Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 27, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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For Christmas will be readiW suggested tO( you( m)nd M you Inspect
this department in our store. No.i them need be expensive the
none the lesa appreciated by the rrii4elvet we have just received a
aplendid new line of pillow ' h(J worke(j aa au the braids and
flosses which they require. Among the many other new things are.
Tie Rack'
infants Clothes Rack,
Table Mats,
Center Pieces,
Scarfs, etc.
Speaks out sale.
About Toje fw Hydrants.
It is time to
thing of those
things now.
L. F. and H. J. Hamilton.
Let us aid you
in buying your
ike Jnuurtit
d eucond cIbbb mail matter.
Be Ye 'lhaukful.
.. . . ..! fiffincr that once
It is inaeeu hu. ,
during each year, business .s
The Democrat.
The Daily-Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, 4.U-.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $3.50. i ok
The Weekly-Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.60. After 3 years at
BARRELS. We have good now spruce
barrels first-class for kraul cide r or
pork for one d-illar each. The Albany
Butter and Produce Co. "4
ROOMS TO Rfi!NT. 723 Ellsworth
HORSES FOR SALE.-Two or three
good, well broke horses, suitable for
family purposes, gardening, eta. two
fresh milch cows, some thoroughbred
Poland China hogs and pig nncl hogs
f. hooilinir nurnosos. t.H. nugn-
son, R. D. 4, phone Home 2852. t23
Lincoln J. Carter's play ot heart in-
Editor Pbuocxjlv:
(lou.. ,ku.ruitlii arm a npt.itinn
nwu. uni n.uv-.v e, i
signed by almost everv property owner
i i : ITivaf utront tuna
ana uuouhsbd . - . -
presented to the city council asking for
four aOOKKWlBl nyurunu uu obiu .new,..
The petition was referred to the com
mittee on fire and water to report
The committee reported but made no
recommondation and so the matter
... T an rxna nf fha aicrnerfl nf Raid
petition, think it the duty ot tne city
council to act in this matter. If the
counci'men think the hydrants are a ,
good thing they should order them put ;
in as the water company made very
reasonable terms to the city. On the
other band if these gentlemen don t j
tninK me nyoranis are uecucu mcj
i should promptly vote down the petition ,
ana not mi.tiiiiji w paoo bhid uj .
ticed. Come gentlemen and don't hesi- (
tate to express your feelingB in this im
portant matter. To boost for a city is
a very good thing, but if our city fath-1
era don't put our fire department on a
better footing to fight fires a conflagra
tion will Bweep over our good town that
won't leave enough left to make boost
ing worth while.
The hydrant friend.
William Gilson of Salem, was seen in
the city this noon,
j. H. Cmdlebaugh of Salem, is in the
city on business,
I Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Cutlery, Phonographs and Records.
Bate and show cases, must be sold by
Jan. 1, 09. All at cost except contract
goods. Your last chance for tne oream
of Columbia Records. Don't miss it.
Albany, Or., 122 Ferry St.
' WANTED. Woman to do washing for
' family, weekly. Phone 3043 Bell.
TAKEN UP.-A large black sow by
I CoatesBroB. M miles N. W. Shedd.
i t 27.
WANTED. Plain sewing at homeB of
people, by experienced seamstresses.
Phone 2271 Bell tfc2
FOR SALE. A good second hand wag-
j on. cheap. See W.Ei.nogers, iv. u. .
Home phone 1803.
HOUSE FOR SALE. The old house
on the Jones property, at Washing
ton and Third streets. Call at the
i office of the Albany Supply Co.
FOR SALE. Gravel for aide walk fil
i ling at 25c a load. Inquire opposite
Post Office.
Good modern eight room house with
furnace, situated close in, West Al-
baTwo ho'usesnfthree lots, East Al
bany. Price, $2200. ,
A four room house and one lot, East
Albany. Price, $650. .
a La new bouse, a nice lawn and
the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany.
Price. $1000. pARM3
266 acres. 80 acres in cultivation,
improvements fair, balance of land in
good timber. Six milea from Albany.
Price $33 per acre.
11 acres in prunes, house and good
dryer, one mile and a half from Albany.
Price, $2200. .... .
