Public Sale The undersigned execulars of ihn es tate of V. H. Caldwell, will soli at pab lic auction al the oSA homo place 4 miles souihwesi of Albany, on Satur oay, Nov. 28, all the persona! property of naid estate, saloiui huginat 1 o'cIock p. m- 'Term of-sle: Cash. .Gboiusu W AI.UWfXL, WILLIAM CALDWELL, Executors. Thef Eclipse Washer. ' The bestitdoes work equal to hanJ wuik, uii'liT Ihe mangel system. Ku Bulls mi. I construction guaranteed. A fine thiiiL'. Cull at the Albany lianj ' ware Co'd store and see one. A healthy man is a kmc in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Unrdock Mood bitters builds up sjund health -l(ee s y;u well. Harsh pin-eics re.ict, weaken the bawels, cause chronic constipation. Doin's Keuk'lB operate easily, tone the stomach, cnro constipation. 25:, i Ask your druggist for them "Sufered day an I night the tor.-nant of itching piles. Nothing heloed me until 1 used Doan's Ointment, It cured me p.-r manentlv."- Hon. John.U. Garrett, Mayor, Uiiaid, Ala. ,, Right r II Whatever the job whatever the require ment there is a Keen Kutter Tool that is exactly right. Rmhf means right shape, size, weight, strength, balance, adjustment, set, hang, temper, quality. mnmtat Tools and Cutlery All bear the trademark which guarantees them not only to be flawless but to give WrJllJJJ.M ai?i n&Tr o UIUfMI CC lAiLUK Graduates . 'u-.i .. i i !I lin0L3 al i)HPt()J S3rKf,3 in Linn con n 1 aliawaira Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. AJLHANY COLLEGE Offers you largejadvantagcsflcan carry you forward from any point above the eighth Jgradojto a Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course Albany College Albany, Oregon. Beware of. Detective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase or accept aa security for ' monoy loaned. K.tablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Oltice corner of 3rd ur i Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm I-.D SC.IIOI L. l'niprlotoi . Breeder and Importer of O. I. 0. Hogs P. O. White ami Huff Leghorns, VV. P. Hocks, Li;?ht Hrnhmas, R. C. Rhode Island Ueds, W hito Cochin Bantam. v. IS. Turkeys, Whu . den Geese, i n Ducks, l e i Guinea" "Winner Of 17 prizes ami "'1 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Kair. Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale Phone, Knrmers 95 - - R f. D N"'3 Want's Your Patronage L-. Tdeihone Red 671 'river TRAFFIC RESUMED. Tne boats of the Oregon City Trans portation Cuuipan, resumed their reg uar schedule yesterday for river busi ness and will run on every day of the week except .Sunday. A local ager.t his been provided and the cor pan) w.ll be in the Held to handle all sorts o freight and passenger business. Moe Udef. We sti I make good cider, and will deliver anywhere in city lor 20 cU. gal. Only a few gallons of that good 6 year old vinegar left. Lone Pine Thee Farm. Home Phone 2805. rhc Oliver Typewriter. Best on the market. First National Bank people h ive five Albany College has ten. Thirty five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling do vice. $15 cash, thin l7c per day, pay able monthly. See one at .Steward & Sox Hardware Co. Phone 218. Home Phone. The Tools satisfaction you run no risk yots are sure of the best We sell them.! m k tit rr Address H. M, Crooks Pres J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. . have money ti loan in small and largo amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents COMXS & DGYIXE Estiti aiJ lnsuran Buy nnd sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small limber traces. 1: V. FIRS I S I . ALBAN Y. OR. CHINESE DOCTOR J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Ton,r, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second St., Albany. Or JlM W IfcTFALU 6- THE IN- SPECTORSHIP. "Penny wise and pound foolish," seemingly actuates many public officers and administrative bodies. Regarding the fruit inspector matter the argument is advanced that during the time we are without one the "wooly aphis and pestiferous bugs will probably not in crease and damage the fruit any more than in the past." Any well informed fruit man with an ounce of horticultur al knowledge and sense, knows that ,.Unnli;.H.nm,n rtrUsirirteboCDlnarti00tk exhibition as ... rmtl,ipW in ,hi. city was impossible. Wool" aphis and ji. Z.i" Vu. , pestiferous bugs and insects have done great damage in the past and we are not yet free from their presence. Then think of the economv. The hills of the fruit inspector did not average anywnere near tne sum ol one hundred dollars per month during the entire year. Hiring a man at a moderate ex pense armed with an oil can and a wise look to go to the outside cities and nour oil on the infected fruit is the biggest nonsense imaginable. Such a wonder ful system for improving our orchards and fruit can only result in disaster. For illustration: suDoose that one grower honestly endeavored to improve tne quality oi ms iruit tnrougn the dili gent use of all the approved methods known and yet found it impossible to do so, due to the fact that a neighbor has an orchard and raises apples for his hogs to eat and of course infected and wormy apples are as good for hog feed as any other kind. The man who raises apples for his hogs does not care wheth er his orchard is a pest hole of destroy ing aphis and scale or not. and conse quently cannot be forced to spray. How can his neighbor improve the quality of ms rruit ana nave a perrecc ana accept able product for the market with such an orchard adjacent. It is just