T A Our stock is replenished nearly every day. The very best styles. The very latest designs, are arriving from the eastern manufacturing centers. Medium priced suits from $15.00 upward in cloths and suitings. Gr3ens, Smoke greys, blues and browns predominating. SHOES Everything in Shoes Ladies, Dress Shoes, button or lace, all leathers . . $3.50 Children's Foot form shoes a specialty Men's Winter shoes $3.50 and $5.00 Dress Goods Suitings in wine and grey shadings. Broadcloths, Braid and button trimmings to match the popular colors. New patterns in Waist Silks. NEW ARRIVALSVeiling, Wide Ruching, Misses Gloves S. E. Albany, 100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store withoutjone single mistake just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used ifl filling that money. Proscriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you right, The store of quality. BUrKHART & LEE 100,000 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY,8 & ANDERSON THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us.. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the'bankers about us. ' Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2101. Home 246. First class work guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL Osteopathic Physician, 226 Broadalbin',Street, Albany. Phone black 482. HENRY BR0DERS, DEALER INI CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS.) Sicond and: EllswortIiStreets.;Albary H. A. LEININGER. Dentist Crawford Block, - - - - Albany. I I TlTCQ QTTTnrQ Young & Son. 100,000 100,000 E The BEST in Jew elry is none too good. F. G, WILL Has it. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, : when cleaned by our methods of dry : cleaning, are made to lock just as good ' as made to .ook just as new. Waists nnri ciresae3 nf delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We uho dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, ! C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. ' tJ) W.lst St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 J. W. BEitTLEY Democrat Building, Albany, Is prepared to make and repair boots and shoe for men. women and ehil dreo in a "workman lua mannei. Oregon. BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 6c. For painting and paper hanging see Eicker, 332 E 3rd St. Home phone 255. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Rawlings. He handles al makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set' if desire'1. To Please Your Palate Try some Orange or Apricot marma lade or Guara jelly, from the Oregon Market. It is delicious. Nothing but pure fruit and sugar. IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Razor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that Dears a personal guarantee you get just this from us prices are right. See our window. Burkhart & Lee. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina Bay.at the Metropolitan. Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 6 cent i Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care- ful attention to all tonsorial wants. PROF. F. D, DeLONG, agnatic lealer Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder I trouble, Stomach trouble, Liver trouble, ! Female trouble of leng standing, Lum ! bago, Heart trouble, Chronic Constipa ' tion, Apendicitis.Imfiammation of Bow I els. Chronic Ailments of long standing ; Portable s eam bath. Office 418 First ' St.. Albany, Ore. No. of Phone 142. Calls promptly attended in city. I j Mandolin Lessons i GIVEN BY ; A.. H.STEVENS : Evenings at his residence 128 Water St. L9?son3 50c. Home Phone evenings 3i Home Ph'-ne dav time 1326. iMr. Clias.O. llairove, I OF CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of William H. Sherwood's School of Music, will eive private in structions in Pianj at the PrivuU Par lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours 5 to 6 I CUSTOM L SAWING We are now ready to do custom sa ing. Good road to mill pone. Bring your logs while the ruads are good. 9-24 ALBANY LUHBEri Co. THIS MORNING News from Albany's Trains. Six Early The Hip Hip Hooray crowd, came in to town early in their special car, go ing down town for breakfast, spending the day in Albany. Thev appear at the opera bouse tonight in their college production. R. E Warner brought the Browns ville returns down. Dr. George Caihey, of Corvallis, re turned to Portland