big ball on New Year's eve, at their gym. Mrs. Wm Fortniilier anil youngest daughter went to Portland this after noon. Mrs. Myer left this noonfor Portland to attend the tuner;. 1 of Mrs. ohannar, a former Albany .lady. The Ashland ladies r.agge'' people for a fund for heautit'yinij the city and rjised over $200. jostph Jacobs of Eugene lias been fined $500 and 30 days in jail, the maxi mum, for violation of the local option law. Following is about the order of the N. W. foot ball teams: Washington, 0 A C. U. of O . Pullman, Whitman, Whitw oi th and Idao. Mis Marga-ot Cundiff, who has been, visiting at the home of the Democrat man the past week left this noon for her home in Eugene. Another change at the depot. The letter box was moved from the old depot this forenoon to one of the pil lars of the new depot, in a very con veniant place for mailing letters, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Miller, of Portland, are in the city on a visitthe guests of Mrs. Jennie Brown, while i n their way home from a trip throueh Idaho, Colo rado, Utah and California. ' Old G. A. ' R people thv have many friends hre glad to see them. - 1 : ' '' ' BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY. The Democrat from time to time will publish a list of books now in the library, and the new books upon their arrival, Here is the first installment: Peet Who's the Auther. Brookings Briefs for Debate. Bliss The Encyclopedia of Social Reform. World Almanac and Encyclopedia. Robert Pocket Mannual of Rules of Order. Walsh Curiosities of Popular Cus toms. . . Hornaday The American Natural History. , Hopkins -Scientific American Ref erence Book. Stedman American Anthology-1787-1900. Hoys Cyclopedia of Practical Quota tions. Towers Handv Dictionarv of Pnnti. cal Quotations. Hadyn Hadyn'a Dictionary of Dates, Etc. Lewis Farer Magic (Prof. Hoffman ) Hopkins Magic. Baldwin-The Story of the Mind. , Cox Home Thoughts, by C. ' Clear Letters on Life. Ruskin Sesame and Lilies. Watson The Homelv VirtiiBs OTnanr- Maclaren.) . Koien ,-r Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem. Willard Women and Temperance. Wines & Koren Liquor Problem. Van Dyke The Gosnel for an Arm nf UOUOb., , friske Destiny of Man. Moulton A Short Introduction rn thn Literature of the Bible. . Conybeare- & Howson Lifn nd Epistles of the Apostle Paul. Conybeare & Howson Life and Epistles of Apostle Paul. iiy- social Aspects of Christianity. Kelso Deity Analyzed. Winker Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. . , Drummond Best Thoughts, . , , i' isnei ouriBtian Kellgion. Fox Book of Martyrs. 1 Gaylev The Classic Myths in English Literature. , Murray Manuel of Mythology. Gueber Legends of the Middle Ages. Stenhouse Tell It All. Wright Outline of Practical Sociol ogy Addams Democracy and Social Eth ics. - ' . , Roosevelt Administration: civil ser vice. Roosevelt American Ideals and other Essays. Dubois The Souls of the Black Folk. Johnston History of American Pol itics. Woodburn Political Parties and Party Problems. Ely & Wicker-Elementary Principles of Economics. . , Gilman Methods of Industrial Peace. Adams Labor Problems. Calkins Substitutes for the Saloon. Lee Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy. ; Ries The Battle with the Slum, i Wyckoff The Workers: the West. Cleveland Funds and Their Uses. White -Money and Banking Illustra ted by American History. - Ueorge progress and Poverty. Tanssig The Tariff History of the Upited States. Jenks The Trust Problem. Willlard Tramping with Tramps. , Gaston Little Lawyers. Brvce The American Commonwealth Goodnow City Government in the united states. . . , Robinson The Improvement of Towns and Cities. Fairlie The National Administration of the United States of America. Harrison rThis Country of Ours. . Logan Volunteer Soldiers of Amer ica. Finley Memorials of Prison Life. Beharrell Odd Fellows Monitor and Guide.. . .. . A fine Actor, One of the best and cleanest plays in Albany was We Are King, with Ed mund Carroll in the leading part. Mr. Carroll nroved one of the ablest delin eators of clean comedy ever in the. city a young man of