( - , Just a Few Christmas Suggestions Perhaps you attended our Christmas Opening, on oatuaday eye, most people did, and if so you saw many of the pretty things which we offer to Christmas Buyers. But more than likely von did not see all for the crowd was so great you could not We mertion a few articles which you will do well to inquire about: Neckwear Did you notice that show case full of dainty, pretty collars. They arc every one special values worth 50 per cent more than we ask. Your choice for 36c A whole table full of ruchings, ruffs and collars, dainty creations of mull, chiffon and ribbon. Nothing would be more appreciated by any one than these. All prices 60c to $4.00 Handkerchiefs Another thing perhaps you failed to notice is a show casejof dainty hand made medira Handkerchiefs, all ele gantly worked by women who are masters of the art, in far away coun tries. We have assembled a splen did collection for'you.Pricesgl to$1.60 Many other dainty effects in less ex pensive work in both men's and women's lace embroidered and initial. From 16c to 60c each Christmas Box Hosiery You will marvel at the beautiful ef fects we have secured in this line. The fashion for spring will deman d hosiery in all the delicate shadows. We have anticipased this need and suggest them as gifts. We show a large line in black plain and embroid- eried. From 25c a pair and up Box hosiery $1.25 to $3.00 per box A Complete Line of Chidren Pur Sets Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON Silk Peticoats All Shad PERSONAL AND SOCIAL A NEW LIST. Chub Harris returned last night from .3?$ tho8e de?irin to ,Ii8t country a Portland visit " c ty ProPerty for sale, we would Prof. Kent, of the O. A. C, was an Albany visitor today. say, we are at the present time getting CLOSING OUT SALE. Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Phonographs and Records. Mrs. L. L. Swan has returned from a visit with Mrs. J. B. Bell at Spring field, i out a new list, and would like to have safe and show cases, must be sold by all desiring to pb.ee their property on ; Jan. 1, '09. All at cost except contract the market to come in and list it with goods. Your last chance for the Cream us by the middle of December, as we of Columbia Records. Don't miss it. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Warford went to Newport this afternoon for an outing of several days, Mrs. Frances French Williams, of Page, Wash., will arrive tonight on a holiday visit at home. Lawyer Tussing was in town today on legal business. One of Brownsville's best hustlers. D. S. McWilliams, merchant of sey, was a business visitor in this afternoon. desire to have the new list completed I A. SCHMIDT. by that time. Albany, Or., 122 Ferry St.. n you win use your properly with us we will do the best we can in regard to ociiimB name, ne nave a great many i - . Eastern people inquiring for price list PliimniflfY of city and country property, and are I lUlUUlllg East and to different states in the union. i AH those desiring to get their prop Hal, ertv in this new Hat: ntaflHA rnll nr. nnr Albany office and leave description of same to i ,uur omce oeiween tnis ana the middle ' Mr. Arch Monteith. of Portland, is in ?f December, and we will do the very the city on a visit the ' guest of his be8t we can ln securing you a buyer for motner, mrs, uubertM tb i Lib pout oltmu, AlLmuy, Or second claea mail matter. FP NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week: in advance for one year, 4.0" By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end or year x;. bu. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 8 years at $2.. A City of Health and Beatify. GOOD SCHOOL RECORD OUK WANTS LOST. A watch charm, gold, four chains, initials W. H. A, on fob. Re turn to Democrat office. FOR SALE. Barred Plymoth Rock Cockerels. Phone Farmers 29 Bell. t6. BLOCK WOOD FOR SALE. Home phone 1213. GIRL WANTED. To do general house work. Call at or phone the Democrat office. FOUND. A package containing an undershirt. The Democrat feels for the loser and there will be no charges. HOLT AGAIN.-Mince meat by Moths Phillips. i FOR SALE. 1 Dark Bay, single , or double driving horse 10 years old, weight 1150, good and gentle, can be driven by any lady, not afraid of automobiles. Apply Democrat office. POTATOES FOR SALEitr-Atmy home on Sixth and Lafayette St., at 40 cents per bushel. Unsorted first as The remarks of Mrs. Martin on civic improvement are so timely the Demo crat gives some more: The cleaner, brighter and more beau. ................ - ..... , ine monthly report system, intro r . - V, I YY TY . aucea into ine scnoois or tne county, is but few of us that could not bear to be provi a t 8Ucces3 , 8ecurin a uy.., "j higher per cent of attendance, ic not worn wortn wurmug ion C. M. Monteith, The Sunshine Club will meet at the home of Miss Maggie Barker Thursday afternoon. All members are urged to , be present. : Mrs. O. D. Austin last night enter tained several of her friends in a pleas ant social gathering. Cards were played and a very tasty lunch served. Mr. Lee Davis, formerly with Daven port, has accepted a position with the Eiler House, and is now at this city. ; wiiiuii win uu ma ueuuquarters. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moon returned last evening from Pasco, where they visited a week or two with their sdn and his wife, at their very pleasant home there, greatly pleased with the young people. your property. We promise you we will deal fairly and squarely with you In all our undertakings. J. A. HOWARD A CO., Real Estate. 