to continue his med ical sutdies. Mr. Rnhin Molann nt tha TT f went to Corvallis, to make arrange'- ments for the nrnat-am fnr tha hitr IT O.b. A C. nroeram. for the erame to be played in Portland the last of the month. This will ho tia year, a hot number. Commissioner Russell came down from Sweet Home for the county court. Lawyer Newrjorc came rinwn from Lebanon to assist in the republican pie eating. J. H. Ralston went toScio on electric business. Ex-Postmaster J. R. Smith, of Leba non came down. J. C. Devine, of Lebanon, went to Portland. Fruit InsDector Roberta came down from Lebanon. O. J. Mealev went to Portland on a business trip. He thinks there will now be a big boost for socialism. ueorge finley came down from Craw fordsville and went to Portland. He has stood by the democratic party through thick and thin, but looked a little dubious this morning. Prof. J. B. Horner, of the O. A. C, returned home after spending the even ing with the encambment. J. F. Bain went to Salem on a busi ness trip. An Albany Party. As told by the Corvallis Gazette: A jolly halloween party was given at the Hammel home in Albany that was greatly enjoyed by all present. The decorations for the occasion were elab orate and in keeping with the elegant taste of the young lady assisted by her mother. Many novel features were in troduced, among which was a musical entertainment by Dr. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis, who was a special importa tion for the occasion. They had a sort nf gypsy play business that created lots oi good old solid tun. aiiss Vesta Wal lace was the gypsy and Ruv. Dr. Bell, Mrs. Merrill Hammel and Miss Carrie Danneman ncted as judges. They elected the next president and the only thing left for the people to do next Tuesday is ratify their action. Miss Blanche proved herself a queen at en tertaining her friends. Those present from Corvallis - were Misses Grace Smith, Iva Elston and Ru'h Avery, with Miss Carrie Danneman as chaper one. The Albany attendants were Isa bella Young,. Anona Dawson, Janet Dawson, Marion. Anderson, Carolya Cannon, Madeline Rawlin, jr., Mary Smith, Maggie Stevens, Elma Ohling and Nelson McDonald. Proposed Damage Suit. The Corvallis Times in a hot icem says Director Angell of the O A. C. is about to sue the manager of the Al bany Athletic Club for damages for not playing a game of foot ball at Corvallis last Saturday 'according to contract. The Club , was guaranteed $80 and ex penses and tickets were taken nt tha gate. , Weil, the tact is there is no Albany Athletic Club foot ball team Catholic Mission. The mission which is in rjrocressi At. the Catholic church is drawing a large crowo. ihe series of lectures is given by Father McDonald, who is an able and persuasive speaker. The lectures will be continued until Sunday evening. The dailv services are at 6 and 8.30 and 7:30 p. m. The public is welocme at all the services. STOP THAT PAIN by vibration the greatest invention of the age. Don't fail to try free demonstiation at Daw son's Drug store next week, and be convinced. . If you are in doubt as to what you want, come to ihe Oregon Market. There VOU Will find illSh whut vciif an pctite calls for. ettins: in New Stock Every Day All this murth, SCITS and OVERCOATS have come piling in from the world's best makers. We have been more particular in our buy ing this year thnn ever before, and we confidently offer to partic ular trade, everything in clothing that is desirable, Conservative and nifty models, all the range in colors, from the newest shades, to the staple Hue or black. In fit and tailoring is where we are distinctive, We say tailoring because the class of goods we handle, are HAND MADE Actually produced in the way that custom shops turn'out Toga that re'ain their shape, made under a system, that wiil war rant a perfect fit to any man, who is not aDnormally built. Everything for Men. The Main Clothing SOME COMMITTEES. The Commercial Club committee on the depot opening met in the rooms of the Commercial Club this morning and arranged the details for the formal opening of the new Albany depot, and for "Portland Day" at the Albany Apple Fair. The following recception committee was appointed: ' Dr. S. P. Wallace, W. B. Stevens, J. N. Chambers, E. D. Cusick, S. G. Simon, E. W. Langdon, L, E. Blain, C. E. Sox, 