AT THE HOTELS 0. B. Hopkins, a prominent Eugene saw mill man. W. A. Williams, R. E. Peery, Elk horn. J. B. Layson, Hopewell. general J. A. Waddle, a liquor drummer. J. L. Money, Portland, a name which suggests that he always ought to be welcome. N. U. Megan, Philomath. W. M. Grover, Portland. E. II. Burgess, Newberg. E. H. Montague, Monmouth. Chas. tu. Scott, a former county siu-riff of Linn county. .stock mnn of Summit. J. F. Ryan, Portland. The Oliver typewriter i The new No. 6 OLIVER, with tubu latory attachment is just out. See one of the Oliveh Agency, 338 W. 5th St. Phones, Black 2Mi2 and 21 Harsh physics react, weaken the bawels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Kcgu'ets operate easily, tone the stomach, enre constipation. 25c. Ask your druggist for them Right Whatever the job whatever the require ment there is a Keen Kutter Tool that is exactly right. Right means right shape, size, weight, strength, balance, adjustment, set, hang, temper, quality. m m Tools and All bear the trademark which only to be satisfaction are sure of mum & TAYLOR Graduates r i I n . i f n tftJl I SOOLS and ni eUewhore Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. Offers you large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighthjeradojtoa Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A. Four-Year College Course Albany College Albany, Oregon Beware ot Selective Titles Have nn Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. II. RUDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept aa security for oioney loaned. Established in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd ar i Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm i:il. SCIIDI I.. I'mprictor flreoder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Hull Leghorns, W. P. Kocks, Livrht Hrnhinaa. Ii. C. RIkhIo Island Rods, White Cochin I.. Turkeys, Wiii den Geese, I Ducks, I'o i Guinci- Winner of 17 prizoit ami 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Egga in Season Stock for Sale J'honc. Farmers !s - - - R p. D no 3 j Want's Your Patronage L Talaphone Red 671 1 ahanTohicon I C.H.NEWS -The report of Dr. Davis, health of fleer, for October shows 27 births and only 14 deaths, a very good showing. Deeds recorded: U. S. to the Northern Pacific num erous tracts in several counties Fee for filing $13. Date Aug. 26, 1907. Heretofore filed in ! Morrow, Umatilla, Gilliam, Crook, Wasco, Malheur, Wheel ; cr, Tillamook, Columbia and Lane counties denutv John lw'ther to P. M. Scroggin m.w a & Seymour Washburn 5.46 acres nuw a Lebanon 10 G. W. Wrieht to It. A. & Nettie Erwin 2 lots Wiight's ad 350 Mortgage $3400. Probate: In estate of Miles K. Lewis sale of real estate confirmed. final hearing in J. P. Chesherset for Dec. 7. 1492 hunters licenses issued. A healthy man is a kinc in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhaoDv slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up bouiiu neaitn Keeps you well. The Tools Cutlery guarantees them not flawless but to give you run no risk you, the best. We sell them. 0' i I! 3P 3 3K0DLS m Linn cou Address H. M. Crooks Pres J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money tJ loan in small and largo amounts. Notes and mortgageb bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents CO MY & iHrt l VU Inl E;tta a id ln;ura n Uuy and sell realty. Injure prop erty ami transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. V. KIRS 1ST. ALIIANY, OR. CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo. an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the lato Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second Albany. Or J' V I M FALL. - I Home and Abroad. Marion county ' defeated the high .chool proposition by 98 votes. There were 32 births and 27 deaths in Lane county last month, not a verv .jood record. Taft's plurality is 24,226 In Oregon. It means $20 to at least one Albany nan if it will stay under 25,000. This is primary day for the city elec iion. Nothing doing. Election of three councilmen Dec. 7 with no actual can didates yet. Postmaster W. F. Gill, of Scio, this week married the deputy Miss Claudia McKnight. It is easy "to figure out ho will be deputy hereafter. etltT' ?f EugT'i h8S !ITked from the East. He declares that fin- ancial conditions are bad there. One wouldn't think it from the prosperity braj of the day. Eugene Matlock, of Eugen3,once day cerk at the Hotel Revere, has bosght an interest in the store of his father-in- law, W. C. Johnson, of Cottage Grove and will go to that city to reside. The Oregonian has the gall to call the recent Taft majority m Oregon a recall to Senator Elect Chamberlain That's infamous, ft has nothing to do w.tb the . senate-ship, and the Oregonian knows it. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Burnett have moved from Canyonville to Corvallis to reside. Brady is a former Corvall s1 man, nm jatner lor many years ueing a leading lawyer there and Brady him self one of the best athletes in the col lege He has two sisters there Mrs. Robert Huston and Mra. Tom Callahan. AGE NO BAR Everybody in Albany is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently,-. Children, unable to explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first, Comes when you catch cold. Or when you strain the back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes. Briuht's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache Cure every form of kidney ills. J. C. Walling, retired, of 42 S- Denver St., Albany, Ore., says:. "Jfor several years i enuuinu more or less suffering from kidney complaint, the worst trouble being a retention of the secretions and painful pasjages. I found temporary relief at times but Doan's Kidney Pills, which X wocured at Foshay & Mason's drug store.proved to he the best remedy I had ever used for the trouble, bringing Dromnt and gratifying relief and fulfilling every lows: claim made for them. Some of my Through'trains-6:a. m. leave Sa neighbors have found equally good re- nuina: arrive at AJhanv 11. -ss a mi suits from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and I hear a great deal of Draise for this remedy." Dor sale Dy all dealers, race bit ucuui. roatormtujuru uuiinivt- i -... ii .. ) . New York, sole airents for the United! States. Remember the name Doan s and talte no other. SUMMON In the Circuit Court ol the Stale cf Oieijon for Lino County. Department No. 2. Bi.Ib AUood, Plaintiff, ve. Charles W. Alwood, Defendaut. L'j Uimrles w. Alwood. tne auove- nameil delendantt Io the nauis uf the SUto of Oreson: You rj bereny notified and req'iired to b and appear in said court in smd uit and aoaoei thx complaint of f)e above- uamed plamtinnow on nl therein, on or heluu the 19th day of November,. 190, am) you are farther notified that if von fill to apoear ana aoawer 8iA JIKr STRAIGHT 01 D FA&H comoUint aa above reoatrert. for wan ?LKAIUl 1 yU 1 tbeii the taid plaintm will tase a cle err e Kftinel you for rhe relief prayed for la lam cuui plaint, to-wit:: A decree of saio court diesoWinir tbe- bondi o: matriroony now exifltinn be tween you and ittidi pUintiff. Tbia auoamnus m eerveo upon yuu by publication f r hx. consecutive efca t'lr to tbe eaU h dnv of NovembtT, 19t8, in Albany fi y Deuaocrat.a ii"wp I'sprtr i-u iliabed dutv in Mbny. lanu County, Oreeon, and fit Keunral circula lion, in fiiid County . by order of tbe Hon. J. N. Duncan, Uounl JUflgp of aaid Linu Cjnitty, 0eizon, which paid urder beam dmOctober 1st, L908v and eaid J. N. Dim can i Judtie f a&'d countv, in eaid cvrer lur the said pub lication f thlB BummnDB upon yon, baa prescribed aai-1 1& h oav of November, 18, aa tbe time, on or before which oupliaI) appear and anBrver tbe said co-ttpUmt in Hatd auir. The date of tUe first publicatiou of thia suuimonn iu raid newspaper in Osttber, nd. 19 J8. W. K. BltYEU, A'tnrnnv (or Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I No inc is hereby (;i,en that tbe under ' signed linn liltd In tba County Co in. ol i I. In. (Imliitv. Ornifnn lit. flnl anennnr na a inunistrxor of tbe estate ol Trn-; mm I'r ti, late ol mid county, He- i:ei3eu, nun inai lain court na appoint ed Monday, tbe 7tb day of De emtXT, 1908. at the liuur uf tau o'clock In tlx I jrnoon the hearirg ot o'- jecrionfl to BAid tiiirtl account, and the itltiment inwrvnf. GEO. S.011ILDS, HEWliT & ?OX, Adminiftralor. Aitorueye lor Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notics is hereby givon that the under signed baa tiled in the County Oourt of Linn Couaty, Oiexon, her dual accutt .xecutrtx of the last will and tegta mcnt of Wji, K. Mai-Kinnnn, late of aid Count;, de.fn-eil. anil that it,l i.t.urt li itK)itji'd Monoav. the 7th iar ol Dx.'uiua , 1903. at tbe hour en o'clock in the loreuoon, as the time for tba beailini nf nbjecnon to said Bnl i-c.'Unt, and thp seitlemfut ihtrnf, ELVIRA WAGS r A Ft;', HEWITT AbOX. Eiscul'ix A'toroay lot Ex-cut-ix. MISFITS. i A fixture of Things and Thoughb j Who do you want