Albany D eurocrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4 !08 MO IS DREAMLAND ALL FOR AL I ATTORNEY To-Night. ,BANY COLLEGE The Greatest Picture Program yet. RECEPTION Oli THE AMERICAN FLEET AT SIDNEY, AUSTRALIA. THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST -a beautiful band colored picture. Hurry Up Please A Fine Laugh Producer, Songs: I Love You Like the Roses Love the Dew. I'd Rather Float then a Dreamy Old Waltzh with You, You, You. FINCH A MURDERER. Kills Attorney Ralph Fisher Portland Today! of Portland, Or., Nov. 28. Attorney Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. .'New Rugs made from old carpets. iBoth phones.' Home 210. Bell B, 402. Churches of Oregon will help ! their School. A meeting was held yesterday in Portland at the rooms of the Portland Commercial Club to discuss the edu- riio.,. Th men who met together James A. Finch of Portland shot and were all Presbyterians and interested in killed Attorney Ralph Fisher in Port the advancement of their denomination- ' land at 1.30 today. Disbarment pro alstfhool. In addition to business men di h d b en pr08ecuted by Fisher of Ponland; the trustees of Albany . . , . r . . . ... College ana members of the Presby- Smat Finch and recently the Supreme terian Ministerial Association were Court of the State of Oregon lSBued a present and tooK part in the deliber- mandate disbarring Attorney Finch for ations. ' a period of one year. The charge was Those present at the gathering were l "appearing in Court in a drunken con President H. M. Crooks; Rev. W. H. .dition." Holt, D. D. ; Rev. E. M. Sharp, D. D.; Fisher was a member of the griev Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D.; Rev. W. H. ance committee of the Oregon Bar As Foulkes, D. D.; Rev. A. J. Montgomery, sociation and appointed prosecutor' in Rev, Geo. W. Arms, Rev. J. S. Dunn- a matters pertaining to conduct of ing. Rev. H. H. Pratt, Rev. J A. P. 1 lawyers. Finch was formerly from Al McGraw, D. D.; Rev. T. B. Griswold, ;bany. He has been arrested and lodged Rev. C. W. Hays, W. H. Phelps, jn jajl. He denies that he shot Fisher. i-letcner L,inn, u. in. owli., j. Steele. Land in Smai! Tracts For thirty days We fiaVS five Army Beats Navy. - Philadelphia, Nov. 28. The foot fcflci'fl'hjill team reDresentine West Point tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within S Annapolis to- In rl -"-IV 0REQ0NIDAH0 CONFERENCE. The Third Annual Oregon-IdahoBoy's Conference met in Eugene yesterday aud will last for three days. This organization is under the super vision of the State Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. The delegates going from Albany will number five, as follows: L. tacBride. Rolla Ralston. Park Stalnaker, Edward Viereck.Elbert Warford. A. C. Schmitt will also attend the sessions. The sess ions will last Sunday night and a good program has heen prepared and will be followed in detail. It is expected that large delegations from Oregon andJJaho will be present and participate in the sessions. Many prominent Y. M. C. A. leaders and workers among the young boys will be there and assist in making the sess ions as profitable is possible for the young men that will gather in conven tion. Each club or organized Sunday School class is entitled to one delegate for every ten members. Entertain ment will be furnished by the Boy's uub of Eugene in the homes of that city, COUNTY INSTI TUTE MONDAY. ' KEEP an EY . ou the Vienna Bakery !fr good things to EAT. Second street (between Ellsworth and jjvod. mile and a half of Albany. Fme at the right price and on easy terms, j Get busv before it advances irt price. ' Inquire of the Linn and Benton Real n f . . -i. x . CRr, nits, thtf liState UO. lempuriu-y unite, w.o. P. 0. Steel Cut Oats And Cream Rolled Oats at the Ore-1 gon Mprket. This is the new crop. I day.- Score 6 to 4. Bit; Explosion, P'rff'SBUTG Nov. 28. An explosion in a coal mine at Marianna entombed near ly 300 men today. Expected all dead as flames are raging. At the Vienna BaRery. Don't Miss this Opportunity REMEMBER the entire Crocker Stock will be sold out in the next thirty days Tell Iverybody Call early while the selection is large. Haviland china, Half Price Cut Glass Half Price Turkey platter - Half Price Dolls, all sizes, 20 pr. ct. discount Fancy Cup & Saucer 20 pr. ct. discount Fancy Plates 20 pr. ct. discount Fancy Silverware 20 pr. ct. discount Dolls! Dolls! Not a bit to early sto buy your dolls to dress. We're showing a complete line now and if you wantthe choiset come in at once. ' Our toy counter is heaping full with toys also. Bring the little iolks and let them look HEISER & MEISER M ' '' ' I LJu.Mwir.W-.BnmjU4'jtM,Aiu)4a.:?!D I Best hot tamales in town. Hot coffee and luncheB, a'choice at- fair. ! Deafness Cannot be Cured ! by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by the constitutional rem- edies. Deafness is caused by an in ! flamed