Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 20, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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NOVEMBER 17-18-19-20-21
Beginning Tuesday morning we will hold a Thanksgiving Sale on
several lines of seaserable merchandise, They are all values,
which will give you a thanksgiving spirit. All stylish depe adable
goods. The kind that Hamilton always offered at SALES.
We describe belorw briefly some ot the lines offeied:
Table Linens "
and Napk
An opportunity (to
replenish your linen
closet with little
money. All super
ior qualirtv, all linen
Roods. Table linen
regular $1.60 value
.... 89c
Sateen Petticoats
A large assort
ment in all sizes, of
good serviceable
sateen in blacks.
An opportunity un
equalled for you.
Regular $1.50 value
300 doz.
.VBlue $1.98
fhr kitmrni
w nr- ,
.nio i 11 me (iosi offlce, Albauy, Or
4 a wond class mail matter. ,
The Democrat.
The ' Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, f0..
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end or year .ldu.
The Weokly-A
Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50.
After 3 years ac
BARRELS. We have good new spruce
barrels first-class for kraut, cider or
pork for one djllar each. The Albany
Butter and Produce Co. t24
ROOMS TO RliJNT. 723 Ellsworth
HORSES FOR SALE. Two or three
?ood, well broke horses, suitable for
amily purposes, gardening, etc., two
fresh milch cows, some thoroughbred
Poland ChinR hogs and pig and hogs
for breeding purposes. F. H. Hugh
son, R. D. 4, phone Home 2852. 123
POTATOES E. L. McKeever will de
liver them anywhere in the city.
Phone Farmers 2X1 Bell. . tDl
SLAB WOOD 75c per cord at mill 17
cords to cur. Mail your ordors di
rect. The Curtis Lumber Co., Mill
City, Or. It
GOATS. 57 fino animals for sale.
Call upon John Dumond, 6th and Jef
ferson Btreets, Albany.
FOR RENT. Furnished rooms. Cal
at Davenport's Music store.
DIRT FOR SALE. Dirt and gravel in
fine condition. 50c a load, 40c when
over 50 loads. See J. F. Wontworth,
Albuny Supply House.
FOR SALE. 38 acros, all in cultiva
tion, with house and bnrn, 4 miles
east of Albany. Also two corner lots
between 1st and Water Streets, by
Ola Saltvcit, 1016 E Water St. Home
Phono blackl67,
PARTNER WANTED. -In manufact-
ering Business in AiDany.- oman cup
:. . : I Al- ... OQQ oan.
1, SSS"U:
r, 1 r n - n i. j tirui.. t
i)lmn,,il. Pwlr rnnnterft.. nnd
puro bred Tulour,o geese.
mrs. j.k.:
M. Home
Porter, K.
D. 2. . Box
nhone 3651. tfl.
TEAM FOR SALE. Inquire of V. E.
Loonoy, Tangent; Or, .. r-
FOR SALE -6 room house, and lot,
good location, 7 blocks from business
Bection. Call at Democrat office.
FOR SALE. A good 7 room house and
hnrn with 4 irood lots, west Albany.
This is tho best bargain that has been
oUereu. n you wunt a snup iuuk
this up without delay. J. V. Pipe.
203 West 2nd st.
CABBAdE for sailor kraut. E. L. Mc
Keever, Bell phono 2X1. I
FOR SALE. Two horso gasoline fcn-1
gine, jack and pump. Call upon J . I
S. Morgan at the brick jard, phone
black 3S2. J. S. Morgan t3
WOOD FOR SALE.-Some good dry
wood. Phone E. M. Perfect, 201
Bell, 204 Home. ,
FURNISHED ROOMS by tho day,'
week or month, tit Blount's, 311, Ells
worth St. t
MUSIC LESSONS. Piano and organ.
Phono black 071. Helen Elkins.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House lildg.
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro
fessors celoliriiti-d hand loads had
better get in their orders pretty soon.
One p:irty who got 100 loudsot us last
year ordered IIU0 this year. Ho said
they done the work. Baltimcie Gun
& Bicycle Works.
