SISTERS' BENEFIT. All the receipts of Dreamland Mov ing Picture Theater on the afternoon of December 2, 1908, will be for the benefit of the Sisters' school in this city. Remembei that the day is Wed' nesday and the performances are all to be in the afternoon. Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice a day. Phono Beli Main 54; Home Main 144. 'Jysters, Oysters. At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the Ehell, and more oysters to the .measure than vX any other place. Public Sale Tne undersigned executars of the es tate of V. H. Caldwell, will sell at pub lic auction at the old home place 4 miles southwesi of Albany, on Satur oay, Nov. 28, all the personal property of said estale, Bale to begin at 1 o'clock p. m. Terms of sale: Cash. gborgb w. caldwell, William Caldwell, Executors. The Eclipse Washer. The best, does work equal to hand work, under the mangel system. Re sults and construction guaranteed. A fine thing. Call at the Albany Hard ware Co's store and see one. MISFITS. The Maie ft,w,y- Unquestionably one" St fne? ara-T atic Aw i i tl' - j tl , . events of ihe season is Mr. K u. Fixture of Things and Thought Carroll in a complete produetfoff . edv Walker Whiteside's greatest eo in we Are King, Dy bieut? Kean. author of "The Magic Melotiy '. IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Uazor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that bears a Dcrsonal guarantee you get juit this from us prices aie rignt. see our window. 11 BURRHART & LEB. I A healthy man is a kino in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up Biund health keeps you well. Harsh physics react, weaken the bawels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, enre constipation. . 25c. Ask your druggist for them "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing heloed me until I used Doan's Ointment, It cured me per manently." Hon. John.R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Our Way of Selling Paint is to make you satisfied by giving yon material that does what you want it to do. If it's a floor, woodwork, a table, bath-tub, or the whole house you're about to paint or. varnish, enamel or stain we can supply exactly the article that will do it best. You can be sure of this be cause we sell the perfect ACME QUALITY kind of paints, enamels, stains, varnishes, all carrying the guar antee mark. With every purchase of the "Acme Quality" kind we give you free "The Selection and Use of Faints and Finishes, ' ' the only com' plete paint book ever published. Hitchcock, Taft and others had better keep their fingers out of the Oregon senatorial muddle. JA close inspection ofJAlbany's new res idences shows, them to be marvela of architectural beauty and design. The Anti's are surely between the devil and the deep blue sea, when it comes to the work of defeating the will of the people. The democratic leaders are to call a session of the chairmen of all the State Committees and lay plans to win the Presidency in 1912, A prophesy: If Chamberlain is de feated by the disreputalbesof the repub lican party, it will sound the death knell of that party in Oregon. It is reported that one of Oregon's Presidential electors is advising legis lators to repudiate their oath and vote against Mr. Chamberlain. Wonder who it is? Mr. Carroll and company wiH appear In 1 this cit) on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd And Pop Corn King to Leave. G. M. Turney, the man with the pop and who has been in the corn wagon, city for some months doing business in front of Sternberg's and the Empire ( will close his hiiaineRR tnnirrhfc and on Tuesday leave for Los Angeles. California. This is your last chance to eat pop-corn. 7 AeiVtV wm In and Around Albany, F. G. WILL, for Watches. Thanksgiving post cards at Meiser's. Beams Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. Lebanon Peas and string beans at ' Ellis & Sor. Mrs. C. Simpson has chrysantheums J for sale, at 235 E 1st St. 1 F. G. Will for watches. evv.. mm Alnnva Rnnerht. and which has been The Kind . oveP 30 years, has borne the signature of in use? for . - and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. S7' s ' Allow no one to deceive yon In this. uxfW JtZuc44 -.on9 gnat jnst-as-good" are but All Counterfeit, IniWav h and endanger the health of Experiments that trill v ence against Experiment. Infants and Children What is CAS7JL Castoria Is a harmless substitute titr Cb. feasant. It goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.. It to JK Narcotic contains neither Opium,' Morphine nor other . ""onus substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy V "nd and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and: 'Vv . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constiptttfok. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlk . ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.- GENUINE CASTOR1A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of the company selected for him by mana ger A. W. Cronn is said to be a most -capable one. "We Are King" is re- ' plete with clever dialogue. That the scenic arrangements, costuming, rever sals and all preliminary details received Mr. Whiteside's personal attention in New York, is a guarantee of their per fection. Both the ptess and the public have received the production most cor- , Apple wrappers for packing at Owen dially. Mr. Carroll has been greeted Wlkil ciuwueu jiuuseH wueievei lie wan made bis appearance. . The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OKNTBUR COMPANY, TT HURRAY tTRRTi HCW YORK OrTT. Home and Abroad. Eastern Oysters. In the shell or bulk, just as you want them, at the Oregon Market, and groc ery. 