SHINGLES t Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. The are the best in the market. I Our No. 2' are the equal to those 1 usually sold as a first-class article. We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect them, see them made and be convinced that they an1 the BEST. Remember the place. Theold Wool en Mill Warehouse, THOMPSON & CRAMER: I THE WHITCOMB ST.AGL To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and forepart of October. Stupe leaves Lebanon Tuesdays, Thuiadays, and Saturdays at 7 a. m. Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m., arrives in Lebanon in time for the afternoon train OlAiDany. oard at Whitcomb $7 per week. Handy Tools One of the handiest tools imaginable for i':a home, or to slip into the pocket when going where that tools might be needed, is the Keen Kutter Awl and Tool Set. In :the handle i re Chisels, Screw-drivers, Awls, Reamers, Gimlet., Drills, Gouges, almost every thing to meet an emergency. This is but one of the handy tools to be found among the famous cm mm Tools and Cutlery They are the ideal tools for use in the home or on the farm, for they require less attention and give more years of useful service than any ethers. In buying Keen Kutter Tools you aire sure of satisfaction, because every one is tested before leaving the factory and guar anteed. The trademark on each tool identifies it ask for Keen Kutter Tools by name. We sell them,. OHLING k Graduates- nMiii I.Ji 4 3HOOL3 anl i(3 C liCi" S JrlODLS in Linn cou nd elsewhere: Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. AXK ANY COLLEGE Offers ou large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighthjgradolto a . ' Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or AlFour-Year College Course Albany College M dess , Albany, H. M. Crooks Oregon. Pres Beware of Defective Titles Havo an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Oi the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. Kutablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Ollice corner of 3rd ur i liroadnlbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm KIJ. SC.IIOH,. Hrnrtriumr Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs, S. C. White and Huff Leghorns. W. P. Hocks, Light Hriihniiis. li. C. Rhode Island Heda, White Cochin liiintui.i.i. . It. Turkeys, Win. .. . -don Oecse, I '.. n Ducks, i e i liuinei" Winner of 17 prizes mid 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & I lurK fair. Fcrs in Season - Stock for Saio Phone, Farmers 95 - - K p. D NO'S ; :llML BANY OHt I .Want's Your Patronage Talepkon Red 671 dpi AT THE HOTELS L. B. Geer, Salem, who used to be state land agent. J. L Freeland, Saiem. R. J. Gordon, Portland. C. H. Fraer, Corvallis, Cyrus F.Krankel and wife, Cleveland. E. L. Hense, Portland. Mrs. J. A. W. Heiceke of Detroit. . Webb Camnbell, Portland. C. V. Slater, Portland. Edward H. Ziaka, New York. Geo, A. Kobinson, Corvallis. I W. H. Hollis and wife, Forest Grove. I C. H. B Thomas, of Molalla, a rela tive of the Parkers. - Vernon Parsons, Eugene. Falrdale Plant harm. I have or sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, 1 rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. IVEU C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D, Ho. 6. J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWINQ Phona red 942. i Real E;tita aid Inura n Uuy and sell really. Insure prop erty and transact, loans. Largo or small timber tracts. V.V2 W. FIRSTS'! AL11ANY, OR. J. M. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOWS AND COLLECTIONS. have money t i ttian in small and large amounts. Notes and morti;ii'?b bought. I will bond you. Property hiiriiiled fur tion-residentti CIIISBSE DOCTOU-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese me Ik-inc. successor of the late Hong W.i Tung, is now prepared to furnish Ci neso medicines to all. Theuniler K gaed recommends him nnd gtiaran- i loos satisfaction. Ca.l or r te him at No. 110 West Secend -i . Albany. 'Or Jm W . . t.-aix. 6-1 TAYLOR IN ANO ARuUND ALBANY j Hallow'een Post cards and Lanterns at Meiser's. New Depot Post cards, also Albanv College football team at Meiser's. 