remarkable dramatic talent, and those present were delight ed with the presentation, except per haps a few hoodlums in the gallery without sense enough to know what real acting is. Mr. Carroll's support was excellent. A Crowded Feast. The tallies of the United Presbyter ian church last night gave their second social and lunch from 3 to 7, with a big attendance, the class room being crowd ed. These little feasts are private, be ing only for the members and attendents of the church, for the fellowship of it, not for the money, onlv 10 cents being charged for a 25 cent meal. It is in tended to hold them on :e a month during the winter. !The Will and Stark Brick. Active work on the new Will and Stark brick has been begun, with C. C. Snyder as superintendent, a competent young man. and the work will be pushed all the winter. With the splendid weather that has been prevailing g ouV progress snouia oe made. Died in Lakeview. On Wednesdey Dec. 2nd Harold Doug las son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lair Thomp son, at the age of 2 months The par ents have the sympathy of many Al bany trienas in tneir loss. Born. .- iRalstonir-Qn;,Thursdajr'mrtilDe'i fo MtV and M r. Jbs. ' H -Rate ton a boy. rruminif.o gin ana a ooy in tne lamily, ind everybody i happy and doing well. THE H. S. : LEAGUE. The Democrat is just in receipt of the November number of the University of Oregon Bulletin, containing the list of officers, constitution and by-laws, propositions for debate, bibliographies, debate libraries, and announcements for the year 1908-9, of the Oregon High School Debating Leatrno. The leatrue consists of 34 schools, divided geopraph- itauy mm nve districts, ine eastern Oregon district comprises the . high schools of Baker City, Crook county, Elgin, La Grande, Ontario. Pendleton, Sherman county and Union; Columbia River comorises As'oria. The Dalles. Gresham, Hood River, Newberg, Tilla mook, Woodburn and Yamhill; Central Oregon district, Albany, Brownsville, Cottaee Grove. Eurene. Jefferson. Junction City, Lebanon, Salem and Sil verton; Southern Oregon district, Cen-, tral point, Grants Pass, Klamath coun ty and Roseburg; and the Coos Bay dis trict, Bandon, Coquille, Marshfield, Myrtle Point and North Bend. Albany will have another good team in the contest. Resolutions Passed. Before adjournment the teachers ' passed resolutions, thanking Supt. ' Jackson, for the excellent manner in which he organized and conducted the institute, the instructors for their prac-1 tical services, the pastor and officials of it- r 1 L 1 1 , Iuie Dufjusi. unurcii lur nio ueauuiui v church building, to the faculty and stud ents of Albany college and Prof. . Ken ' dall, to the Press for courtesies, appre-1 ' ciation of the value of school libraries . . to the work of education, that the county court be honored tor the pro- f ressive spirit shown; that the school und be apportioned according to the nunjber of school rooms and average daily attendance, that provision be ,. made for closer supervision of rural ' schools, that the vote for the establish ment of county liiidi schools be at- firoved; and liberal application of the aw is recommended. Signed by A. M. Sanders, chair.T.an, M. A. Paulson, W. i S. Smith, F. M. Stotler, I., Reed and G. E. Faston. ! Agreement With Mr. O'Br'en. Manager O'Brien arrived this after noon an.! went over the field around the depot with the county court, and coun ty anrl Commercial club committees. Jackson street was agreed upon as the outlet to the country, the old road to be vacated; the depot grounds are to be graded slopingly to the middle of the field, and beyond and near the freight depot is to be thoroughly drained. The freight depot is to be moved to the present site of the stock yards,and)the stocic yards further west, sometime next year. The city may use the land along Ninth street for a park if it desires. At the Hotels. L. P. Hubb, a Lebanon merchant. URosCoe Thomas, of Jefferson. A. F. Pentecost, Mayville. Kola Neis, the Salem hop buyer. John Townsend, Salem. J. A. Eakins, McPherson. R. Kyle, Central Point. Jack Currie on one of his frequent