Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 20, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    New Side Band prints showing a coming
cotton frabrics.
New patterns of 'Outing Flannels on sale
values in plain white and cream.
Secial values in our
Glove department in
clude a clean up of
Whertheimy's Majestic
and Carleton Gloves,
black, brown, . red,
We offer you Townes
,' gloves at $1.50 that
are the peer of any gloves at
$1.75 on the market.
S. E. Young &
Albany, -
We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been
filled in our store withoutjone smgle mistake just think how money differ
ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with-.
out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you(,
right, The store of quality. : -.
Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show
ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St
Plumbing j
and Tinning.
Bell Red 2401. Home 246.
First class work
dr. mary Marshall)
Osteopathic Prys!cian,
226 BroadalbinJStreet, Albany.
Phone Black 482.
Second and; Ellsworth :Streets.;AIbany '
Oriwtord Blook, - - - - Albany.
Choice patterns of
Velvets, Axminsters
Smyrna Rags and Art
. Door, hearth and hall
rugs at $1.65, 82.00,
4.50 and $6.00.
9x12 and 8x10 Floor
rugs and 'Art squares,
$7.00 to $30.00. .
A Shoe for Every Taste
$1 50 or
for Watches.
' when cleaned by our methods of dry
1 cleaning, are made to look just as good
; as made to ,ook just as new. Waists
and iiresse3 of delicate colors and matt-rial
we renovate to the delight of the
owner. We al?o dye any garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and colorings.
I C. E. SHELLEY, Prop.
' 4.0 Wllst St. Bell Phone black 273
Home phone 196
I Democrat Building, Albany,
I Is'prepared to make and repair booti
' and shies for men, women and ehil
riren is a w.rkman Ilk. manr-
New wide white
Ladies bows with
tasel ends.
Few Scarfs
Ruching collars "
Headquarters for
the freshest, newest
and most stylish dress
style in designs in
5c to 12 1-2. iGoodf
Because we
are strong on the
"ultra" styles,
don't think we
sllight the con
servative. Our 83.50 and
$5.00 grade s
can't be beat.
Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c.
Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina
isayjat tne Metropolitan.
It you are in doubt as to what you
want, come to tne uregon Market.
There you will find just what your; ap
petite cans tor.
If you want to bay or rent a type
writer, see itawnngs. He Handles al
makes and keeps supplies for any ma
chine. See his window of Remingtons
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaner than
anywhere else in Albany. Skjlf ully set
u desire".
To Please Your Palate
- Try some Orange or Apricot marma
lade or Guara jelly, from the Oregon
Market. It is delicious. Nothing but
pure fruit and sugar.
Wanted, turkeys and all . kinds of
poultry at W. D. Brown's Lyon street
Burkhart guarantees his" photo b.
Try a Patrick Uordan Cigar. 5 cent
Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care
ful attention to all tonsorlal wants.
'JvfagnGtic dealer
i Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladdei
, trouble. Stomach trouble. Livertrouble.
Female trouble of long standing, Lum
I bago. Heart trouble, Chronic Constipa-
ition, Apenoicitis.imnammation ot Bow
I els, Chronic Ailments of long standing
! Portable s eam bath. Office 418 First
: fat.. Albany, Ure. No. of Phone 142.
I Calls promptly attended in city.
i limtlolm Lessons
Evenings at his residence 128 Water St.
L,??sona buc. Home Phone evenings
8 'A Home Phone dav time 1326.
Ml". CliaS. 0. IlaiOTVe,
Graduate of William H. Sherwood's
School of Music, will give private in
structions in Pianj at the PrivaU. Par
lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours
5 to 6.
Di?. W.
Over W.odworth's Drug Store. Both
Will be open for skaters Tuesday,
Thursday! ,nd Saturday nights. Go and
tPjoy the sport. t21 jtfg
Will Mean
of a Big i
The College Day committee is bound
to succeed. The word will not be al-
l,j ,. it ,,ij i
lowed to go out that its citizens would
not answer the call of one of her grow
ing institutions for increased means of
better work. The note struck at the
meeting last night was vibrant with
Plans were discussed by the commit-
tee. President Crooks gave his views ' tleman once in ousiness at me Danes
of the import of the present canvass. I for fifteen years. At first it looked
Judging from information received from ! gloomy for company ; but at Hood Riv
various parts of Oregon, and deciding er the subject of apples broke the ice,
from known information received from and a few prize ones I had in my suit
experiences, he gave it as his opinion ! case gave Albany a reputation, and the
that Albany College need not expect to ' young man with a big one from Med
own less than a quarter million in prop- ford admitted it wasn t in the same
erty values within five years if the fifty class. Our Albany pamphlet also made
thousand now sought is secured. Stat-1 thern take notice,
ing his own confidence in Albany's per-1 , The porter s face had a dark look as
formance, he assureti the committee , he sized up the crowd. A dollar light
that Portland and the rest of Oregon , ned it some.
