Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 06, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Night, October 31
Joseph and William W. Jefferson
and an exceptionally talented company in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's Classic Comedy
PR1CES-S1.80, $1.00, 75e, and BOc
j I
Our Way of
Selling Paint
is to make you satisfied by giving
you material that does what you
want it to do.
If it's a floor, woodwork, a
table, bath-tub, or the whole house
you're about to paint or varnish,
enamel or stain we can supply
exactly the article that will do it
best. You can be sure of this be
cause we sell the perfect
kind of paints, enamels, stains,
varnishes, all carrying the guar
antee mark.
With every purchase of the
"Acme Quality" kind we give you
free "The Selection and Use of
Faints and Finishes, ' ' the only com-
plcts paint book ever published.
Ohling &
m uw w n it
i imw i
if arur A
(T rl -t r a -4ricy I
A Mixture of Things and Thoughb
Loose things will be safer under lock.
The pot of crow is being gotten ready.
law abiding.
Come now, boys, be
Weather prediction: occasional rain
tonight and Sunday, and cooler.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Knox went to Eu
gene yesterday afternoon on a visit.
The funeral of Mrs. N. Price will be
at the family home in the country to
morrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
The Albany page ad. in Sunset for,
November is a first-class one, splendid
ly gotton up by Manager Dasent, attrac
tive and to the point.
The finest brand of scissors in the
city at Baltimores, every pair guar
antee!. Money back in ten days if not
perfectly satisfactory.
New colored postals-Sixth street,
Cascadia, Mill City, Orcg. Building at
Seattle Exposition, 25c a doz, ar Meis
er's. Those wanting our services please
notify by phone at once. We n.ay
leave in a tew days. Roberts & rtoD-
erts, at Mrs. WOOdin'S, arU & Broad- lnf Rr P lrI-j fionnrm nnrf Smith Cri
albin Bell phone Red 3011, Home 43.lnlina
A resident of Ellsworth street, near !
Seventh street, reports some boys i rij,. m s . tu. Tff
Very few gates in Albany to be
turbed. There should be none.
Here's to the sons of that grand old1
man, Joe Jefferson, a prince among;
Chairman Hitchcock has concluded to
America Price, daughter of Thomas
Froman and Elizabeth Round and wife
of Nimrod Pme was born in the state
of Indiana on March 12, 1827, and was
eighty-one yearsy seven months and
eighteen days cltt at the time of her
death. She went with her parents to
Vermillion County, Illinois, when a
young child and was reared near Dan
ville. There she wa married to Nim
rod Price on October 22, 1846.
In March, 1851 she started from
Danville, Illinois, with her husband and
two infant sons on the long journey
across the Dlains to- Oreeon. Thev
reached the Willam-'tte?:alley on theSJth
of September, and Linn County in Octo
ber following. On March 22, 1852. they
moved upon their Donation Land Claim,.
Hil854 begun the erectioivof the house ih
which she died. Although' she with her
lamily spent many years in Albany this
house has always been maintained and'
anorcion of each vear at least SDen
in it. For the last twenty-five years it
with the intention of doing something ' people claim Rockefeller has endorsed has been her continuous home, and iob
there tonieht. He declares that if him to help Bryam Great Octopus.. imony years her husband who survives
ihwmnA umnnH tnnio-hh thou mill I '. her at the age ot Kighty -six and-
tn ho rcFnnind l.v nHnr hums. rr-u. ' their son and daughter Mr. and Mrs. G..
a I J.I1B leuuuncmu ejiiri i:uiiiiiiit.Lwe .-, r.- i ..... 1 i i
Now look out. ! .,.i: :f I . .B. i"rsult9 from the use of Doan's ffidnev
i uucou . uoic uiaat smuiib iio wu-m"--- r-n rparpn a nrtP T.imnv nr Rnn. nnn . . .... . -
Everybody in Albany ii Eligible.
Old people stooped" with suffering,
Middle age, courageously fighting,
Youth protesting impatiently;
Children, unable to explain;
All in misery from their kidneys.
Only a little backache first.
Comes when you catch cold.
OVwhen yon strain the back
Many complications fellow.
Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright'
Doary's-Kidney Pills cur-backache
Cure every form of kidney, ills;
J. C. WalKng, retired!, of 424' S.
Denver St., Albany, ore., says:: "ifbr
several years 1 endured mere or less
suffering from kidney complaint, the
worst trouble being a retention of the
secretions and painful passages. I
found temporary relief at times but.
Doan's Kidney Fills, which I procured
at Foshay & Mason's drug store, proved!
to f e the besti remedy 1 had ever used
for the trouble,, bringing prompt and
gratifying relief and fulfilling every
claim made for them. Some of my
neighbors have forad equally mod re-
The most common machine in use
composed ot many parts and people
think because it is bo generally used
that any man claiming to be a machin
ist can repair it. That is a mistake for
it requires skilled and expert workmen
on that particular machinery. Roberts
& Roberts sewing machine experts.
Repairing and rebuilding at Mis E.
Woodin's 3rd and Broadalbin. Bell
phone red 3011.
tion conlributions. It would smell of daughters of whom seven survive. Thev
on. !are W. X. Price of Tolo. Jackson Co..
I R, . Price of Prineville. T. B. Price of
, Crook, G. C. Price of Albany and Mrs.
national committee1 n c : n?.,! r onS m r
The republican
has sent out a statement of Taft's iw- p' LaFollette. of Hitrhlandi fialifornia.
jligion. salvation by character, units- andi Mrs. H. A. Powell, of Gle aremont,
; nanism. A striking contrast to that of California.
' Mr. Bryan, as set forth in The Prince.- j,he was a woman of stronitoharacter,
of Peace, who fearlessly champions the- thoughtful, helpful and charitable. She
divinity of Christ, and its inspiration had long been a member of the First
Offers you large advantages
eighth;grauojto a
nluMi (. Hit I .5- --OL,3 ail J13C i!C. S jaiDt.? n Linn cou
nd elsewhere: . . ..
Make up your minds to secure complete preparation.
aXhany college
can carry you forward trom any point aoove me
Commercial Course or
A Musical Course or
A Teachers Course or
A Four-Year College Course
A,bany College Qks
Oregon Pre
Beware ot Detective Titles
Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the
Z. H. RDDD, Manager
Of 'l.j real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for
monoy lonned.
K.aUblished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience.
Ollico corner of 3rd ar J Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or.
Good modern eight room house with
furnace, situated close in. West Al
bany. Price, $2750.
Two houses and three lots, East Al
bany. Price, $2200.
A :our room nouse ana one lot, &ast
Albany. Price. $650.
A good new house, a nice lawn and
the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany
Price, $1500.
265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation.
improvements fair, balance of land in
good timber. Six miles from Albany.
Price $33 per acre.
11 acres in prunes, nouse ana gvoa
dryer, one mile and a half from Albany.
Price, saom.
to a higher life.
Presbyterian ehurch of Albany.
To ray many friends an customers::
Although) I have lost much m the fire I
am againi ready for business New goods
will be-here as fast as I can ret them.
Gall and. see roe, I need your trade now
more taan ever A. SUMM1U1,
129-Ferry St.
The last day of the soason for killing;
Rcoald C. Glover and Miss Very May
Byars were married ln.fcalem tnis weeK
A. picture of the Hays triplets of
Scio nas at last gotten into the Port
land papers. i
The Springfield Times- reports that ! "Suffered day and night the torment
Dr. Marks of Halsey iei intending to lo- '0f itching piles. Nothing hemed mv
cate m mat piace. ontil J! used Uoan a Ointment, it cured
The Wheeler-Thompson Co. of Cot-' me- pemnanently." Hon. John, R
faro r,mvp haq mnHn .vi nssifrnment. f Garrett.. Mavor. Girard. Ala..
I with 120.300 nKaet andi 111.140.88 lia-!
bilities. ' Harsfc nhvsics react, weaken, tie
i Parific Universitv defeated Willam- 'Bawelsy cause chronic constipation!
' . . . . . . i nhnna 17iwn ara nnorata. Aaailv rnna
30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a "? yesterday 4 to u, mKingB ne a -Jh Hnn '
good little town. All A No. 1 land. goal. Aioanyaeieatearacinc ana yyii- fXn " V 07iH5
New buildings Price, $2250. kunette defeated Albany, and there you . JJ Qruggl3t Ior IMm
60 acres of A No, 1 land, 6 acres of urB- . I nrltfr. Meetini(.
apple orchard, well taken care of, good The coroner's jury u the case of J
uuiiuiiiKsj. rnte, awv. oiiuukni wiie t-ucta. viucui iukci. i-,iiu v , mu. x o M everv Saturday eicen
Pills and I hear a great deal of praise'
lor this remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price- 60
aents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole- agents for the Wnited
States. Remember the- name Doan's and take-
30 other.
Accidents will' happen, but the best
regulated families keep Dr. Thsmas'
Electric Oil for-such emergencies, I
3itbdues the parn and heals the hurtsi
Lebanon, t
rnimn rnor ir urn a aninanrn i unit i rw i : -
railroad employees were not to blame, j "Wmen6 ofthe "worid .
: Friday evening. L. L. Swam
xw. cersicK&o.
Many, - Orejora
and a half mites of a good town
100 acres. 5 miles from a L?ood sown,
in T.inn count v. all in cultivation. 4 bcuur exonerated. Tibfe inauest was
!'?.e:-"!.M-S?iSii" EZSSZXEr- DWBn 1 I " Circle Ista 3rd Moneys,
,.u.w..... v.,,. , .. i Miika Warford U. N.
ings. Price, $b500. , Motam Woodmen 2nd and 4th
lullnn.l. V. HIPR, a. west ?ernnrt .. .. I . . , tt, . -w- n
. - ' - ftuiiu w panHflnvH. r rnwR I . vj. ' .
',uuw, Eoyal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes-j jJIt, J. Jj. HTT.T.
davs. Carrie Busaard Oracle.
SUMMON i A stockholders maeSing of the Orien-i The Ladies of the Grand Armj of tho,
lh- at, ..I ii ,:-: n :n . u t.: Jsepuonc meet every J5t anu oru ucs-
T)fln,mnt """"'K -"'-"j' - . day afternoons in the G. A. B. halu
xepsriioeDi nfn--, ni i :nn p-uni. Abstract Co. orb u,n thia ntr miio
feat uruay, Nov. 7th at 7.30 p. m. for ; -give a royal weteeme. Mrs Jennie
the purpose of electing officers and ; jj Brjwn, Secretary.
iransaciing sucn oir uusiue-a us may
The Riverside Farm
i;n. sciioi:i.. Propi icioi
Breeder and Importer of O. I. 0. Iloi;s
S. C. Whito nnd nulT Leghorns, V.
P. Hocks, Light Hrahmas, It. C.
Hhodo Islnnd Reds, White
Cochin litintui.'.M, . li.
Turkeys, Win. i
den Geese, I n
Ducks, l o i .
' Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis i-.l'lurk Fair.
Errs in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone, Farmers i5 - - 11 k 11 ,o 3
In the Circuit Cinrl of
Oieiton for Ltnn County.
No. 2.
Belle AUood, Plaintiff,
W. Alwood, DelendaDt.
Tj Cbiirlea W. Alwood, the aSove
named defendant:
la the name of the State ol Ore. on :
You are hereby notified and reqnired 'o
be and appear in said court in said euit,
and ansire! thn complaint of the above
nsmed plaintiff now on lilt, therein, ou
or hehre the 16th day ol November.
1 1908, and you are further notified that
; if vou fail to appear ana answer said
I complaint ae above required, for want 1 There is only one way to cure deafness,
I Itiereoi toe emu pimuuu win i-au - nr
I cree a.ainst you for (he relief prayed for
Or - k Bldg, . . Alfcona
Pbyairtan and Bnrtreon
Hill Block - . - Albany. Or
come beforo the meeting. All stock
holders are requested to be present.
Albany, Oct. 28-
Jl. F. Turner, Pres..
J. 0. Lfe, Sec.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Pairdale ?lant harm
I have for sale? a choice lo. of plants
for fall planting, at reasonable prices.
Gooseberries, red and whito- currants,
loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb,
hedge plant anil sage.
