A LARGE LINE OF DAINTY WAISTINQ" SILKS Dainty Dress-Up Waists Can you picture in your mind a dainty waist of iancy flow ered silk of rich tan ground, having beautiful roses of soft blue shades, shading into burnt orange and greens with a few pale pink tints thrown in? If you can it is good but you will delight in seeing it far more. We have assembled a most beautiful line of these elegant waists-all different and each one is neat and dainty as any woman would desire. They are just the thing for afternoon or evening wear and we want you to come in and see them. We want to show them be cause we are proud of them. Some in net and some in silk ranging in prices from $2.50 to $20.00 f lit JlUWm ilt .-Miwreil Hi (tie post, office, Albany, Or NAcond claee mail matter. FP NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for oife year, $4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $H. 60. The weekly Advance peryear$1.25. At end of year $1.60. After 3 years at 2.; OUK WANTS liver them anywhere in the city, i Phone Farmers 2X1 Bell. tDl SLAB WOOD 75c per cord at mill. 17 , cords to car. Mail your orders di- i rect. THE CfURTIS 1.U MBbR i,o.t ram t City, t n ..n i,.. n mnnthiv nr vnnrlu ! payments. H. Bryant. tld. GOATS 57 line animals for sale. Call upon John Dumond, 6th and Jef ferson streets, Albuny. FULL BLOODED. Bird Plymouth rock cockerals for sale at Mrs. Frank Kitchen, R. D. 6. Bell phone 1x3. LOST. Tuesday afternoon about 3 p. m. a light tan colored puppy aged 10 . weeks old. Reward offered for its return. Leave information at this; nffipa. ' . FOR RENT. Furnished rooms. Cal at Davenport's Music Btore. . DIRT FOR SALE. -Dirt and gravel in fine condition. 60c a load, 40c when over 50 loads. See J. F. Wentworth, Albany Supply House. FOR SALE. An Al fresh cow. Ca ut939 E. First. ' 27t FOR SALE. 38 acres, all in cultiva tion, with house and barn, '4 miles east of Albany. Also two corner lots lal nnrl Wntnr Strepls. hv Ola baltveit, 101b b Water be. Home Phono black lu7. PARTNER WANTED. -In mnnufact-, f?!r"AP'-23f sril ond street. 24t FOR SALE. -Pure bred White Leg- horn roosters, Black Minorca roost- era. Plymouth kock roosters, ana nure bred Tulouse geese. Mrs. J. C. Porter. R. D. 2. Box 15. Home phone 3651. tfl. FOR SALE. -6 room house, and lot, good location, 7 blocks from business Beclion. Call at Democrat oflice. GOOD SIX ROOM RESIDENCE and ium IntH. h.irn. nlimtv of fruit. Sit uated on J clterson street. Must bo sold to close up an cstale. This is a bargain if taken immediately. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second St Both Phones, CABBAGE for sauerkraut. E. L. Mc- Keever, Bell phone 2X1. FOR SALE. Two horse gasoline cn- erine, jack niul pump. Call upon J. S. Morgnn at the brick j ard, phone black 382. J. S. Morgan t3 WOOD FOR SALE.-Some good dry wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 201 Home. FURNISHED ROOMS by iho clay, week or month, at Blount's, 314, Ells worth St. 6t MUSIC LESSONS.-Pinno ami organ. Phone black 1)71. Helen Elkins. FIRE INSUItANCE.-Bcaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Blilg. THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro fessors celebrated hand loads had better got in their orders pretty soon. One party who got 100 loads ot us last year ordered 3t)0 this year. Ho said they done the work, ltultinu re Gun & Bicycle Works. SODA WATER.-Cascama water from the Geisendorfer springs, may be had at Tomlinson & Holman's and at the Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t AERMOTEKjKiiholinc pump, nircontcd with pump jack, ready to hitch to pump for only $15. Crawford the Aerinolor man will be glad to show you. FIRE INSURANCE O. F. R. A. ot Mc-Minnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE.-Model N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in fine c ndition. Apply to W. W. Craw ford, agt. Ford Motor Cars. Hamilton's Bazaar t. E. & H. J. HAMILTON i National Democratic licket. For President William J. Bryan. S& vic.Lld?ntlDw- nKer2 Coshow of Douglas county. August Huckestein of Marion county, E.S.J. McAllister of Multnomah county, Sam uel White of Baker county. Taft Elected. The election is -over and Mr. W. H. Taft, judge, etc., has been elected by a big maj rity in the electorial collep e, a result which was bound to occur with all the machinery of the government and trusts working together for that j 4.u i. .ji.i seconding the motion. Mr. Taft has beaten a clean, pure and able man, one above reproach, Nevertheless it was a great mistake Pnnn:nD. M, Brvan at this time. Twice -- to some one else. Governor Johnson ot Minnesota should have been given the place. He would have made a cam paign that would have made Mr. Taft take notice. Mr. Bryan, like Webster and Clay can never be elected president, and he will do well to accept the inevi table, and further, not to dictate, the policies of his paity too persistently) as good as they may be. It is easy, too give reasons, but what's the ubb. Legislate for the! People. This is a great country, and it is going to be safe anyway, but there are things which need to be improved ncv- ertheless. This country is no longer an" infant in swaddling clothes, but the greatest nation in the world, and it can take care of itself along all lines, busi-: ness ns well as others. Our munbfnc- ' turcr8 can compete with any nation in th(J wor,d( ad we don. haTe tQ agk uny od(la It is time therc wo8 achange inteT lthe buyer- ? man; ufacturer has been protected out of sight, until the Country is filled with multi-millionaires, made so by the enormous tariff. Now givo the people a chance. Machine Count a More voting machines were used yes- torday than ever before in the United States. They are becoming general in some of the states. New YoiU leads,'1 tilon comos in,ijanna. closeiv followed I by California. New Jersey has a num- bor, and Wisconsin, Utah.Ilowa, Mich- ian, Colorado and Nebraska. Only three are reported in Ohio.one in Minne- sota, a few in Montana and Connecti - cut. In a few years they will be gene 1 ral. They are a modern institution that is bound too prevail. This U an ago of progress, and gradually things along all lines will be done in a red tape way according to machine. tho click of some The "I told you so's" will now take1 charge of nlfairs. When a thing is over i' Is alwars easy to see how one knew all about it, and couldn't be mis-' taken. j Times are getting better. A New York exchange notes that Mr. John D. Rockefeller is painting his burr. , "Use less lard and more olive oil," is the advice of a prominent physician. That's sound truth. Ono bottle of EHMANN OLIVE OIL has as much nutrition as a ten pound pail of lard Mowcn Be..6 di8e8tion like M A goon quality of brick for sale op posite Postollice. Inquire of Frank J. Tracoy, 316 Montgomery St , Albany. ' OYSTERS, served in all styles, by the pint or quart, at Hoflicn's. and Try.a.Patrick GordM cigar Sceata OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT IS AL WAYS INTERESTING. VISIT IT. I URN'S VOTE i Taft Carried County by 385. High School Ahead. Cha ftin Debs 5 o Taft Albany 140 E. Albany 113 W. " 168 N. Brownsville 139 S. 92 Center 30 Crawfordsville 78 Foster 27 Bryan 102 80 115 65 62 43 55 24 18 90 48 68 62 16 43 90 112 36 90 21 55 48 62 123 46 18 63 39 26 63 . 44 . 7 14 19 15 3 7 2 0 7 4 3 2 0 6 2 9 8 9 3 , 3 2 4 4 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 Fox Vallev. 43 ' JJalsey 121 iN.Harrisburg. 66 S. " 54 Jordan 22 Kingston 22 Lacomb 63 N. Lebanon ... 76 S. " ... 191 Orleans 71 Price 95 Rock Creek... 39 Santiam 62 N. Scio 84 S. " 45 Shedd "5 Shelburn 41 Sodaville .34 Sweet Home.. 53 Syracuse 28 Tallman 32 Tangent 71 Waterloo........ 77 8 10 14 8 17 0 30 9 4 9 17 3 27 15 24 1 4 5 19 331 S2tS. 1817' '147 Hisgen:- Crawfordsville 7; foster 1; South Lebanon 1; Price 1. Total 10. THE HIGH SCHOOL. ' ' For Albany -rtv... 122. n BrownsviVle' MS. s . 'V-v .....106 Center 28 Against 55 .... 