325 W. first St., next door to Post Office. ' and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First - class work guaranteed. MARRIED BostwicR-Wirt. On Wednesdav afternoon. Dee. 9. nr. Tf in n enrwi mntf n fcn nl bvava invitfl thn Dast month is ahnufc 9S rmr rent- Trio .. , t n n , , - . . . j , , -, tne court nuose oy juagej. IN. uuncan, best into our lives, by ourselves living j -,rt!ficato f Award, introduced by the Mr, j. M. Bostwick. of Lacomb, and Are You Interested. If so, -write co the Lebanon Machine Shop for catalogue and prices of the famous "Alamo Gasoline Engine" where they are in operation. tlO general average in the county The' for the county superintendent, granted v ui uBt.uty ,.u "'i''"'"- -'" schools making 97 per cent in attend will apply equally well to the town. . ance is proving a strong incentive to Let us invite the best to come to AI- more punctual attendance. The follow- banv bv nresentinir conditions so at- I '.nK scndola received Certificates of tractive, that the best will want to come and make their home with us. There are so many things to be said to an Mrs. Ella Wirt of Crabtree, two well known old residents ot Linn county. on this subject, bo much in the future of our city depending upon the action of people here now. that there are no words strong enough to urge the im portance of this work. There will be more gain to the citv in a material way in having an attractive appearance than would be lost by maintaining such con ditions. . Really Civic Beauty to put it on the lowest possible basis, is an ex tremely marketable quality and as an investment, often pays a very high per- cent of profit. ' This work now proposed by the women of Albany, cannot be done by a dozen, however earnest and enthusias tic they may be, nor by two dozen. It needs all the women, and we hope that ' all will write thqir names down for this ' Award for the month ending Nov. 27; Dist. Teacher riercent 2 Irene H. Nolan....... 98 Goldie Jones 97 Anna Blacklaw .98 D. M. Higbee...... . .......97 C. I. Alexander 98 C. F. Bigbee 98 Ida Maxwell 97 Vida Nanev 97 T. J. Goin 98 Tressie Shelton 97 A. P. Hirons 97 Bessie E. Brown 98 J. W. Bolin 97 I. L. Calavan ............. .97 Anna Engel 98 Georgia La Porte 98 May Hews 97 J. R. Geddes .....97 Addie Anderson : 98 E. E. Munsey., .... 98 Mark A. PaulsMi, Prin . 98 11 , 17 31 32 37 41 48 57 60 65 66 74 77 78 79 100 102 42 tney came irom tne neia, ana it you wk and g0 home and invit0 other8 to help me ack them, or measure them 1 . , , f ,. .. .. . . ... I will take less, now is your chance. hclP- anu talk xiivic improvemont until Alvin J.. Carothers. all our friends will so tire of our impor- NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con , tunitics they will join us in self defense. tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. j President Eliot of Hartford in a late TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltveit address at a meeting of the "American 1010 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1 , Park and Outdoor Association," said FOR 3ALE.-160 acres foot hills 12 that beautiful grounds and public parks mi os west of Junction, good house, ., , . .. ., ., . barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15an;were a Clty 8 K"atest riches, that acre or will trade for Albany prop-! there should be small squares made erty. J, R. Motzgar 3rd and R. R. beautiful in the midst of denBe popula tion for resting places for the feeble, for invalids and the children, that they may be familiar with the beauties of nature, and he spoke of the moral ben efit gained by the use of parks. ' 29t SLAB WOOD 75e per cord at mill 17 cords to car. Mail your orders dl-1 rect. The Curtis Lumber Co., Mill City, Or. It FOR SALE. 38 acres, all in cultiva tion, with house and barn, 4 miles east of Albany. Also two corner lots between 1st and Water Streets, by Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water Sc. Home Phone blackl67. I FOR SALE. Pure bred White Leg horn roosters, Black Minorca roost ers. Plymouth Rock roosters, and pure bred Tulouse gecee. Mrs. J. C. Porter, R. D. 2, Box 15. Home phono 8651. tfl. WOOD FOR SALE. -Some good dry wood. Phone E. M. Perfect, 201 Boll. 201 Home. MUSIC LESSONS.-Pinno and organ. Phono black 971. Helen Elkins. FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Morchant s Mutual, lnquiro at Opera i , ., V Senator Bourne securing the appoint ment of his private secretary as post master ofPortland is some modern pol itics with a vengeance, and that with out asking Senator Fulton anything about it. Whereas the old guard of Portland that has been tunning politics these many years? How have the mighty fallen. Here's a young man steps in ahead of all of them and secures a fine $6,000 plum, and Bourne did it. The prosecution does well to push the t.:ni ne t..a. !?:.!. nf tnflnn.l TUa SODA WATER. Cascadia water from Peop' r V" lon dellly8;i 0ut f the Geisendorfcr springs, may bo hnd 06 murders in Oregon during the past at Tomlinson & Holmnn's and at the two years it is said there have been Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t only two hangings. This prosecution AERMOTERlKiisoline pump, airconted for murder should be pushed with such with pump jack, ready to 'itch to ( ., . m k jt j(, d lor only uruwiora tno 10 SHOW . uuo" "inmiv iiuiu.i. IT'S LIKE HlS-Johnson's Best Flour is the best bemuse it is milled from the best wheat in scrupuouslv ciean mills. Its use insures delicious bread, cake and pastry. F. G. Will for watches. Mission Art Glass Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply co. The P.S. G. C. Alpha Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters, wishing to promote the social interests of their order, decided to organize themselves into a club to meet the sec ond Tuesday afternoon of each month at the homes of the members. The first meeting was held November 23rd at the home of Mrs. C: C. Kelly. A president, Mrs. Kelly, and Sec-Treas., Mrs. Herold, were elected by those present. Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 8th, they were entertained by Mra. R. C. Church ill at her new home on Third streer. After working at fancy work and talk ing, each member was given a Christ mas present, which created much laugh ter when the packages were opened. Delicious refreshments were served and at a late hour twenty-five ladies bade Mrs. Churchill good night with best wishes, also voting the. P. S. G. C. club the best yet. At the Vienna Bakery. Best hot tamales in town. Hot coffee and lunches, a'choice fair. a- Burkhart Photographer. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinStreet, Albany. . Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODERS, DEALER IN CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Second and Ellsworth Streets. Albany Letter List The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Dec. 9, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Jack Beyers, Mr. F. L. Fish. Mr. Jno. Linemack, Mr. Kay Spencer, Mrs. J, O. Sulm, Mrs. Harriet Schweitzer, G. D. Wilkins, Geo. Walker. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. i KEEP an E Y . on th Vienna Bakery for good things to EAT. Second street between Ellsworth and T-von. WANTED. To bny or trade small trunk for large second-hand flat top strong troveling trunk.. Address Democrat office. I tl6 WANTED. To rent an Underwood or L. C. Smith typewriter, Harlin Tal- bert. tl6 Taimilies ! Tamalies We mako and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making them, try one. At The Crest. L. L. POTTS Both Phones, 316JW. 2nd St. iHimn for onlv 845 Aennotor man will be glad you. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinrwillo. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, L'us'ick Hunk ltldg. Both phones. FOR SALIC Model N Ford runabout with top, only run ono season in fine rendition. Applv to V. W. ,raw ford, ogt. Ford Motor Cms, Missed. Subscribers who'f ail to getjthrir paper should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomery street cull up Red 11132 Pac ific if missed, and your paper will come, if between Broadalbin and Montgom ery Home, and if west of Hroadal bin street Pacific Black 8J2. J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWINQ Phone red 942, Home 1211. We ure gasoline and don't burn your wood for power. I It is stated that .Mr. Rockefeller is to ' ?o toJEngland to reside. Foolish man. I He made his money here. Let him ! spend it hero. I F.Q.Will for watches.! HOFLlCH'Sfor your oysters properly orved, according to taste. I Burkhart, photographer, successor to ' McKinstry. CHRISTMAS BUYING MADE i EASY. I F. M FRENCH, the JEWELER. , A MIRACLE Is what we'll create in your ome on the Installation of Elec ricity. We'll make those dull, gloomy rooms Brilliant, Bright and In-viting-and at practically your present co!,t of lighting. Ralston Electric Supply Co. t.w i wmm i i iiuiiii v i mm i : KltSM KBH I I ill d urn, mm A SELEC1ING A NEW RANGE. A range is not bought every day. A few dollars more or less in price does not determine whether a range is cheap or dear. You want the best; that is the very first consideration. The lasting quality is the main thing. Other ' points to be considereiTare: How much fuel does it reguire? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack break on warp? Does it heat up the kitchen, or is all the heat put to use in cooking and baking? ' Will it wear well? . The "Quick Meal" Factory is so well equipped with latest and most improved machiney, that ''Quick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the best for no more money than what you would have to pay for the ordinary cheaply constructed range. For sale by " STEWART & SOX H'DW CO. ALBANY, '. . . OREGON Go to EASTBDRH'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and ccir.pltte as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and Glaubwarr as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our ean up-to-date siore. B)th p'uisi lvm 5j GIRLS TAKE NOTICE 1 - Christmas is com ing. Buy your presents early. What is nicer tor your sweetheart, boother or father than a Gittoll Safty Razor, or ' The New "Ever Ready" Buttle. Keeps contents hot 24 hours or cold 72 hours. Fine Ebony, Military Brushns. Come and see the line. Bukkhart & Leg. i A Slletz Homestead relinquishment for sale.' Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about i U N S E His 8ssct Blacaila offer Ih tcaden of this paper tbe best opportnahi - of th year . Review or Reviews a.oo) ALU FOR SUNSCT MAGAZINE ' 1 .60 V ff. . WOMAN'S HOMC. COMPANION.' 1.25) $0,00 -wr, Fprr with your order, s btMtlfal premium, s 7Vnx boa r llhistrsted In lour colors with 115 Wesurtt Tisws. SUNSET MAGAZ1N - SAM nUHClSCO, CAUrORHU