48c Fancy Ribbon at a greatly reduced price. 80c. Ribbons 4 1 2 to 6 12 inches, wide, sashes and for fancy work 48c 25c Fancy Ribbons S 1-2 to 4 1-2 inch, all at regular price. Cut to a quarter this 25c 100,000 100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store withoutjone single mistake just think how money differ- , ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with-, out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you right. The store of quality. bUrKHart & lee 100,000 F. G. Will, tor Watches F. G.Will, for Watches F. G. Will, tor Watches F. G Will, tor Watches FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the. best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers aboutus. ' Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West r irst rt Plumbing j and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, i 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. ' First - class work guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODESS, DEALER IN CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Second an ! Ellsworth Streets. Albany "fl. A. LEIN1NGER. Dentist Crawford Block, Albany. Tailorod Values up to Suitable for extra good values week All our Tailored Hats 1-2 off Aprons of Barred Nainsook, dotted swiss and plain lawns. Dainty patterns, made just right 25c to 63c New er rivals of Mens' Neck wear. Popular colors-late designs. Splendid bargains on all of our Millinery Oregon Wool Blankets Fancv checks in pinks and blues, a very handsome blanket $6 00, Plain white $1.50 to $15 100,000 LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, 1 when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to lock just as good ; as made to-.ook just as hew. Waists and Hresse3 of delicate colors and ma- rial we renovate to the delight of thu owner. We hNo dye any garmnnt lie sired in beautiful shades and colorings. I THE CLEANER, 1 C. E. SHELLEY. Prop. 40.Wlst St. Beli Phone black 273 '. Home phone 196 !j. w. be yi lev J Democrat Building, Albany, ! Is'prepared to make an-i repair boots and :bei for men, women and cbil Hren in a werkman like manner. for Women 51 Stunning new Styles arriving constantly from America's best Tailors. The quality and style of our showing this winter has made a lot of new friends and customers for this store. Finer Materials at lower prices then you usually get. Perfect lit guaranteed $15 to $35 BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. Be. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina Bayat the Metropolitan. If you are in doubt as to what you want, come to the Uregon market, There you will find just what your ap petite calls for. If you want to buy or rent a ty n e writer, see Kawlings. He handles a 1 makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine. See his window of Remington s Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desirp". To Please Your Palate Try some Orange or Apricot marma lade or Guara jelly, from the Oregon Market. It is delicious. Nothing but pure fruit and sugar. Wanted, turkeys and all kinds of poultry at W. D. Brown s Lyon street. Burkhart guarantees his photos. Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 5 cent BRUCE & ANDERSON, I Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care , ful attention to all tdnsorlal wants. Plp7TlDWE; Magnetic dealer ' Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder . trouble, Stomach trouble. Liver trouble, I Female trouble of long standing, Lum- bago. Heart trouble, Chronic Constipa i tion, Apendicitis.Imflammation of Bow : els, Chronic Ailments of long standing 1 ' Portable s earn bath. Office 418 First : St.. Albany, Ore. No. of Phone 142. Calls promptly attended in city. Mandolin Lessons GIVEN BY A. H. STEVENS Evenings at his residence 128 Water St. L,??son3 ouc. nome rnone 325 Home Phone day time evening iff. IMS, 0. IIllTOVe, OF CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of William H. Sherwood's School of Music, will give privute in structions in Pianj at the Private Par lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours 5 to 6. Di?. W. Dentist Over Woodwork's Drug Store, phones. BcC SKATING RINK Will be open for skatera Tuesday, Thursday! nd Saturday;nights. Go and njoy the sport. t21 Suits THANKSGIVING TOMORROW Churches to Unite in Service of Thanksgiving and Praise. A union Thanksgiving service will be held tomorrow morning