SODA WATER. Cascadia wnter from
the Gcisendorfer sprints, may be had
at Tomlinson & Holman's ami at tho
Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t
AERMOTERJgasoline pump, air coated
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
pump for only $15. Crawford the
Aermotor man will be glad to show
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tunl company. C.C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
FOR SALE. Model N Ford runabout
with top, only run one season in fine
c- ndition. Apolv to W. W. Craw
ford, agt. Ford Motor Cart.
Suits and Cloaks
Every one of our
splendid suits and
coats will be offered
in this sale at a good
reduction. Every
one the height of
style and quality,
and this combina
tion os exclusivenesB
and low price will
move them.
Call early and
make your choice.
Some odds
ends of our
of separate
Hamilton's Bazaar
Literary Tendenoes.
lne prevailing tan w,u""v
these days is for a product that is off ,
coIor and tinged with moral-instability.
j Booksellers cannot understand the taste
1 as suddenly developed by the reading .
public and find it almost impossible to
keep a stock large enough to supply
the demand for books that cannot do
else than poison the mind and debase
the character of the reader. Books
with veiled allusions and filled with the
outporings of diseased imaginations
cannot be considered fit for the young
men and women of our nation to read. ,
We need a public censor of the newly
published books and many of the edi
tions and issues would then be so ex- ,
purged that nothing would remain save !
the covers. , 1
Scarcely any of the so called popular
books can or will survive for a year.
It seems that we are fast aping the ,
French style and cultivating a like ap
petite for the novel and reading that
deals with the inconsistencies and moral
unreliability of itu characters. It
would be much better if writers would
devote more time to lauding and show
ing the good and true in the characters
of fiction rather than magnify the low
and debasing side of the human family.
A stop should be called and parents
would do well to carefully watch and
study the reading matter allowed
growing children.
Fruit Inspector Necessary.
m r
The action of the county court in dis-
nnnnino- with the countv fruit insnoctor
is to be lamented and is most inoppor
tune. All ovor tho stato we are known
as a city and county ambitious of be
coming tho fruit and especially the
apple center of the Willamette valley.
After encouraging apple fairs and
meetings for the promotion of horticul-
ture, the court takes a backward step
and makes it possible for all the work
of the past few years to be undone.
of the past few years to be undone.
me norticu tura possiuuitics oi me
valley are its greatest resources and
Hhnulil not ba neplccted. More value'
w I be added to tho landB or tnis .
t tu h u;,, ,. , I
county through a high state of inspec
tion and harticultural excellence thnn
from any other possible source. Let us 1
havo a competent inspector and wage
oven more relentless war against all '
forms of pest and distroying insect
than ever before and through careful I
attention to every detail of proper cul-1
.of the orchnrd positively
eclipse all the excellence of previous '
Oysters at the Metropolitan.
The oyster- season has opened, nnd
from now on the Metrowolitan Market
Broadalbin street, will have the best to
bo secured, the fat article, good meas
ure. Just from the beds.
Also nil tho fish delicacies of tho sea
son. Call when you want the best,
neat and clean.
More Uder.
Wo sti'l make .goodjeider, and will
deliver anywhere in city tor 20 cts. gal.
Only n few gallons of that good 6 yenr
oltl vinegar left.
Lone Pine Tree Farm.
Home Phone 2S05.
Steel Cut Oats
And Cream Rolled Oats at tho Ore
gon Morket. This is the new crop.
A Stove Bargain.
A good IS inch air tight; stove for
only $1.75, at the store of the Albany
Hardware Co.
A good quality of brick for sale op
posite Postotlice. Inquire of Frank J ,
fracey, 316 Montgomery St. Albany,
OYSTERS. (served in all styles,
by the pint or quirt, at Hoflich's.
and '
Your chance to
secure that other
hat you need. All
of "ur stylish hats
will go at a marked
Don't miss the op
portunity. and
in all
and styles both
yests and pants.
This assortment
will be oil sale at
Half Price.
