LADIES SUITS Our stock is replenished nearly every day. The rery best styles. The very latest designs, are arriving from the eastern manufacturing centers. Medium priced suits from $15.00 upward in cloths and suitings. Gr3ens, Smoke greys, blues and browns predominating. SHOES Everything in Shoes Ladies Dress Shoes, button or lace, all leathers . . $3.50 Children's Foot form shoes a specialty Men's Winter shoes $3.50 and $5.00 Dress Goods Suitings in wine and grey shadings. Broadcloths, Braid and button trimmings to match the popular colors. New Datterns in Waist Silks. NEW ARRIVALS Veiling, Wide Ruching, Misses Gloves S. E. Young & Son. Albany, - - - Oregon. 100,000 100,00 ONE HUNDRED TfloU SAND. PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store withoutjone single mistake just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you right, The store of quality. BUSINESS. BURKHART & LEE 100,000 100,000 The BEST in Jew elry is none too good. f. g, ma Has it. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaqmna Bay(at the Metropolitan. If you are in doubt as to what you want, come to the Oregon Market. There you will find just what your ap petite calls for. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Rawlings. He handles al makes and keeps supplies for any ma chine. See his window of Reming tons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desire''. APPLE PRIZES A UNITED Awarded in the Splendid Apple Show. I VALLEY. ' A Banquet Full of Good Will, Ibany's Best. The awards in the apple show were made this forenoon by the judges. Prof. Lake, H. M. Williamson and Hon. I . . . . , Chas. Galloway, with a large display to ,Tha ban1uet la3' "" hnr select from, 153 boxes in all and a fine of the opemng of the new depot was if f nit .vhih.-f. the best in the history of Albany, a magnificent affair, splendidly managed and carried out, gotten up by our wives, daughters and sweethearts, as Toast master Van Winkle remarked. Set in the tine new gymnasium three hundred eighty seats were all filled but three or four. I At 5:30 the crowd took their places amid good natured hurrahs for differ ent towns. The college girl's glee club sang, making a tremendous hit, and the banquet was oa. The menu with some : calchv hits was: Oyster cocktail Clam Boullion Salted Wafers Chicken pie Escaloped potatoes Baked apples Celery jelly olives Fruit salad Ice cream Cake Coffee Cheese Crackers Cigars Interspersed as the banquet proceed- follows: Best county exhibit $100 cup present ed by Linn county. Marion. Second best, cup presented by Browns ville commercial club. Polk. Best box Kings, cup presented by Harrisburg Development Co. H. G. Rumlaugh, Albany. Best box Northern SDies. cud Dre- rfented by Linn county fair association of Scio. Collins Bros., Independence. Best five boxes. 3 or more varieties. cup presented by Uhling & Taylor uick jnoore, Aioany. Second best, set of knives and forks. presented by Tcralinson & dolman. L. Reynolds, Salem. Best box Jonathans, cup presented by Bach & Buhl John Goetz. Best box Spitzenbergs, cup presented by the Blain Clothing Co.-C. A. Park, Salem. Best box Baldwins, $10 blankets pre sented by Hamilton's Bazaar.--L. T. Reynolds, Salem. Best box Yellow Newton Pipmns.cup "to u,,?,:u" Hu presented by the Linn and Benton Real 'ma8J 1 I .IL h mZ nH Estate Co.-F. fi. Brown, Corvallis. lillfiliTu V S- B8' b05.Ben Pav8' CUP Presented Weatherford. Albany will grow: Law! ALBANY by P. M. Scroggin R. Thompson, Al bany. Best dox red cneeKed rippms. cup presented by Collins & Devine. H. C. Bushnell, Junction. Best box Grimes Golden, cud Dre- sented by First National Bank. Henry StrucKmier, mamas, Weatherford. Albany will grow: Law- yer W. Cotton, the depot a new spirit of growth; Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain, who was given an ovation as he arose, who left the south 32 years ago today for the garden spot of the world and found it at Albany; President Crooks, Ordgon the garden ot eden with its op er Hartog. who admitted Albany had outdone Eugene's depot day; Senator C. W. Hodson, president of the Port land Commercial Club, a good roads man; the great and only Tom Richard son, Albany the center of the earth, and this banquet the most soul to it of any ho ever attended, Eugene never having a banquet that would touch a fragment nf it; Manager Bury I. Dasent, for whom the crowd stood and cheered, Al bany is on the man to stay, and Mr. O'Brien we want the C. & E. extension To Please Your Palate Try some Orange or Apricot marma lade or Guara jelly, from the Oregon Market. It is delicious. Nothing But pure fruit and sugar. SboxW carving-set nre- PM.exy; President Campbell, who ap- onto,! h &,H I!nn.Mi, if,,l preciatea mis mnu oi aico nan; Duost- H. G. Rumbaugh, Albany. Best display on plates, 10 or more varieties, cup presented by H. Bryant. Harold KumDaugn. Best box commercial packed apDles, cup presented by J. A. Howard. H. C Bushnell, Junction. Best display of chrysanthemums, cup presented by F. M French. Miss Lucy tiara. Mrs. ii. r . box, secona. Best display of house plants, pre mium presented by r . U. Will. Mrs. t r m I; II. U. AUlllllUOUll. 