Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Our stock is replenished nearly every day. The very
best styles. The very latest designs, are arriving from
the eastern manufacturing centers. Medium priced
suits from $15.00 upward in cloths and suitings. Gnens,
Smoke greys, blues and browns predominating.
Everything in Shoes
Ladies Dress Shoes, button or lace, all leathers . . $3.50
Children's Foot form shoes a specialty
Men's Winter shoes $3.50 and $5.00
Dress Goods
Suitings in wine and grey shadings. Broadcloths, Braid
and button trimmings to match Ihe popular colors.
New patterns in Waist Silks.
NEW ARRIVALSVeiling, Wide Ruching, Misses Gloves
S. E. Young & Son.
Albany, - - - Oregon.
100,000 100,000
We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been
filled in our store withoutjone single mistake just think how money differ
ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with
out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you
right. The store of quality. , - .
now nave a gooa iisi. vi rnn.w miu
. . . j 1.1 .nil A vn OTTV nwnna.t.r anH taba rt ion BtifO in ohnid
ine vou any place you wish to see. No
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice, uet tne nest.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. ,
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West r irst bt
Plumbing j
and Tinning.
Bell Red 2401. Home 246. 1
First class work i
guaranteed. j
Osteopathic Physician,
226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany.
Phone Black 482.
Se:ond andjEllsworthlStreets'A lbai y
' fl. A. LEIN1NGER.
Crawford Block, Aibaaf.
The BEST in Jew
elry is none too good.
Has it.
- - - i -
trouble to us. jno expense to you.
when cleaned by our methods of dry !
cleaning, aro maue to lock ju.-t as gocd J
as mnde to .ook just us new. Waists
anH r,ec3 r.f (.vlicate colors and ma- !
j u-ris we rnov-iie to the (ieliht of the '
owner. v i-t-'t aye any gnrmnnt ne 1
sired in btautif::! shades and 'colorings, f
C. E. SHELL.EY, Prop.
4-0 W.lBt St. Beli Phone black 273
Home phone 196
,1. W. KESTLEi
Democrat Building, Albany,
Ta'nrpnnrAfl ta mnlf on.-l renair hnntm '
anu skoes for men. women and
,,. .lhu-m.n nmi nH okil ' 1
Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c.
For painting and paper hanging see
Eicker, 332 E 3rd st. Home phone
If you want to buy or rent a type
writer, see Rawlings. He handles a 1
makes and keep3 supplies for any ma
chine. See his window of Remingtons
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for Bale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set
if desire-
To. Please Your Palate
Trv some Oran?e or Anricot mnrmn.
lade or Guara jelly, from the Oregon
Market. It is delicious,
pure fruit and sugar.
Nothing but
you start out to pi
Pocket Knife wni
mrchase a Razor or
best the kind that cears a personal
guarantee you get just tnis rrom us
prices ate right. See our window.
Burrhart & Lee.
Fresh Chinook salmon from
Bayt the Metropolitan.
Try a Patrick Gurdan Cigar. 6 cent
Rheumatism. Kidney and Bladder
cnMMu t :..nMt....ui-
n .'. .. '. .. -
f emale trouble or lene standing, um
b Heart trouble. Chronic ConstiDa-
bago. Heart trouble. Chronic Cons tipa-
j tion, Apendicitis.Imflammation of Bow-
els, Chronic Ailments of long standing
Portable s:eam bath. Office 418 First
St., Albany, Ore. No. of Phone .142.
I Calls promptly attended in city.
Vlaittloliii Lessons
I Evenings at his residence 128 Water St.
I Lsion3 50c. Homo Phone evenings
: 326. Home Phone day time 1326.
I Mr. Clias.O. Iiairove,
. GrHuate of William H. Sherwood's)
j acnoj, of Alus:c, will give private m
; structions in Pianj at the Privat. Par
. lors Hotel Revtre on Saturdays. Hours
; 5 to 6
I xjkvl
W ire now re idy to do cu (torn sa
in;-. Good road to mill pond.
Bring your los while the roads are
Brui.e & Anc'ei son's Barber Shop
In temporary quarters at the office
of Anderson Rooming House, corner of
F'rt and Washington streets, where
nev Will
be i?ld to attend to old and
No More Barbed Wire Engin
eer on his Dignity.
Bills allowed:
J. A. Warnrr, $107.50; W. E. Fran
cis. $1.20; F. K. Churchill, $11.50; C.
G. Rawliugs,?3.50; Barrett Bros., .60c;
Fred Dawson, ,25c; . W. M. Kidder,
$76.00; Albany Lumber Co., $92.27; H.
Bryant. $14.77; A. H. Martin, $6.50; J.
J. W. Driver. $5.76; Ohling a: Taylor,
$2.00; Carter & Robson, $17.50; Rouer
Bros., $6.85; John Clelan, $105.00; E.
