I, J W' Albany embcrat 4 ; r VOL XLlV" ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. N VEMBER V, 1908 NO 17 D Vaudeville ToNight ALBANY COLLEGE WINS. HARVARD WINS! AN OPEN LETTER. New Haven, Nov. 21. Harvard won its first victory in seven years from Yale ... ' ii , n u... 'on gridiron today. Final scot e was 5 Albany College ULUgene High to 0. 35,000 people attended thegame. School 0. Miss M. Bell and Mr. J. A. Murray I Tu. fnnt 1,-11 fmq nf Mhanv flnllncrn in American Gestures and A. J.Murray I an(1 Eugene High School met on the Legislators Invited. in Imitations of a Black face comedian. Program of pictures. Scenes from the Battlefield of Gettys burg and The Fighting Parson. SONQ You Would Do the Same for the Red, White and Blue. Admission 10c. .u.,...i.u i.,j i ... issued to brine all Statement No. 1 tile lUUttl UCIU JMWJluoj ... uwiiv.m.o . . 1 l. 1. battle for the valley secondary cham- men to Portland on or about December pionship. The two teams were quite 20th, of this year. Thisjis for the pur evenly matched and played a most ex- pose of offering an opportunity to the cellent article of football. Albany coming members of the legislature to kicked off to Eugene and immediately acquainted before the legislative sea began the march for the visitors goal. Slot. A general response is expected. a tnnphrinwn was made in the first I ' half, the attempt for the goal failed, i Compers President. i At the end of the first half the score ' was Albany College 5, Eugene High 0. , . , In the second half immediately after- Denver, Nov. 21 Gompers today ' the kick off Albany again began the was again chosen president of the Fed march for the Eugenites goal and in a 1 eration of Labor, only one vote being , very few minutes had forced the visit- jcaat al,ajn8t him. Toronto, Canada ors so near their goal so that when as- ch6sen as the next place of meet saying a kick Gibbons broke through, in blocked the attempt and fell on the ball i for a safety. This aaaea two more 'points to the Albany score. Again kicking off by a series of rapidly ex ecuted plays Albany carried the ball down the field for a touchdown in six minutes. A try for the goal failed. Thursday evening at a meeting of the M. lb. church of which the undersigned is pastor, it was decided to begin a series of evangelistic services next Portland, Nov. 21. A call has been ; through the week, Saturday excepted. Greyhound Wanted. Chief of Police Ries leceived a dis patch this morning asking him to pick Game closed with ball in possession of up a greyhound that fell off the train Albany on the visitors ten yard line. at Albany. Tin 0 on neck. Any in- Score at end of game: Albany 12, Eu- , formation regarding the dogs gene 0. Hans P. Flo and Arnspiger rcted as officials. The game was fiercely contested and Eugene put up as stubborn a defense as ever seen on the local field. Two of Albany's best players were seriously injured and may be out of the game for the rest of the season. Yates and Rog away were the unfortunate ones. Bee son parried the ball over for the touch down in the first half. On occount of abouts will be appreciated by Chief Ries. CLOCKS Suited to the house Jewelrv Store. any room in at French's Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. New Rugs made from old carpets. T1, UnnM Unma 01 ft Roll R 4(19. away were the unfortunate ones. Bee- UeafneSS Cannoi be Cured , ..-J.J .Vi.k.11 a...... fnv frVii. tminh- I REF.P an KY e. on tne Vienna Bakery 1 5"" Is "Sr. all uir n- f bv local amilications. as they cannot for good things to EAT. Second street i " ry condition o'f the field .fumbles reach the diseased portion of the ear. between Ellsworth and T-von. frequent and the kicking of a goal ; There is only one way to cure deafness, almost anSmpossibility. !S;dJhattt M .ST. ! flamed condition of the mucous lining of BBBBaBU . the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its AND A I normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed lorevei ; nine cases out oi ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing DUt an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. . We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnebs (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Drtigftists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti now) While each of tha fiftnon rnvivnl oam. paigna which I have conducted has been successsful, I realize I can do nothing without the co-ODeration of the people and the help of the Lord. My highest ambition is to help people, no matter what church they join, and I request the prayers of all Christians for the success of the meetings. In other places, business men have mutually agreed to close at 7 o'clock during my meetings, so that they and their employees could have an opportunity to attend. Any courtesy of this kind will be appreciated. Prof. 0. M. Kendall, who has charge of the music, plans to furnish a special number each evening from the excel lent talent of our own tity. Persons of all classes and opinions will find a cordial welcome, and other Christians will not be held up to ridicule, as is often done by traveling evan gelists. Every heart and home made happier. Help every other home in Albany. Will you add your influence? fours in the Masters Name, W. S. GORDON. Your Thanksgiving Roaster One pound can of Corona Baking Powder for " 50c Kuby Blend Coffee-the best lor the price, per pound - - - - 25c HEISER & MEISER Oysters, Oysters At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the shell, and more oysters to the .measure than at any other place. Stop That Pain How? Bv usine the Portable Exhil- ator. Dort fail to see free demonstra tion at Dawson's Drug Store, next few days only. , t 23 RINGS Friendship, Engngement and Weddincr. at French's Jewelry Store, FREE! This beautiful doll will be given away FREE on Xmas Eve., December 24, 1908. Don't fail to come in and see it, and bring your friends with you. '! This Kid Body, Sleeping Doll, meas ures 25 inches in height, and is hand srmely dressed in French Bastiste, trimmed with Valeni-enes Lace, and can be undressed and put to bed. Tell Everybody COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street i I ' i i ' Opposite First National Bank. Ordur vour slab wood (cheap from Ola faaltweit. Phone Black 167. tl-1 HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly I served, according to taste. ; Albany Depot and football poBt cards at Meisers. Happyland Rag Dolls at Meisers'. New Arrivals for Thanksgiving Beautiful Silk Tailored And Lace Waists. Perrins and Dent Gloves In all the New Shades for Fall Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STOPE, Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have tho best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. Land in Small Tracts For thirty days we have five 5-acre tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within a mile and a half of Albany. Fine land at the right price and on easy terms. Get busy before it advances in price. Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real Estate Co., temporary offices over the P.O. Blanch, That's ' it. blanch baking powder guaranteed to be as good as Royal or Schilling!-. Try it and be convinced. W e sell it. See the $50 steel range. ELLIS . SONS, Grocervmen. 193 W. First St. Both phones. At the Vienna Bakery. Best hot tamalesin town. Hot coffee and lunches, a choice affair. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs ; 25c jbuv taste like 40cts. . , ;;; GILBERT BRO'S. At the sign of the Padlock. FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... At the old Sclnlbel otand, cleaned up, W. D. BROWN, Prop, ine nignest marKet ptie paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. The Highest Market Price paid of ' SEEDS 1 Of all kinds, at I ' BROS. FEU !. OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS, Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite ai much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are only too well pleuaed to furnish our patrens the choicest cuib of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. Wa also oarry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market ALBANY SUPPLY CO.. Wholesale dialer In .fruit, pro-f duee, paper bags,1Vrapping paper I and twine. I 442 WEST FIRST STREET, m CUP WAREHOUSE Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. Seeds cleinod without waste for l-2c per pound. Sacks furnished free. Home Phono 307. STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits StC. Both Phones 57 Stetter's Cash Store, Senders5 FEEDS l ORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, ' neaaquarters lor "Alsen-i j Pyramid" Portlann Oment, Roache IMarOO' L'me. Kunvro d K.'ulW. City an 1 fam surveying a snecialtr n 0 F hr" """A' .'phu'. Spray. CIIAS. A, HOAO, SURVEYOR nd . Hay, I . . ... ., ,; . , . , Walter Parker, Grocer and! Baker OS WK8T f'lEBT SritUET,. ALBAS? OREGON,! ' First class goods in their seasor. Phon Maln'88. . . ' w -.ictfcj ir:i nniii wiirriL IJUUT, Grain, Mill Peed and Salt.