were more vitally interested than ever ! , The scenery along the early part pf
before. A letter from Dr. Foulkes. the route is grand, but after The
the influential pastor of the First Pres-: Dalles is passed the monotony of Band
byterian church in Portland was read. ; hills and sage brush becomes unbear
Dr. Foulkes is heart and soul for Al- able as hash three times a day or a
bany College and belives that the Al- knocker in a club of boosters,
bany spirit will make "College Day" a ' . A few races with geese were interest
decided success ! lnB DUt tne trum always won; but like
The nftieen of the Alhanv Commercial
niiiW TO;n k kaatoN nn cviriau
A mass meeting . for Friday evening'
,.,oo o h - Snv,nrir.;nn tnion
on the spot to pay for the services of
the Albany band for that evening. .
Tnis will be a jollification meeting and
the entire town is asked to be present
to hear the newB of success. :
The campaign istobe an "Everybody
Gives" afiair. Students, clerks, fac- street in more congenial quarters, ana
ulty, laborers, professional men, ' busi-1 for Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Power at Pen
ness men and all, will bo asked to help dleton, who had been notified by pOst-
the movement. The installment plan
will allow those poor in purse but rich
in desire to aid the cause and make a
good subscription. i
Thnsi In tha (Mtv'a future !
cannot be deaf to this business oppor
tunity as it presents itself. To guaran
tee the college as it is and has been
were well worth the effort, but to mul
tiply its efficiency is worth even the
sacrifice of business men end of parents
who would not look forward to a college
education for their children, were it not
for the losation of the college in our
The Catho'ic Fair
Opened at 5p.m. yesterday with a fine
dinner. A large crowd was
seated at the dining table during the
evening and many others
the ice cri am and candy booths, where
the choicest home-made bon-bons were
served. The fancy and Hallowe'en
hooths were particularly attractive and
the display ot fancy articles was
nounced by many as the finest assort-'
ment seen for years at any similiar
" At S.d. m. an interesting musical uro
gram . was presented in which the
best local talent will figured. One of the time of Councilmen Hand, Dawsox and
principal features of the evening was, Tomilson expires the first of the year,
be an address by Rev. George Butler Tn the Third ward the petition of W. A
f Coryal'ui. Eastburn is being circulated and he no
The fair will be continued Wednes- doubt will be a candidate. Other names
day and Thursday and meals will be mentioned in the sa-ne ward are Wal
served at noon and evening each day. iter M. Parker. A. W. Bowerson and
At Wednesday's exercises an address William R. Hand, the latter being the
will be given by Manager B. Dasent of present incumbent of the office. In the
the Commercial Club and the Rev. J
O. Farrell of Eugene is expected to be
on hand with a delegation of young peo
ple from his lively town.
Come and enjoy the evening with us.
Alcb Club To-Night.
The annual meeting of the Alco Club
will be ' held 1 to-night at 8 p. m. All
members are urged to be present. Bus
iness of importance is to be brought
before the members. There will be
something to eat. -
E. S. Robe, Secretary.
F. G. Will for watches.
STOP THAT PAIN. Vibration the
greatest invention of the age Don't
fail to try free demonstration at Daw
son's drug store this week. Girl want
ed. .
Mission Art Glass Library Lamp s
Ralston Electric Supply co.
. Lots nf tires nt Rnltimorp'. nnni.1
slte the Democrat office.
Burkhart. nhotocrraDher. successor to
111 M r- -Bm-L
rT fr- r--r- ir-T'Tiiir fin jm'h'jiu jTrvut Vu ' rt"ViTii
The Customer who came back made us.
We pleased him by giving him Value, not
by what we told him. The clothes we sold
him, was the magnet that brought him back
again. The clothes we'll sell you will bring
you back. We have no others )rt. .Call
at cur newly equipped store, and investi
more than
Everything for Men
f The Blain Clothing Company
Just Enough to Break th News.