49 1 Foster 7 Fox Valley N .Harraburg . . ,'. 52. .. 18....... fi 8 Halsey.. i 86 76 Jordan 40.. Kingston 26.. N Lebanon... 60.. S . " 138.. Orleans , 36. . Price .'. .. . 85.. Rock Creek.'... 34.. Santiam 62 . N Scio 66.. S " 48 .. Shedd 100.. 40 21 I - 79 109 : 58 73 I 19 34 22 61 56 39 19 75 40 51 Shellburn 66.. godaville T-Ulma "T.6 ! '. '. ' Tanerent! "'.!'.'.'. 32.. 20.. 14 63. 1505 - 1379 This leaves S. Brownsville, Craw- erloo to hear from,' not liable to change the result. j ' A game of football was being played this afternoon between the Albany col lege team and the high school team. A long squash, labeled Roosevelt's Big Stick, was left at tha Democrat ollice by E. Davidson, and will be used wnen occasion demands it, so look out, GET AN ELECTRIC FLAT IRON NOW Three sizes 5 lb.. 6 lb:, 7 lb., They make vcmr work easy. -Try one for your next ironing. THE RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., 306 WestSccond St. A Siletz Homestead relinquishment lor sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. PERSONAL, John Freisch arrived this noon the Alsea. from E. E. Daring, of SUetz.came over to- . day on a valley trip. i Mrs. A. M. Williams, of McMinn ville, went to Tallman this afternoon. ' Mrs. D. S- McWilliams and son. of Halsey, returned home this afternoon. : D. Bussard and family went to the Bay this afternoon to spend several months at Newport on the ocean. ) M. B. Case and family of Ashland are 1 in the citv- Mr. Case has disposed of his business there and will go else where. Mr. and Mrs. Linas Reynolds ar , rived today on a risit with J. A. War ner and J. B. Roberts, old schoolmates i in Illinois. j Mr. Fred Brandshagen left this after noon on a two or three months N com mercial trip through Oregon and Cali- ; fomia. Mrs. Madae Kaupisch, of Corvallis, returned home this afternoon after a , visit with her friend Mrs. W. W. Fol- lock. i Messrs. McCIure and Menear, two ! prominent young men of Foster, have , been in the city today, and tomorrow will be accompanied home by H. F. Mc Ilwain, who will spend a month up there hunting cougars. Morgan and Wallace Barnes, now residents of Walla Walla, are down on ' a visit at the home of their father, A. : Barnes. They report Walla Walla ' growing very fast, now having a popu lation oi aDout zo.uuu. Death of Mrs. Agnes Cralt. Mrs. Agnes Craft died last evening, at the home cf her daughter, M.S. Henry Burmester, at Jordan, at the age of 74 years. She was born in Scotland and came to Oregon about 40 years ago, a worthy r i i rti I woman anu goou neignuur aim cmmii. She leaves the following children: M. B. Craft, of this city, J. A. Craft of Crabtree, Charles, W. W. and Ad. Craft of near Scio. and Mrs. Menrv Bur mester of Jordan. Mr. Craft died about ten vears aeo. The funeral will beheld at Providence tomorrow at 1 o clock. V Best All the Time. Johnson's Best is always best, part of the time, but all the time, specialty of the mill is to make not The one kind of flour, the best that can be had. j A flour that is good for bread and cake. ; Y ou don't need to hunt for imported j hard wheat flour, call for Johnson's Best, and your troubles will be over. ' I Just try it once, and see what a permanent friend it is. City Property Wanted. Wanted at once two or three pieces of well improved residence city prop erty, between Montgomery and Wash ington stieets Have customers now waiting. Call at my office and listyour property if you want to sell. ' C. G. Burkhart, "' 102 E. First Street Just Received. Car of Yellow Fir shakes by Chas. K.Spaulding LocGinG Co. The EHMANN OLIVE OIL is the finest liver and stomach regulator known. Take a tame spoon lull be' tween your meat course and your des sert. Try it a month and se j the dif ference in your general health. . At Owen Beams. A healthy man is a kine in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. FOR 3ALE. 160 acres foot hil's i2 miles west of Junction, good house, barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an acre or will trade tor Albany prop- erty. J. R. Metzgar 3rd and R. R. 29t SKATING RINK Will be open for skaters . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Go and enjoy the sport. t21 W. RIDDELL, Al. D, C., VETERINARIAN Oflice Albanv Stables Both Phones 34 ALBANY, OREGON, Albany, Oregon. i TO-NIGHT, The Hip Hip Hooray Comedy. Musical Rice and Cady are regarded by thea - tergoers throughout the United States as the natural successors to Vi eber and Fields in the delightful German dialect , I comedy. They will appear in "Hip Hip ' Hooray" at the Albany Opera House ! tonight. I i This piece comes direct from Weber's i Music Hall on Broadway after an en- i j tire season of success in New York. 1 I Rice and Cady, as a German promoter i of "Excited Oats," a new breakfast; foon, and bs a capitalist reluctant to i invest his money, go to Doolittle Uni- - versity to see ibeir sons on the great i day of a toat rcce. A comic opera j company is in town at the same time. There are some interesting townspeo ' pie, and boys and girls, German corned-1 I lans, widows and the like, become in- . volved in episodes which are delight- iuu iunny. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist Over Woodworth's Drug Store. Both phones. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I. R. SHULTZ, Manager. Wednesday, Nov. 4 The Germans of Quality, RICE and CAHY in Joe Weber'. Big Gay, Musical Girl Play "HIP HIP HOORAY" A Ilost of College Big Song HITS PRICES -$1.00, 75 and 50 cents. SELECTING A A ranee is not bought every day. A not determine whether a range is ch"ap the very hrst consideration. The lasting quality is tne main tning. How much fuel does it require? Is any break on warp? Does it heat up the loking and baking.' will it wear well; fVK The "OuiCK Meal" Factory is st welleouipped with latest and most, imnm machiney, that "Quick Meal" Steel nomical LIIUII any ubiiei ituit.-, mm 111 scicumig u vuiuft MEAL, you get the best for no more money than what vou would have to nav for tho nrriir,.,,.,. cheaply constructed range. For STEWART & ALBANY, . I REAL ESTATE. Good modern eight room housn with furnace, situated closo in, West Al bany. Price, $2750. Two houses and three lots, East Al bany. Price, $2200. A four room house and one lot. East Albany. Price, $650. A good new bouse, a nice lawn and the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany . Price, $1500. FARMS 265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation, improvements fair, balance of land in good timber. Six miles from Albany. Price $33 per acre. 11 acres in prunes, house and good dryer, one mile and a half from Albany. 1 : Price, S12UU. 30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a good little town. All A No. 1 land. New buildings Price, $2260. 60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of apple orchard, well taken care of, good buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one and a half miles of a good town. 100 acres, 5 miles from a good town, in Linn county, all in cultivation. 4 acres in orchard, balance of landfall in cultivation. Exceptionally good build, ings. Price, $6500. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second street. De-.BToitlAi f ii miiu iuu nan umji ttfaatw . Boys and Girls in 20 . NEW RANGE. few dollars more or less in nrico rfnpa or dear. You want the best; that is other points to , be considered are: part of it likelv to cive out. to crack knehen, or is all the heat put to use in Ranges are made more perfect and eco sale by .' SOX H'DW GO. . . OREGON Go to EASTBURN'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our ! Grocery stock is as fresh and complete i as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock ! canned qoods a specialty. BARGAINS j n Crockery and Glassware as we in- ' tend to close out that department.' Come and get our price, and see our ; ean up-to-date store. Both Phone. Mas of.