30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a
good little town. All A No. 1 land.
New buildings Price $2250.
a Mr. 1 1 !i n r Pi acres of
OU acres ui ' - - ' - M ,
apple orchard, well taken care of, good
buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one
and a half miles of a geod town.
100 acres, 6 miles from a good town,
in Linn county, all in cultivation. ,4
acres in orchard, balance of landaall in
cultivation. Exceptionally good build
'Tall oPn jf'v'pTp'B. 203 West Second
during each year, business "p"; Lincoln d . carter ymf u. - - city on ousmesu.
and the wheels of the great machines tereat ana titea "Too Proud to Beg" j Arthur Lahgguth returned to Port
BtoDDed to allow a period of rest and wi be tne attraction at the Albany land on the afternoon train.
Thnnksciving Daily, with increase Opera House, Wednesday, mov. zom. uan nran wu j "
Inannsgiving. rl,.h. f .' , f,,.i-. noon train for points southward.
madness we see men " - , " w. E. Fra21 wa9 . pa38eng,
i fnm rnpir maivo on . i. .... ....
m w ":njort on the success 1 clever detective story, and it is prom- ,
very existence depended on tne ised that there ia n0 lack of interest
of their errand. All mis m- throughout the four acts, in tnis piay, .
mnnu onrt that which they believe will mr. Carter has endeavored to demon-
Ls ihom neace and happiness. Tiim strate to the public that ne need not
bring them peace anu i iw . . carpenter or scenic artist
is a sad delusion ana sooner , exciuaiveiy for the success of his play. :
each and all mustlearn that lesson. I It ja that in ..Too Proud. to Beg' he
Fnr the nation to give tnanits w has written a comeay urmua, u.wvi .
.nfnl of all the nation's cus-1 directness of theme, terseness of dm
most beautiful of all tne nuuv , PioBrnBil nf s mat on and legit-
toms. It is well and fitting tnat we dramatic meriti it compares
stop and consider Him from whom all i favorabiy with many more pretentious
...... a j : vmces in'nlnva The two principal charactets of
praise and thankfulness to God who
I. R. SHULTZ, Manager.
Wednesday, Nov. 25
Great Detective Story
Complete bscenic Production
W. E. Frazier was a passenger out
ward bound on one of the morning
Jasper Trollinger and wife of Wood
burn, are in the city and will remain
over for Thankbgiying.
Miss Flossie Knecht will return today
from a visit at the home of Mis. Alton
B. Coates in the Dalles.
,Wm. A. Gadsden of Portland, arrived
in the city this noon and will meet with
the Commercial Club tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton arrived in the
favorably with many more pretentious Mr. ana mrs. anon rnveu ;
plays The two principal charactets of city this noon to spend Thanksgiving
of the piece are the children; of . with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Flood.
im- the persecuted hero. Tne nrst act) Mrs. Stanley 1. Stewart or LeDanon,
lmes , io lniH in the ottice of the police in- vinitinir at har home in this city and
a nation becomes to busy to even halt Spector, where the villainous plana are j wjn remain over for IhankBgiving.
for a day and give thanks. When that concocted. The last scene of this act Seth French wil take his longest
luinuofuiufe wnrohnnqe nn fire and the rescue Ot the ' :, j .; .1.. aftA.nnmi
r, ' e " and ! by his little son. The second act rwShK uT.
aownwaru aim w"'" -b - aiscioses tne lmeriur ui me , Thankscivine with his sister Mrs. K.
POTATOES. E. L. McKeever will de
liver them anywhere in the city.
Phone Farmers 2X1 Bell. tDl
SLAB WOOD 75c per cord at mill 17
cords to car. Mail y Mi'li
rect. The Curtis Lumbek Co., Mill
City, Or. "
GOATS.-57 Hne animals for sale.
Call upon John Dumond, 6th and Jet
ferson stroots, Albany.
FOR RENT.-Furnished rooms. Cal
at Davenport's Musis Btoro.
DIRT FOR SALE Dirt and gravel in
fine cond tion. ouc a ioau,
"ver 50 loads. See J. F. Wentworth,
Albany Supply House.
