Between Season This between season department in our store for its share of realize this and have striven to make each one of particular interest to you. It will pay you to visit the different depart ments and personally inspect the values we offer. Below we direct you to several which we feel will interest and please you: Millinery We have decided to con Still a tinue the reduced prices on the trimmed Hats indefinite ilv. childrens ate garments Don t tun to visit mis de partment. Always sometning new. IF ITS HERE NEW ITS f he Jnuurm .'iiittirtiU 41. cue post office, Albuuy, Or 4 mtcond class mail matter. FPNUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, i-i.O". By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year SU.BO. The WeeklyAdvance pfiryflnr$1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at 12.; OUR WANTS At the W. C. T. U. hall last night someone traded hats by mistake, get ting a good deal better one than the one left. Under the band is the name of the owner and the Elks' lodge num ber. Other hat may be h ad at the Democrat office. FOUND. -Braps key. Cull at Demo" crat office. WANTED, Girl to do general house work. Apply 617 West Ninth Street. FOR SALE. FreBh Jersey cow, big milker and rich quality. Inquire 939 E First. FOR RENT. A modern six room house Inquire 828, E 8th. t3. FOR SALE. -A corner lot barn ahd house. Inquire 620 E 6th. WANTED. Elderly woman wants light employment in a home for her board and lodging, or will care for for children during absence of par ents. Address P. 0. Box. 302, Al bany, Oregon. FOR RENT. -A furnished room, nt 225 West Third streot. COOKING APPLES delivered for 35 cents a bushel. J. G. Cibson. Home phono 4054. NAPOL1SON JUAN, Architect, con i tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltveit 1016 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1 FOR SALE. 160 acres foot hills 12 miles west of Junction, good house, barn; a springs; truit on it $15 an acre or will trade for Albany prop- orty. J. R. Metzgar 3rd and RR. POTATOES. E. L. McKeever will do- liver them anywhere in the city. I Phone Farmers 2X1 Bell. tDl SLAB WJOD 75c per cord at mill 17 cords to car. Mail your orders di rect.' The Curtis Lumber Co., Mill City, Or. It DIRT FOR SALE. Dirt and gravel in fine condition. 50c a load, 40c when over 50 loads. Soe J. F. Wontworth, Albany Supply House.; ' FOR SALE.-38 acres, nil In cultiva tion, with house and barn, 4 miles oast of Albany. Also two cornor lots between 1st and Water Streets, by Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water St. Homo Phono bliickl07. FOR SALE Pure bred Whito Leg-1 horn roosters, Black Minorca rooBt ers, Plymouth Roek roosters, and pure bred Tulouso geese. Mrs. J. 0. Porter, R. D. 2, Box 15. Homo phono 3651. tfl. FOR SALE. A good 7 room house and barn with 4 good lots, west Albany. This is the best bargain that has been offered. If you want a'snap iook this up without delay. J. V. Pipe. 203 West 2nd st. CABHAGE for sauerkraut. E. L. Mc Keever, Bell phono 2X1. FOR SALE. Two horse gasoline en- trine, jack ana pump. iau upon j S. Morcran at the brick jard, phone black 3S2. J. S. Morgan 13 WOOD FOR SALE.-Somo good dry wood, l'hnne E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell. 201 Home. MUSIC LESSONS.-Piano and organ. Phono black 971. Helen Elkins. FIRE INSURANCE, Merchant's Mutual. House Uldg. Beaver State Inquire at Opera SODA WATER. Cascmlia water from the Geisendorfer springs, may bo hud at Tomlinson & Holmim's and at the Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t AERMOTERIgasohne pump, air coated with pump jack, ready to hitch to pump for only $45. Crawford the Aermotor man will be glad to show you. FIRE INSURANCE -O F. K. A. oil McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu-1 tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. i FOR SALE. Modol N Ford runabout seasc. in una r lie o. ct ndition. Apply to W. W. raw- as it were seems Underwear Cloaks & few odds and ends This line consisting of Underwear and ladies and newest Btyles and cloths we have kept complete and union Buits and sep-l btrictly up-to-date. However at this Between 'Season we offer them at Half Price. Large Reductions. Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON A Tocsin for tho Times. By W. S. Gordon. An appeal to the thoughtless children of Christian ancestors: O children of the saints, arise And gird your armor on ! A "Promised Land" is still at stake, The day will soon be gone. The royal blood is in your veins, And duty will not down; Your hand was made to wield the sword; Your brow to wear a crown ! Perchance you bear the name of one Who died for conscience sake Some Puritan or Hugonot Who shrank not from the stake. But what avails it all to thee The martyrs fire and sword If faithless to the sacred trust You fight not tor the Lord? As brave a battle wages now As waged in days gone by You're matching pennies in your tents While others fight and die I How daro you talk of "father's faith," And "mother's prayers" for you, While trampling underneath your feet, The book that made them true 1 Plead not the "changes of the timeB" Or cringing Custom's nod Deserters always trailed the reat In the armies of our God I His granite law must stand unchanged While God himself is true; The direct change that time