A' Albany Democrat VOL XL1V ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11- 1908 JiO 9 Dreamland Vaudeville Tonight We have the finest program of all to present tonight. We have eclipsed all on prior efforts and the Picture Program is the best yet. We strive to please at the HOUSE OF QUALITY. SHINGLES We make the BEST. Every bunch branded with our' name. Look for it. Our iNo. ' Is are the only first-class shingles in this market. We make three grades, pack them closely and use no dry kiln. AJshingle full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER Albany, Oregon. Albany to City of Mexico. An excursion to the City of Mexico, mi ideal place to be in the winter. Date Dec. 12 and 13. good for s'-ty days.' .Round trip rate $102.10. Berth should be reserved early, us the num. ber is limited. C. K. FRONK, Agent. PRICHARD SAW FINCH. AN AWFUL HARRISBURG. George Prichard on his way to San Francisco, while in Portland, called up TRAGEDY. Trinidad, Colo. Dec. 5. With heads unlit with an axe. the bodies of four on J. A. Finch, in jail, when, according members of the family of Casmo Gar- totheOregonian. Finch admitted that ES JS& ?and haVbeen day look'ing for 1 his pretension of blankness of memory murdered or kidnapped. The man who A. C. Stellmacher as to the commission or tne crime im- had been ordered to cease payini tention to her hat also disappearei Bulletin: S1.000 from the Improvement Club, $800 from the Town Council. Surely there will be something doing. I. A. Farmer, A. Curtis, and C. G. Cowles, Eastern men who are residing in Albany have been here the past few at- Coghlan Dead. im. mediately after his arrest was "all a bluff,", and endeavored to exonerate himself for perpetrating the awful deed by the allegation1 that Fisher first as-,.; . ; , saulted him with a notarial seal and i NEW York, Dec. 6 Rear Admiral made a movement to shoot him before l, j, jj. Coghlan, who ruffled the Kais he fired the fatal shot. j , feelings, and was with Dewey at Prichard was shown a bruise high on I .. . , ti the forehead, to the left of the median Manila, died suddenly lass night of ap line, by Fincn, who alleged that it was Pf,?lly. at New Rochell. Read poem caused by the seal, which he asserted "Hoch Der Kaise" several years ago Fiaher had thrown at him. The hat he at a banquet caused stir. wore when ho was arrested was also exhibited to he newspaperman, and ' places where the brim and crown were I alleged to have been damaged by the ' 1 ...nvA nninivl ntit Pinnh nlart Ho. ii. th.t fho Ann lonrlino- infn Mr. touched 29 degrees at 6 this morning Fisher's private office was closed by i with" a heavy frost. The coldest day of I himself before the shooting occurred, the season. and that what Miss Verna Burkhart, the stenographer, thought were Fisher's groans wbj his guttural command for Finch to "get to h 1 out of here," before hurling the notarial seal. A Cold Day. Portland, Dec. B. The Mercury Farm Auction. At the farm of Mrs. E. E. Payne, 3 miles east of Plainview and 5 miles south of Lebanon, on Thnrsday, Dec. 10 E,ja & Sop Albany, F. G. WILL, for Watches, The maa who has the dark bay horse to sell will please call. Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. Lebanon Peas and string beans at there will be a pmjlic sale ot nouseno ? , . . . , . . t goods, farm implements, stock oi aii ..rrrL . . . . kinds, a general disposal of the personal Whs & bona. . uro'jerty of the farm, to which all are SI ill more barrells at the lAlbany invited. Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel. Free lunch at noon. Don't fail to attend the Christmas opening, at Hamilton s Deginning Dae Happyland Rag Dolls at Meisers'. Dolls! Dolls! Not a bit to early to buy your dolls to dress. We're showing a complete line now and if you want the choisest come in at once Our toy counter is heaping full with toys also. Bring the little folks and let them look. . T1EISER & MEISER urday evening, at 7 p. m, Sweeping and dusiing. washing and ironing or any kind of work. Call at 333 E Second street, up stairs' The gift probiem is easily solved. Attend the Christmas opening at Ham ilton's, beginning Saturday evening. , trflde & snecial effort I this season to make their Christmas opening the best of all. All the pretty things will interest you. Saturday eve, i The finest brand of seisBora in the ;t ot Rgitimnrea. everv pair guar ' anted. Money back in ten dayB if not ! perfectly satisfactory. I A game of foot ball was in progress this afternoon between a public school Iteam of Corvallis, in charge of Prof. IFulkerson, and the Madison street school team, of this city. ' The juniors and seniors, boys, of the high school had a basket ball game ut the armory last eveming. Willis Peery met with an accident resulting in the Jl.liui.tir.n n nna nf kin ftrmR. whlCfl I will prevent his playing this winter. k ; Mrs. Henry Ewert today received a 1 1 Miuir fnr siRfln. on account of the ben- " I eficiary certificate of her husband in i I the A. O. U. W. Mr. Ewert was one I! of the oldest members in the Albany ' lodge. Mrs. Ewert is herself ill. hn. nhnnf tnm- pleted a deal for the sale of his farm east of town to G. W. McCart of near Halsey. Consideration will.be $10,000 or $30 per acre. Possession will be given next October. . ; R. K. Burton, the president of Har risburg's Improvement Club was born in Minnesta 50 years ago. His life has been devoted to farming and stock i raising, and his work has