for councilmen the c lining year? I I r ifteen years for bank wrecking is getting off easy enough. These railroad officials are big fellows ' when something is wanted of thtro. j The republican papers are talkfng about a restoration of confidence. This : is a hard hit at Roosevelt. The Journal calls J. J. Hill Oregon's-' advance agent of prosperity. Where' doe8 Mr- Harriman come in. Taf t republican 100; 000 ahead in Minn- ! esota, Gov. Johnson, democrat 25.000 ahead. If the democrats had run John- son at this time as titey should have done there would have- been something doing. The editor of the Jefferson Review, an old time democrat and1 one y.t. de- c)are9 that the trouble ag; that Bryan ia a p0pBli9t and not a d", and that if the Democrats wi put npa democrat something can be-done. That nobody wanted Taft, but titey preferred him to Bryan- The Democrat is informed that just a soon as Taft was elected wages were cut fifty cents' a day on a braiding go ing up in Brownsville and a Kansas City baak failed. This goes with the- items that had been saved up about factories reaming work that stopped wider tbe Roosevelt administration. Lodg Meetings. Th&E.. Oi M. evry Saturday even ing Chas. Schoet commander. The Woodmen of the World1 every Friday evening. JL. L. Swan olenk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays. Hilka TfarfordiGi.SF. Modern Woodmen 2nd and' 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell W. G. Royal Neighbors lot and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussnrd Oracle. The Ladies of ths-Grand Army of the Republiumeet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons im the G. A. R. hall'.. Strangers- belonging to this ordet will rsceive stroyal welcome. Mrs. Jsnnie M: Brjwms Senretturj- C. and E. Time Table. .. . . . . . iittective- imursang, October w new time aard will go into effect OBitha Corvalli A-.Kantarm Rnilrnnil hi. Leave Albany 12:38 a. m.. arrive 55a- nninafiMR, Corvallis' Local 6t30 a, m. leavo (Cor vallis daily.-,: 2:15i d m. dailv. excepb . .-..... ou.luaw; O'UU'D. mi uailv. 7'55 a. m. leavo AJhanu rlniiu. 9S. p. m. dail.exceDt Sunday : 7:50 cum.. daily. NU: Jt SHEA, Ageiitt. Phone-H&)i71, Homophone 8. NO EXICESSIVfc LOANS, NOT AD0LLAMN STOCi,, NO SPECULATION WLTH nFDlYQITniKi'MnVFV aa .-ji vi..,iiiunl.i r. kv OUR OWN, .NO QtWEZ BUSINESS "JOJ KEEP UP, I0NE1 BANKING J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. I Albany, - Oregon' RUBBER GOODS. WE hxva at Sasfc found whnrtt wa bavtt bee a looking years to find;, a com plete line ol Rubber Goads that the manufcicturera have confidence en 'h in u iiiwuluteiy guarantee for 2 j-xars the ousuuwr. We honestly beliose evet no or inem -i last 5 ye Tho line u so much out of the ordi nary that wo can not be gin to de scribe the dillerence between "THE EVER. RITE LINE and t h other kinda too, io met- , .1... .1 ,;A .;,ioi ccmstdertDtf tiio quality. ' See our window display this wfc and then come in and let us explain th. WHVt of it. Remember wo are the exclusive? Vf'its ia this town for "Trie, tvtumin, LINE. Manufactured by Tub Idem. KuaBsa. Mi'o. Co. t of Chicago. V tji.virtti.O.-tia Co : J. H. RUITER, W00DSAW1N0 Phon red 812. mm 1 ??io-tf fflfVSi i i ii i n i ,'a-.3i&rolMM lifllS" K'rUW',1 I 1 .i I ALCOHOL 3 FES HENT AVcgelable Prenarainn fir A. sirailatingiteFbodaadlWula ling tint Stomachs andfloweisof PromolesDigcsHonJOreriTiH nessandtestxon ainsneMur laaffni Opiuni.Morphine norMioaaLi HOT .NARCOTIC. HtcfnfOUIkHMiamSEH flanptta Stttr . JlxAtaaa- hifmSeed Ctaafkd Sugar nuifim'fhnn Anerfect Remedv focConsftoa- Hnn . Sour Smmach.Blarrim! VVdnnsjConvulswnsJtwrisfr ness anilLoss or Sleep. Jac Simile Signamre cf NEW YDHK. Exadr Copy of Wrapper. Eastern Oysters. j In the shell or bulk, just as you want? them, at the Oregon Market and groc-' ery. 'lhese are ihe large juicy kindi We ean shell them while you wait fr the same price youi pay for the ones in cans and preserv line. ; If Missed . Subscribers wholfail togetjtheir paper IRS. 11 H e run ii t BaKM.T!' should kick at once: If beyond Mont ' gomary street call up Red 3132 Pac-1 ific if missed, and your paper will come,, io. if between Broadalbirn and Montgom-i ery Home, audi if west of BroadaH bin street Pacific Black 892. Accidents will happen, but the best, xegulatedjfamilies keep ,Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for such emergencies. It. subdues thejpain.andheals the hurts. The entiruumer portion of oucbbdiessm-.ainTOred with a jbS, delicate