--- Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. NjVCMBER 6 1908 FOL HIV SO H Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. New Ruga made from old carpets. Bo'.h phones. Home 210. Bell B, 402. Dreamland JACK'S TRIP. Martinsburg, Ohio, Oct. 26. We landed here safe and sound. On the way we stopped at the winty city. It has been almost 23 years since I saw this city, and there are many changes. The hills look the same as when I went to school here, but the people here then have changed wonderfully. Death has called many, others have moved away. Those who remember us wish to know why we look so young, and I tell them it is the beautiful Oregon climate, which makes one ernw vounirer. Times are better here than I expected, on account of the natural gas that has been found, this being one oi tne greatest gas neias in the U.S. It is used for both fuel and light. A large company has the country leased for miles around, con trolling the business. With all this it does not bring business up to Albany The New Moving Picture House, Play The latest and- best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday" evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee chil Jren Sc. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. Lots of tires nt Baltimore s, opn3- site the Democrat omce. CLOSING THE CAMPAIGN. IT WAS A BOOST. leaders lir ef- New York. Oct. 31. -Both in the campaign are focusing forts of the doubtful states. Taft is talking to big crowds in New York state and Brvan and Kern are touring Illinois. Roosevelt and other republican leaders indignantly deny Rockefeller's aid. They allege the Oil king is trying to injure them. Bry an and the Democrats are making cap ital of Rockefeller's announcement that he will support Taft. A Fire Fiend. Baker City, Oct. 31. The epidemic I have not seen Oregon's equal since of incendiaries was followed up last leaving. A good rain fell yesterday, the first to amount to anything since June. Everything was dried up and looks bad to one from Oregon. JOHN HAMMELL. C. and E. lime Table. Effective Thursday, October 1st, a new time card will go into effect on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, as fol lows: Through trains 6:45 a. m. leave Ya quina; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. Leave Albany 12:33 p. m., arrive Ya quma 6:15. Corvallis Local 6:30 a. m. leave Cor vallis dally; 2:15 p m. daily, except feu.iday; b:uu p. m. daily. 7:55 a. m. leave Albany daily; 3:35 p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. m. daily. JNO. J, SHEA, Agent. Phone Red 71, Home phone 8. HOFLICH'Sfor your oysters properly served, according to taste. night by the burning of the large North Baker school, valued at $zu,uuu; insur ance $8,500. The North Bank. Portland, Oct. 31. The North Bank road into Portland will be formally opened with a big celebration next Fri day. Hill and other officials will be present. A Boy Killed. The Dalles, Oct. 31.' of Mosier. 18 years old, accidently shct and killed himself yesterday. WOOD TO BURN A large Holiday shipment of Stamped Boxes, etc., lor pyrographic work have arrived. The designs are all classy patterns, some suitable for beginners, others for the most experienced hands. The prices are low as low as is usually chared for the cheaper designs boxes. HEISER & MEISER N. B We can duplicate any Magazine clup offer and in some cases even save you money on these same offers. The Albany Commercial Club's rep resentatives made a splendid show in j Portland. The papers gave them splen did notices and the Oregonian present- ryan and Kern are ed their pictures. Albany continues on the map. According to the picture the following were actually in the crowd: Geo. Sanders, M. Senders, E. H. Mc Cune, Bert Veal, J. V. Pipe, William Fortmiller, W. A. Eastburn, W. F. Hammer, William Eagles, Y G. Free man, Otto Lee, F, M. French, D. O. Woodworth, F. M. Redfield, Bury I, Dasent, W. M. Parker. W. A. Barrett, W. R. Hand, R. K. Ohling, J. C. Ham- mel, J. J. Collins, E. W. Langdon, Dr. W. H. Davis, David P. Mason and J. K. Weatherford. Two or three hun dred Arms agreed to send representa tives, the proprietors themselves in most cases coming. The Albany men report a fine time, and royal treatment, and believe the trip will prove a genuine boost for the city. The wholesalers and others met seemed to appreciate the visit, univer sally greeting the visitors with cordiality and assurances or good will tor Albany and its prosperity. William Mc Murray, of the Southern Pacific and Tom Richardson, Portland's booster, and the President of the Com mercial Club are entitled to special mention for the manner in which they treated the Albany delegation. Arrangements are being made for Wm. Harvey, ' big feed for the Portland men when mey come to AiDany on tne xutn. to oe given in the Alco Gymnasium, a fine Dlace for a banauet. The Journal, also gives a picture of the Albany crowd and a good writeup. making the affair conspicuous. The Albany boosters were certainly good advertisers A Fair Display of 'most everything in china, porcelain and glassware for the table, bedrosm or kitchen awaits your admiring atten tion in our establishment. We have devoted much thought to its prepara tion and invite your critical attention. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. The Academy Dedication MwwnwjtuiMa The dedication of the new Academy will occur Sunday at 2:30 p. m. An in teresting nroeram will be rendered af ter the brief religious rites are per formed. The public is cordially invited to at 1 tend the exercises and an opportunity will be given all of visiting the house during the afternoon. Owing to the difficulty in securing both material and . . L..:IJ! t t: i.. c:u laoor tne Duuuing is nut enuteiy uincm ed, but the large accomodations and modern equipment of the new Academy will be noticed by all. The school begins its 22nd year with an attendance of 76 and the promise of an increased attendance. The program will be: Selection by the Elk's Band. Song of welcome by Acad emy choir. Address by Most Rev. A. Christie D. D.. Response of the Arch bishop. Addresses by Mayor J. P. Wallace, Hon. J. K. Weatherford, and Hon J. P. Kavanaugh, of Portland. Te Deum by St. Mary's choir. Se lection by Elkks' Band. Exercises at 2:30 p. m. Oysters, Oysters At the Oregon Market are opened daily. You get them direct from the shell, and more oysters to the measure than at any other place. I Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have the best to be secured, tne tat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Lall when you want the nest, neat and clean. Eastern Oysters. In the shell or bulk, just as you want them, at the Oregon Market and groc ery, 'these are the large juicy kind. We ean shell them while you wait for the same price you pay for the ones in cans and preservanne. v The Oliver Typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu latorv attachment is iust out. See one of the Oliver Agency, 3,18 W. 5th St. pnones, BiacK zina and ziu JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot -Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bm taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. In a Class by Themselves Something Entirely Different. Every new Up-to-date Style, Fad and Novelty in Sheath Belt?, Fancy Collars, Fancy Xiesy Tailored Collars, Back Combs, Pins and Barret tes. EXCLUSIVE S TORE FOR EXCLUSIVE STY LPS McCune AND SUIT ST0PE. Chambers & ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 8a acres, 3 miles fr-m Albany, all in cultivation, small buildings. Price $1000. 10 acres, IJ4 mile from Oregon City, 6 room house, good soil. Price, $1200. 19 acres, 1 mile from Corvallis, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $3000. 24 acres, Santiam River bottom land, one-half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $1850. 30 acres river bottom land, 17 acres in cultivation, fair buildings. Price ($2100. 89 acres, 30 acres cultivated, 15 acres orchard, small buildings. Price, $3500. j 40 acres, one half in cultivation, all I bottom land, fair improvements. Price $2250. I 42 acres near the city, 25 acres in i cultivation, no buildings. Price, $4100. 190 acres, all Lottom land, one half in I cutivation, fair improvements. Price . $6500. Homestead Relinquishment, 120 acres 100 acres can be cultivated. Price $400 Good 8 room home and 2 lots. Lyon St. trice $3250. 5 room house on 4th street, one lot. Price $1050. 5 room house and one lot, close in, best buy in the city. Price $1300. 5 room house, First street, one lot with barn. Price $1000. 7 room house, barn and one full block of land. Price $1600. 8 room house, barn and one lot, good location. Price $1500 Full particnlars as to terms and loca tion given on calling at my office al No 102 East First Stieet. No Information given to inquires made over the tele phome. If you are looking for bargains in rea estate you should investigate tins list at once. (J. G. rJUKKHARr, 102 East First St , Albany, Or. OUR DUiY IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR, CUSTOMERS. Don't think we, want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand' - the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrens the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also curry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's MarKet 232 At The Crest Tamales, Chilli Concarna and Oysters any style. Both Phones, :316 W. 2nd St L. L. POTTS. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas's tnent ever devised. A household rem Hv io Ampficn for 25 years. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. 442"WEST FIRST STREET M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds frcn selected stock.. The Highest Market Price paid for Senders' ! SEEDS PPP"h QI'HPP 1 Of all kinds, at H0WAHDB:!O5. F1D BSH iiij chop mmm Wood Fibre Plaster. Sulohur. Snrav. Poultry supplies. Dalles Diamond and Liberty Beli hard wheat flour. Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Salt. STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etc. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker 216 WEST frlKHT BTKKET,, ALBANY ORF.GON, First class goods in their season. Phone Maln',56. Ferry and Water Streets. Albany. R.EEP an EVf, on tn Vienna Bakery f r (rood things to EAT, Second street, betwsea Ellsworth and tvon. Se.da clein'd v.i:hout waste for per unJ. Sucks fuinighed free Home Phone 347. M--rr.& V-Vr.T , -M Stertert Cash Store I