in the Baptist church of this city. The services will begin at 10:30 a. m. and last until noon Rev. J. J. Evans, of the Christian church of this city will preach the ser mon and have direct charge of the services. A thank offering will be taken to be used in caring for the poor and unfortunate. The public is cordially invited to these services. Special music and great songs of praise and thanksgiving will fee heard. Albany Preserving Company. The new building of the Albany Pre serving Company is to be started on Monday of next week. Chris. Howland has the contract and will rush and ex pedite the work of construction as much as possible. The location of the sew buildine will be on Seventh and Jack son streets, about one block from the prune packing establishment. The establishing of a fruit cannery and preserver will mean much to the residents of this city and county. Practically every known kind of fruit and garden product will find a market here and thus their growing promoted. Prof. Palmer of Albany College Thankful. In the following lines 1 wish to ex press my hearty appreciation to those who so kindlv assisted in transforming my studio into a place ot narmonious and artistic beauty. It has been said of old that it is more blessed to give than to receive but in this particular case 1 am pprrpntiy wining tnat those who gave should receive the blessing and I the benefit. Carroll H Palmer Was Crowded. Dreamland vaudville was packed the doors last with curious people to see the extra attraction, which was well played by three accomplished Albany actors. The usual run of pictures were given and were extra good, THANKSGIVING OYSTERS. From the Oregon Market will be just the thing. You can get the large East ern in or out of the shell. We open oysters daily and guarantee the best oysters we ever had. Get your order in early. hOME aade'mince meat at the Oregon Market. Just the thing for those pies for Thanksgiving. We make it and know it is clean and cheap er than you can make it for. Steel Cut Oats And Cream Rolled Oats at the Ore gon Market. This is the new crop; A Stove Bargain. A good 18 inch air tight; stove for only $1,75, at the store of the Albany Hardware (Jo. . Sauer Kraut at the Oregon Market. OYSTERS, served in all styles, by the pint orquart, at Hoflich's. and STOP THAT PAIN. Vibration the greatest invention of the age Don't fail to try free demonstration at Daw son'u drug store this week. Girl want ed. PINOV Friendship Engngement Veddinc Jewelry Store, Mission Art - Glass Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply co. Special Matinee Thankseriviner after noon at Dreamland. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, oppo site the Democrat office. Burkhart, photographer, successor to McKinstry. ine customer wno came back made We pleased him by giving him Value, by what we told him. The clothes we sold him, was the magnet that brought him back , again. The, clothes we'll sell you will bring you back. We have no other sort. Call at our newly equipped store, and investi gate our new lines, which will appeal to you more than mere words can say. Everything for Meu. The Blain Clothing Company PRESIDENT CROOKS Seeks Additional Endowment for Albany College, President Harry Means Crooks of Albany College is on his way to Baker City, where he is to deliver an address before the sessions of the State Teach ers' Association. While in Portland President Crooks met aud interviewed Dr. D. K. Pear- buns, the great Chicago philanthropist, who has given about $4,000,000 to Christian Co leges in America. Or. Pearsons gives "only to those colleges that are poor." He will do nothing fpr anybody before July I, 1909, when twelve colleges now on his list must raise certain sums to meet the condi tion of his gifts which vary from $1,000 to $25,(100. The great philanthropist made inquiry concerning Albany College, of wHlch he had heard before from both President Crooks and Alfred C. Schmitt, both by letter and also in person. Twenty-four of Portland's business men interested in Albany College are to meet in the rooms of the Portland Com- mercial!Club on Friday to perfect plans for the Portland canvass to raise that city's share of the fund. Much inter est is expressed and tne work made easy on account of a positive kindly feeling toward Albany College, Missionary Society., The Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the church