such a spirit that kept Linn County out of the field as a great fruit producing center. The communities that have achieved great succbs in the fruit growing industry are those that have spared no expense in the work of caring for and providing rjrooer rro- I tection to the growers and men willing to invest in orchards that will produce marketable fruit. As for economy. The State Com missioner was obliged to order a man into Linn to go as far asBrownsvlle and inspect some nursery stock that must have a certificate attacked before the railroad will accept the trees for ship ment. Uuder the law no fruit or nurs ery stock can be accepted for shipment until it has been properly inspected and labeled. C. H. NEWS The students of Albany college sub Two notices of water appropriations scribed the sum $417.50 to the endow- ! were filed in the office of the County ment fund of the college. i Recorder today. J. A. Youngman of Gymnasium classes have been organ- I Lane county eives notice that he has ;7ri .i th A.1 r.luh nnrt under the f- ' appropriated a portion of the waters of nan uane io ine extent, oi .at acre leei per annum; from Clear Lake he appro- priates 53. 500 acre feet per annum. Janitor Bilyeu desires to give notice to the public that any gifts for the Boys and Girls' Aid Society of Portland shonld be sent to the court house not later than Tuesday. He will box and crate all donations without charge. Marriage license: Thomas Lowell. aged 24, and Ethel Huston, aged 25, both of Harrisburg. SILVERWARE We nava tne be3t v there is made, Reed & Barton and Rogers Bros', at French's Jewelry Storo. VIUOiBVO AGE NO BAR Everybody in Albany i dig Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable ti explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch cold. Or when you strain the back Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache Cure every form of kidney ills. J. C. Walling, retired, of 424 S. Denver St., Albany, ure., says: "For aeveral years I endured more or less suffering from kidney complaint, the worst trouble being a retention of the secretions and painful passages. I found temporary relief at times but Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured at Foshny & Mason's drug store.proved to to the best remedy I had ever used for the trouble, bringine prompt and gratifying relief and fulfilling every claim made for them. Some of my neighbors have found equally good re K?dne; sult from the use of Doan's Kit Pills and I hear a great deal of praise for this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and ta'. o no other. CIDtR. Made from choicejapples, direct from the mill, or 4 days old, any age you want it, only 20c a gallon. We have good cider vinigar 6 years old 20c a gallon delivered anv where in the city. Lone Pine Tree Farm, Home phone 2S0S. SURGICAL OPERATION Critical i peration Performed by Dr. Joseph Sternberg. j Pat H. Farrell a former resident of this city recently underwent a very ' critical and peculiar surgical operation I in Portland. Dr. Joseph Sternberg of that city being the surgeon in charge. The patient had symptons of heart trouDie ana paralysis or tne lower t&ee geK alnc ule,r "' ie patient-nas oeen restir-g mucn easier ana is rapidlj covering. A Knocker Knocked. He came to town upon his jaw And soon got out his hammer. As a cheap buttinsky raw He'd surely take the banner. Then this carpetbagger clown Declared he'd rule the roost, When he tried to boom the town He covertly knocked the boost. This captious biggot strutting about Said that HE "should be consulted"; His own foolishness has put him ont. Nothing else could have resulted. His name would rhyme with "Demon," But the lesson we would teach Is that we drew a lemon, When we should have had a peach. Immaterial is the name Of this puppet of monstrous mood, It will never be known to fame Nor in the annals of the good. But let's be generous wherein he lacked, Nor give unnecessary pain, And take consolation in the fact That his departure is our gain. Yet lest we ver should forget His little "stinger number one" We prophesied his sun would set And now we're glad that he is gone. Otherfellow. Home and Abroad. F. Q. Will for watches. Lebanon Peas and string beans at Ellis & Sons. The usual reports of cougers and other destroying animals is going the rounds. fjdent training of Instructor Luck are making rapid progress in gymnastics, j0hn Catlin has resigned from the city police force. Royal Neighbors market day at Ellis Grocery store Nov, 25. Good Home made things for Thanksgiving dinner, Dress chicken, roast chicken, home- made bread and cake, mince and pump D! hand so as to be thankful, Mr. Welch of electric line promoting fame is planning a coast line. It is said that he intends to girdle the two states Oreeon and Washington with a net work of electric lines. If possible ! Mr- elcn wl" increase the force of men working on the electric line and rush the work of construction more rap- Idly. The Weather. Range of temperature 1 59-47. The river is 3 feet. Prediction: rain tonight and Sunday; increasing southerly winds. F, M. French local observer. Fairdale Plant harm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. IVER C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. Mo. 5. IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Razor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that bears a personal guarantee you get just this from us prices aie right. See our window. Burkhart & Lee. Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell Main 54; Home Main 144. NO EXCESSIVE LOANS, NOT A DOLLARilN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO 0THE BUSINESS TO KEEP UP JUST STRAIGHT,0LD FASH I0NED BANKING. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Albany, Oregon' ALCOHOL 3 PER M-NT AVegelablePreparationfirAj stailaiiniteFbodaiKiifeguia. ItagUicSiomattisamlBowfcof Promotes DigestionChceriM-l ness and test.Conlains neiltm- Opiuni.Morplune norMueraLl NOT NARCOTIC. MjxoTtMIkSSMJtimxWl jtoueSttd ntmSetd- TanlktlSL Annftct Remedy for Conste HniK.Snur Stoinach.DlarrWeai Worms jConvalsionsJcvcnsn- ness ondLoss of Sleep. racS'urih Signature of NEW YOBK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Eastern Oysters. I In the shell or bulk, just as you want I them, at the Oregon Market and groc- i jery. 'Ihese are the laree juicy kind. We ean shell them while you wait f"r j the same price you. pay for the ones in cans ana preserve line. If Missed. Subscribers whojf ail to getjkheir paper should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomery street call up Red 3132 Pac ific if missed, and your paper will come, if between Broadalbin- and Montgom ery Home, and if west of Broadal-1 bin street Pacific Black S02. I Accidents will happen, but the Lest regulatedjfamilies keep JDr. Thomas' I Electric.Oil for such emgencies. It I subdueslthepainiandheals the hurts. I Swollen glands about the neck, running sores and ulcer, skin diseases, and general poor health, are tht usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. The- iisease being deeply intrenched in theblood oiten attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling', or hip disease,, and' the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thoroughly destroys the healthful properties of the blood that Scrofula sometimes terminates in consumption, an incurable disease. The entire circulation being contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to a strong, healthy state-. S. S. S. is the-Mery best treatment for Scrofula; it renovates the entire blood supply anil drives oat the scrofulous;and tubercular deposits. S. S. S. is the greatest-.oi all blood purifiers, and it not only goes right down to the very bottom of' the-trouble and removes tlie cause, bat it supplies the weak, diseased blood. with the healthful properties it is in need of, and in this way bnilds up weak,. frail, scrofulous persons and makes them strong and healthy. S. S. S. is a gentle-, safe, vegetable preparation and1 is suited for persons, of any age. Book the blood containing; mformation; about Scrofula and any medisal adweariee. THE SWIM!' SPECIFIC CO.. ATT.AWTA. 3A. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Hilka Warford G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesday F. M. Powell V. C. Roval Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. The Ladies of the Grand Armv nf the Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the G. A. R. hall. Strangers belontrinc to this order will rsceive a royal welceme, oi . i t! M. Brown, Secretary. C. and E. lime Table. Effective Thursday, October 1st, a new time card will go into effect on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, as fol lows: Through trains-6:45 a. m. leave Ya- quina; arrive at Albany 11:53 a. m. Leave Albany 12:3S p. nv. ainve Ya- quina 6:15. Corvallis Local 6:30 a. m. leave Cor vallia rinilv! 2:15 n wv rfailv ovewnf except Su.iday; 6 00 p. m. daily. 7:55 a. m. leave Albany daily: 3:35. p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. r daily. INO. J, SHEA, Agent. Phone Red 71, Home phone 8. Milk Notice. Beginning Oct. 1st our charges milk will be as follows: for Bottled per qt. 7cents, per month S2.10 " pt. 4 " " " $1 0 In ean lots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25 cents, pint 15 cents, t pt. 10 cents. H. M. Palmer, Prop. GokJea Rule Dairy. For trifants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THI OINTHUIt COMPANY. NCW VOHK OITVi WANTED. Success Magazine require the services of a man in Albany t look after expiring subscriptions an to secure new business by means o special methods unusually effective position permanent; prefer one with experience, but would consider any one with'good natural qualifications; salary $1150' per day, with commission option. Address, with reference, S. C. "Peacock, Room 102, Success Mag azine Bldg., New York. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND Sl;R(?EON jn. k Btdui, Albany Physician and hnnreoc Hill Block - - Albany. O' A& aw THE C weak eyes, pale-,, waxy complexions, i T. W. RIDDELL, M; D.C, VETERINARIAN Office Both Phones 34 Albany Stables ALBANY. OREGON. FIRST NATIONAL BAK BALANy OHHO-ON Orrtcms Director. I .EWLAN6DOK, S E Youm ! President P & Goodwin ! S E TOrSO O J Schmitt Vice-President E W Litngdon A C SCHMITT A C F'-'inilU i . Cashier iransacts a e i a general banking business. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland, Collections made on favorable terms Sc&ffs Sarital-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Forlnflwomfctlon or Catarrh of the Bladkrerand Dlfttasetl Rid- uejt. KooojisnorAi. LuTtm itiickls and prmnentlT the worn cs oi (.onorrhuM nod Gleet, no nutter nf bow one ttacdin. Absolutely nttrnjIvM. Sold bv drusei!-. Prtc ll.oo, or by moil, Mtr paid. 11X0,1 boxes. 92.75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIHCC BdlehuitalBe, OUa, For b Burkhurt & Le M. B. CRAFT, j 242 West Second St., Albany First-cla9s meats selected stock.: ofaUJ kindsj from M I J. H. RUITER, W00DSAWIN0 Pho red12.