'Ihese are the large' juicy kind. We can shell them while you wait f-r ihe same price you pay for the ones in cans and preserv -iine. I Qui ing & Taylor W 11 I" " ' I -Qraduates iiii'.n ' I.)ISCi30L3 and Di-KSUr m Lina cou n l elsewhero: ;3 I Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. ALBANY COLLEGE Offers rou largejadvantageslcam carry you forward from any point above the oighth'gradoltoa ' . , Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course Address H. M, Crooks Pres Lebanon Peas and string beans at Ellis & Sons. SILVERWARE We have the best Reed & Barton and Rogers Bros', at French's Jewelry STORe. Now is the time to buy alarm clocks. French the jeweler has all the various makes. We have one of the finest lines of engagement and wedding rings shown in Albany, r . M. jeweler- The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimore, every pair guar- ancea. Money nacn in ten perfectly satisfactory. Geo. A. Prichard of this citv. who has long been connected with the Her ald, has resigned his Dosition and will devote himself to other thing's. Would like to hear of stock for sale her DeoDle in any enterprise where an invest of several thousand dollars would be safe. L,. Uarbyshire, Box 2032, Rochester, ! N. 1. it Those wanting our services please notify by phone at once. We n.ay leave in a few days. Roberts & Rob erts, at Mrs. Woodin s, 3rd & Broad albin. Bell phone Red 3011, Home 43 Albany College Albany, Oregon. Beware of Detective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept ad security for money loaned. Kmtablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benoflt of our experience. Office corner of 3rd ar i Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The citizens of Eugene raised over $50,000 for a new Y. M. C. A. building within a week. The development of the resources of the Santiam Mining district means much for Albany and Linn County. Remember that we are to have a Good Roads Convention in this city in the very near future. Prepare to at tend. A big Annie Fair and display of horti- Prench the fLP'i.r'JL.'i ber. The neoDle of Oregon are becoming da h 1 more interested in their own good. They ' ii not are irking wjtn zeal and energy all; throughout Oregon for better roads. Salem is planning a most decided im provement in her water system and in tends to bring good fresh -water from the mountains to supply the needs of If Missed. Subscribers whojfail to getjtheir paper should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomery street call up Red 3132 Pac ific if missed, and your paper will come, if between Broadalbin and Montgom ery Home, and if west of Broadal- i bin street Pacific Black 892. I WANTED. Success Magazine require the services of a man in Albany t look after expiring subscriptions an to secure new business by means o special methods unusually effective position permanent; prefer one with experience, but would consider any one with good natural qualifications; salary $1.50 per day, with commission option. Address, with reference, R. C. Peacock, Room 0fi; Success Mag azine Bldg., New York. A. STARK, M. D PUY8IOIAN AND SVROBON yr- u Bldg, - - Albany : lit. J . jL, jEIXXjXj. Accidents will happen, but the best j regulatedjjfamilies keep ;Dr. Thomas' I Electric. Oil for such emergencies. It I subdues;the)pain;andheals the hurts. I 'ivriiclan &nl urvtios Hill BlocB Albany, Ur SgJ PJ CURES ..W.SIOM DISEASES i The Weather. Range of temperature 33-48. The river is 4.4 feet. Maximum 38. Minimum 33. Fair Tonight and Sunday. Oysters at the Metropolitan, j Q-Jfj () JJ The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market r- i AIU.., r, Broadalbin street, will have the best to Everybody in Albany i tllg be secured, the tat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. Worth Remembering. i Old people stooped with suffering,. Middle age, courageously fighting,. Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable ti explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch cold. Or when you strain the back Manv complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's ' Whem the blood is puseand healthy, the skin will be softj.smooth, and tree from all blemishes and eruptions ; but wiien some- acidi humor takes root in the circulation, its presence is quickly manifested by-some form of skin disease. The skim receives its necessary nourishment, and strength from the blood. Whenv. however, this vital Sudd becomes as humor-laden stream, itcan no longer preserve the healthy, natural appearanetof the skin, but by its acrid, impure nature continually irritates and inflames the delicate tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in"a diseased and disfigured; condition. External applications oannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial only for their ability to reduce inflammation, and 'assist in keeping the parts clean. To cure any skin trouble the blood must be purified the humors that are causing; the trouble-. S. S. S. drives ctifrthe humors from the blood so that the skin,, instead! of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a healthy, cooling' stream. " S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes every particlfcof impure matter, alii acids and humors, and restores the blood to its normal pore condition, thereby curing evecy form of skin disease or affection;. Book. on skin diseases and' any medical advice free to all who write.. , XHE S WIFE. SPECIFIC CO., ATXA5TA, GA. The Riverside Farm lit). SCIKIKI,, Proprietor breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs .8. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rocks, Light Hrahmaa, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin P.anttu.14. . 