Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 04, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    Men's Shirts at $1.50
The best dol
lar fifty shirt
in town that
is what we
claim for our
line of Meu's
SI. 50 shirts.
You will agre3
with us when
you see them.
We have shirts
at $1.00 also.
White dress shirts and plaited
bosom shirts in a ereat range of
handsome fancy patterns.
Ladies CoatsNewest Styles
Our showing of Coats was
never so Jarge nor so compre
hensive. This shipment range
from 16.50 to 25.00.
News From Albany's Six
Reliable Furs-Now is the time
to buy. You will have the
choice of a large variety of the
best selected furs.
Collarette of Coney from $1.50 to $4 00
Collarette of Fox and Opossum $5 to $12
Collarette of Mink from $12 00 to $40 00
President Kerr and Prof. Withy
combe, of the O. A. C, left to attend a
session of the Uountry Lite Uommis
aion, organized under the direction of
President Roosevelt, to meet in Port
land this week. The movement for the
development of the country life idea is
a splendid one, and prominent men do
well to promote it.
President Crooks left for Portland.
He is warm on the trail of the endow
ment fund for the college, and will
A Conference to be Held For Bus
iness. Before adjournment last evening the
good roads people at the court house,
organized for businsss, with Judge J.
N. Duncan as president, C. H. Stewart
T. J. Butler, and William Grimes vice
presidents, C. H. Stewart secretary and
V. J . Miller treasurer.
A committee on membership was np
pointpd, consisting of D. H. Pierce of
Harrisburor. M. L. Forater. Tangent.
R. E. Houston, Price, J. A Wallace,
Scio and C. H. Stewart, Albany.
The Grange and commercial Llubs of
sDend considerable timo the coming thn pnnnt.v were invited to send dele-
yea, hi iia (jiuuiuuvii, mi i, mcaii. iuulu gates to u cuuiureiice iiero uii lycu. JlXLll,
for the future of Albany college. when changes in the road laws and
pretty patterns. 10c t
New Showing of Quilts
Marsailles and Crochet
$1.00 to 4.00
Men's High Cut Shoes
The kind you can depend on.
Such famous makes as the
Cutter, Putman, Florsheim,
and Strong & Garfield
$3.50 to $9.00
a year on the
Under wear
question and
find always
that Muns
ine under
wear has no
superior for
comfort or
durability. It is modestly priced.
Childrens's Unions 60c to . 50
Boys Special Unions . 85c
Ladies UnioUs $1.00 to $3.00
Men's Unions $1.60 to $6.00
P. H. Colpitts left for the Gold Creek
mines, where he will be for some time
vet. He is verv enthusiastic over the
I proposed smelter for the mines, some
thing which will mean much for them, a
saving of $15 a ton. In order to secure
the smelter the mines themselves must
be promoted and sumeiently developed
to justify the smelter, and this is what
is beine done. The smelter Deonle have
plenty ot money tor tneir part ot it.
other wants will be considered. It is
to be a conference for business.
Judge Scott is doing splendid work,
and the people of Linn county propose
to back him up.
Deeds recorded: '
Fairlotta Crabtree to Mary Crab-
traA A lnt- Spin . . . . . .S
u. i5. mil ana winiam oaiaweii went w n Wnnhhnm tn a. Marv
to Salem on legal business. Northern 153.75 a also 6.24 a. ,
M. Micnem lett tor rortiana on out-
tci1 lousiness i
Surveyor Geddea left on atrip up the Mortgages $500, $20W and $45
C, & ;,, , Satisfactions for $800 and $1700.
C J. Shcdd of Shedd came down on a .
business trip. Probatei-Mry R. Nixon appointed
administratrix of the estate of Jas. F.
The attention of the Albany Cummer- Nixon. Value of estate $1200. Ap-
cial Club is called to the new springs on
the doors of the new depot. They
not work with sufficient firmness.
100,000 100,000
We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been
filled in our store withoutjone single mistake just think h9w money differ
ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with
out an error. Our drugs are right Our prices are right. We treat you
right. The store of quality. . . , ,
Now have a gi'nd list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show
ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St .
P, O'Brien Coming.
jraisers Austin Alford,
sylvester Leach.
John George,
Enjoyed at the Alco Club.
The Alco Club held its first ladies'"
night under the new arrangement last
night, with a large number present.
It was a live affair immensely enjoyed,
and ladies' nights promise to be very
popular the coming winter. The even
ing was spent in games and sociability.
A feature of the evening ,as a bask
et ball game between last year's high
school team and this year's team, easily
won bv the former champions of Ore
gon. The quick, snappy playing of the
famous Dollie Bending, splendidly back
ed by Melissa Martin and the other
girls was too mucn ior me novices,
who, though made a good showing and
is a promising team. Prof. Marquam
officiated as referee.