parlors. The program consists of the following: Bible study, Mrs. B. M. Payne ; Immigration and the National Character, Mrs. C. B. Winn; Korea, Mrs. J. A. Shaw; Mexicans in the United States, Mrs. F. R. Zugg. All the ladies of the church are in vited to attend. Artisans Celebrate. The United Artisans of this city re nantlv held a district meatine at their i hall and entertained 140 visitors from Corvallis, Eugene, Lebanon, Stayton and Salem. A class of twelve was ini tiated, the floor work was executed in ajvery creditable manner by the Corval is team; after the initiatory work the guests were invited to the banquet room where they were served a banquet by the ladies of the Albany Artisans. The Corvallis Artisans arrived on a special train and did not reach home till after midnight. . ' Dr. Lowe the well known optition will be in Lebanon Dec. 2 and 3, Albany 4 and 5. Don't fail to have him test your eyes for glasses, 19 years experi ence. CLOCKS Suited to . the house Jewelry Store. any room in at French's A Library lamp makes a long evening short. We have them. Ralston Electric Supply Co. Albany Depot and football post cards at Meisers. Burkhart Photographer. !, FOR SALE. -A corner lot barn and bouse. Inquire 620 E 6th. LOST. Mans signet ring. Please leave at Democrat office. FOR SALE, -Hall rack for one-third value. 332 Ferry St. t30 WANTED To communicate with mem bers of Brotherhood American Yoe men, for purpose of organizing home stead in Albany. Mrs. Gracr Woodward, 118 West 3rd St. WANTED. -Elderly woman wants light employment in a home for her board and lodging, or will care for for children during absence of par ents. Address P. O.' Box. 302, Al bany, Oregon. FOR RENT OR SALE!r15 acre place and house and lot in Turner, Oregon. Box 113. t27 FOR RENT. A furnished room, at 225 West Third street. FOR SALE A few pieces of fine fur niture for said this week. 824 Cala pooia at. COOKING APPLES delivered for 35 cents a bushel. J. G. Cibson. Home phone 4054. WANTED Nurse girl at St. Charlqs. NAPOLEON JEAN. Architect.- con- tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. THANKSGIVING SALE. Beam's Store. BEST THINGS TO EAT. New walnuts and almonds, pound.. 20c New pkge raisins and currunts. 2. 25c New loose raisins, special pound.... 10c New citron, lemon and orange peel, pound 26c New home-made mince meat, Tound .-25c New Armour's mince meat, pound.. 15c Layer raisins for table use, on stem, per box 75c Wrapped and packed apples, box $1.00 to $1.75 Grape-fruit 3 for 25c Japanese oranges, doz 30c r igs, package, special .... 10c ueiery, not nouse ijeuuce, mpe x to matoes and whole Cocoanuis for Thanksgiving. READ ON Bakery Departments Beam's Special Fruit cake, pound. .40c Beam's Special Pumpkin pies, each. 20c Beam's Special Mince and Apple pies, each .... 10c Beam's Special Almond Macaroons, pound 40c Beam's Special Ladylingers, pound 40c Beam's Special Cocoanut Drops, doz. 12c Beam's Special layer cakes, Cocoa nut and chocolate 35c Beam's Special Nut .Loaf's, each... 15c Ream's Special Lemon Cookies, doz.lllc Give us your Baked Goods order early in the week. We'll deliver it the day you want it in good order. Be sure and have Butter-nut Bread for your Special Thanksgiving Bread. Phone m. Remember, nothing to good foi Thanksgiving. We can therefore count on your Thanksgiving ordere. Imported Delicacies: R. & W, Italian Olive Oil, bottle 50c 1 gallon $3.25 Long'B Marischino Cherries, bottle. I 1-2 Dint 35c ' French Mushrooms, can 85c French Peas, can 35c California white grapes in cans .... zoo Hungarian Papric, cans 30c Edam Holland cheese, each $1.25. OWEN BEAM CO. First & Ferry Sts. Both Phones.. Oysters, Oysters At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the shell, and more oysters to the .measure than at any other place. DO YOU KNOW! -THAT- The Up-to-date STOCK -IS AT Charles Knecht's Prices the Lowest Jupt Try Comparison! HOME MADE CANDIES There is satisfaction in know ing that the candy you buy is ' made right in town under con- : dltions similar to those prevail ing in your own kitchen. There is satisfaction also, in having assurance that, whatever kind you decide upon, it is FRESH, . made from the purest material and that it is Bold in a store where cleanliness is insisted upon . ' Do these sound home-like to you . Chocolate Penotia Peanut Brittle Molasses Tatties ELITE Chocolate Shop." us. not p 1 nl i t '1' ' M i 1