Albany -s - ' VOL XLIV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20 1908 NO lp Dreamland Commencing Tuesday next will add some Refined Vaudeville to the already good Picture Show. Com and see up-to-date with us. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, manager. Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBiN ST. New Rugs made from old carpets. Both phones. Home 210. Bell B, 402. Lots of tires tit Baltimore's, op" site the Democrat office. THE C. & E. Lost $1,156.06 Last ear. Salem Or. Nov. 13. The Corvallis & Eastern's annual report shows a mile age of 140.68 miles, which is 1.42 miles less than shown by previous reports, this decrease being due to correction of previous errors. The capital stock of $1,410,000 and the bonded debt of $1, 410,000. The net operating revenue was $68,287.10. Taxes to the amount of $13,217.88, interest on funded debt $56,400, and other miscellaneous charges were paid, leaving a net corporate loss of$l'156 06. The stock is owned Ly E. H. Harriman, 14,097' shares, J. P. O'Brien, H. F. Conner ard J. K. Weatherford each hold one share, mak ig a total of 14,100 Bhares. The stock is held in trust for the Southern Paci fic Company. ' Blanch, That's it. blanch baking powder guaranteed to be as good as Royal or Schillings. Try it and be convinced. Vt e sell it. See the $50 steel range. ELLIS & SONS, Grocerymen. 193 W. First St. Both phones. HENEY WILL LIVE. San Francisco, Nov. 14. Mr. Heney is resting easy this afternoon and his recovery now seems sure. XRay photographs of the wound were taken with a view of locating the bullet, which lodged near the throat. Three prominent attorneys of San Francisco voluntered their services to Dist. Atty. Langdon to assist the pros ecution, and have been aciepted. A I heavy guard will be maintained Mon day wnen court, convenes u prevent any outbreak. Yale Won. Princeton, Nox. 14. Yale defeated Princeton before a large crowd, Score 11 to 6. Oysters, Oysters At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the shell, and more oyscers to the measure than at any other place. STOP THAT PAIN by vibration the greatest invention of the age. Don't fail to try free demonstiation at Daw son's Drug store this week, and be convinced. Albany Depot and football post cards at Meisers. Another Large Shipment A NEW LOT OF OUR 55c Books Over 200 titles from which to choose. Nearly all are Books that have recently sold only in the $1 50 editions. Many of them are in their original form all are printed on a high grade Book paper and well bound. They are good reading now, oryery suitable for Xmas presents a little latef. In either case you get the wider range of titles NOW. 10 of the Books for $5.00 HEISER & MEISER Teddy's Won. The Teddy Bears defeated the Mad isona today 11 to 0. The lineups were: Teddy Bears. -Alton Gildow c, Nor man Kendall and Carrie Tucker guards, Delmer Gidlow and Raymocd Arch ibald tackles, Chas. Warner and Louis Schultz ends, Chas. t ortmiller qb, Or ville Monteith and Clayton Bain hb. Clinton Arehibald fb. Madisons. Cecil Holt c, Geo. Parker and Verl Wilson guards, Delta Holt and Roy Suesens tackles, Arthur v.cUies ney and Geo. Engstrom ends, Roland Ackerman qb, Murrel Warner and Asa Eastburn hb, Walter Gray fb. Catholic Fair. The ladies of the Catholic church will give a fair and fancy sale Nov. 17, 18 and 19 at the Armory. They will open with a chicken dinner at 5 p. m. next Tuesday and will serve meals at noon and evening eacn aay. mere win uo ACT0PH0NE COMING. Special arrangements have been made by the manager of Wonderland for the appearance of the singing and talking Actophone, for two nights only Monday and Sunday matinee. So much has been heard about this wonderful mov ing picture device naturally every one is anxious to see the Actophone, com bining the presentation of scenes, drama, opoia, vaudeville, etc, both seeing and hearing the parts played. It is the hvention of a French gen ius Lumarie of Lyons, the originator of the mutoscope. I An Actophone Co. of San Francisco has secured the rights for Oregon for the exclusiva privilege of using it, and 1 this company will appear here at the I umo siatea, in cnarge ot Mr. W. ti. Funk, who recently returned from the east installing 27 machines there. One hears Caruso who receives $10,000 per singing, and is it any wonder people are willing to stand, if unable to get sold buy- tor At Harrisbuig. Cor. Guard; Messrs. May & Senders have 31.UUU pounds of wool to Eastern era who are grading and ba iner it shipment. Morris Senders, of Albany, is superintending the work. The com press being used makes bales weighing 550 pounds, and will fit in a car. as closely as brick work could. Samuel May, of Portland, came up Saturday. His lonar re9idenca hern nnd ; his intimate connection with our sacial. iraiernai ana ousiness life durincr that time always renders the event of hia arrival more of a happy home coming than that of a mere visitor. Lebanon. E. A:- Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turner will go to Portland tomorrow to buy new goods ........