Following this Prof. Luck and his
class gave a gym drill that was enjoyed,
snowing marked improvement in the
class. The gym is a very popular place,
with some excellent material in the
members for athletics.
These ladies' nights will be held twice
a month on nights to be named.
The Foresters.
The session of the Foresters of Amer
ica last night was an interesting one.
The grand secretary A. B. Dalgetti,
was present and his visit added to the
interest. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year:
George Tracey, chief ranger.
Lawrence Motzgar, sub chief ranger.
. J. J. Collins, treasurer.
Walter Govro, recording secretary.
Fred Hockspier, senior woodward.
Chas. Dannals, junior woodward.
O. L. Crabtree, senior beadle.
Allin Anderson, iunior beadle.
Claim W. Dawson, financial BCCre-
The County Court allowed a few bills ' tary.
! x . . T - 1 x . . 1 . I. I
good roads convention.
Manager J. P. O'Brien, of the South- cjrcujt Court-
em Pacific, will be in Albany tomorrow vMm.a ' Wnn , T,n.ffB
at 1 o'clock, when he will meet with Large, and time given to file briofs.
Manager Dasent and others of the AM Lora Vance et al agt. J. R. Wyatt
bany Commercial Club and talk over to settle the title to a partition wall
varions matters, among others, the , was heard and submitted.
vacation of the county road the Other
side of the depot, with arrangements
to get out into the country by another
route, and the filling in ot the low
places north of the new depot and
freight warehouse, places that have
been eyesores for years. Mr. O'Brien
is doing the right thing by Albany,
something which is generally appreciated.
Raking the Dead.
Will Hunt Ducks.
Guy Lewelling, of Salem, came up to
day to help open the season at the Hul
burt reserve tomorrow, when the ducks
will meet with a warm reception, The
Albany hunters interested in the place
will be on hand early in the morning
whin the day breaks.
SILVERWARTwave thobest
Reed & Bnrton and Rogers Broa'. at
War Rfw. W S finrrlnn'n mhiopt at.
the revival services at the Methodist . French's Jewelry Sione.
Episcopal church last night. These
services continue to be of great inter
est to all those attending. A duet was
sung by Mr, and Miss Willard, which
;nvas greatly enjoyed. Tonight Rev.
j Gordon will speak on "Serpents in the
! Wilderness," and every body is most
cordially invited to these services. To-
Trv a Patrick Gordon Ciear. Be.
Fresh Chinook Balmon from Yaoama '
Bayjat the Metropolitan.
If you are in doubt as to what you
-want, come to tne uregon MarKet.
There you will find just what your ap
ipetite calls for. ,
If vou want to buy or rent a tyne
writer, see Rawlings. He handles al
makes and keeps supplies tor any m a
chine. See his window of Remington s
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
'the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in AiDany. bKittuuy sec
if desire'' -
Miss Harkness a Candidate.
VjTIca l-Wak LI ... !...... nf ,1,1. ..It,,
uiiod uibii uaiac.D, J . .,1,0 V. 1 1. T .0 -. , , ,
' - ' mnnviin n.rrhf i anamal m.winn f a, man
candidate for a trip with the Sunset .oniy wU1 be held fn the -hurch, and a
.rat the Oregon Market. Just the thing
.for those pies tor Thanksgiving. We
make it ana Know it is clean ana cheap
er than you can make it for.
Oysters at the Metropolitan.
The oyster season Has opened, and
from now on the Metrowolitan Market
Broadalbin street, will have tho best to
be secured, the fat article, good meas
oiue. JuBt from the beds. ,
' Also all the fish delicacies of the sea
son. Call when you want the best,
meat and clean.
pcrty to the inauguration at Washing-
ten D. C. In order to secure it she parsonage,
'will need to sell 250 annual subscrip- mind.
ions to sunset, mat ougnt to oe
done here. Sunset is a fine magazine,
one whieh should be in orery home.
aind Albany people will do well to boost
JUies uarfcness tor the trip ay subscrib
ing. '
I (MUUl.Ug XVI wuiiitsu win uu ueiu ill me
n.?ep taese services in
The Weather.
To Please Your Palate
TV-y some Orange or Apricot mamna
i lade or Guara jelly, from the Orego
Market. It is delicious. Nothing but
1 pure fruit and sugar.