hath wro't Is wrought by sin in you. Still burns the old heroic fire, Still yawns tho gulf of sin, ! Still surgos on tho giddy throng That blindly plunges in. Still flows for you the crimson flood Of God's Eternal love; Still holy hands are beckoning From battlements above. a ,iin wori,i demands vour life No tmo for WJmk com)lainta , Thon rise Bnd Bird your armor on Yo children of the saints 1 Frenzied 1 hmie,lils. The Indiana Sonatorship is one that won't be settled at the White House. That is something to be thankful for. Mr. rtlorso was probably selected as an example of the Millionaire in jail because he violated the rule which pro hibits Btcaling from another thief, which is a serious thing in New York. Stealing from the common people is, of ' cour8e anotnor tiling. Just as soon as Mr. KooBcvelt leaves i tho White House ho will have to smell of every dollar that comes into his ! hands to keep from being caught with j Standard Oil money on his person. 1 Even the "Outlook" which he is to edit la owned by a "Standard Oil" Magnate. Nat Goodwin has tied, Lillian Rus sell's score I Cubans appear to have looked U on tho call to battle as a call to arms. I Mr. Morso says he would us soon be sentenced for life as for fifteen years-; Well, we have no objection to accom- modating him if ho insists. 1 Since Mr. Morso soaked John W. ! I Gnt.ti itnil Charlnv Ki'hwnh it is nnt i surprising to learn that burglars have recently cleared out Big Bill Devery. ; Delinqutnt subscribers are to be severely dealt with in tho "Outlook",' henceforth. The man who would "beat" his subscription is an undesira-, bio citizen, : F. G. Will for watches. I fi 0rKc Suited to vu the house jEWELRY Storh. any room in at French's A good quality of brick for sale op- Tracey, 316 Montgomery St., Albany Values to call upon every especial values. We Suits Neckwear of the This line presents some of the dantiest effects we have ever shown, All the new ruchings and collars are found here. You will want them if you see tnem. IF ITS NEW HERE ITS TO-NIGHT We Are King, at the Opera House. Mr. Edmund Carroll presenting Mr. Walker Whiteside's great comedy suc cess "We Are King," by Lieut. Gor don Kean, author of "The Magic Mel' ody" will be the attraction at the opera house tonight. This delightful comedy affords Mr. Carroll an exceptional op portunity to display his unlimited talent. Of the play the Louisville Times has the following to say: "One of the most artistic triumphs of the present theatrical season is "We Are King," given for the first time in Louisville New Masonic Theater, last night to an audience that was as re sponsive as the most exacting actor could desire." The action of the piece centers around Gustavus Venner and Hector, King of Kahnburg, a dual role that is most ac ceptably filled by Edmund Carroll, who has not hitherto been largely known in this histronic world, but with another season or two, should have a better ac quaintance with the play-goers because of his present excellent work. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postofRce uncalled for Dec. 2, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: ..- R. E. Armstrong, Ireen Anderson, Willie Howell, Mrs. Margaret Irvine, Wm. G. Johnston, Dale Keihl, L. B. Lindsay. B. G. Lynch, I. Peterson, H. A. Piper, Wyatt Stewart, Edward Spencer. J. s. Van Winkle, P. M. Blanch, That's it. Blanch baking powder guaranteed to be as good as Royal or Schillings. Try it and be convinced. W e sell it. See the $50 steel range. ELLIS &. SONS, Grocerymen. 193 W. First St. Both phones. Stop That Pain How? By using the Portable Exhil ator. Dort fail to see free demonstra tion at Dawson's Drug Store, next few days only. t 23 . At the Vienna BaKery. Best hot tamalesin town. Hot coffee and lunches, a'choice affair. Tamalies ! Tanialies ! We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken Tamalcs. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making them, try one. At The Crest. L. L. POTTS Both Phones, Ralston Electric Supply Co. sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND Ca about it. PERSONAL. ' Mr. John Aikin, of Toledo, went to Portland this afternoon. Prof, C. H, Jones, who has been at tend'ng the institute, went to Eugene this afternoon. L. S. Fish went to the big ridge to wards the ocean this afternoon on a busii ess trip. Miss Gertrude Taylor is spending the Thanksgiving vacation season with Lila Patton at Halsey. They will oacg tomorrow moaning. In giving the program at the Alley- mentioning an excellent vocal solo by k1 VO h' u Mnl 'nu IVhnrlaa i-inw uiwuj vuo. Mrs. John Walker and daughter Mrs. Marks, returned to their home at In. dependence yesterday after a two weeks visii with the former siBter Mrs. Guy Thompson. J. E. Bridgeford, of this city, beats the Democrat man's 28 years from his folks. He has three brothers and two sisterB he has not seen for 42 years, and one of the brothers is as neai as Spo kane. Seth Thomas French arrived home this noon from Page, Wash., where he had been on a visit with his sister, Mrs. Frances French Williams. He had the time of his life, shooting ducks, geese and jack rabbits, and when there was no game he cut wood. Home and Abroad. r ather Lane was in ttug ene v day conferring with Father O'Farrell I Floyd Lane, a well known Corvallis drayman, died Sunday night. ! W. H. Sherwood, the great pianist oi unicago, expeccs to oe out in tne Northwest the coming season on a con ert tour. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing out an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,- O. " Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Johnson's Best Flour Is a perfect flour. Makes the most delicious and nourishing bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc. After one trial, yon will want to use it continually thereafter. Your grocer has it. CHAS. A, II0AG, SURVEYOR City and farm surveying a specialty, j 218 West 3rd St., . Albany, Or i 316JW. 2nd St. A MIRACLE Is what we'll create in your home on the Installation of Elec tricity. We'll make those dull, gloomy rooms Brilliant, Bright and In-yiting-and at practically your present cost of lighting. "VoIinnmJcfittKsri'i- fnf kllllUiaillllkll i . 1U1 NOTICE. i To all of those desiring to list both country and city property for sale, we are at the present time getting out a new list and all those desiring to place t ieir property on the market, we wou d like to have them come in and list it with us bv the middle of December, as . we desire to have the new list completed 0e Viv that timn T n.ill Mat property with me I will do the best I can in regard to selling same. We have a great many eastern : pie inquiring for price lists of city country DroDertv. and are sendimr ; ple inquiring for price fists of citv and . , - , courier v nrnnirv. nnti nrn ftnninir pnen day a great number to the East and to liferent states m the union All those desiring to get their prop erty in this new list please call at our j office and leave description of same be- tween this and the middle of December, and I will endeavor to do the very best ' I can in securing you a buyer for your property. I promise you 1 will deal ' fairly and squarely with you in all my undertakings. J. A. HOWARD & CO.. Real Estate. 825 W. first St., next door to Post Office. Burkhart Photographer. LOST. A watch charm, gold, four chains, initials W. H, A. on fob. Re turn to Democrat office. FOR SALE.-Barred Plymoth Rock Cockerels. Phone Farmers 29 Bell. t6. FOR SALE.-Gravel for side walk fil ling at 25c a load. Inquire opposite PostOffice. BLOCK WOOD FOR SALE. Home phone 1213. . . ' . ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I. R. SHULTZ, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY WED. EVE. DEC. 2ND AN EXCELLENT COMPANY. A. W. CROSS Presents MR. EDMUND CARROLL in WALKER WHITESIDE'S GREATEST COMEDY SUCCESS . "We Are King" , A CLEAN, BRIGHT COMEDY DRAMA. PLEASING ALL CLASSES. . ONE OF THE BEST PLAYS SEEN IN PORTLAND IN A LONG TIME. A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. PRICES 75c, 50c, and 25c. "mm SELECTING A A range is not bought every day. A few dollars more or less in price does not determine whether a range is chpap or dear. You want the best; that is the very first consideration. . The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are: How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack, break on warp? Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in cooking and baking? Will it wear well? The "Quick Meal" Factory is st well equipped with latest and most improved 1 llAinntr & n i t " Oi 1 15 i n , macmntjy, umi vuiiv mru oiwi nnmion f hnn nn nthflP Rantre. nnrl in nviiiii.. - r ... uiu. juu gCL llltt beat for no more money than what you would have lo pay for the ordinary, cheaply constructed range. For sale by - STEWART & SOX H'DW GO. ALBANY, . . OREGON CLOSING OUT SALE. Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Phonographs and Records, safe and show cases, must be sold by Jan. 1, '09. All at cost except contract goods. Your last chance for the Cream of Columbia Records. Don't miss it. A. SCHMIDT, ' Albany, Or., 122 Ferry St. REAL ESTATE. Guod modern eight room house with furnace, situated close in, West Al bany. Price, $2750. Two houses and three lots, East Al bany. Price, $2200. A four room house and one lot, East Albany. Price, $650. . A good new house, a nice lawn and the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany. Price, $1500. FARMS 265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation, improvements fair, balance of land in good timber. Six miles from Albany. Price $33 per acre. 11 acres in prunes, house and good dryer, one mile and a half from Albany. Price, $2200. 30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a good little town. All A No. 1 land. New buildings. Price, $2250. 60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of apple orchard, well taken care of, good buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one and a half miles of a good town. 100 acres, 5 miles from a good town, in Linn county, all in cultivation. 4 acres in orchard, balance of landiall in cultivation. Exceptionally good build ings. Price, $6500. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second street. Seats on sale at Woodworth's. NEW RANGE. nmigea are maae more periecu ana eco- sppntincr a Omr-tr Mnr" ah ti Go to EASTBDRN'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a spet ialty. BARGAINS n Crockery ard Gltftwarp as ne iD tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our can -t.-?t store. Both phones Main 66. ford. agt. Ford Motor Can.