On the way, Monday afternoon- At
8:30 I boarded the O R. & N. train
eastward bound and was given a lower
Dertn in ui car iuiiuuuku, just anuau
. Travel i liht L. thr
only five other passengers in the
car, Mr. and Mrs. bouder, of Portland,
formerly of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hall, of Silver City, Idaho, on
their way home from a visit with Mr.
Hair's mother at Medford, and a gen-
human geese they turned their course
and were left behind.
I looked for Jake Streitel on the piles
of cement at Cehlolo. but he anneared
not; for Electrician Goff with a hand
out of apples at Hood River; but he
was not in sight; for Rev. Poling
among the ill-looking shacks that line
"&CK ac ineuaues pooraaveruae-
ments but he was evidently up the
cam, ana tney were on Doaru, among
the best people in the world, with a
pleasant greeting in the oasis of an
overland trip with its tiresome buzz.
When the train passed Irrigon, the
house of the celebrated humorist I
looked for some fun on the sage brush;
but not a joke appeared and Liza But
ermilk was not around the diggings.
The Whirlwind.
The regular Thanksgiving number of
I the Albany High School Whirlwind is
I off the press and is decidedly a credit-
j Whitcomb Riley, departments devoted
to the seniors, exchanges, editorial,
'7' J"?:JL"f"?""LZ'?:
Mary A. Armstrong. '10. on "How '
Discovered my Grandfather's Secret;"
The Hallowe'en Joke, anonymous. An
address on the Waste of Time, bv E.
S. McClelland of the Westinghouse
Machine company.
For Counciimen.
Three councilmen are to be elected
at the coming December election. The
second Ward councilman Dawson s
time expires and as yet no names have
been mentioned as is also the case of
Tomilson of the first ward. These of
fices are not eagerly sought and ono to
attend to the duties of the same must
be willing to sacrifice much to serve the
interests of the people.
Special Deal. -'
On Weekly Ordgonian, 18 months
$1.50. Ben Clelan, Agent. .
KEEP an EY i, un'tne Vienna Bakery
for good things to EAT. Second street
between Ellsworth and t.on.
FOR RENT. A furnish'ed room, at
225 West Third street.
FOR SALE A few pieces of fine fur
niture for sale this week. 824 Cala- I
pooia st. , I
COOKING APPLES delivered for 35 ,
cents a bushel. J. G. Cibaon. Home
phone 4054. I
WANTED Nurse girl at St. Charles, j
NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con
tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St.
new lines, which will appeal
mere words can say.
News From Albany's Six
Trains. '
Judge Scotc. of Salem, returned this
morning from Lebanon, where he had
been working up interest in the matter
of better roads.
A. G. McClain. of Portland, left for
home todav after attending the funeral
of his brother-in-law Will Hariis.
There was a Jananese invasion at the
depot this morning. A crew of about
15 of the little brown men have been
placed on the work of filling in the low
lands lying adjacent the depot.
The disposition of Van Dran Brothors
pheasantry is somewhat in doubt. Tn
all probability it will follow the owners
to their hotel.
It will be some timo before all the
trains will will stop at one central sta
tion. Considering the present condi
tion of the grounds the trains from the
Corvallis & Eastern will remain on the -other
aide of the Southern Pacific
Public Sale
Tne undersigned executars of the es
tate of V. H. Caldwell, will sell at pub
lic auction at the old home place 4
miles southwest of Albany, on Satur-
oay, Nov. 28, all tne personal property
f Bald estate, Bale to oeginat J o ciock
p. m. Terms, or sale: uasn.
William Caldwell,
Jersey Dairy.
Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons
cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell
Main 64; Home Main 144.
Wednesday, Nov. 25
at the Skating Rink.
Bring Your Subscription
We have bottom figures "on
Single or Ciub lists for 1908.-9
Charles Knecht's
There is satisfaction !n know
ing that the candy you buy is
made right in town under con
ditions similar to those prevail
ing in your own kitchen. There
ia satisfaction also, in having
assurance that, whatever kind
you decide upon, it is FRESH,
made from the purest material
and that it is sold in a store
where cleanliness is insisted
Do these sound home-like to "
Chocolate Penotia
Peanut Brittle
Molasses Tallies
Shop." .
7 4
witMi MWi m tt0$m