3. K. Weatherford, Dr. H. A. Leininger, A-Sternberg. F. J. Miller, D. P. Mason.'F. M. French, W. A. Eastburn, Y. G. Freeman, G. A. Flood, J. A. Howard, F. P. Nutting. E. Dor- San, L. M. Curl, Z. H. Rudd, Dennis errill, S. M -Garland, C. V. Littler. , For the depot celebration ceremonies: Dr. A. J. Hodges. F. Devine, W. F. Fortmillhr, H. M. Crooks, J. V. Pipe, C. C. Bryant, Jno. H. Simpson, C. H. Stewart, W. H. Holman, F. G. Will, Wm. Eagles, Willard Marks, J. R. Flynn, R. C. Churchill. C. W. Sears, A. M. Holt. In charge of tickets to the banquet: F. M. French, L. E. Hamilton, W. A. Barrett, E. H. McCune. To meet Portland train at Woodburn: P. A. Young, B. I. Dasent. On stunts for the banquet: Dr. M. H. Ellis, B. I. Dasent. . m Married Men Won. A bowling match at the Alco Club alleys last night, between the married and single men was won with ease by the married men. who were 98 pins ahead. Four games were played, five men to a team, as tonows: Married. Messrs. Flood, Stevens, Flynn, Frazier and Fortmiller. Single. Messrs. Stallmacher, Archi bald, Fronk, Gibbons and Bilyeu and Beeson. Frazier bowled the highest game. f lood s total score, as usual, was Dig, The Weather. Rnncrn nf tpmnnrntilrA 71.39 The river is 2.6 feet, and the boats are running an rignt. Social Dance. The Albany orchestra will give a dance at Bussard's hall, Friday evening JNov. b, us. All holding invitations, will take notice. A Stove Bargain. A good 18 inch air tight stove for only $1.75, at the store of the Albany Hardware vjo. Steel Cut Oats And Cream Rolled Oats at . the Ore gon Market. This is the new crop. FOR RENT. A fine farm of 320 acres 3 miles from Albany. Call upon X. W. Borne, at J. A. ' Howards real , estate office. FOUND. A pair of spectacles, gold rimmed, half ovnl. Can be had at this office. WANTED. -Two or three furnished rooms for house keeping on the ground floor, close in. W. H. Norris, Cr. O. C. . Co. CHICKENS.-Twelve or fifteen fine barred Plymoth Rocks. Call at Dem ocrat office. ROOMS TO RHJNT.-723 Ellsworth street. 2t CIDER Made from choice apples, direct from the mill, or 4 days old, any age you want it, only 20c a gallon. We have good cider vinigar 6 years old 20c a gallon delivered any where in the city. Lone Pine Tree Farm, Home phone 2805. Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell Main 64 ; Home Main 144. O -A. 3 T O IT I A. . Bean the Knfl 'm Km ?3 BP , ineniniMoi Signature ELECTION NIGHT. Things were lively down street last night. The streetB were crowded. Dreamland had the streets blocked from Washington to Ferrv. watchin? the unique advertisements on the white canvas and the election returns, which showed early in the evening that Mr. nooseveit s man nad won out. By 6 o'clock there was enough in on account of our superior time advantages to know who was elected. The dem onstration was less than usual. Returns were received at the council chamber from the Postal, and at the Alco Club from the Western Union, and the Home Telephone people reported to any one who desired to know. It was not a demonstrative crowd and the result didn't seem to enthuse the way it haB some years. Elegant Cups. At French's show window may be seen several beautiful cup prizes for the apple fair. Three are of special interest, being offered by the, interpris ing towns of the county, one by Browns ville for the second best county exhibit, one by Harrisburg for the best box of Kings, one by Seio for the best box of Northern Spies. Nov. 10, 11 and 12th are going to be great days in Albany, the apple center of the valley. Church Bazaar. The ladies of St. Maty's church will hold a Fancy Sale and bazaar in the Armory Nov. 17. 18 and 19. There will be a fine display of fancy work for sale, besides home made candies and other delicacies. A fine musical program will be pre sented each evening. There will be a large assortment of holiday goods from which to select Christmas presents. Presbyterian. Prayer Meeting will be he!d tomor row night as usual. Dr. Baird, the missionary from Corea will not be here as expected, for two or three weeks. Apples, Apples, Apples. Wanted hy E. H. Rhodes, 10 carloads red apples. Call up Bell Phone Black 141. Bring Your bubsription NOW T We have bottom figures T on Single or Ciub lists for 1908-9 at Charles Knecht's Six Kinds of New Nougat butter Cups, French Cream Wafers, and stacks of other kinds. 1 -AT THE ELITE "Chocolate Shop." ' No stale factory Candy ,at our House. I Iff llszit