Home Phone "302. R. l! D. Ne-5.
j Want's Your Patronage
elophono Red 671
in saiit complaint, to-wit:
A decree ol said court dissolving the
honda ol mBtriroony now existing be
tween you and 8Aid plaintiff. 1
This summons is Berveo npon you by
publication fur six consecutive neaks
pilnr to the said lti'b dav ol November.
1918. in Albany DBily democrat , new?,
l api-r i ii'ilnhed daily in Albany. Linn
County, Ore. on, and ol general circoU -lion,
in (aid County, by order ol the
Hon. J.N. Duncan, Oounty Juilgo of
said Lion County, 0,e.on, which said
oriler bears dalejtkioher 1st, 190S, and
said J. N. Duncan si Judge f sa d
county, in said outer for the said oub-
, licntion of this summons upon you, has
Mon Foo, nn ; prescribed said I81I1 day ol Novsmber,
of Chinese 19.8. ss th. time, on or before which
medicines, successor of the lute Hong ' you shall appear and answer the said
Wo Tung, is now prepared to furnish complaint in said suit.
t.hinc.c medicines to all. The under-! Tne date of the first pnblication of (bis
signed recommends him and gunrnn- summons in raid nswspaper la 0:tber,
tees satisfaction. Ca.l or wr te him .nd. 1908. W. K. B1LYEU.
at No. 110 West Second Albany, i Attorney for ?i-.ntiff.
huvo monoy to loan in smnll and
large amounts. Notes and mortgnga. ;
bought. 1 will bond you. Property
handled for non-residents
Corns & i)i.viK
Rail f:;tita aid lnura n '
Buy and sell realty. Insure prop j
erty and trana,-t loans. Large or ;
snuill tilnbei tr.icls.
experienced compounder of
bv local applications, as they caraoot
roach the diseased portion of the ear.
ay to cureaeatttess, ; rtlllK lOllcet
and that is by the constitutional rem-! . . , , M
edies. Deafness is caused by an in-! Beginning Oct. 1st ou charges
flamed condition of the mucous lining of milk will bo-as follows:.
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube
is inflamed you have a rumbling sound
ot imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result, i
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh, which isnothing
out an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for nny case of Deafness (cause by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'-s
Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Soldbv Druggists, ioc
Bottled peirqt. 7cents, per month $2.10
"- pt. 4 " " " $1.20
In can !lts 20 cents per gallon.
Cream, per gallon $1.00. quart 25
cents, pint 15 cents, lipt. 10 cents.
H. M. Palmer,
Prop, Golden Rule Dairy.
Jm West fa ll. S-
N'jT!C:;0F final settlement
Notice is hereby given that the under
si.aed bas filed L tbe County Cuurt O'
Linn Conntv, Oregon, bis final accoun1
as administrator of tbe estate of Ann
Siyifer and O'a R. S-yder, ho'h d
ecard. and that said cou-t ti appoint
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-ie-t Monrtav, the 9th day ol Novanibri.
oation. 19J8, at lb h-ur of I" o'clock in Hit
. lo-enoon, as the time tor healing of oh-
j-utions lo said account sad tn final
A healthy man is a kinir in his own settlement thereof,
light; an unhealthy man is an unhappy VM. H SSYDER,
slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up HKWITTA SOX, Administrator,
sound health -keel you well. , A.toiott. lor Admtniitittcr.
Odd Fellows. Temple, Albany,. Oregon
t.L5l.S" "ST OKJ SIGt-OISr
ut" DiniKTORS
. Breu,!nt t A Goodwin
8 E YOL-XO o J Schiuitt
!i'c-PrcIJent EWLnnplon
Transacts a general bankihg business.
Amounts keptsubject to check.
Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans
fer sold on New York, San Francisco,
Clvrago and Portlands
Collections niHje on favorable terms
.coifs Santal-Pepsm Capsules
F nrl'attrrhsif'
thv Blad-iemnd Dicea.ed Kid
ueys. K0 CUBE NO ?AT. Cum
-w n ij ana pernianf ntiy ia
-rl CBPtHi rr Unnorrhn-,
ami Clw, do matter of bow
barmlMji R,A hv ilrnsiriiti
Price ti flfl. nr h-r m.ll nr-st-.
. Pld. 11.00,1 twxM, 92.7ft.
For at bf Bor.hirt A lM
h 1