Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 06, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Your Opportunit
the Entire Crockery Stock of the
To be Sold Regardless of Cost and Former Prices.
Buy your Xmas Presents Now.
Sale Opens Tuesday, November 10, 9 a. m.
Both Phones Main 53:
223 First St., Albany
Uryans 'elision. Wanted, Up-to-Uute Farming.
But if I wore going to present an ar
gument in favor of the divinity of
Christ. I would not begin with miracles
or mystery or theory or atonement. 1
would begin as Carnegie Simpson be
gins in his book entitled "The Fact of
ChriBt." Commencing with the fact
that Christ lived, he points out that one
cannot contemplate this undisputed
fact without feeling that in some way
this fact is related to those now living.
Ho says that one can read of Alexan
der, of Caesar or of Napoleon and not
feel that it iB not a personal concern;
but that when one reads that Christ
lived and how He died he feels that
omo how there is a chord that stretches
from that life to his. As he studies
the character of Christ he becomes
conscious of certain virtuos which stand
out in bold relief- purity, humility, a
forgiving spirit and an unfathomable
love. The author is correct. Christ
presents an example ot purity in
.-thought and life, and man, conscious of
his own imperfections and grieved over
. One who was tempted in all points like
as we are, and yet withouc sin. I am
not euro but that we can find just here
a way of determining whether one
possesses the true spirit of u Christian,
If he finds in thu sinlussnoss of Christ
an inspiration and a stimulus to greator
effort and -'.lig'ier living, he is indeed a
follower; U, .u-i the other hand, he re-
V Christ offers, he is likely to question
tho divinity of Christ in order tooxcuso
I.-. himself for not being a follower. Bry---sn
in tho Princu of Peace.
Farmers and Albany people are
urged not to forget the demonstration
train to be in this city next Saturday,
Nov. 7, from 8:45 to 10:30 a. m. The
city ought to be crowded. The train
will be a practical way to bring the
science of farming before people in a
manner that will make them under
stand. The train will consist of seven cars,
one dovotod to machinery and products,
one to horticulture, one to dairying,
one with stalls.' and cows for milking
demonstrations, etc.
The great need of this valley is up-to-date
farming, the kind that counts,
and such thingsfas this will certainly
I'renzied I noughts.
The man who invests in an airship is
certain of quick returns.
Nowata is the name of a new town in
Oklahoma. It is naturally a dry town.
"Who are the three groatest railway
men in the country?'' asks a corres
pondent. They are E. H. Harriman.
A (Braaf ftflzor Sab!
Beginning Saturday October 31 Closing November 7
1,000 Fine Impored SampleR azors will be placed on sale at 97c each. These lazcrs are frcih cne
of the leading importers of razors in the United States, The M. L. Brandt Cutlery Co., of New York.
iney are an nign grade samples. We secured the entire stock at a reaiculous ngore. The assortment
comprises all the well known makes, including the "Wade & Butcher," "Brandt," "I-X-L;" "Rog
ers," "Wostenholm" Pipe Razor, "Lewis," "Electric," "Hamilton," Stillet to, " nnd "Torry, " popu
lar brands of all t the famous makers. In fact, we have been selling the same identical razors as nigh
nB $2.50 and $3.00 each. Every razor is guaranteed perfect and set ready for use.
Any razor sold that does not give: perfect satisfaction can be exchanged. We call
special attention to the Brandt Razor. This razor is tempered by a secret electrical
process, assuring a uniformity of temper, and is fully guaranteed. The regular price
of this razor is. $2.50; our price is 97c each.
$2.50 and $3.00
Imported Razors
A Muii'd '
Tho world is full of liars, not a ploas'
ant thing to contemplate. A great
many people deliberately and malic
iously make a practice of prevaricating.