A Library lamp makes a long evening
j short. We have them.
when cleaned by nur methods of dry
cleaning, are made to look just as good
as made to .ook just as new. Waists I
and dresses of delicate colors and ma-1
terial we renovate to the delight of the !
owner. We also dye any garmnnt de- i
sirea in Deautitul shades ana colorings
C. E. SHELLEY, Prop.
4-0 Wfjlst St. Beli Phone black 273
Home phone 196
and Tinning.
Bell Red 2401. Home 246.
First-class work
The Suitable Christmas Gift
The one you are racking your brains
for you'll find in our superb show
ing of Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand
painted China, Cutlery Novelties,
Silverware, etc.
We oifer foryou c inspection the
most incomplete showing of dis
tinctively Mi-tisii.-. :ml beautiful
"stocks we ever carrieJ.
YOU are cordially invitedy to
drop in and Inspect whether you buy
or not.
OYSTERS, served in all styles, and
by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's.
Burkhart guarantees his photos.
Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 6 cent '
F. G.
Mandolin Lessons
Evenings at his residence 128 Water St.
! Lessons 50c. Home Phone
Home Phone dav time eveninprs
Osteopathic Physician,
220 Eroarialbin'Street, Albany.
I-hcne Klacn 482.
Graduate of Wil!ia.oi H. Sherwood's
bchool of Music, wnl give private in
Istructians in Pianj &t. the Private. Par
. lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays.' Hours
o to t
Range of temperature 50-3(3.
' The ricer has continued to fall and is
only 2.9 Jeet.
The total rainfall during November
was 4.07 inces. The highest tempera
ture was on the 3rd, 71 degrees, the
lowest cn the 26th, 28 degrees above. .
The prediction is. Fair tonight and
F. M. French local observer.
Ordained to the Priesthood.
.The Rev. John Moras will receive
the order of the priesthood at the hands
of Arcfaibishop Christie on Dec. Snd
and will be assigned to work at St.
Mary 's church, this city immcdiatelj.
His induction into office will take place
at a special service at 10 a. m. Thurs
day and a reception will be held in his
honor after the Sunday evening ser
vices, Xlec. 6.
Two Things.
Lots of tiros nt Baltimore's, opo
site the Democrat office.
A subscriber wants the Democrat to
set down on chickens running at large
in the city. He also wants tho gopher
problem settled. The gophers are mul
tiplying fast and thousands of dollars
worth of property are destroyed by
them. When the writer used to liye in
I. .inn fonnfu Ta fh hntra .utaiotJ fan
' cents for each dead gopher. Why not
try it nere.
- Land in Small Tracts.
For thirty days we have five 6-acre
I tracts and four 10-aere tracts, within a
! mile and a half of Albany. Fine land
I at the right price and on easy terms.
Get busy before it advances in price,
i Inouire of the Linn and Benton Real
Estate Co.. temporary offices over the
Doll Carriages !
Prices Just Right
Charles Knecht's
Pocket Cutlery.
Fine packet
knives at Baltimore's,
RINGS Friendship, Engagement
and Weddine-. at French 'b
Jewblry Store,
Burkhart. Dhotoorranher. flucnpqnni. in
MaKinstry. j
Albany Denot and football nnat mriia '
at Moisers.
Mission Art Glass Library Lamps
Ealston Electric Supply co.
Next Fridav and Saturriav. I).
ber 4th and 6th, two days only, Dr.
t,owe, tne well-known optician, will be
in Albany. He does not go from house
to house. Consult him about your eyes
and glasses at Revere House Parlor.
on bixth and Lafayette St., at 40 I
cents per bushel. Unsorted first as I
they came from the field, and if you
help me ack them, or measure them
I will take less, now is your chance.
Alv in J.. Carothers.
There is satisfaction in know
ing that the candy you buy is
made right in town under con
ditions similar to those prevail
ing in your own kitchen. There
is satisfaction also, in having
assurance that, whatever kind
you decide upon, it is FRESH,
made from the purest material
and that it is sold in a store
' where cleanliness is insisted
Do these sound home-like to
Chocolate Penotia
Peanut Brittle
Molasses Tatties
Democrat Building, Albany,'
Second and Ellsworth Street), Albany
Is prepared U make and repair boots 1 . '
nd for men. women and chil 1 .er Wcodwor'.h's Drug Store,
dren in a workman line manner .
lrvtord Block, - - - AJtias,
Will be open fur skaters Tuesd ty,
'ill sdaylandSaturdayinightB. Go and
l.i; ihe sport. t21
The Customer who came back made us.
We pleased him by giving him Value, not
by what we told him. The clothes we sold
him, was the magnet that brought him back
again. The clothes we'll sell you will bring
you back. We have no other sort. Call
at our newly equipped store, and investi
our new lines, which will appeal to
more than mere words can say.
Everything for Men.
The Blain Cloting Company.