- -. ,.l roniira tomorrow to Duy new gooaa ior a lew aays. sides home made candies, ice cream and other delicacies. A fine musical program will ne pre sented each evening. Come and enjoy a pleasant time with us. All are wel come. New Foodstufls at OWEN BEAM COS First & Ferry Sts. Cluster Raisins, box 15c Seeded Raisins, pkg I5c Currants. Dkir 15c Calamyrna figs, pkg 10c Boiled Uider, oottie "c Sweet Cider, gallon -. 25c Yard Dates. Dound . . 20c Pure Buckwheat, 10 lbs., 80c Corn Meal, pound 4c Happyland.Rag Dolls at Meisers'. FREE! This beautiful doll will be given away FREE on Xmas Eve., v December 24, 1908. Don't fail to come in and see it, ani bring your friends with you. This Kid Body, Sleeping Doll, meas ures 25 inches in height, nnd is hand Bcmely dressed in French Bastiste, trimmed with Valenrenes Lace, can be undressed and put to bed. and Tell Everybody COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street ' Opposite First National Bank. Karl Moore, a vouner man recentlv trom UKianoma, nas gone into partner ship with Roy Lee in the cleaning and pressing business, having bought Tom Donaca s interest in the business. Miss Helen .Crawford, who is takincr a course in horticulture in the O. A. C. was over from Corvallis today to oom- filete the purchase of 25 acres of fine and southeast of town from J. Wither, at $200 per acre. Miss Crawford was accompanied by Miss Snell, a teacher in the college. . ... ' Land in Small Tracts For thirty days we have five 5-acre tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within a mile and a half of Albany. Fine land at the right price and on easy terms. Get busy before it advances in price. Inquire of the Linn and Benton Real Estate Co., temporary offices over the P.O. 2 DAYS SALE EXTRA SPECIAL COAT SALE FRIDAY ANl) SAT CRD AY ONLY Over 300 Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats , ,E very new style, color and material worn this set son. We are simplyly over stocked and make the following prices ior two days only, Friday aud Saturday. frr O OS For Misses $4.50 and $5.00 Long Coats, iJO.DU For Womens $7.50 Long Coats ages 8 to 16 years. SI Rft For Childrens Long Coats worth up to c - ""B r $3.00, ages 6 to 14 years. 911. ( O to $14.45. CI QO For choice of 60 chiid's Bear Skin Coats, vl'fo colars white, blue, brown, red and grey. C 1 K HO For choice of any Long Coat worth up Worth UP t0 3-- Ages 2 to 6 years. 3li. UU t0 $19 go. mi At thejVienoa Bakery. Best hot tamalesin town. Hot coffee and lunches, a choice fair. af- Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE. KEEP an KY t on tno Vienna Bakery far good things to SAT. Second street between Ellsworth and I-on. FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... At the old Schubel stand, cleaned up, W. D. BROWN. Prop, t The highest market price paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. SEEDS Of all kinds, at HOWARD BR05. fin M CMP If ABUSE Ferry and Water Streets',. Albany. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bu taste like 40 cts, GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. OUR DU'Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS, Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep, constantly on hand the very best of moats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrons the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. Wo . also carry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen- -erally. Holt's Market Stetter's Cash Store ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dealer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. 442 WEST FIRST STREET. Seeds cleaned without! waste for l-2c per pound. Sacks furnished free. Home Phone; 307.. STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t.. Albany. 1r. Til nihnci t Headquarters for "Alen; and W. KIUUtLL, Yl. ) C Pyramid" fbrtlano Cement, "Koache irrTrmitriiniKi Jarb?C Lime' Kuberoid Hoofing, V rirjl VAIVIArV wooo iim f aster, sulpnur, Mpray, i Both Phone. 34 Liberty Boll hard wheat flour,; Hay,: Office Albany Sttable Grain,. Mill' Peed and Salt: Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker H6 WKBT FIBBT 8TKBETHALBA5Y OREGON,: First Glass goods in their season. Pbonc MMn'SS. AUJAANE,. OREGON,