At The Hotels. BROWNSVILLE. HENEY SHOT. MISFITS. C. A. Graham. Ccndon. John Marrs, Lacomb. I. N. McNeill, Portland. L. W. Olingor, Portland. T. C. Bloomer, Portland, a former proprietor of the Hotel Revere. L. Kay, Mill City. Prof. L. N. Traver, Salem. Jos. Blower, Yuquina. C. B. Pruitt, Yaquina. Jack Junes advance agent of the Holy 'City, a popular play in Albany. Wayne Stuart again. .F. M. DenolF, Eugene. 7 he Oliver Typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu ' latory attachment is just out. See one of the Oliver Agency, 338 W. 6th St. Phones, Black 20U2 and 21 IT'S WORTH KNOWING When vou start out to purchase a Razor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that cears a personal guarantee you get just this from us prices aie'right. See our window. BURKHART & LEB. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me 'Until I used Doan's Ointment, It cured me permanently." Hon. John. R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Handy Tools home, or to slip into the pocket when going any where that tools might be needed, is tho Keert Kutter Awl and Tool Set. In the handler are Chisels, Screw-drivers, Awls, Reamers, Gimlet, , Drills, Gouges, almost gvejy thing to meet as emergency. This is but one of tha handy tools to be ?iiw urn L-3T found among the famous mm Tools and Cutlery They are the ideal tools for use in the home of on the farm, for they require less attention and give more years of useful service than any others. In buying Keen Kutter Tools you are sure of satisfaction, because every one is tested before leaving the factory and guar anteed. The trademark on each tool identities it ask for Keen .Kutter Tools by name. We sell them. 50HLING & Graduates- -ilii-.ii 'Mn HIG.I SCHOOLS and D13ntsr SCHOOLS in Linn cou nd elsewhere; .. Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. . ALBANY COLLEGE Offers rou large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above tho eighthfcradoltoa . Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course Albany College H . Albany, H. M. CrOOkS Oregon Pres Beware of Detective Titles . Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. Katablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Cilice corner of 3rd ari Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm Kll. SCHOH.. 1'rnprielor Brcedor and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hons S. C. Whitj and HulT Leghorns, W. P. Rocks, Light Brahman, R. 0. Rhode Island Rods, White Cochin Bantams. . I!. Turkeys, Win, den Geese, i Ducks, re i Guine'J" Winner of 17 prizes ami 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & (.'lark Fair. Errs in Season block for Sale Phone, Farmers 9B - - - R v. D fjo'3 IWant's Your Patronage Telephone Rad 671 Times: I Citizens of Crawfordsville and vicin ity have signed a petition to the County Cou t asking that body to "let up" on its injunction suit against the Calapooia Lumber Company. The petition, we understand, has been liberally signed and is now on hie with the Court, ! W. J. Wilson, who for a number of years has conducted Wilson's Kandy Kitchen in this city, has sold thd same I to Wilbur Yates,posse3sion ueing given today. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will go to j McMinnville to reside in a few days. i The Democrat is informed that just as soon as Taft was elected wages were I cut fifty cents a day on a building going up in Brownsville and a Kan.-as City bank faded. This goes with the items that had been saved up about factories I resuming work that stopped under the Koosevclt administration. Albany 1 JJemoorat. The Democrat was misinformed. Mr, j Emmons, the contractor on the building referred to, who is a prominent demo crat, seeing an opportunity to have a little fun with his men the morning following, told those of the republican faith that he would give them a tan to of prosperity by reducing their wages 50 cents per day. It was only a joke however. A" 'a One of the handiest tools imagliiabfa for t'ts ' win i J. M. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. : have money U loan in small and I largo amounts. Notes and mortgagan i bought. 