A lie is a misstatement made for the pur
pose of deceiving; A makes a
mistake unintentionally is not a liar. The
doliborate liar is aftor a fashion a rob
ber, for ho seeks to make gain in some
form by deception. Political lying is
just as bad as any other kind of lying,
perhaps worse. Tho caricaturist is in
cluded in tho list. An artist who ,
An Ontario farmer,, writing to a
friend back cast was trying to give
some idea of the productiveness of
the soil here. He said they had to mow
tho grass in tho front yard every day
to lind the baby. One family near
them had twin babies, with only one
cradle und the kid that had to sleep on
the our grew twice as fast as the
otht. . Where the soil is richest a man
dare r. c stand on one leg any length of
time Lit that leg becomes longer and
bothets in walking. Ontario Argus.
According to a zodiacal sign people
born in November before the 25th are
cross at supper. The writer, who was
born in this month gets around this by
not having any supper, just a plain
Probate: !
Estate Robert Sawyer and sister,
minors, W. M. Sawyer appointed guardian.
In estate of A. M. Stafford final
hearing set for Dec. 7.
Marriage licenses: Postmaster W. F.
Gill and Claudia McKnight. deputy
postmaster, of Scio- Henry A. Morse,
aged 29, of Portland, and Minnie M.
Moore, aged 23, of Albany.
makes an exaggorated picture for the
purpose oi aecomng, us ,..,, ul .... taJtidormia. came down
OO, 18 tt TUU I1HI1UUU IWUUl, iui iiw
seeks to steal character. Dishonesty.
Waltor Peterson, the expert Lebanon
this morning
and loft for Portland, to make a spec-
!nl aln.1., nt mnilnlal ttllra W id Ttm.
is bad in uny form, in none worao than pftrjng to mount tho elk recently killed
nA u;a u wwhnr in HfHn nr now A 1 bun v Elk's buildiner. and pro
big things, just as much in the former J JVill'for "he jknows his
as in the li.tter. business and dobs conscientious and
, clean work. He has a lino animal to
I work on, a commanding live pointer,
A I.tmiVuM- Cumnliin jut mumliniT K fnnl 8W inches, at the shout-
....H i.tnii i.itiir h'tirnrann u
make this iob a specialty until com
ploted. The whole animal is to appear
on the mount.
Oregon fir never had a compliment
paid which meant so much as tho edi
torial which apueared in tho "Ameri
can Lumberman" of last week, the
world's leading lumber journal. J. E.
Dcfebaugh, .editoi of tho periodical and
known to every lumberman in tho coun
tiy, personally punned tho editorial,
which says in part:
"Douglas fir needs no stain to make
it beautiful in color, it does not have to
be carefully selected for grain, it takes
a fine finish and is strong and as
as many of tho woods used for finer
purposes. On the Pacific Coast are
many fino residences and magnificent
office buildings in which this wood is
used. It will not supplant mahogany
nn.i mk. hilt nhnlllil 111 llspil nitti. hv
aide with them and for substantially the JM visft
Mrs. Cnatos. of Albany, who has been
I visitinir here with her sister. Mrs Frank
I Holt num. for some time, started on her
retutn home yesterday.
I There aro eleven cases of typhoid
fever in tho cilv and vicinity, some
hard mill. others moderate and one or two
! bad ones, so lur no ueatiis navo oc
curred or are expected from this source,
Ont ot Corvailis' Carriers.
full Muliuw-uiodiiu-set Ready ton Use
for 97c
We will also place on sale 1000 Genuine Brandt Self-Honing Iiw Strops whicfc are sold and advertised everywhere at $2.00
OUR PRICE, 97c each.
The Brandt Self-Honing Razor Strop is the only strop in the world, that hones and straps yuur razor at the same time and enables
you to obtain an edge which only an' expert barber can give.- This strop will put a. smoother, keener edge on your razor with fewer
strokes than any other strop on the market to-day. This strop is finished with a vegetable composition which insures Jts wonderful
surface and instantaneous sharpening qualities. In nsing this strop a. few days your razor 'will show and your face will feel the diff
erence at once. It is the only strop on the world that is guaranteed never to grow hard or glossyi We are selling this strop direct
from manufacturer to consumer. The.-regular price of this strop is $2,00. To introduce these goods we will sell one to a eustomer at
the advertising price of 97c each Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Woodworfh Drug Company, Albany, Oregon
It was a decent Hallowe'en.
Not much mud: left to throw.
The worst mud! throwers are the car
' icaturists.
Collection today, elestion
tomorrow. .
i Election day isi-here, and a good
That's-1 m Oregon.
No carriages out tomorrow
the law. I "
The electric lino has made a start.
Mr. Bryan is a safe man, however it K-eep it going.
I Anyway it is very pleasant to have
Albany the Athens of (Bregon. That's the agony over.
all right.
Deeds Recorded: '
Alexander Kirkpatrick to Isaac I
Mowery z lots Lebanon iuu
B. H. Danforth to Nimrod Cntes
479.50 a 13.200
Est. Oscar Ireland, a minor, toR.
A. Smith lo.u a rat
Patent dated April
18, 1859 Ira A.
Mighty independent spirit abroad, a
good sign.
About five political speeches in. Al
bany, withouc much, spread eagle.
I A great many people votes according
to their (ringingrupv
! A Methodist bishop has been found
who supports Cannon. Frame him.
294 TO 182
Wttfa West Virginia to Hear from.
New York, Nov. 4'. Taft'a- victory
sweeping. West Virginia is-alone- the
doubtful state. Ohio gives- Taft 60000
and Nebraska gives Bryan IB. 000. As
returns now stand Taft has, 294 elector
iaj. votes and Bryan 182. The Republicans-
will also control congress.
Oregon's ote.
I Now, if the C..&.E. will&oi an ex
tension on, Albany- won't ask any odds
The election will not have been in vain of anybody.
if Joe Cannon, the tyrant is beaten.
Mortgages $400. $600, $3180.
Buttons not beingr allowed no butting
in today on the Court house news.
Of the fourteen regular occupants of
the court house eight are said to have
voted for Taft. four for Bryan, and
two, though plenty old enough, were
not permitted to vote at all.
All candidates' pictures on the walls
were covered up in compliance with
the terms of the law.
Be careful how yoro sling political
cards around tomorrows You might be
Talk of American liberty. One can't
even get a cab and take-a- mani to the
polls to vote.
The majority rules and everybody
should philosopically accept the result
whatever it is
What's the use of an election . It is
all settled before hand- aceording to the
papers. The politicians. have it figured
Comparisons are odious. Albany's
new depot is all right. It might
have been bigger; but it is splendidly
msdo and eouiDDed. and is iust where
it ought to be, on the right side of the
yard, which the Democrat fought for
so long.
Portland ends, the base ball -season
second, and the Democrat man proves a
poor propnec.
A little study of ahoboought to make
every boy in the-country determined to
live a sujcr auuuiuusinuun llie..
Portland-. Nov. 4.
Taft'23,950 plurality.
-Oregon gives
Bryan Is Cool.
Eairview, Nov. 4. Bryan shows no
signs of disappointment, greeting al
comers and friends cheerfully. He wil
make no statement untili he gets ful
Over a thousand people arrived in ! -
Portland Saturday and Monday after a j New York, Nov. 2. Both candidates
teelMted'011" Didn't wait to see wlo Remaking the last lan of the cam-
paign tour. Taft speaking in Ohio. He
, , "ill be in Cincinnati tomorrow. Bryan
Over two weeks since Hooligan has isspeaking in Kansas,. enroute to Lin
been heard from. Evidently he has ' 00m tonight. Mack claims 333 electoral
been eaten, by the cannibals forcertain, y.0'63 for Bryan and .Hitchcock 325 for
or the artist is taking a vacation. 1 laf t, each as sure.
j New York, Nov. 3. Heavy voting.
A man's royal American liberty is, reported in all the states. Voting
pretty well; shattered when he can't m?fhln a used in-many cities which
even wnai. n. -ani)itt'a hntfnn tn ib w" facilitate early results.
poll. Nevertheless the new law is a: Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 3. Bryan voted
pretty good one.
Portland, Nov. 2nd.
Eugene surprised the people of this
entire country last year by raising a I "
great advertising fund and paying a Collier's which ie supporting Taft
salarv of $5,000 annually for an expert. I purely for politics, says: "Taft is a de-
Up to last saturuay mgnt mere nau tender oi me nasaruuus, expensive
Two democrats are on tho stump for
Taft. This is a very important straw.