Sloan, $3.60; A. M. Dawson, $1.50:
Port. Tel. Co., $12.60: Umphrey &
McKey, $10.00; J. A. Whitesides,
Bill fashion Livery Stables $12,50
Dr. Davis recommended a sewer from
Walnut steeet, through block 3 Western
addition which was ordered.
A saucy communication was read
from John Harrison engineer, in which
he refused to clean out the headgate
ordered and when he savs no he means
it, and if not satisfactory he wouiu step
out. Upon motion his resignation was
unanimously accepted. A Mr. Austin
was referred to as a competent man,
and he was elected.
Building permits were granted t. G.
Will and A. Stark, and Miss Fannie
Brenner, complying with the fire limits
An ordinance was passed providing
for a cement curbing along the property
of r R Wolvprtnnf hi 8 PEStBr
of C. E. Wolverton, block 8 Eastern
The barbed wire ordinance was read
third time and passed. All voting aye
', """y. itoi. " Hunio
barbed wire on fences hereafter and
requires all barbed wire now up to be
torn down within 20 days. A fine of $5
tn xin m fiver)
Councilman Hand reported that the
draymen refused, to take out the en-
gines for $2.50, which has prevailsd for
6 or 7 years. "
Councilman Hand moved that bids be
advertised for a pipe line on Third
street. Lost.
A motion by Miller that the commit
tee on fire and water investigate the
location and cost of some more cisterns
was carried.
A c'oset on the property of J. A.
Howard on Walnut street was ordered
connected with the sewer.
S. C. Worrell complained of a
nuisance in his neighborhood.
On the Electric Line St
to the Depot.
A. Welch was in the city ast evening,
and gave instructions for work to begin
on the electric line from the depot to
the St. Charles, and the first load of
cies was placed near the SfCharles.
The foreman was out with Surveyor
Warner and lines were being laid this
afternoon , for tho grade. A gang of
nine or ten men are on hand ready . for
the business. .,-.,
The new track will be stariard 4 feet
8 inches. The old 3 feet 10 inches.
A Stove Bargain.
' A good 18 inch air tight
, only$1.76, at the store of the 'Albany
LO 3T. A brooch, set with pearls, with
Qmnll HtnmrmH In tho .onto,. Uatiiin
sir s Jp u. n7i,:f t
norn roosters, rsincK Minorca-, roost -
",lh.,30l.r00'T ??
tw.. p n .'Z' irr:'
phone 3651. , tfl.
LAST DAY. Next Saturday, Oct. 31.
for making cider at C. R. Widmer's
GOATS. 67 fine animals for sale.
Call upon John Dumond, 6th and Jef
ferson streets, Albany.
FOUND. A girl's fur collar. At the
Democrat office.
LOST On First street, Saturday,
lady's brooch Bet with nearls and
embroideried tie. Leave at this office.
Reward. ,
WANTED.-$5000forone vear. first -
class security. Address "Business",
Democrat office.
FULL BLOODED. Bird Plymouth
rock cockerals forsale at Mrs. Frank
Kitchen, R. D. 6. Bell phone 1x3.
FOR SALE. Cooking apples delivered
35c a box. Wind Falls 25c a sack in
the orchard. Home phone 2762. E.
C. Baldwin, 1 mile east and H south.
Getting in New Stock
All this morth, SUITS and OVERCOATS have come pling in from
the world's best makes. We have been more particular in our buy
ing this year than ever before, and we Confidently offer to partic
ular trade, everything -in clothing that U desirable, conservative and
nifty models, all the range in colors, from the newest shad?, to the
stiple I he or Mick. In fit and tailoring iB where we are distinctive,
We say tailoring because the clasB of goods we handle, are HAND
MADE AitUoIly produced in ths way that custom shops turn out
Togs that retain their shape, made under a system, that will war
rant a perfect fit to any man, who is not abnormally built.
Ev erj thing fcr'Men.
The Main .Clothing ( o.
News from
Six Early
Senator Gearin left for northern
points, a man whom it is a pleasure to
meet personally. He speaks at Salem
tomorrow night.
H. A. Hinshaw of the S. P. who is
boosting the farmers' demonstration
train to be at Albany Nov. 4th. came
down from a trip up the Springfield
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stanard came
down from Brownsville.
Mrs. A. C. Schmitt and V iss Clar a
Schmitt left on a Portland trip.
Mm. H. H. Hewitt went to Salem to
visit herparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Elgin. Today is the golden anniver
sary of their marriage, a big event in
the life of a couple, and one worthy of
Dennis Merrill went to Portland to see
a man.
Dr. Withycombe went to Portland to
attend the funeral of his friend of many
years, Richard Scott.