'Bruce & Anderson, the barbers, ex pect to be in their new quarters oppo site the Hotel Revere, on next Tuesday. Bring in your "Hull" detachableum brulla handles and get a new top. We have all grades. F. M, French, agent. Slightly cool this marring, the tem perature going down to 32 degrees, just freezing, while the highest reached was 61 degrees. , The high Bchool foot ball team went to Independence this morning to play the Independence school team this af ternoon. t he ladies of the Baptist church will give a chicken pie dinner at the rooms of the church on deput day, of the apple fair. Nov. 11. Hon. John M, Gearin will speak at) tne court Mouse next Tuesday night. He is one of the best speakers in Ore gon and Albany people generally will want to hear him. The display of silver cups for the ap ple fair at F. G. Will's is attracting at tention. An elegant lot of prizes. And there will be the apples to show for them. The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimores, every pair guar anted. Money back in ten days if not perfectly satisfactory. The "HoH" umbrella costs no more than other makes and you get the ad vantage of the only reliable detachable handle made. F. M. French, agent. A bet was made in Albany last night, $200 a side, that Taf t will carry OregcB by more than 15,00. The Democrat's guess is that the jPaft man will lose. A good sized audience at the U. P church last night enjoyed the concert of the Watkin's Jubilee singers, a tal ented body of darkey vocalists and im personators. See free vibratory demonstration en tirely new. will cure any ache or pain, should be in every home. This week at Dawson 8 drug store. Agents wanted for vibrator and skirt supporter.- Junction Times: Rev. E.H.Belknap, who occupied a pulpit in one of the South Salem churches last year, has been forced to retire from the minntri on account of Door health, and has moved to his farm, 3a miles southwest ox Monroe. Wfl wish to express our most sincere thanks to the kind 1 mends and neign bors tor their many acts of kindness and mary noral ottenngs, espec tally ,i o i : i.-t. i Tt n I i 4IltJ OUI1S1UI1B C1UU UL UltJ UCglCM Ul Honor. May God's richest blessings rest on all. Mr. and Mrs. Al Saylor and relatives. The most common machine in use is composed ot many parts and people think because it is so generally used that any man claiming to be a machin ist can repair it. That is a mistake for it requires skilled and expert workmen on that particular machinery. Roberts & Roberts sewing machine experts. Repairing and rebuilding at Mrs E. woodin s 3rd and tfroadaioin. cen phone red 3011. Oysters at the Metropolitan. The ovster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have tho best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the hsh delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the pest, neat and clean. A healthv man is a kins in his own right; an unhealthy man is an uuhappy slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. NO EXCESSIVE LOANS, NOT A DOLLARiIN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO 0TI1EA BUSINESS TO KEEP UP, JUST STRA1GHT.0LD FASH IONED BANKING. J.W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Albany, Oregon SUMMON in the Oirnuit Onrt o! the 8tati- nf O'oeoQ tor 1-ino Conoty. Department No. 2. Helip A 1 wood, Plain' iff, vs. Charles W.AIwooii, Deteitdani. Tj CfiHrtea W. A I wood, the aove tifttteJ delen lam : In (he nHtue nl 'hp Rtte of Oresoo loti are hereby no'inel nd requred 'o tt nnd Appear in shh! courl in emd nuit. and anatit ill comitla'nt of the above named plaintiff now no til therein, ou or bet .rt the 16th rinv of November 1908, and vou are further notified thut it von fil to apnpar ana answer siri compliiut a ahnve rpqinrel, for want ! thme-K the said plaintiff will tabe a d. - crt-e aiiainst. you tor the relief prated for in sam ciimplaint. to-'wtl: A "uorpp of MUi roirt diseolvtns the J-ondtt o: matrmxniT now exiiUnn b t wpan vmi And sid iltintiff. Tliis (ommnns is pervert upon ynn ht puhi cAtiftn f r p'x c m-Pi'Uttve we-ns n'iftr 10 the Said 1(1 U dnv af Nnveinb r 1918 in Aihny um y Deinocrat.a n- raptr i u ilisbed dily in AlbAuy. Liu Countv, Oregon, nnd nf general circuit lion, in smd Caumy. by order of U- Hnn. J. N. Duncan, U.iunl' Ju Ign said Linn Com ty, O enn, wliirh cauI order heirs d-'eJOctol-er 1st. 190S, and said J. N. Duncan a Jude ( sail countv, in sid n'der lor the said pub lication f mlg summon upon you. b prescribed a. t 10;h ilav of November, 1908, as the time, on or before whn-h you shall appear and answer the Biit contpUint in aid sait. Tlie dale of the first pnblicati.-.i of rhl anuimon in raid newspAper I Oirtber, Jud, 1908. W, K. B1LYEU, A'torney lor Piatnitff. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts It takes the darkies' to do some kinds of singing. The weather pretty well. man has been doing Japan and U. by a fleet ! ! S. are now solid, tied Most women care more about gowns than presidents. Election gambling is no better than other gambling. Straws arn busy telling which way the election will go. Boost the college lecture course, a fine thing for the city. An exchange tells of a man who rich in spite of his wife. gol Sarah Bernhardt was 64 this week and will now retire again.- Mysterious things are easy when you understand them. enough Hobson's choice: W. S. Bryan, his reasons are convincing. - and The decent people of 111. regardless of politics, are opposing Cannon, the tyrant. According to the papers Bryan and Taf t are both sweeping things wherever they go. If Christ had as many followers ,asu Queen Fashion there would be some- thing doing in the-religious world. A perusal of early Oregerf history j will make one appreciate how rtose j Oregonians came to- bein? English. Ropeborg is now about to have1 an electric fine to Coo Bay. Keep ft a ; going. There will be-some kindiof rails eventually, - tt o i t- ' Hon. S. M.Pennington thiBmornmg; ; -"I have-seen sixty-one cropsrw Ore-id eon. and1 not a failure, Oregon I against the world. I The- Journal says the Cegonian" has! placed itself in this campaigns a par with the ordinary sneak thief and cheat.. The Journal1 does the sneak thief an injustice. Eugene Register: The total registra tion in Linn county is 4841; of which number 940 reside m would indicate Albany's be about 50001 A1hnv i!hii oonSlatibn, to.: population, to , The total registration in Lane county is 6421, of whom 3975 are downi as- re publicans and 1714 as democrats. And yet Linn county pays more state taxes than Lane county, and its registration is 1600 less. Woodburn IniSependent: ThavAJbany Farmers' Comiany has been, accused of stealing wheat. That can't be pos sible. If it were a soulless trout tha thing might be believable, but fanmers dishonest never! Hobson is speaking to packed! house and delivering the goods, a man of character and judgment. All hhe re nnhlinan naDers do is to refer to- that old kissing episode.not manly enough to- face the issue. RUBBER GOODS. TTFR hava last found what wo ha-a 11.1 I l.-;na unrt tn f iudl COI. ' I plcte line of Rubber Good that ths! manufacturers hava confidence en h in! to absolutely gnarantee tor yeari m (co-itmer. Wa honestly believe yei o r"g The Una i' iB-mnchoot oi the ordi nary that we, can not bey gin to da-' scribeth' !ilerenca .."uVtyli? BITE LIME a nd i ha n other kindaJ but wishi crop in afl our storaj and sec for' yourself. Tho prices are right too. in fact cheaper than the other kind. considering) tho quality. ' ' S-a nur window d-wDlbtv this vc and ihen como in and let us explain th.. WHY! .f it. Remember we are the exc'.usiver, iceuts in this town for "THE EVEilftlTE! uNE. Manufactured by The Idbal KuDBBa, Mi'a. Co., cf CThicago. Wood worth Drua Co NJT.C-.OF F1HAL SETTLEMENT!e is lureby itiven that the t 4 ( l hat filed i- the Conniy Cunrt f I .win Counts, Oreson, bis final Recount iiliiiinmiraioi ol the estate ol Aiiiin i-iyti-r nnd O a R. Si-yder, both d-im-".I sl that said court hns aDcoint t Mon. lav. the 9th riar ol Sovonib.. 1118. althe h ntnl 10 o'clock in th. ..i riinon, as the time (or beaiiuit cl oi j'l.t'on tn s it account aid ttia fiosl elllvniBiit thereof. M. A SNYDER, tlEVITr A POX, ioiu.-iior AdaUittiatut. liDi ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegelabk Rwaralion fra-As. simllaiMilrcFootfamrRpiiiiia. ling (lie Stomatlis andBwclsof Promotes DigeslionJChectfiJ-! ness and Kesuontains mm Opium.Morphine norMiueraL NOT NARCOTIC. Ravphn Std MxMlcSdtt AiurSrtd iitmSeta- Ctanfkd Soar Anerfect Remedy fbrCOnsflMi Hon . Sour Stomach.Dlarriwi! Worms .Convulsions .revertsu- ness andLoss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signatore of NEW YORK. J Exact Copy of Wrapper. Lodge Meetings. TbeK. O. M. every Saturday even ing Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen oi'the World every Friday evening. 1. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st. and 3rtt Mondays, Hilk Warford G. f. Modem Woodmen. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. Iff. Powell V. C. Rova. Neihborg lst and 3r4 wednes- Carrie Bussard Oracle-. ti,i,j ( tui-jnH Lmtrftlm BepubJut meet every it and 3d Tues-: day afternoons in the (Sr. A. R. hall. : Strangers belonging to thiBamier will 5re rog?' lf?nei JenDIe : M- Brown, Secretary.. , Notice. To.rav nv frienoVand:cusiners: ... , ,t i u a. . t A)thou?b 1 ""S lo?1 '?ttth "mSTS am, again. ready for business. Naw goods wid be as f ast as L can gels them. Cad and see me, I need yourtraae now mure' thaa ever A. bLHMUli'ir, 128 Fesry St. "Suffiered day and night the torment of ichig piles. Nothing hetoed me until I used Doan's Ointment, It cured me. Dermtanentiy. non. ouuh. iv. Ckratett, Mayor, liirard, Ala. Haoshi physics react, weeiteai the bawels cause chronic consupaoon. Boaaf- iteguleta operate easuy, wu the stomach, enre constipation. 25c. Ask. jour druggist for them. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas Rientrie Oil for such emergeBCies. It subdues the pain and heals th hurts. S (g ' CURES No eld sore can heal umtfrTl'tlie cause which produces it h.vl been reoxoved. I External applications of saBves, washes, lotions, etc., may reduce theinflam- j mation and assist in keeping; the placer dean, but cannotr.eure thetrouble ; because they do not reach .its. source. SHd sores exist be-vjuse the Hood is infected with impurities arail poisons w-flich are constantly-Being disnbarged into tte Place- Tne nerves?, tdssues audi fibres of the flesh .me kept in state ! irritation:: antS disease fty being daily fed with the (fitrm-ladeai. matter ; through the circulation, making it impossible for the sort-So heal. Sk S. S. ' - cures chronic sores by its puoifying action on the blood, it goes db-m into the cirqulation, and reiuowes the poiod-producing genras, imputities and morbid matter! which ar: responsible for the failure oithe place to heal, g. S. S. ruakes:the blood pure, fresh 2nd healthv; then asinew, ridi blood is carried to the-spot the aealing process begins, all d ieharge ceases, the inilaiiimation leaves, nevctossue begins to form, the plfjse fills in -with firm, healthy flesh, and soon h sore is permanently curedL. S. S. .is purely vegetable,:. the safest and best blood! purifier for youcg or old. Book on , i : i i c . 1 1 i r . cores anoiiijKra anu acj-mcuii iuvitc ucc lu an wii wriie. A. STARK, M. D PUYBIOIAN ANC-SbUGEON jr. . k Bide. A-lbanj DR. J. L. HILL, Phvsictan art Hnrireoi Nil) Bloc. Albanv DR. A. J. HODOES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Oregon Milk Notice.. . Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for milk will be as follows; Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $2.10 " pt. 4 $1 2.0 In can lots 20 cents-per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 23 ;ent, pint to cents,. pt. iu cents, -H. M. Palmer. Prop Golden. Eule.Dairj CflSTORIA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OinTAUH OOMHW. NSW VONK CfTf. AGE NO BAR Everybody in Albany is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable to explain; AMI in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch nold. Or when you strain the- back Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cuse- backache Cure every form of kidney ills. i J. C. Walling, retired of 424 S- 'De"T St., Albany, ure., says: -For I several years l enoureai more or ieaa suffering from kidney oomplaint, the , .,,ula ifilnD. rntmtirm oS the ti d Dainfui Daajaeea, I f d temnorarv relief! at times but Doan'a Kirinev Pills, which I procured at FJbshay & Mason's drag; store, pjoved to be-the best remedv I hud ever used ifor the trouble, bringing.- prompt and gratiEying. relief und fulfilling every , claim made for them. Some of my iieitjiuium iwuu cuu.. 6. .6 suits from the use of Roan's Kidney Pills ind I hear a great deal of praise -for this remedy." For sale uy all aeaiara. rnte ou . centa. Foster-Milburn. Co., Buflalo, New York, sole agents .for the United c Stat-a. Ros-ember the name Dan's and take no other. HCFLICH'S for your osters puiperly served, according to taate. AAlT THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. FIRST NATIONAL BAK T1AT.A Tsr-r OBEOON OfKICRRS D1RSCTOM ; E W LftNGDOS S E Youni Presldeal T A Ooojwin S E YOl'NO O I Schmitt Viiv-Preident E W Lanplon iA C SCHMITT- A C P-HmiU CwtKrer Transacts a general bankii, businesto. Accounts, kept subject to check. Sight exchange aud teletrraphic trajs I fer sold on New York, San Francisoo. ! Chicago and Portland, Collectuinb mn-e on favorable tesms Scott's Santal-Pepsin Gapsaies A POSITIVE CURL For Tnfttin miction orl'fctorrbot tlv Blad.Ierund DiN-aewJ Kid- -an MO On BE MO PtT. COTM luirklr and wrniRtisiitl th wot catws ol osarnp and lel. uo matwr i( now .'on ft BtaniliniT. A tiolmtei? barmlNs. Sold by druggiftw Prl 11.00, cj by mil. post paid, boxev--75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CL Blkda-hM, ObUw For tllab Bor.htrt A Leo' c -as a 1" o jrix a . tmn tw -fin KM ton Han Hlnrars Bojsj, i Hi - N i