No play has ever won for itself so
much numan love an(j s0 mu-n of true
fr;endshjp from the wnole public as
Clarence Bennett's The Hblv City. It
takes hold of the heart of the auditor
"t !
at once. It bears that magic spell
genius that makes it real to an auditor.
He at once forgets that it is a play and
is carried away with its realism. Hav-
ing once seen it, it ever after takes on
a port of personality. It becomes to us
like some person we have known and
loved. We remember it, not as a play,
but as an old frien 1, and, on its return
hasten to grasp it by the hand and say:
"Welcome!" It is the only play that
pleases everebody. This is one true
marK ot real genius in a drama. Anotn-
er is that every time you see it agiin
ffi TrSS
Js one of the few plavs that will live to
acngnc our granacn laren ano tneir
children after them.
' ' V ' "ar'7-r"'"'':
1016 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1
FOR SALE. 160 acres foot hilW 12
miles west of Junction, good house,
barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an
acre or will trade tor Aloany prop
erty. J. , R. . Metzgar 3rd and R. R.
Tamalies ! Tamalies !
We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken
Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making
them, try one. At The Crest.
Both Phones,
3 ;
Something Nice
O J-''-'
Mission Art
ONLY $4.75
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
306 WestSecond St.
A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet.
Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.
J. Boss, a jewelry drummer
San Francisco, is in the city on
from :
Rev. Van Osdel, D. D., field repre -
sentative of McMinnville College, was
iu ViiJ vu lit a aj uugcuc j
;ed in the city tins nooS on a
Mr. and
short visT Mr Clarence Son of
Portland, aceomoanied them. '
' 1 ouTionuiiiij ut vunoia ui;wii ail caku'
The Fudge Club of the college met sion of the Corvallis and Eastern up
last nifrht at the home of Inez Easton and down the coast, to Mr. Harriman
in social session. Fudge and many at once. It is known that Col. Holla
other such tempting things to eat were bird was very favorably impressed with
enjoyed by those attending, I the immense value of the coast coun-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamborn, who trv while on his trip and it is probable
have been visiting at the home of Wal- that plans for a Harriman coast line
ter Govro, left this morning for Soda- j will be approved in the near future,
ville to visit at the home of Mrs, Lam-!
bom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P
In and Around
i "J .
F. 0. WILL, for Watches.
I .thanksgiving post cards at Meiser s.
Apple wrappers tor packing at Owen
Patronize the Catholic Fair and aid a
good cause.
Burkhart, photographer, makes child
ren's photos a specialty.
Lebanon Peas and string beans at
Ellis & Sop.
Mrs. C. Simpson has chrysantheums
for sale, at 235 E 1st St.
Now is the time to buy alarm clocks.
French the jeweler has all the various
The Simpson residences are rapidly
nearing completion and are marvels of
architectural skill.
Roy Newport carried some insurance
on his evaporator. This will lessen the
burden of the loss by fire.
We have one of the finest lines of
engagement and wedding rings ever
shown in Albany, F, M. French the
The finest brand of scissors in the
city at Baltimores, every pair guar
anted. Money back in ten days if not
perfectly satisfactory.
Will & Stark are planning to have
their new building constructed by re
ceiving separate bids for the different
styles of work to be done.
Those wanting our services please ;
notify by phone at once. We n.ay !
leave in a few days. Roberts & Rob J
erts, at Mrs. Woodin's, 3rd & Broad
albin. Bell phone Red 3011, Home 43
The Ralston Electric Supply Co, has
been awarded the contract fur fixtures
and wiring in the new Elks building.
This was obtained in the face of the
fact that the bidders were numerous
and anxiously striving for the prize.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned desire to exteni
their thanks to their neighbors and
friends, and especially the Eugene
Lodge of Elks and the Albany Lodge of
Elks, for their kindness and sympathy
extended during the illness and in the
death of their son and brother, William
A Library lamp makes a long evening
short. We have them.
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
Burkhart Photographer.
FOUND -Brass key. Ct.ll at Demo
crat office.
Eggs Strain Cockrels $5 to.. $15,
Hens at $2.50 each. Trio. $10.
Pullets 3 months old. at $9.00 doz.