condition of the mucous lining of I the Eustachian Tube. When this tube I is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is H1 Mn.ori Deafr-aa is the SUlt. I and unless the inflammation can ,be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be de J s'troyed lorevei ; nine cases out of ten . are caused by Catarrh, which isnothing ! Dut an inflamed condition of the mucous i We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Gotarrn (jure, aena ior circular, ireo. 1 F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. CnMKo nrno-D intn. 7Sc. 1 Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. The regular annual teachers' institute will convene in Bession in this city on next Monday and continue throughout the first three days of next week. The sessions will De field in tne BapUBt church beginning ac9:00 a. m., Monday. xtra talent nas Deen engaged ana will appear on the program at stated times. On Monday night a public reception is to be held in the Maccabee Lodge rooms. to which the visiting teachers and friends are invited. On Tuesday night a public entertainment will take place in the Rnnf iRt. ehtirch. President Camn. " I bell of the University of Oregon will be the speaker and the remainder of the program win do ox a nuaceiianeuua character and will be by members of the college faculty and students from the High School. A goon program win De presented to the public that night and the admission will be free. A large attendance is much desired by the men in charge of the arrangements. 223 First Street COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CR0CKERYJC0. Opposite First National Bank. Glove Day Monday One Day Only NOV. 30 One Day Only Special Glove Day AH our Famous Brands of Gloves such as Dents, Perrins Simmons and Steukalai's at sale prices for ONE DAY ONLY. C. H. NEWS - Mortgages: $600, $150, $150, $600. Four Satisfactions of mortgages. Quit Claim deed; I. E. Richardson and wife to Sarah C. Bennett. Ila$5.00. Deeds recorded: Kmma Kelley and husband to W. W. Powell, 11 acres, $1100. H. Y. Kirkpatrick and wife, Samuel M. Garland and wife to James Henry Goinor. all of bl 2. Sweet Home $300. Vina E. Banta and husband to John H. Higgins and Agnes E higgins, I 81 a $1500. Jos. Abrams et al to John H. Hig gins et al, 40.91 a, $250. . Jubilee Singers. The Empire theater has a special fea ture thin Affcnrtionn in a rnmnnnv fit 'darkey jubilee lingers and musicians. :n l. : .1 .... - . . aucjt win uu in mo city lur luiugnfc tuiu can be seen at the Empire. HOFf-ICH'S for your oysters proparly served, according to taste, Happyland Rag Doll at Meisers'. Just received A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are rightithis year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bm taste like 40 cts. i; :;.''; ;r:. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. Pm-Mini and Dick of all $4.0C r For choice of 50 pairs of Elite and I $2.59 pr. ESsJfEi!&98c pr. av- fsr&&s white wine greefand blue. Every pair Real French broken lots nut good colors anu sues. Kid worth $4.00 pr. for only $2.a9. ; " " " " " " mj-o. !o1b we offei 4 An For Perrins $3.00 black 12 B $1.49 pr. SrSpS3$1.98 pr. - Gloves in all colors for $1.49 pair. I FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... At tb. old Scbubal std,-cLaritd up, W. D. BROWN, Prop-, The highest market pries' paid for, g.M., du.ks, etc. The Highwt Market Pric. paid for SEEDS OUR DUiY IS TO FULFILL . THE WISHES OF OUR . CUSTOMERS. , Don't think w want only your Boasy-w. netd your good will quite a. nuch. W. k.p Mmstantly on hand t. very bt f meats, and w. are mlv too w.ll pi wd to furnish our patnas th. choi.Mt sat. of beef, mutj tom' lamb, Tal, york and poultry. We all. wrry a fall ha. of hams, bacon, aaaiag., lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market Of all kinds, at Chambers & McCune H ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK ANU hull M UR lfA-57a: ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholeaal. duller in fruit, pro duce, papr bigs,rapping paper and twine. 42 WEST FIRST STREET. HOWARD BROS. FBI- D d) caop WABBiioa3B Ferry and Water Street., Albany. Seed cleaned without wp.ste for l-2c per pound. Sucks furnished frea. . Horn, fkoae 807. STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class haked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etc. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker CHAS. A. II0AG, FEED S TORE, 435 Wt First 5t., Albany, 'V Mwdoaarter. for "Alscn, md Stents Cash Store SI U VPV( lt Pyramd" Hortlann Cement, "Roarh. w . v v Karbor" Liui.. Rubrroid licoflne. 1 . , " ' , . Wol F br. PlasUr. Mulp-ir, Hprav. ! City and farat survrlag a ap..i ty. p0alU n.HM. D.IIm UMnood and 21 W.ttCr. St., llbaay. Or Liawty Bw1 bard wkMt fluar ' Hay, Craia. Hill aa Salt. Grocer and; Baker tie wrst KiRsT ariirthiALi v kc-- , First class goo is in th'r ..season. Phont Maln.SB,