lining called imieous membrane; tttis is leapt! in Stealthy condition by the!1 nourishment and: vital vigor it receives from, the Wood. Sonlonnir as theJ1 v.. .. ....... .ua.uo. i10 lucmurime ucuuiuca iiiicamwiMcmartnai inipuntiesand! poisons this iinter lining o 1 e . y becemea-arttated and diseased,, an the nnpleasantt-and serioua: sympioms 01 itarana commence. breathing, etc. Thedisease cannctibe reacted: by external treatment, thougli such measure affonj temporary relief in. some instances. &.S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood oSall impurities ad poisons. Then as richi pure blood circulates through tha-body, tme; imftimed, irritatoi membrane? neai, me aiacnarge ceases, neaaacnes are relieved and every swisoptoni disaw pears. Catarrh,, being a disease, in which the entire blocs circulation ia affected, can only be cured by anremedy that ses to the -.vrj bottom ami removes eveynartixie of the impurity franmt&e blood, and S&Ss is just what s. s. cs. Qcusi. jsoc on catarrh and write. Notice. To my many friends and customers: AlthouehiiD have lost much in the fire I am again ady for business. New goods, will be bane as fast as I can get them. Call and see mev I need your-trade nowi more thn ever A. SCHMIDT, 128 Perrv St "SufW qr anc I night the tormw of itcising piles. Nothing hemed me until I osed Doan's Ointmmt, It cnaed me, tetimanently." Hso. John. Garresft, Major, Girard, Ala. Notice., A stockholders mee&iiB of the rien tal Mining Company will be held at the offices of Linn County Abstract o. on Saiarday, Nov. 7th at 7.30 p. m. for dui ;ai transacting such other business as may vou migr Come beforo the meeting. AM stock drop m ib hoWers are requested to be present, our stor Albany, Oct. 2S. and see for. j. p Pres. yoursetfe j. 0. Lee, Sec. The prjeea . are rtzht; nam ioihi, I I have- for sale a choio lot of plants f,or fa pIrMng at reasonable prices. 1 gooseberries, red and white currants, )0lanbe!irlf dewbernes, irhubarb. ; -" f-- s-. J v'ER C. DUEDALL. Home'IHone 7102. R. F. D. Mo. 5 Milk Notice. Beginning Oct 1st our charges milk will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $3.10 " pt. 4 " " " $1.20 la can lots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25 cents, pint 15 cents, pt. 10 cents. H. M. Palmer, Prop. Golden Rule Dairy, CASTOBA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For (her Thirty Years CAST0R1A TKf eiNnutrMMMHr, nkw vobr itv. WANTED. Success Magazine requires the services of a man in Albany to -look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special methods unusually effective; . position permanent; prefer one with experience, bnt would consider any one with good natural qualifications; salary $1.50 per day, with commission option.. Address, with reference, R. C. Peacock, Room 102, Sucsess Mag azine Bldg., New York. A. STARK, M. D PHYBIOI AH AND SURGEON - It Bldg, Albany i;R. J. Li.. HiLL. Physician and t-mtiuoi Hill Block - - . Albany, Or IF BESI FOB CATARRH wiiu-. De.nfiaimy, Dut wflfcn the blood; There?isai tfeht, stuffy ffeelin? in tha! aav; mi&itcal advice. 5n?e tn nil lm THE SWIFMFECIFXC CO. AXLAHTA, GA. :JR. A. J. HODoES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple. Albany, Oregon RttST NATlOilAL BAK OREO-OUST ; E L'S01 J I prosideirt p A unodiit, 1 beyouno ojschmiu '. . HSS." Ew npion Cu!nr .Transacts a general bankiiC business. Accounts kentsubject to check. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold cn New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Portland, Collections rnnde on favorable terms. Pott's Santai-Pepsin Capsules A PCSITIVE CURE For InAnmnmtlnn nrf?nMrrhnl the Biilemnd Di?eafjJ Kid- tnit-bty and irtnnn ntlr tho- wroroi cuftn of flonM-rhiiii& fiui tilrrt. no nuttier of bow 'ot stftLdicir. ALiolutei? naroilew. Sold by druggin. Price $1.00, or bj mLil, poit fold, 11.00, 8 boxet, 52,75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIK GC Btllefonsaliie, OUa. Foral bv Borxlmt A L-i NJTlC-iOF FINAL SETTLEM NT Notice is hereby given thai the under- 'COM bas filed iL tbe County Cuurt of v i i M ; iuin i.outuv, urevon, bis Onal account , hi administraioi of the estate of Anna Ior;Snydr and O a R. S'.yder, both de- ' rrweu. atil that Hirt mart h" snpolnt- i Monday, tbe 9th day of Novamber, 1908, at ihe hi ur nf In o'clock in tbe enoon, aa th time for hearing of ob-j-i-noiis In alil account Jil tn final ;ilement lhareof. : M. ri 8NYDER, HEWITT A SOX, A-liuinUttitor. I Aaorri-v. far V l a laia iritot.