Both of them aro members of the
Roosevelt Cabinet, and the fact war
rants the expectation that most of tho
democrats who are holding federal
offices, will support Taft.
J. F. Scott passed through the city
from Aberdeen
with his folks
lipfiirrt tritincr to Cnrvnltis tn bt'irin work
' as one of the new carriers of that city,
under tho now system 10 go into effect
on tho lfith, Mr. Scott having been from Aberdeen, where he
has been carrying for four years.
Mr. Taft will have
thai ever.
a biggor smile
Hitcoek and Mack differed 633 out of
possible 483 votes.
New that Taft is elected everybo. y
will have to work.
been subscribed for the coming year
$13,661, to which will bo added $1400,
the total being more than a dollar and
a half for every man, woman and child.
Salem will have the Convention of
the Oregon State Dairy Association
December 10th and Uth and already
preparations are Deing made tor a gath
ering inut. win suruiiss uu
Thirty-three of Albany's leading;
business men came to Portland last j
Friday to personally invite the busi
ness men of this city to participate in !
a celobratiof at Albany on Tuesday.:
November 10th, with the Linn County i
Apple Show and the opening of a tinn ,
new depot as tho features. As an evi i
dence of the cntemriso of this Albany
t delegation each and every one of them j
j oeunt ins own rounu trip iienec ami
leu rtioaiiy at mur o tiucK in me morn- !
inir, starting to w.jrk in -Portland at!
7:15 Toi tland excursionists will go by
special train and tho party will be one
of the lamest that has gone from the
ity this fall.
moralizing spirit of imperialism, fnd
Sherman stands for the dollar rule.
The idea of supporting such a man.
In a Pennsylvania town Sunday night
the mvm looked green, then turned to
a hrierht red. and then a shadow eov-
previous I erei it partially. People thought the
world was coming iu an ena. la Ore
gon the moon never looks green.
"What i3 the secret of success?"
"Push," said the button.
"Never be led," said the pencil.
,'Tak pains," said the window.
'Always keep cool," said the ice.
"Be uo-to date," said the calender.
"Never lose your head," said the
"Make light of everything," said the
'Do a driving business," said the
"Aspire to greater things," said the
! number 43 at 9:15. this morning amirfst
load cheering.
; Portland. No'. 3,-The sun shines in
all Oregon. In two hours this morning
25 per cent of the country vote was
polled. Only one arrest has been made.
New vork, Nov. 3. It is reported
Deeds recorded:
W. E. Ar(bflrt to .Tas. Winnt-
lot Lebanon . J- K0 'he governmeat will offer fifty million.
D. Goodlin to Neilie M. Comptcn
66.75 a ...
Ernest M. Goodlin to Nellie M.
Compton 66 75 a
Amy L. Standish to E. E. White-
& wife lot Brownsvi le
Ed Holloway to E. E. White &
wife lot Brownsville
M. H. Dougherty to Geo. I. Ellis
160 a
O. C Stone to O. W. Stone 80 a..
C. Stone to Cora R. Stone 63 a..
O. W. Stone to O. C. Stone 120a.
H. A. Sommerville to R. E Mor
ris 30a
canal bonds for sale.
In Advance Thresher Co. agt. I.
Miller motion to strike out parts
complaint filed by W. R. Bilyeu.
Letter List
The following letters remain in tha
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Nov. 4, J908. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Lottie Coon, Ralph Harlan. Mrs. Julia
Hull, Jay Hudelson, Mike McLaughlin,
Fred Marx, Mrs. C. A. Prescot, Mrs.
G. W. Miller, Andrew Wilson, Mrs.
Deliie Williams, Edward Watson.
J. s. Van Winkle. P. M.
Marriage licenses: John Underwood.
aged 34, of Condon, and Mane Thomp-'
son, aged 24, of Harrisburg. L. B. i
Leach, aged 23, of Harrisburg, and
Geneva Bond, aged 18, of Brownsville.
Better not bet, particularly on elect
ions, mighty uncertain affairs.
Who would be a national chairman,
who b3 to lie anyway, just for effect.