Albany Democrat VOL XLIV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY. X -YOBER 13 1908 SO 15 Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. New Rugs made from old carpets. Both phones. Home 210. Bell B, 402. Dreamland The New Moving Picture House. Play The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ;ger. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, opn isite the Democrat office: BOOSTING A SMELTER. Messrs. Paul C. Gadsen and Arthur Langguth, of Portland, have been in the city making arrangements for a conference with ;the Albany Commer cial Club, in reference to the proposed smelter to be established in the Gold Creek mines. Mr. Gadsen is of the Wilson Gadsen Co., who are building the custom smelter mentioned, and Mr. Langguth is '.he fiscal agent of the three mines, the Electric, Gold Creek and Freeland Consolidated, whose ores the smelter will handle. The gentlemen believe in the pros pects, or they would not have selected iff by the G. O, this location in preference to several others, which they have done. Another reason is that the ores contain the in gredients necessary for the proper working of the smelter This smelter will prove a wonderful boo ter in the developing of mining along the Cascades, and whatever does this at this place is going to be of pai ticular value to Albany, the natural dis tributing point for these mines. It is an industry that deserves support. MUST KEEP OUT OF SALOONS. DELEGATE To the Rivers and Congress. Harbors . Manager Bury I. Dasent of the Com. Portland, Nov. 7.-Blaisdell, the ' merc'al Club to-day was formally no auditor the Harriman lines, has issued , tlfie.d that he had been appointed a del a sweeping order that he will dismiss employes visiting saloons. Oppose Revision. egate to the National Rivers and Har bors Congress to meet in Washington Dec. 9-11, a very important gathering. Mr'. Dasent intends to be present, too important a matter to leave without a complete representation. Portland. Nov. 7. Timbermen will ' " meet here this afternoon to take action ' y y-v w t w against the revision of the timber tar-11 .1 1 1 M I V till W I T A M. V W Alt A Roosevelt's Companion. Los Angeles, Nov. 7. President Pruit Inspector Discontinued. Now is your Opportunity Our entire Crockery Stock to be sold regardless of cost and former prices. Buy your Xmas presents Tell everybody. ' ' now. T - mi nr t Roosevelt chooses Edmund Heller, aged for 'couroad A. ITgW D i iiiiitou up. iiouci la jiaiuiuai tvuu cu viewers CO nKKit INOV. JLU. Apples Here Already. Fruit Inspector Armstrong, of Salem, came up today with fifty or sixty boxes of choice apples, splendidly packed for the apple fair, all of which will be shown, some entered. Monday will be a busy day getting the exhibit in shape. HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly served, according to taste. Burkhart, photographar, successor to McKinstry. TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltveit 1016 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1 WOOD TO BURN A large Holiday shipment of Stamped Boxes, etc., lor pyrographic work have ariived. The designs are all classy patterns, some suitable lor beginners, others for the most experienced hands. The prices are low as low, as is usually charged for the cheaper design boxes. HEISER & MEISER N. B. We can duplicate any Magazine club offer an'd in some cases even save you money on these same offers. the jungles. Burglary at Gresham. Gresham, Nov; 7. Ssfe crackers blew up the safe of Lewis Shattuck, a merchant, and secured $150. how. the Chinese do Things. One of the.most realistic things giv en for a long time is the Chinese story at Dreamland, for which tonight will be the last time to see it. It RhnwaPhin. ese life and at the Bame time presents j a uve story, xne misnaps ot tne fa mous minstrel Lou Dockstader is about as funny a business as one sees, at the same time Bhowing an interesting feature in the life of the minstrel, with some added fun. A large crowd en joyed it last night. A Doctor Arrested. Dr. G. W. O'Donnell, of San Fran cisco, has been arrested for the death of Vesta Van Vleck, a former Salem girl, only 16 years of age, the result of an operation forbidden bv law. The young girl had run away with a young man named J. H- Gibson. It was claimed tbe operation was for appendi citis and so reported to the girl's folks at Salem, but it seems it was of a more serious character. J. A. Bilveu was annotated J. P. nt Scio. Earl Fisher was appointed to contin ue the ownership book March 1, 1908 to March 1, 1909. Application T. Cummings et al for county road continued. The services of E. C: Roberts as fruit inspector are discontinued. Court adjourned last evening. Schubel Robbed. Brownsville Times:- The fish wagon of Chris Schubel, of Albany, was robbed in this city last night of fish and oysters to the amount of about $10. The scales were also broken and a large knife taken. Mr. Schubel places his loss at $15. The wagon had been left for the night ia Pugh's Livery Stable, which was not locked. Oysters, Oysters At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the shell, and more oyscers to the measure than at any other place. 96 OASTORIA. Betntu ,H)6 Kind Vou Haw Always Bought Slgutsn of INFANTS WEAR A New Feature in Our READY-TO-WEAR STORE" A complete line of Infants Sacques, Leggings. Bcotees, Legging Drawers, Furs. . Muffs and ''Teddy Bear" Robes. Warm and Dainty Wear for Little Tots New Tailored Suits We are just in receipt of 50 New Suits some of the best values shown this season, all the new shades of Green, Blue, Biowr, London Smoke, Raspberry, Wine and Fancy Mixtures, all long Jackets and New Americanized Directoire Skirts,prices $12.50 to $25.00 Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have tho best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. Sale Opens Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 9 a. m. COMMERCIAL C0FFFF & ronrvpvv m 223 First-Street Z "i'r' iov, iiuuuiiui Dans. Mission Art Glass Library Lamps. Ralston Electric Supply co. The Highest Market Price paid for SEEDS Of all kinds, at HOWARD BROS. FEED UD CE0P WAREflODSE Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. Seeds cleaned without waste for l-2c per pound. Sacks furnished free. Home Phone 307, Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, V. Headaaarters for "Alaenl and ryramm rortiana uement, "Koache I Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, i Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray, I Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and ! Liberty Bell hard wheat flour,; Hay, urain, mil r eea ana salt. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bw taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrons the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We ajso curry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market i ::)!. ARE YOU PARTICULAR ABOUT SHOES? Let us fit your next tair of Shoes, giving you the styles of Last and with you need, then we are sure of you for a customer. Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dealer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,jwrapping paper and twine. 442 WEST FIRST STREET. T. W. RIDDELL, M. f C VETERINARIAN STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 EE Office Albany Stables I ALBANY, OREGON. Both Phones 34 ' Stetti.-r's Cash Store At The Crest Tamalep, Chilli Concarna and Oysters any style. Both Phones, J316 W. 2nd St. L. L. POTTS. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Walter Parked First-class meats selected stock. of all kinds from I Grocer A A' KEEP an Elf 1 un tho Vienna Bakei y f n good t lings to EAT. Second str et between Ellsworth and ,-o. j i. km 1011 na-.n hif Bm& Iha Kind ton Haw BougM and: Baker ;3 : ' v 216 WEST FIR8T 8TKBET..ALBANT OHBOOsHu. w' ' Rrst class goods in their season. -.;J.f ..: ''hnni Malll'58. .-. .or: -s