11. Turkeys, W.. . i -den Gese, i . n Ducks, 101 Guinu-.i" Winner of 17 prizes unci 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Tggs in Season -, Stock for Salo Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R P. D no 3 J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. hnvo money to loan in small and largo amounts. Notes and mortgages tiougnr. i will bond you. froperty handled for non-residents Housekeepers should bear in mind that when asiced bv eanvasserR nf pro. i.Am rn nurchnnn it nhnnnrmtA hakinfr disease. powir, that if they value their health Doan's Kidney Pills cure backartie they will refuse such powder. Phos- Cure every form of kidney ills, nhate baking powder is made from J. C. Walling, retired, of 424 S. burning bones, gathered at slaughter Denver St., Albany, Ore., saysi "f or houses whether from diseased animals soveral years I endured more or less or not. It is then mixed with a solu- suffering from kidney complaint, the tion of oil of vitriol. worst trouble being a retention of the Such baking powder usually contains secretions and painful paajages. I more or less alum and sells for 25 cents found temporary relief at times but per pound. Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured Manufacturers of inferior baking at Foshay & Mason's drug store, proved powders never print the ingredients on to re the best remedy 1 had ever used their label, never state how much alum for the trouble, bringing prompt and or phosphate it contains; in fact the gratifying relief and fulfilling every stronger it is, the more liable it is to be claim made for them. Some of my injurious to health. neighbors have found equally good re- Be on tne sale siae ano protect your suite trom tne use ot uon t money Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even-1 ing Chas. Sehoel commander. i The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. I. L. Swan clerk. 1 Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, t Hilka WarfordG..N: ! Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes-: days. Carrie Bnssard Oracle. The Ladies off the Grand Army of the : Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons- in the G. A. R. hall, i Strangers belonging to this order will . rseeive a royal welcen-.e. Mrs. Jennie , M. Brjwn, Secretary. j T. W.RIDDELL, M; 0, C., i VETERINARIAN I Office Both Phones 34 Albany Stables 1 ! ' ! y ALBANY. OREGON. FF3ST NATIONAL BAiK Di ulcerous 3 E Younjr P A Goodwin O J Sohmitt E W LatiRtion A C e-hmitl health by demanding the miie cream of tartar kind, which is made from tho purest grapes. Read the label and don't be deceived. C and E. lime Table. I 1 alianyL oKaffoN M n I ttMS & 0EVIE Rail Estate and Insuran lluy and sell realty. Insure prop erly and transact, loans. Large or smalt timber tracts. 1; W. FIRS I S I ALIIANY, OR. ..Want's Your Patronage Telephone Red 871 CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Cail or wnU him at No. 110 West Second it., Albany, Or Jm West pall, g- Fairdale Plant harm, I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. Iv"ER C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 5. CIDER. Made from choiee'apples, direct from the mill, or 4 days old. any age you want it, only 20c a gallon. We have good cider vinigar 6 years old 20c a gallon delivered any where in the city. Lone Pine Tree Farm, Home phono 2306. m More Lider. Pills and I hear a great deal of praise for this remedy. j For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Effective Thursday, October 1st, a cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, new time card will go into effect oa the New York, sole agents for th; United CorvaUie A Eastern Rairoad fol. States. , , , lows: KememDer tne name wan a anu , Throueh train9.. 6:45 a. m. leave Ya- I1U IJL11UI. r BALAKTY K W LANGDOX, President S E TOUNO Vice-President j ACSCimiTT Cuhier Transacts a general banking business. I Accounts kept subject to check. ! Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans 1 f er sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and) Portland, ' Goi lection roaoc on favorable terms. Sooifs Sanial-PepsTn Capsuies A POSITIVE CURE rorlnflimmttion orCfttarrhof ma manner ana imeaseii aid. qutna; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. . . Leave Albany 12:38 p. m., ajrriveYa-' NU bALtbMVC LUANS, qwnaeas. , . . Corvallis Local 6:30 a. m. leave Cor- NOT A D0LLARlINST0LKi,l'tad8ih.:2:lB p m daily, except Su.ioay; 6 00 p. m. daily. NO SPECULATION WITH I 6 a. m. leave Albany daily; 8:35 r.r-,.r .. xir,f nn ? ..m- dal'y- ?P' bu"d.y: 7:. P-. m- utrusiiutts munci. un,aay- J4"i Agent. t Pnnno kiwi 71 Hnmanhnno fi i uel-l. 110 00EE MO PAT. Cure nrKiT aoa verniRnenll? mo worst rnree 01 GonorrbocK We still make good cider, and will r 20 eta. gal. good 6 year deliver anywhere in city tor 20 eta. gal. Only a lew gallons or tnat old vinegar left. Lonm Pinb Treh Farm. OUR OWN, NO OTHErft BUSINESS TO KEEP UP. JUST STRAIGHT.OLD FASH- 10NED BANKING. J.W. CUSICK& C0. BANKERS. Albany, Oregon and Oleet, do muter rf how ong Btaodltiir. A fciolntely nnrmlMs. Sold by dmcsist. Price SI. CO, or by mail, port THE SANTAL-PEPSIK CL Bellcfontalne, OtOo. For tale bv Borkh.rt & T M. B. CRAFi , . , 24Z West Second St., Albany Milk Notice. r, -, l l u ' First-class meats fofQair kinds' from Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for selected stock.; ' milk will be. as follows: I Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $2.10 ' ' " pt. 4 $120, In ean lata 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25 eeats, piat IS cents, H pt. 10 cents. j H. M. Palmkr, ! Prop. Gotten Rule Dairy. ' J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWINQ Home Phone 2805.