Casa Granda Poultry Co., Roseburg,'
Oregon. . t24.
FOR SALE. 150 bushels hand picked '
Jonathan apples at 25c per bushel at j
the S. E. Young farm 2 miles south I
of Albany.- Come and get them. I
Fred Hyde. 121 j
WANTED. A good girl for general!
house work in family of four. In-1
quire at 313 Washington st, i
FOR SALE.-GraveUfor side walk fll- j
ling at 25c a load. Inquire opposite
Post Office.
316 W. 2nd St.
tor the Home
a uw
GLass Librar
l The Oregon Journal commenting on
o,e future 13 f the state.
cTas? coCntits' TslaV SSth"SS" New?
22 SS"f!LS 2r "
i K .?t .'
. WANTED. Elderly woman wants
I light employment in a home for herlbany. Price, $2750.
board and lodging, or will care for
for children during absence of par
ents. Address P. O. Box. 302, Al'
, door weat online & Taylor See E,
bany, Oregon
a. Rhodes. 1
WANTED To communicate with mem
bers of Brotherhood American Yoe
men, for purpose of organizing home
stead in Albany.
Mrs. Grace Woodward,
118 West 3rd St.
WANTED. Woman to do washing for
family, weekly. Phone 3043 Bell.
'TAKEN UP. A large black sow by
Uoates Bros. 3W miles N. W. bhedd.
t 27.
WANTED. Plain sewing at homes of
people, by experienced seamstresses.
Phone 2271 Bell t22
FOR SALE. A good second hand wag
on, cheap. See W.E.Rogers, R. D. 4.
.Home pnone loua
HOUSE FOR SALE. The old house
on the Jones property, at Washing -
ton and Third streets. Call at the'
office of the Albany Supply Co.
1. K'SHULTZ, Manager.
Takes Pleasure in Announcing the Engagement of
The Transformation Scene the Opening of the Tomb, the Ascension of Christ,
Followed by Innumerable Angels, Closely Followed by the Opening
of the "New Jerusalem," that opens to view the Golden
Inworkings of the Immortal Holy City.
By Special Arrangements Prices WiJl Be: 35c, 50, 75c.
A range is not bought every day. A
not determine whether a range is choap
tho vprv first consideration.
I The lasting quality js the main thing. Other points to be considered are:
How much fUel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack.
Tho ''Quick Meal" Factory is so well equipped with latest and most improved
imachiney, that "ljuiCK meal steei nanges are maae more pertect and eco
lUnms nthor Rnntre. and in selecting a ''QUICK Meal" vou cet thn
jt. mr.po mnnov thnn what
heat for no more money
, cheaply constructed range.
. i J m
Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
! ..AiL?'Axfi!P5uS!
Cutlery, Phonographs and Records.
I goods.' Your last chance for the Cream
! of Columbia Records. Don't miss it.
Albany, Or.,
122 Ferry St.
Good modern eight room housn with
furnace, situated close in, West Al-
Two houses and three lots, East Al
bany. Price, $2200.
A four room house and one lot, Ee.t
Albany. Price, $650.
A good new bouse, a nice lawn and
the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany .
Price, $1500.
265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation,
improvements fair, balance of land in
good timber. Six miles from Albany.
Price $33 per acre.
11 acres in prunes, house and good
dryer, one mile and a half from Albany.
Price, $2200.
30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a
good little town. All A No. 1 land.
New buildings Price, $2250.
60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of
apple orchard, well taken care of, good
buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one
and a half miles of a good town.
100 acres, 5 miles from a good town,
in Linn county, all in cultivation. 4
acres in orchard, balance of landiall in
cultivation. Exceptionally good build -
ino-s. Price. S6500.
1 Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second
. .
few dollars more or less in price does
or dear. You want the best; tha t is
vou would have in nnv fnr l-ho nw4ino.if
sale by , .j
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Cur
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the cify.
'Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
a Crockery and Glaiwar as ein
tead to dose out that department.
Lme an! get our price, and see or
ea P-ie-datel'store.
Both Phoae Main ig.