been success-1 ful. Four years ago he came to look over our country. Three years ago he in-1 vested. Two years ago he and nis wife settled here with some notion of making this their future home. Today they are permanent fixtures. Some Benton Cases. At the recent session of the circuit conrt in Corvallis the following cases were disposed of, of interest to the readers of the Democrat: Marion Bailey vs. Benton county change of venue to Polk county. A suit for damages on account of the collapse of the Thornton Lake bridge. . Louis Hartley vs. Cora Hartley di vorce. Granted. A result of Holy Kollerism. , Maggie S. Sullivan vs. Griff King ot al dismissed as to Lucv King, continu I ed as to Griff King. : umma ts. urosno vs. umrord K.. Uros- no divorce. Continued. Mrs. Crosno was an Albany clerk for awhile. , Kola Neis, as admistrator of the part nership estate of Wm. Faber and Kola Nets partners, vs. John Whitaker and Frank Whitaker motion of defendants forJeave to file second amended a wer. Allowed on condition that de fendants pay to plaintiffs costs. Order your slab wood (cheap now) from Ola baltweit. Phone Black 167. tl-1 Fortune is Knocking at Your Door The early comers will get the best selections. Remember there are only 18 days left. Buy your X'mas Presents now $42.90 Decorated Haviland China Dinner Set Sale Price $29.94 $41.00 Decorated Haviland China Dinner Set : t Sale Price $28.99 $21.90 White Ransom Haviland China Dinner Set ' '' Sale Price $17.89. $10.65 Decorated Johnson Bros. Semi-Porcelain Dlmer Set . . ... ... Sale Price $8.69 - $16.65 Decorated Johnson Bros. Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set . ' Sale Price $12.69 Tell tvery body COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERYBCO, 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. JUST RECEIVED Beautiful CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION In Dainty Handmade Novelties, j Hat Pin Holders, Pin cushions, Coat Hangers, Tie Holders, Fancy chamois rolls, Trinket holders Complete Showing of Fancy Ruching Useful X'mas Gifts, such as Hand Bags, Combs, Belts. Belt Pins, Hat Pins etc. in great varieties for Christmas selling. 2928 BEPORTOF THE CONDITION i OP TUB . FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Albany, in the State op Oregon, AT THE Close of business Nov. 27, 1903. . i' RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 438.027.08 Overdrafts,secured and un- unsecured 7.964.76 U. S, Bonds ti secure cir culation , 20.000.00 U. S. Bonds on hand . . . ... 60,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 8,700.00 Bonds; securities, etc...,. 157.092.82 Bankinir house furniture, '. 11,000.00 Other real estate owned. .-. 10,57131 Due from National Banks ' (not reserved agents) .. . 13,943.90 Due from State BankB and 1 Bankers ... ' 12,296.67 Due trom approved reserve agents 187,839.06 Checks and other cash items 2,984.22 Notes of other National Banks 5,320.00 Fractional paper currency, j nickels and cents 130.81 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie.. .......... $140,715.86 :i , Legal-tender notes . 2,000.00 . 142,715.85 ReJemption fund with U. St ' Treasurer (a per cent ot circulation) I Total LIABILITIES. Capita' stock paid in 80,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid . 45,732.40 National Bank notes out standing 13,800.00 Due to other National Banks.... 11,955.09 Due to State Banks and . Bankers 7,962.73 Due to Trust Companies and Saving Banks 68 94 Individual deDosits subject to check 820,479.83 i Demand certificates of de- ; posit 69.387.39 Certified checks 200.00 A pew lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are rightf this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bu taste like 40 cts. ,. , GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. 1,000.00 $1,069,586.38 OUR DUiY IS TO FULFILL V THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS. " .Don't think' we wan ' only your .' oney-we heed your good will quite ' m much. We keep eoastan'tly on hand the very beet t meats, . and 7 are ' alv tee well pleased to furnish our ' patrons the choicest eati of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also rjy a full line of hams, bacon, samaage, lard, fish and provision! , gen erally, i ', :: . ; : ('' ; Holt's Market I.. Chambers & MeCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STOP ALBANY SUPPLY CO, j Wholesale dealer in fruit, pro-1 duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. I 442 WEST FIRST STREET. Total $1,069,586.38 State op Obegom, County of Linn, ss: I, E. W. Langdon, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true . to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. W. LANGDON, President. Subscribed and Bworn to bef ire me this 5th day of Dec, 1903. L. L. SWAN, Notary Public. Corrrct -Attest: S. E. Yuno. ) P. A. Goodwin, Directorn W. A. Barrett. ) STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etC. Both Phonej 57 Walter Parker, Grocer Stetter's Cash Store Oono-it. the Hotel Revere, (rive tuti ful aucmion to all tonsorlal want.. FEED S I ORE, 1 435 West First 5 1., Albany, Or ' Headquarters for "Alsenl and iPvramid" Porllann Cement, "Roache Harbor" Lim. Kubrroid Koofing, ;'WooJ F.kr. Plait.'. Sulphur, Spray,1 I Poallry Hp.lien. Dull?. Diamond and ' Liberty W.I' bard wtauat flour,; Hay, Graia. Mill re aid Salt. aod; Baker m WRnNRST THlir-.T..ALR&ST ORSQOF.S irst class gfoo is in the?r"s?asrr?.' hne Muln S6. '