1 . .... Best indiyidual chrysanthemum, cup . . "'X ""h ' ZJl presented by Holt Again.-Mrs. Geo k 'eA .MpUlrVhJ P5?M2 Simpson. Second, Mrs. R. A. Murphy, ' -; ftfi?'0&$J A Louis Bomher chrysanthemum fetf, ?Lt.K brought in by Mrs. W. F. Heokman, I Portland Albany boosters at the ban too late for entry, is a beauty, and a quet: Judge H. H. Hewitt, Portland myrtle from tfie Bermuda fslands, a i will have to look out: William McMurry, genuine article, owned by F. B. Young I P??f".Bg'?'i Jl,eB ' ?j J?pi? attracted attention. i of Albany; Ralph Hoyt, president of H.J. Moore has a fine display 0f ! the rose fair; Rev. McDougall with on English and almond nuts: O. MlBirtcn lhu?aam to burn, suggesting that Mr. a very healthy lemon tree, with the McMurry carry his gospel over the green fruit, a good one; H. E. Mullen I mountains to me poor people tne otner iome late peaches and there is a good ald?: dosing with thanks by Lawyer exhibit of vegetables I Cotton ani three cheers for everybody. A large number of Albany people and ' Interspersed dispatches of a decided those from other place have attended , Amorous nature were read from, Pres. the show, warm in their praise of the ge2VRoos?'t 'pIv, that mT"0 splendid snowing made. It was far ad been the center of the world; from ahead of last year, and emphasizes the Harriman on the C. & E. extension; a CHAMPIONS Ot the Non-i.onference League, Beat Willamette II to 4. On account of a long dispute over the playing of Dunlap properly certified the game between Albany and Willamette was not begun until about 4 o'clock, then without Dunlap, but Willamette's professional Sullivan remained in the game without any certifying. But it made no difference. Willamette start ed the game with the most life, and sjon had the bull where a goal could be kicked from the field. Then Albany proceeded to do business and by some splendid runs and forward passes Boon, had a touchdown and a goal was kicked. In the next half Albany clearly out played the Methodists and another touchdown was soon on record, but the try at the goal was a failure. The game ended with the ball out of dan gar. Beeson, Barry, Ward and Rogaway did splendid work carrying the ball, with good interference. The punting of Yates was very poor. With gooa kicking Albany would have been good for at least one more touchdown if not two. and Willamette's field goal would never have occurred. It was about the most interesting contest played here. Under Coach Luck a splenaid team has been developed, the best in Oregon for its weight, and the greenness of most of the men at the game. Mr. Hockenbury, of Portland refereed the game in a professional way, with Prof Marquam as umpire. Fred Weath erford was head linesman and Prot. lo timekeeper. The Weather. Range of temperature 50-36. The river is 1.6 feet. Prediction: fair tonight and Thurs. da: M. French local observer. STOP THAT PAIN. Vibration the greatest invention of the age. Don't fail to try free demonstration at Daw son's drug store this week. Girl wanted. FOR SALE. A good second hand wag on, cheap. See W.E.Rogers, R. D. 4. Home phone 1803. fact that this Dart of Oregon is in a position to be second to none in apple raising. Every person in the city should see the exhibit, which is entirely free, one for everybody. Wanted, turkevs and all kinds of pDuitry at w. u. Brown's Lyon street. Burkhart guarantees his photos. ' Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 5 cent BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Hotel Revere, giye care ful attention to all tonsorial wants. ' FARM AND CITY PROPERTY i THE I IMV & DCMTAM DC A I CCTATE Cfi Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show j 1 IYV1 T. li. JJCLlll(U ing you any place you wish lu a-iu huuuio w ... Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. , . Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West r irst it Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First class work guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL Osteopathic Prys!cian, 226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. Afagncstic Vealer I Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder trouble, Stomach trouble. Liver trouble, , Female trouble of long standing, Lum- ; bago, Heart trouble. Chronic Constipa tion, Apendicitis.Imflammation of Bow- ; els, Chronic Ailments of long standing Portable s earn bath. . Office 418 First St.. Albany, Ore. No. of Phone 142. j Calls promptly attended in city. ; Mandolin Lessons j GIVEN BY A. H. STEVENS Evenings at his residence 128 Water St. Li"?3ons sue. Home fhone evenings i 3?6 Homff Ph"ne dav time 1326. Pushing the Line. sure enough one from Mr. Kruttsmtt, one from Harry Lane, too busy with the lid; from President elect Taft, W. J. Bryan, with regards t;o Milt Miller: Carrie Nation, whose hatchet was out of repair; Mrs. Woodcock, E. L. Smith, of Hood River, who objected to Albany The jewelers of the citv all closed I Be.'.ne e aPPle cen,teI,a3 ,we" ,a their stores this afternoon during the rauroaa center, ana ineoaore ononis, funearl of Henry Ewart, attended by a I "r,tf tof ru" a fub fwav from the St large number of friends Charles to the depot. Another song and three cheers for i the Portland ladies at a separate table T-,r.-..Tr, , . ..,. .' ancl tno happy crowd dispersed, Eugene FOR -ALE. 160 acres foot hills 12 first amid hurrahs for that place, in wii,co wcau ut uuiuuii, Byuu uuuoo, 'order to reacn tne train earner. UBLU, iJBJllllga, XlUlb I'll It. qAU UU acre or will trade for Albany prop erty. J. R. Metzgar 3rd and R. R. 29t HOUSE FOR SALE. The old house The rails have been laid a block on on the-Jones DroDertv. at Washiner- the new electric line. The toD of the . ton and Third streets. Call at the : rails are exactly on line with the curb ,: office of the Albany Supply Co. ling. A splendid job is being done un- FOR RENT. A furnished room, at 1 der the direction of Foreman Stewart, 225 West Third street an experienced railroad builder who WANTED-NursegirratSt. Charles, j lehT ffiSJ NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con-1 work will be done. tractor and builder, lib t erry St. TEAM FOR SALE. Inquire of V. E. L,ooney, tangent, ur. , TmffimVllSfST1- For thirty days we have five 6-acre W. Boom, at J. A. Howards real . tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within a estate office. ! mile and a half of Albany. Fine land, CHICKENS. Twelve or fifteen fine at the right price and on easy terms, barred Plymoth Rocks. Call at Dem- j Get busy before it advances in price, ocrat office. J Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real FOR SALE. A good 7 room house and Estate Co., temporary offices over the barn with 4 good lots, west Albany. : P. O. This is the best bargain that has been i - - - offered. If you want a snap iookj Albany Depot and football pos t cards !3mD w'th?ut delav- J- v- P'PO- at Meisers. 203 West 2nd St. Bring Your bubsription NOW I We have bottom' figures Jon -Single or Ciub lists for 1908-9' at Charles Knecht's Land in Small Tracts. HOT CHICKEN TAMALIES -AND LIGHT LUNCHES SERVED AT THE ELITE "Chocolate Shop." OAS T O Bun th. ?lh8 Ui H,n Um1 B,II8M LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS. Mf. IMS. 0. Haff faVe, HENRY DEALER 'IN: CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS.I Sicond anil E llsworthlStreets.jA lbar y "k. A. LEININGER. Dentist Crawford Block, - - - - Albany, j when cleaned by our methods of dry j cleaning, are made to lock just as good I as made to .ook just as new. Waists ' and dresses of oc-licate colors and ma , terial we rfnuvate to the delight of the i owner. We :iUo dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLiEY, Prop. 4J) W.lst St. Beli Phone black 273 ; , Home phone 196 J. w, beAtlev Democrat Building, Albany, Is prepared to make anl repair boots j ana saoes lor man, woaen ana cnil dren in a workman hue mannet. OF CHICAGO. ILL. Graduate of William H. Sherwood's school ot Music, will give private iti structions in Pianj at the Hrivatu Par lors Hotel Revere un SaturJjys. Hours 5 to 6 DR. W. Dentist Over Wcodwo th's Drug Store. Both phones. tlx .'.V ,4 SKATING RINK Will be open for skaters Tuesdiy, Thursday Jand Saturday nights. Go and tnjoy the Bport. t21 This Week, the Apple Fair ! "The Latch String Hangs Out" You are cordially invited to make our store your headquarters, where everything is new, clean and attractive This is also an opportune lime to select that Winter Suit, Overcoat, or Cravenatto, now being received daily, from the best known makere in America, STRICTLY HAND TAILORED. All the now creations, in Suits, and a guaranteed perfect fit. Everything for Men The Blain Clothing Company