A. A. Morse, who is boosting the
demonstration train, left for northern
Mrs. MackMonteith left for Portland,
to meet Mr. Monteith, who will arrive
18 wcf f rom an eten8ve tr'P
!he northwest, coming down from th
this week from an extensive tnp through
I Miss Roma McKnight returned to her
, home in Portland. Her crafts and arts
demonstration here was greatly appro
cm tea. A talented young laay sne nas
mastered this art.
. , . ...
The builders are very choice of the
! 'j, B.: ?eJeP,ut! Wuhic.h
j "'"1 T?"
In another Dlace 'This Means You
has been added. Properly the work
men do not wish to be bothered. They
are doing some live hustling to have the
depot ready for the opening on the 11th.
Came Home to Vote.
H. M. Thompson, who has been work
ing on the North Bank, atHussum, op-
posite Hood River, arrived last night on
I his wav to Shedd tocast his roval Amer
ican vote for Mr. Bryan. He had hard
work getting a place to sleep last night
upon getting here on the 11 o'clock
train, going to several places before
getting a bed. Mr. Thompson was at
Wasco for awhile. Among the Albany
people prospering there is Mr. L. ...
Ross, doing a fine business in his jewel
ry store.
A Pine Machine.
C. G. Rawlings has just added A nm
chine' to his well equipped job office
that will help materially in the dispatch
ot business, it is a sen ieeuer. At
tached to the job press a roll is put in
the press and and the electric motor
and feeder do the rest without any at
tention. It works well and is decidedly
Eastern Oysters.
In the shell or bulk, just as you want
them, at the Oregon. Market and groe'
erv. 'Ihese are the large juicy kind.
; We can shell them while you wait for
; the same price you pay for the ones in
cans and preservaline.
: htdt stir qai r Dirt and travel in
! finl cFondRitlnLE50cDarioadf Then
- over 60 loads.
FOUND. A Masonic pir, a G and
Compass. Can be had at this office;
DANCING PARTY. Next Saturday
night at Bussard Hull, uoocl music,
Bring invitation.
GOAT FOR SALE. Just the thing for
lodge work. The young owner hav
ing been butted over several times
would like to dispose ot it. Call at
N. H. Wheeler's and inspect the ani
mal. FOR SALE. An Al fresh cow. Ca1
, at 939 E. First.
27t I
' FOR SALE. 38 acres,
all in cultiva
tion, with house and barn, 4 miles
east of Albany. Also two corner lots
between 1st and Water Streets, by
Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water St.
PARTNER WANTED. -In manufact
uring business in Albany. Small cap
ital required. Apply at 233 East sec
ond street. 24t
Every Day
To Hear Ex-Senator Gearin. He's
All Right.
The circuit court room was full last
Introduced by Hon. J. K. Weather
ford, Ex-Senator Gearin made one of
the best political speeches Albany has
He spoke of the great democratic en
thusiasm everywhere. People are thor
oughly interested. There is a spirit of
independence, of individualism, which
is not local but widespread, speaking
for national hope. It is a move to cor
rect errors, abuses and vices. The peo
ple are tired of shams and promises
that result in nothing. The republican
platform is simply an apolgy for fail
ure, and every republican speech it an
explanation for apology. The speakers
dare not tell what is in their platform.
Senator Fulton in a speech mentioned
the platform only twice, the injunction
plank and the fiinancial plank,
which he said was not what it ought to
be. It has fallen dead.
The democratic platform means some
thing: the election of U. S. senators by
the people, a protest against an unjust
system of tariff legislation, the rights
of state and federal government are
clearly defined, no longer a paternalism;
laboring men should be protected against
cheap foreign labor and it presents a
means for the protection of the money
of the laborer when it is in the bank.
These things were enlarged upon in an
able manner and the campaign thunder
that Bryan policies would ruin tne coun
try riddled. They would be a blessing
instead of a detriment.
If Bryan had been elected in 1896 on
the free silver issue it would no doubt
have been necessary for the Portland
bankers to have chartered a special
train and rushed down to Salem crying
"For God's sake, Governor help us
out," issuing bank certificates to help
out the people. See the point.
A Bear Near Albany,
Chris Bender, residing near the fair
grounds, tells a thrilling story about a
bear, which he declares was prowling
around his place last evening, while he
was plowing, It chased one ot the
boys and finally climbed a tree. Mr.
Bender was too busy plowing to bother
with bears and let it go.
There is said to be a bear around Al
bany recently brought here from Rose
burg by Mr. Parker, and it is possible
this is the animal. ,
Bring Your hubsription
We have bottom figures on
' Single or Ciub lists for 1908-9
Charles Knecht's
t Six Kinds of New Nougat
butter Cups,
French Cream Wafers,
and stacks of other kinds.
"Chocolate Shop."
i'o stale factory Candy at our House.
,'.7 I
dren in a warkman hue mannej.
new customer: