Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 13, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    Art Department
Is now replete with so many things that
will interest the fancy work enthusiast
$ We show a handsome line of pillow tops in all the new designs on burlap, canvas,
or linen, to be worked in embroidery flosses, of silk or mercerized cotton, cor
nation braid, rick rack braid, or stencil work all of which we can supply you in
patterrns or shades.
$ Also the paper mache initials for embroidering fancy linens, towels, napkins,
sheets and pillow cases, and in our pattern department you can find many new
borders and designs for all purnoses.
We are Headquarters for Fancy Work
Begin to make Christmas Presents
Site Jciuornt
utorud i uiu (oai oiliue, Albany, Or
4 1) Hecond class mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, 1.0?.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $8.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.26.
At end of year $1.60. Alter 3 years at
POTATOES. E. L. McKeever will de
liver them anywhere in the city.
Phone Farmers 2X1 Bell. tDl
SLAB WOOD 75c per cord at mill. 17
cords to car. Mail your orders di
rect. The Curtis Lumber Co., Mill
City, Or. It
LAND FOR SALE. Near city in
Bmall tracts on monthly or yearly
payments. H. Bryant. tl3.
GOATS. 57 fine animals for sale.
Cull upon John Dumond, 6th and Jef
ferson streets, Albany.
FULL BLOODED. Bird Plymouth
rock cockorals forsale at Mrs. Frank
Kitchen, R. D. 6. Boll phone 1x3.
LOST. Tuesday afternoon about 3 p.
m a litrht t.nn colored DUDDV acCd 10
weeks old. Reward olfered for its j
return. Leave information at this
FOR RENT. -Furnished rooms. Cal
at Davenport's Music store.
DIRT FOR SALE. -Dirt and gravel in
line condition. 50c a load, 40c when
over 50 loads. See J. F. Wentworth,
Albany Supply House.
FOR SALE. An Al fresh cow. Ca
at 939 E; First. 27t
FOR SALE. Si acros, all in cultiva
tion, with house and barn, 4 miles
east of Albany. Also two corner lots
between 1st and Water Streots, by
Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water St. Home
Phone blacklti7.
PARTNER WANTED. -In manu fact-1
ering business in Albany. Small cap-,
itnl required. Apply at 233 Last sec-
ond street. Mt
FOR SALE.-Purb bred White Leg
horn roosters, Black Minorca roost-,
era, Plymouth Rock roosters, and
pure bred Tulouso geese. Mrs. J. C.
Porter, R. D. 2, Box 15. Homo
phono 3651. tfl. j
FOR SALE.-6 room house, and lot,
good location, 7 blocks from business
section. Call at Democrat
two lots, b.irn. ulcnty oi iruit. niv
unted on Jefferson street. Must bo
sold to close up an estate. This is a
bargain if taken immediately. Cull
on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second St.
Both Phones.
CABHACE for simcrkrnut. E. L. Mc
Keever, Hell phono 2X1.
FOR SALE.Two horso gasoline en
gine, jack and pump. Call upon J.
S. Morgan at the brick j ard. phone
black 3S2. J. S. Morgan 13
WOOD FOR SALE.-Some good dry
wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201
Bell. 204 Homo.
week or month, at Blount's, 31 1, Ells-
worth St. ot
MUSIC LESSONS.-Piano and organ,
Phono black 971. Helen hlkins.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire nt Opera
Houso Blilg.
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro
fessors celebrated hand lends had
One party who got 100 loads of us Inst .
year ordered 8W) this year. Ho said
they done the work. Baltimore Gun
& Bicycje Works.
SODA WATER. Cuscadia water from
the Geisendorter sprinus, may be hud
Pt Tomlinson & Holninn's and nt the
Peacock slauleh, at $1.60 a dozen.t
AERMOTERKiisohnc pump, nirconted
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
puinp-for only $15. Crawford the
Aormotor man will be glad to show
McMinnvillo. Orceon's greatest mu
tual company. C. 0. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
FOR SALE. Model N Ford runabout
with top, only run one season in line
c ndition. Apply to W. W. 'Jraw
forrt. act. Ford Motor Cars.
Hamilton's Bazaar
A Manly Letter.
(Special to The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 7. Although
the United States senate is one ambi-
tion in life for Judge Stephen A
Lowell of this city, Judge Lowell de-1
. clines to be elected through broken
! pledges or disregarded laws in the fol
lowing letter to the Oregonian of Port
land: j "Pendleton, Or., Nov. 6, 1908.
'To the editor: I notice in your issue
of this morning in an article discussing
the senatorshin. mention of my name
as among several republicans who may
possibly receive considerate at the
coming session of the legislature, I do
not know that;the matter requires any j
attention, but 1 desire to go on record
while the fight is young and to say that
while it is the ambition of my life to ,
represent Oregon in the federal senate,
I do not care to reach that high station
over a pathway of broken pledges or
disregarded laws and I want neither
eilence nor word nor act of mine to in
fluence any member of the legislative
assembly to violate his conscience or
his word.
"I opposed Statement No. 1 in the
primary campaign with such vigor and Burkhart, photographer, makes child
intelligence as I could command, be- ron's photos a specialty,
lieving it unwise, impolitic and foreign Parties having banquet bills are re
to the form of government under which quested to present them at once to
i-, i.i. it i ., ll. !, ft,a I Manager Dasent of the Commercia
we live, but it is now the law of the club.
state, made such by the majority vote ) The annua meeting cf the Alco Club,
of the people, and every law should be called for last night, was postponed un
obeyed, til next Wednesday night, on account
"I speak only for myself, and do not the biS banquet,
assume to bo the conscience of the' The finest; brand of scissors in the
. . u i i , cltv ' Baltimores, every pair guar
party or the mentor of the legislature. j anted. Money Daek'in te day8 ft not
Frenz'cd 1 noughts.
A Florida town has passed an ordi
nance regulating the speed of airships
overhead. "Reform is marching on.'
An OMo man ha9 invontcd a machine
girls. That man's wife must be a cat. A good quality of brick for sale op
... . . . . , 4 . posite Postoffice. Inquire of Frank J.
"A spinster is not always to be Tracey, 316 Montgomery St . Albany.
blamed for her condition," says the I .
Omaha Bee. No indeed otten she t to '
bo congratulated.
A legislature in the south wants to
al)0ij9h flirting. That is what comes of
i The chief of police of Atlanta tabu
lated the result of the (irst three
months of prohibition as compared with
the same three months of the year
previous. He shows that though there
was no decrease in the buglarics and
thefts, the total number of arrests fell
from 5,277 to 2,010, a decrease of 3,207. j
Arrests for disorderly conduct were cut
in half, and those for drunkenness were
but 323, as contrasted with 1,293. The
chief of police said that the result has ,
lieen lewer conipuuius oi severe uis-
lresa awons the poor and more cash for
' household expense.'
Best All the Time.
Johnson's Best is always best, not
part of the time, but all the time. The
-penalty of the mill
is to make ono
kind of Hour, tho best that can bo had.
A Hour that is good for bread and cake.
1 ou don t need to hunt for imported .
hard wheat Hour, call for Johnson's!
Best, and your troubles will be over. I
Just try it once, and see what a'
Dermanent friend it is.
Burklinrt, photographer, successor to
Mission Art Glass Librnry Lamps
A Library lamp makes a long evening
siort. We have them.
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
OYSTERS.served in all styles, and
by th: pint or quart, at llollich'.
Make us a visit.
Giving her Albany friends "the slip" ,
and stealing away to Rose Lodge, to-
dav at high noon Miss Etta 8. Carter .
nliehted her vows to Mr. James Mac-
kenzie, in his little cabin nestled among i
the tall pines and firs, Rev. Mr. Mem- i
inger officiating. '
The bride was attired i
a pretty
mountain suit of blue.
Following the ceremony
a fine
dinner prepared by Miss Finzer,
The bride is a daughter of Mr. I. P.
dTa Sl'l.
for three years an efficient teacher in 1
the public schools of this city. ,
Mr- MacKenzie is a worthy and pros- :'
ZrlT the
best of success.
In and Around
Thanksgiving post cards at Meiaer's.
Apple wrappers for packing at Owen
perfectly satisfactory
Those wanting our services please
notify by phone at once. We n.ay
leave in a few days. Roberts & Ro b
erts, at Mrs. Woodin's, 3rd & Broa d
albin. Bell phone Red 3011, Home 43
STOP THAT PAIN by vibration the
greatest invention of the age. Don't
fail to try free demonstiation at Daw-
"VW " tmS WeeK aM
COnv,nced' ... .
or three
good, well broke horses, suitable for
family purposes, gardening, etc., two
fresh milch cows, some thoroughbred
Poland China hogs and pig and hogs
for breeding purposes. F. H. Hugh
son, R. D. 4, phone Home 2852. t23
Tamalios ! Tamalies
We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken
Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthing used in making
them, try one. At The Crest.
Both Phones,
! Something Nice
Mission Ail Glass Libra?
ONLY $4.75
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
306 WestSecond St. Albany. Oregon.
A Siletz Homestead
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet.
Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.
M. Bussard returned to the bay to
complete his outing.
Mrs. Clyde Ahby and daughter ar
rived this noon from Salem.
Mr. Bert Westbrook left this noon
for Roseburg on a business trip.
Miss Neta Davis, of Corvallis, came
over today on a visit at L. Viereck's.
Mrs. Chas. M. Redfield of Crook
county is visiting at F. M. Redfield's.
Mrs. J. P. Roberts and son Eugene,
of Portland, are in the city on a visit
with Mrs. G. C. Moon.
S. G. Irvine is here attending the
apple fair, Lincoln county is an apple
country, raising the fruii without
Mr. and Mrs. George Wenthworth, of
California, who have been visiting at
J. T. Wentworth's returned from a trip
down the road.
Rev. J. J. Evans went to Corvallis
this afternoon to preach tonight, and
perhaps see the foot ball game this af
ternoon. Mrs. G. W. Wright and daughters
Carrie and Georgia went to Browns
ville tnis afternoon, called there by the
serious illness ot Mrs. wngnt s lather.
Mr. Thomas Hansell, of Astoria, left
this noon for home after a short Albany
visit. Hansen is a lormer AtDany man,
having beeri a foreman for A. B. Ham
mond. I Mr. J. A. Clemens, formerly of Hal-
sey nut now or rortiana, wno nas neen
visiting at the home of his sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Thompson, leit tor home this morning
Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Nash, of Nash
ville, Lincoln county, were in the city
this noon on their way home trom a
trip to Portland. Mr. Nash has great
iaitn in tne great development or Lin
coln, which certainly has bright pros-
several of Albany's foot ball enthus-
iasts went to Corvallis this afternoon
to see O. A. C. and Whitman battle for
tne championship of the Northwest,
among them. Prof. Luck. Fred Weath
erford, Rabert Hartsock, Dennis Mer
rill. Flossie.Simpson, Jack Warner and
Dr. Walter Bilyeu.
Final account approved in estate
F. Hendricson.
Estate Chas. Goehringer inventory
filed. Value of all DroDertv $408.
Estate Julia A. Lee inventory filed.
Realty $2309, personal $1260. Total
1494 hunters licenses.
Deeds recorded:
J. T. Shea to G. F. Hardy lot E.
A $ 10
Chas. Whitney to Ira Bassett 18 a 1000
W. H. Snyder to A. B. Custor &
Rose Miller half lot H's 3rd ad 750 '
J. W. Lehman to C. C. Kendig 5a. 650
H. K. Arnold to John Wither7.7a. 1.
S. P. Bach to S. J. Morris lot
Lebanon 133
I. B. Bassett to C. H. Whiting 40
a 1000
C. H. Greer to P. M. Scroggin 2
lots Lebanon ' 1
W. J. Turnridge to Jas. Sylvester
40 a S00
H. E. OlmsteadtoEmil Brodeeky
& wf 120 a 3800
T. J. Hannah to H. E. Olmstead
&wfl68a 2300
Emmett Gray to W. H. Clark &
wf 1 a 25
Bach & Buhl to C. B .' ' Montague
2 lots Lebanon 200
W. M . Chesher toSarah E. Rank
in trustee land for cemetery. . 1
A. F. Bohrke to Geo. Campbell
. 40a. 85
A, F. Bohrke to Paul Bohrke tot
Lebanon 85
S. M. Garland, of Lebanon, paid
$30.40 fees last evening for recording.
Depot agreement Lebanon & O. & C.
R. R. Co.
Happyland Rag Dolls at Meisers'.
COOKING APPLES delivered for 35
cents a bushel. J. G. Cibson. Home
phone 4054.
316 W. 2nd St.
lor the Home
relinquishment for
Cement Walk District Again Ex
tended. The session last night was a hurried
one. i
Present the mayor and all members. '
The sewer through block 3 in the
Western addition was ordered extend-1
ed 165 feet, reaching the Champion,
Starr and Hughes property. I
Petition of J. C. Walling et al for
the S. P. to deepen its ditch along the
right of way referred. I
An ordinance was passed making a
big extension of the cement walk dis
trict, the limit being all of Main to
Water, thence to Lafayette, thence to
First, thence tc Lyon, then north to
the alley and west to the St. Charles,
covering the remainder of the western
part of the city except to Sixth street
from Elm to the cemetery.
Councilman Wilmot complained of i
some boys throwing stones upon some
Bills allowed: Willamette Valley Co.
$162.33, Umphrey & McKey $14, John
Catlin $4. J. A. Whitesides $24.
Apples, Apples, Apples.
Wanted by E. H. Rhodes, 10 carloads
red apples. Call up Bell Phone Black
HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly
served, according to taste.
Burkhart Photographer.
I. R. SHUITZ, Manager.
NOV. 13TH and 14TH, '08
in the Great Sensation of Two Continents
On the second night this splendid company will present
the big farce comedy, the hit of the season,
This play has bfoKen all records, both in Now York and Chicago and is one of
the very latest dramatic creations.:
"THE BEST FOR THE BEST" is our motto. '
Nothing is too high-priced or two good for the patrons of .the Alcazar Stock
ompany. Remember the date Nov. 13th and 14th.
POPULAR PRICES 25, 35 and 50 cents. Seats now selling.
& .onn-o ia not hniiffht everv dav. A
not determine whether a range is chap
the very first consideration. .
The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are:
How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack,
break on warp? Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in
cooking and baking? Will it wear well? .......... ..
The ''Quick Meal Factory is si well equipped with latest and most improved
machiney, that "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco
nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the
best for no more money than what you would have .o pay for the ordinary,
cheaply constructed range. by
Good modern eight foom houso with
furnace, situated close in, West Al
bany. Price, $2750.
Two houses and three lots, Last Al
bany. Price, $H200.
A four room house and one lot, East
Albany. Price, $650. ,
A good new house, a nice lawn and
the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany.
Price, $1500.
265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation,
improvements fair, balance of land in
good timber. Six miles from Albany.
Price $33 per acre.
11 acres in prunes, house and good
dryer, one mile and a half from Albany.
Price, $2200.
30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a
good little town. All A No. 1 land.
New buildings Price, $2250.
60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of
apple orchard, well taken care oi, good
buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one
and a half miles of a good town.
100 acres, 6 miles from a good town,
in Linn county, all in cultivation. 4
acres in orchard, balance of landfall in
cultivation. Exceptionally good build
ings. Price, $6500.
Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second
Jersey Dairy.
Fresh milk and cream. Oar wagons
cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell
Main 54; Home Main 144.
c th ) Hf Kind Yoj tarc Always (
few dollars more or less in Drice does
or dear. You want the best; tha t is
Go to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis. Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
n Crockery and GIaMwari as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get our prices and see our
ean up-to-date store.
Both Phooo. Mail 38.