trips. Ex-Admiral A. N. Smith, Portland. C. W. Campbell, E. L. Peebler, Leb anon. A. H. Lea, the Hazelwood Creamery man. ' MARRIED GordonWilliams On Wednesday, Die. 2, at Springfield, Mr. E. W. Gordon, of this city, and Miss Bertha Williams. The groom is the popular express messenger on the Springfield train, and the bride is a fine young lady. They will make Albany their home. FRIDAY- THEDR'S Held Their Annual Meeting. New Officers. The The Central Willamette Valley Modi ical Association met last night at the Alco parlors, with twelve members Dresent. and a visitor from Junction. This was the annual meeting, result ing in the election oi tne tollowing of ficers for the coming year: Dr. Prill, Scio, president; Dr. Newth, Philomath, vice president; Dr. Kava naugh, Albany, Secretary; Dr. Ellis, Albany, treasurer. Other physicians present were: Drs. Pernot, Farra and Cathey, Corvallis, Drs. Davis, Wallace and Hill, Albany; Dr. J. (J. tfootn. Leoi.non: and Uv. Loggan, Philomath. Instead of the customery papers the fihysicians discussed fees, salaries and egal questions connected with the bus ness. Then they went to the Hotel Revere, where thore was a spread of twelve plates, with one of th fine."t banquets they ever snt down to, immensely ap preciated uy the hunery doctors. Was Parolkd. ' Ernest Hedrick. of the third ward, a sixteen year old boy, was taken before Judge Duncan, today with a view of committing him to the reform school. He was charged with cigarette smok ing, disobedience and other things. He promised to reform, to quit the cigar ette habit and behave himself at home, and deservas help in his good res olu tions, and wan therefore parolled. tious when raised with o of Made drapes JACK HAMMEL The Third Ward Booster from the East. Home : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammell, of the third ward returned home .;ist night from their trip to Ohio, where they spent several weeks around Columbus, they were gone two months. Mr, Hammell declares the Willamette val ley the finest place in the world. East ward from Denver he noticed an in. creasing depression in business, and that times are not nearly as good through the east as on the coast. Wages are lower and living higher and not so much to do as here. Eastern water doesn't compare with our coast water for drinking. Coming through Nebraska there was a terrific blizzard, the snow even come through the double windows of the car. He will be a more enthusiastic Albany booster than ever. Holley Thieves. The holley thieves have begun their autumn depredations by stealing limbs from some of the finest trees in the city This is among the meanest of all kinds of stealing, and people who have taken pains to grow ihese fine trees are in dignant and propose if the vandals are caught to make it tropical for them. Hugh Grey is visiting his brothers in Eugene. Roy Hutchins left foi Portland this morning, , L. H. Fish returned this noon from Lincoln county. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conn returned this noon from their bridal trip. . Fred Fisher, a Marcola mill man, has been in the city on a business trip. J. L. McFarland, of the Corvallis skating rink, was in the city this noon. Father Davy, of Cottage Grove, re turned home this afternoon after a vis it with Father Lane. Mrs. M. S. Woodcock, of Corvallis. is in the city on a visit with her broth ers J . tt. ana ueorge Simpson. The Rhodes residence, the brick at the corner of Washington and Third is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kroeschel, who will make it their home. Claud Bray, of the Fortmiller Co. left this morning for Hlkhorn, up the C. &. to embalm the body of' the late Mrs, Lyle Smith, who is to be taken to Gates for burial. The H. D. W. C. Club met yesterday evening with Mrs. W. W. Rowell and had an O. K. time for several hours. An Al lunch was served and a pleasant time socially was had. The famous Marquam case, Portland, has at last been settled after years of litigation. Judge Marquam receives $100,000 in. cash, enough to keep him the rest of his life. Francis J. Heney, under the splendid care of an Albany