1 will bond you. Property : handled for non-residents CttLixs & Oevim: ' i ill Eshte aid Insura n Buy anl sell realty. Insure prop erly ami transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 2 W. I-IRS I S I'. ALItANY, OK, CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese ntedicincM, successor of tho late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second ot.. Albany. Or J n V IITKALU 6- W J TAYLOR to A very sensational chapter occurrsd in the life of Francis J, Heney, at San Francisco last evening at about 5 o'clock, when in the crowded courc room he was shot by Morris Haas, a man who had been rejected as a juror by Heney, wno exposed mm as an ex-conyict, ana Haas claimed this had ruined him The shooting was in the midst of several 8 rival e detectives detailed to protect eney, a very dramatic all air. Haas rrested and Heney taken to the hospital, and it is said his wounds will not be fatal. The bullet entered the right cheek and passed through the head under the brain cavity and 18 near the ear. Home and Abroad. Lebanon Peas and string beans at Ellis & Sons. The weather prediction is: fair night and bunds. Idaho and Pullman played a tie frame yesterday, four to four, each making a I ' piuue mutt. Yesterday was the coldest November day in Denver for thirty-eight years, 8 degrees above zero. Think of the Dem ocrat man running into that kind of cli mate after a life in the Willamette Val ley. Honore Palmer, who once gave Eu gene a reputation, has bought 1300 acres of land near Medford. about twelve miles from tnat place, $37,000 being the price paid. He is going to put it in five and ten acre tracts and put it on the markpt. The Democrat has received a marked copy of the Bend Bulletin, containing a communication trom (J. a. bnctcson. who some time ago with his son was arrested at Brownsville charged with taking some horses not theirs. Mr. Erickson declares that the whole busi ness was malicious and nothing elseand gives the details allowing the facta. Oregon Factories. The report of Labor Commissioner' Hoff shows the ratio-of 272new plant against VI standing idle. J. nrougnout ur- egon there are 1743 plants and of these 87 are now idle. The 272 new plants employ over three times as many men as those idle, aud the great majority of idle plants will start in operation soon. While the October pamc of 1907 figured in a small way to bring about the idle condition. Labor Commissioner Hoff give hia opinion that the dispute over lumber rates is the seal cause. The state labor commissioner's report follows "Durine the 16 months Sine 1. 1907 to September 80; 1908i that the factory law has been, im operation. 41122 inspect ions have been' made in 1743 plants. Of this number of plants, since the irst inspection have been, made, 16 have been burned2'were destroyed) by boiler explosions, til have gone out of busi ness, 87 are lying idle, and 272 new plants founds operating, neasiy all of which belong to the lumber industry. The Weather. Range of temperature 60-3. The river is down to 1.5 feet Prediction: fair tonight and Sun day. J . M . r renon local observer. AGtENORAE Everybody in Albany h eng. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently;. Children, nnablo t explain; AH in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch cold. Or when you strain the back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes. Bright's disoase. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache Cure every form of kidney His. J. C. Walling, retired, of 424 S. Denver St., Albany, ore., says: "or several years I endured mora or less suffering from kidney complaint, the worst trouble being a retention of the secretions and painful pasjnges. I found temporary relief at times but Doan's Kidney Pills, which i procured at Foshay & Mason's drug stare, proved to t e the best remedy I had ever used for the trouble, bringing prompt and gratifying relief and fulfilling every claim made for them. Some of my neighbors have found equally good re sult from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and I hear a great deal of for this remedv." praise Price 50 For sale by all dealers, cents. Foster Milburn Cc DUIlUlO, New York, sole agents for the united States. Remember the name Doan's and tako no other. CUAS. A, I10A( SURVEYOR City and farm surveying a specialty. 213 West 3rd St., Albany, Or CIDER. Made from choiccjapples, direct from the mill, or 4 days old, any age you want it, only 20c a gallon. We have good cider vinigar 6 years old 20c a gallon delivered any where in the city. Lone Pine Tree Farm, Home phone Rejected Juror Attempts Kill Him. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts San Francisco Is the worst yet As a prosecutor Francis J. Heney bag them all beaten. There is also a down in Portland. gang of renegades All the valley papers have told about the Albany apple show, It waB a boost er. . , ',, . The Lebanon E. A( refers to Albany 'a nsw $3,000 depot. $30,000 would be nearer, , The big apples are not always the best ones. Soundness and flavor are what counts. Mr. Heney proposes to live to prose" cute the man who tried to kill him. He's real mad now. Things are mighty dull in (.iiina unto- less the emperor and empress are re ported dead occasionally. A man takes his life in his hands when he gets into the Golden Gate city, where automobiles, thugs and assassins prevail. Give us a new high school building. Move ine central building and put up a structure of brick and stone, needed in our educational business. There is one knocker who keeps at it in Albany, and that is the man with the hammer. He continues bnsy, and it look8 83 if he wiU be aU winter' An evangelist working down the road j is referred to as a cyclone. It seems ' lliut even evangelists have t be last ; in order to draw. i Albany is proud of (Iter new depot and! Eugene of hers. Cottage Grove Lead- ! er. The way to be, and' it h to be hoped every station inithe- valley equala them. The youth that was smoking a. cigar- ette near the monkey's oae tok an- other one irom nis pocKec 'Would il do any harmi"' he asked. "if I should offer him one ot these?" "Not a bit," responded the attend ant. "He would 'nt touch 'it. A monkey isn't half as big a fool as it looks, " Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot rpanh tkm riiflpAnad nnrtinm nf the ear. Xkere is only one way to care deafness. and that la bv the constitutional rem edies. Dfeafness is causedi by an in flamed condition of (he mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whea this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound: oi imperfect hearing, and' when it is entirely closed. Deafness is 'the result, and unless. the inflammation, can be taken, out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whichiisnothing out am inflamed condition of the mucous, surfaces. We wilt give One Hundredi Dollars for any ease of Deafness (oause by catarrh')' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. F. i. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,. O. SoM hy DrugRists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti patiom "-"ji- Johnson's Best is always best, not part oi the time, but all the time.. The specialty of the mill is to make one kind of flour, the best that can be bad. A flour that is good for bread-and cake. You don't need to hunt for imported hard. wheat flour, call for iohnson's Best,, and your troubles will be over. Juat try it once, and se what a permanent friend it is. A. healthy man is a kmc m. ms own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy ; slave. Burdock Blood Bittora builds up saun health keeps you well. -a- I Harsh physics react, weaken the hawls, cause chronic constipation. . Doha's Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, enre constitution. 25c. Ask your druggist for them OASTOltlA. Em tna m hT9lwajs Bon$t llia Kind Yra Hats Always Bon$t of Fairdale Plant harm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants. loganberries, dewbeoies, rbubarb, hedge plant and sage. 1VCK (J. ISUCUALiL,. Home Phone 7102. B. F. D. No. 5. NO EXCESSIVE: LOANS, NOT A DOLLARilN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO 0THEA BUSINESS TO KEEP UP 1 JUST STRAIGHT.OLD FASH- 10NED BANKING. !J.W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Albany, Oregon The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over SO years, - and has been made under bis per-t?y-l, sonal supervision since its infancy. s-McAZtt Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Ofl, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic , substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural steep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM Yon HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CKNTAUH OOMMMV, TT MURHAV STIICCT. MCWVOM CITY. Eastern Oysters. j In the shell or bulk, just as you want them, at the Oregon Market and groc-: ery. These are 5he large juicy kind. We ean shell them while you; wait fr ; the same price youi pay for the ones in cans and preserv iline. j If Missed. Subscribers whojfail to getjtfreir paper j should kick at once; If beyond Mont ! gomery street cailiup Red 323:2 Pac- j itic if missed, and your paper will come, if between Broadalbin! and Mbntgom-! ery Home, and it west of Broadal-1 bin street Pacific Black 892. I Accidents will haspen, but the best regnlatedgfamilies keep ;Dr. Thomas' ElectriclOil for such emergencies. It I sbsbdues'thepainndheals the.