FOR SALE. 38 acros, all in cultiva
tion, with house and burn, 4 miloa
east of Albany. Also two corner lots
between 1st and Water Streets, by
Ola Sultveit, 1016 E Wator St. Home
Phone blackl67.
PARTNER WANTED. -In manufact
cring business in Albany. Small cap
ital Required. Apply at 233 East sec
ond street. ' 41
FOR SALE.-Pure bred White Leg
horn rooBters, Black Minorca roost
ers.' Plymouth Rock .roosters, and
pure bred TuIoubo geese. Mrs. J.
fortor, R. D. 2, Box 15. Homo
phone 3651. .i ; '
TEAM FOR SALE. Inquire of V. E.
Looncy, Tangent, Or.
FOR SALE -6 room house, nnd lot,
good locution, 7 blocks from business
section. Cull at Democrat ollico.
FOR SALE. A good 7 room house and
barn with i good lots, west Albany.
This is the best bargain that has been
offered. . If you want a snap look
this up without delay. J. V. 1 ipo.
203 West 2nd Bt.
CABBAr.E for sauerkraut. E. L. Mc
Keever, Hell phono 2X1.
FOR SALE. Two horse gasoline en
gine, jack and pump. Call upon J.
S. Morgan at the brick ard, phone
black 3S2. J. S. Morgan ta
WOOD FOR SALE. Some good dry
wood. Phone ti. w. rurieui,
Hell. 201 Home.
FURNISHED ROOMS by, the day, I
week or month, at lllount a, 311, Wis-.
worth St. 6t I
JTOsK: LKSSONS.-Piano and organ. :
lhone black 971. Helen Elkins.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
Houbo llldi;.
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro
lessors celebrated hand loads had
better get in their orders pretty soon.
One p:uty who got 100 loads of us last
vear ordered 3U0 this year. Ho suid
they do:io the work. Ualtimoro Gun
& Bicycle Works.
SODA WATER. -Cascadia water from
the Geisendorfer springs, may be hnd
at Tomlmson & Holman's and at the
Peacock stables, at $160 a dozen. 2t
AERMOTEUJgasolinc pump, air coated
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
pump-for only $15. Crawford the
Aermotor man will be glad to show
McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
FOR SALE. Model N Ford runabout
with top. only run one season in fine
e ndition. Apply to W. W. wraw
ford. agt. Ford Motor Cr.
nnnntiuivdlu nmVfiB this fact
It ia a heaut tU thing ana B wouuei-
thankful. Too I
ftn mo finrt that the human family
sita down and begins to enumerate ita
Bo-called sorrows and failures, ano inen
give themselves over to despair. If
we could and would only bogin to count
our joys and blesBings we would find
them bo far supreme in our lives as to
and care and make
the life one of praise and thankfulness.
We are living in a wonderful land
the most favored nation in all this
universe. An age of the best things
ever made possible to the human fam
ily, if wisely chosen; one wherein in
I ventive genius and the wonderful mind
of man has erolvod wonders not even
! dreamed of by our ancestors and fore
! fathora. No age in human history has
' offered more of the great ard good
I things to the children of its era.
Be thankful! Be cheerful! With
these uppermost in the mind the life
..unit he nther than a song. The CUl-
' tivation of good cheer is of decided
advantage to the hapiness ot tne ina
vidual and the rendering of thanks to
God in praiBe and prayer a beautiful
act in tho.. life ot all ma cnuureH.
The committee on polico in the City
Council is to be commended for the
action taken last evening in voting to
provide the city with extra police pro
tection. The need of tho hour is urgent
it is possible to find the
right kind of man and one who will de
vote himself most heartily to tne worn
' of ridding the city of miscreants, he
will be engaged and put on tho force
I A vast hordo of hoboes is traveling
1 through thislwestorn country and their
being allowed the freedom of un organ
ized city or community is bound to be a
' great danger to the safety of property.
t .. ..... nr l,u,!rnn!a lins been
tne iimvvei v ., - - .
1 discussed before and the letter from
I Ex-Councilman Ffeiffer is offered the ,
! public, since it is a discussion of a Jive ;
Tho members of the present council 1
are alive to their duty. Tho cisterns ,
are to be improved and possibly auuv
tionul hydrants installed I
A ilntermination to everlastingly
boost for Albany and Linn county,
would be an effective means oi aaver-,
lising. j
n..MfV. .hntmi the hnme nf the police
inspector and the capture of the gang.
hilF nlai, ia a ram
one numerically and very capable.
Special attention should ba given to the
bright children who play very import
ant roies.
LOST. Dark brown furs lost between
the Empire Theater and Armory. If
found please return to Democrat of
fice. FOR SALE. House and "twd lots,
from 9 to 10 rooms in house. Every
thing in ponniction with property in
good condition. Inquire at 342, First
FOR SALE. Fresh Jersey cow, big
. -M i i:... rn..:.n nun
milKer anu ricn quuni-y. mquiie u.
E First.
phone 1213.
FOR SALE. -Five room house with
bath in addition. Location close in
to the business section. Recently
overhauled and rebuit. Call at Dem
cat office.
FOR RENT. Furnished rooms by
the day. week or month, 431 Mont
gomery E. 6th.
FOUND. Braes key. Cnll at Demo
crat office.
TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltveit
1016 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1
FOR 3ALE. 160 acres foot hil'a 12
miles west of Junction, goon House
barn: 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an
acre or will trade for Albany .prop
erty. J. R. -Metzgar 3rd and R. R.
W. Williams.
Tkn Wallroe anil Hailirhfer Mm.
Marks and daughter, of Independence,
are in tne cuy vistiing tne nume ui
the former sister Mrs. btuy inompson.
Refnre returniner home thev will visit
at the home of W. L. Armstrong at
PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. Seats on sale at Woodworth'i
Special Deal.
On Weekly
Oregonian, 18 months
Ben Clklan, Agent.
Grand Clearance Sale of Hats
at the Band Box Millinery.
318 West 2nd St., Albany, Oregon.
' All this seaons goods and GENUINE BARGAINS. Big reduction on all pat
terns and materials. Come in and look at our stock. Careful attention
order work. Pheasant hats made. Satisfaction guarnteed.
$15.00 hats $9 00
$8.00 hats $5.00
$5.00 hats $3.25
$12.00 hats $7.50
$7.00 hats $4.6U
$4.00 hats $2.50
$10.00 hats $6.00
$6.00 hats $3.75
$3.00 bats $1.90
Vnn mill kmia -inaf naima rri crxxra
thanks this coming Thanksgiving Day
if you use Johnson's Best Flour for
baking. Johnson's Flour Is a perfect
flour. Makes the most delicious and
nourishing bread, biscuits, cakes,
pastries, etc. After one trial, yon will
want to use it continually thereafter.
Your grocer has it.
Tamalies ! Tamalies
We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken
Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making
them, try one. At The Crest.
Both Fhones,
316 W. 2nd St.
F.G.Will for watches.
B " 1 " j
Stop That Pain j
How? By using the Portable Exhil-
ator. Dort fail to sec freo demonstra-,
tiou at Dawson s Drug More, next iew .
days only. ' 23 j
A good quality of brick for sale op
posite Postotlice. Inquire of Frank J
Tracey, S16 Montgomery St., Albany
Is what we'll create in your
home on the Installation of Elec
tricity. We'll make those dull, gloomy
rooms Brilliant, Bright and In-viting-and
at practically your
present cost of lighting.
Hhone us.
.,l.f avarv Anv A few rloilnrQ more or less in nriee djes
not determine whether a .range is cheap or dear. You want the best; that is
the verv first consideration. ... , . , , .
tne very uio ii,.:.,l..i n tVi ncr fltVior nnintatn ho ennsidered Are:
Hnw much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack,
warn' Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in
nkins and baking? Will it wear well?
The "Quick Meal" Factory is so well equipped with latest and most improved
mVhinev that "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco
nomicB I than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the
hot for no more money than what you would have to pay for the ordinary,
cheaply constructed range. For sale by
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
A Siletz Homestead .relinquishment for
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet.
Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.
Qo to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. B ARGAINS
n Crockery and Glastware as we in
tend to close but that department.
Ceme and get our pricee and lee our
eD p-t-date'Btore.
Both Phon MairiB.