nurse, has been able to leave the hospital. Men of Henoy's character are not going to down any sooner than possible. Only the lessees have a right to shoot on the Hurlburt duck reserve west of Albany. If not one of them it will be safe not to try it. A fine of $15 fol lowed such a case, as an example of the consequence. Mr. Alex Anderson and family have returned from Roseburg and are now residents of Albany again, Mr. Ander son again being assigned to a run out of I he city. Relatives and many friends of the family are delighted. Professors Zuge, Flo and Kimball and Students Volstedt, Birchet, Cole, Ohling, Meinert and Calavan left this noon for Mcvlinnville to attend the annual Y. M. C. A. convention for the Northwest, with prospects of the bst Eugene Guard: Geo. W. Tayl-r has just completed a well on H. H Stick ney's residence lot on College Hill, go ing down 336 feet. This is probably the deepest well in the city, although not a very good supply of water was secured. Mr. bti:kncy will probably blast the bottom of the wi ll out in hopes of striking a better vein in that way. Food is more'tasteful. healthful and nutri BAKING POWDER i The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream 'Tartar. from MR. H1MES IN ALBANY. Geo. H. Himes, the historian of Ore gon, who delves into past events, and knows more about Oregon than any man in it, one of the best and cleanest men the state has ever had, wan in the city last evening on his way to his home -at Portland fro n San Francisco.. Mr. Himes called and left the following note; . "Congratulations on vour getting away from home once in a generation and returning alive; and best of all that you now realize that Oregon is the peer of any state in the union, if not the best, and that the Willamette val ley is the best in Oregon." News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Cashier A. C. Schmitt left this morn ing for Portland, where- tomorrow he will assist in the laying of the corner stone of the new Y. M. C. A. buildine, a red letter event in Portland. From there he will go with a crowd to Mc Miunville, to attend the Y. M. C. A. convention, to be the best yet held in Oregon, with splendid force of speak ers in attendance, among others Secre tary Sweet of the Denver Y. M. C. A. Billy Toner, the W. F. messenger, went to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn re turned from a Brownsville trip. northern points.1 In a few days he will go to Duluth to confer with the head Dp T.nurnll Innao nomn .1 , Lebanon. One of the county's busiest physicians. Dr. C. W. , l.nwa rAtllrnnrl fvnm a T.aK. anon trip. Rev. Wire, P. E., came in on the . Brownsville train, C. T. Hockensmith returned from a Halsey trip. . Mayor Barney May, of Harrisburg, arrived on a business trip. rreu Burxnarr, came down from Har riaburg. Mr. Mike Snyder and wife, of Eu gene, arrived on their way to Newport for a winter's outing. E. W. Cooper went to Salem. 1 A Home Recital. At a home recital Thursday ,'given by the primary pupils in Mrs. Worrell's piano class the following program was given : Lois Fischer, Gypsie Dance Beha. Elepha Cummings, Purple Pansies Fearis. Opal Howard, Happy Farmer Sch mann. , - . Kameila Krochel, (a) Grandfather's Song); (b) Peasants Dance)--Mathews. Everet Cummings, In the Blacksmith Shop Parlow.. - - . Hazel Hockensmith, Second Valse Godard. Marcile Austin, (a) Pink Sehottiach Rosewig; (b) In the Forest Hudson. Athol Holt, At Parting Reigelmann. Everet and Elepha Cummings, Duet by Harthan. Carleno Warner, Picnic Dance Splindler. ' Recitation Gladys Philips (a Poem by Katherine Burrowes.) At theHotel Grover 0. Bellinger, Salem. J. H. Blanford, Portland. L. T, Dike, W. T. Clark, Gates. Chas. R'. Thorburn, Portlrnd. Bernard C. Jakway, a former famous foot ball man, once a resident of Al bany, of Portland. C. O. Hanrrave, Portland. P. C. Elbert, Portland. , A. Sanders. Harrisburg. ' . J. T. Jordan, Aberdeen. J. W. Whitney, Portland, Lyle U. Smith, Elkhorn. H. S. Coons. Aberdeen. A. E. Frost and wife, Oregon City. William Caldwell and wife, Chicago, induced htf Jflrlr Flamm.ll . ... and look over the field,