-jiuarts. j "BV S3V tat Rheumatism isaused by an excess oifuricjod in the brood, which is .,j carried through tSeeirculatiom to all portiiuis of the system. Every muscle, j' nerve, bone and joint absorbs the acri'li pain-nroducing poison, causing..' aches, inflammation', stiff nesaand other welt knowt symptoms i the disease:.'1 Permanent relief from the pains and di3comfoiteof Rheumatism cannot b-j, expected from thetase of liniments, plasters, anxJ:otlier external treatmei . which does hot iraeh the blood, where thc.cause.-is located. Soch'measut ) ! give temporary Belief, but ht order to cure Rheamatisuj the-uric acid a, uV,; inflammatory poison must S expelledl from thte blood. SS.S. S. cures Rheumatism beeanse it is ai perfect blosd purifier. It goes. down into the: circulation, neutralizes theirric acid and drives it from the bbod. S. S. 3r ' expels the irritating, inflammatory matter which: is causing t3e pain, swell- -ing and other arhscomfort, enriches the weak, soar blood, aEil'.perraanenrAjr. cures Rheumatism. In alii forms of Rheumatism; whether acute or chronic, S. S. S. will b found a safe, vegetable remedyy possessing; the properties needed to curer. and at the- same time a medicine that builds tip the entire system by its ine tonic effs&ts. Book ca Rheumatism and any, medical advice free to all wLoiwrite. THE SWIET SPEEJHC CO., AXLAHTA.GA. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. IS. every Saturday even ing Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of the' World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan cle:4c. Manzanita Circle 1st ami 3rd Mondays, Hilka Warfibrd G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesday F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Lame Bussard Oracle. The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic-meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the G. A. R. hall. Strangers belonging to this order will rsceive-a royal weteeme. Mrs. Jennie M. Brvm, Secretary. C. and E. lime Table. ESectivel Tharsday, Octoker 1st. a new time card will go into effect on the Corvallij ft. Eastern Railroad, as fol lows: Through trains-6:45 a. m. leave Ya- quma; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. na. Leave Albany 12:33 p. m., atrive Ya quina o:J5. Corvallia Local 6:30 a. m. leave Csr vallis daily; 2:15 p av daily, excapt su.ioay; ou p. m. oauy. a 11 .. n.n: p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. m. daily. JNO. J, SHEA. Agtmt. Phone Red 71, Home phone 8. Milk Notice. Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for milk will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7cents, per month $2.10 .. ., pl 4 .. .. j! 20 In ean lots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25 cents, pint 15 cents, W pt. 10 cents. H. M. Palmer, Prop. Goldta Rule Dairy- Bought, and which has been bag borne the signature or Signature of WANTED. Success Magazine require the services of a man in Albany t look after expiring subscriptions an to secure new business by means o special methods unusually effective position permanent? prefer one with experience, but would consider any one with good natural qualifications; salary $1.50 per day, with commission:, option. Address, with reference, E. C. Peacock, Room 30ft Success Mag.- I azme Blug., New York. A. STARK, M. D P1iY81ClAN AND SbHORON ir.. u Bldn, - - Aitianj. -jjrt. J. Li. 3EHL Phvmcian and wfireoD Mill Block - - Albam 9t USE FOR DR. A. J. HODUES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Oregon FIRST NATIONAL BAfC Bk.IJ-A.3Sr"Y- OBBQ-ON' Opfickri Directors RWLAN'GDOJI SKYounit President P A Goodwin S E YOUNG O .1 Schmitt Vitfe-Prouident EWInnlan AC SCHMITT ACH'SmlH Transacts a general banking business. Accounts KoptsuDjecttc-onecK. Sijiht exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Franciseo, Chicago andi Portland, Collections uande on favorable terms Scoffs Santal-PepsnrCapsBles. A POSITIVE CURE ForTnfltremfttfoii orCkterrhof tint Bladiirnrl Diseased Eid ticva. MOCUBEH0FA5. CnrxM liulrhlr sod CPrmnnentlT the worst fiwes oi Gonnrrhoeij find Gleet, no matter nf bow .'one; Btsodinir. A boltely barmlMa. Sold by dniggiiU. Price fl.oo, or by mtil, pottr pld. $1.00.1 DOXM, a.73. TUESANTAL-PEPSINCC MltlanUlne, Ohio. For .ale bf Bnrkhtrt & Lee M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all, kinds; from selected stock., J. H. RUITER, W00DSAW1NQ A CI Pboos red HZ.