Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 30, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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tlalsey and Junction will play foot
ball this afternoon at Junction.
The weather prediction is: fair to
night, Sunday increasing cloudiness
followed by rain.
The U. of 0. second team went to
Salem this morning to play the Chem
ewa team this afternoon.
Game warden Keeney, of Brownsville,
had a couple men fined $25 apiece for
bunting without a license.
John Legge't, of the theological sem
inary, Eugene, went to Berlin today to
preach his first sermon tomorrow.
In Lane count) $75,000 in warrants
have already been registered. A 13
mill levy is "feared. Linn's will stay at
about 10 mills.
In Corvallis there will be only five
numbers in the leciure course, tor
which the same price is charged as in
Albany for six. One of the Corvallis
attractions will be Opie Read. Other
wise it t3 the same as Albany's.
The body of Mrs. Stella JTimmons,
killed by a drunken husband, at Salem,
was taken through Albany to Eugene for
burial. Young ladies do well to stop
and think before marrying a man ad
dicted to the drink habit.
A revival will be held at the Catholic
cnurch in Lebanon next week. The
subjects will be: immortality of the
soul, man's destiny, death, the judg
ment, does hell exist, what we believe,
the eonfessional, the Bible and the
church. Father V. Chiappa, of Cali
fornia, will conduct the services begin
ning tomorrow morning and then hold
ing every evening.
Hugh Cummings, of Halsey, returned
borne this afternoon.
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
Main 38.
-In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn County.
in tbe matter oi the estate of Lavina
8. Obilda, deceased.
To Elsie L. Hamilton, E. A. Ohilds
an i Geo. S. Guild-, Greeting.
Jn the name ol the stale uf Oregon.
You are hereby c.ted and required to
appear lu the Couuty Court ol the State
ot Oregon, lor the Coun.y ol Linn, at
the eo'irt room thereof, at Albany, in
said eouny, on Monday, the 2ud day ot
Jsovembcr,1908, at 1 o,cloctt In the after
noon or th at day.lben and there to show
-cautie, if any tnere be, why and an order
sbouM not be ocado uy the above 01
titied cuurt authorizing and directing
the aduminiHcrator of tne entitled estate
toeell the real property of said estate
private en e, said r,al properly being
dsBuriuou "h follows, 10-wit".
Loir 3, 4, 5. 6 13, '4, 15, 16, 17 and 18,
in Bloct 7, lu Bin's Addition tu iho
tuwn ol Sudoville, in Liun County, Crs
gon,as 10c name appears upou-the maps
and plattt of eaid audition now on hie
and of record io the office of the CjUnt
Recorder of said county.
Lota cumbered 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
5 in Hill'-, addition to trie town of So
davi'lx, in Linn County, Oregon, as the
same ia numbered and described on the
maps and pints of said a-idiiinii on file
and ul re:otd in the otrici uf ttieOuuutv
Recorder ot bbnI county.
The No- in ul 'he lb XtirtheaBt
quarter, i lie S tl-lit-a t qua- er of the
Northeast quarter huo h U ! Iiaif of
tbeSuuiiie.. t.-, .a er Swjiu'i 36 in
TowuetiiM 13 u.U.nH n. ot the
WillatntK e M -' uli -u, aud the Nur. Least
o.uarter o-' t)i
.Virtu -tt qn rr r ol
n-tiip 14 S mi , K mge
bee iun 1, i,' I
8 West i' iix
Benton C no-',
.U.-H01 -n. in
lOIHtttlitlltf! 2&J
tUf H'lfi. J
JtidtfO ul
(.;oirt m
U erfiin. lut
I Dip.
f ti ,
i ne
Clonntv in f. inn. wi b
eal o
court affixe, tmo tbe 23rd day of Sep
tember, A. D. :908.
J. W MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. Marks. Deputy. ,
Notice is hereby niven that tbe ondr
signed ba been doly at ooinied by tbe
County Oju'i ol Lijn C mnty, Oregon,
administrator of the eetate of Actlte H.
Andreva, Ute otaaid count. , deceased.
All persom bnviim claims aguni-t the
estate of said deci-aaed are required to
preeent tbe same, with proper vouphsrt,
10 the undersigned, at his office in tbe
ciiy of Alhany. io eaid eountv, within
montliB frTn the date of thi notice.
Dated tbi9iti day ol October. 1908.
HEWITT & "OX, Aimlriintra 0'.
Attorneys fui Administrator.
Notice is ln-reby (riven that the under
signed has Bled In the County Court 0t
,Linu County, Oregon, hi finl account
as adminmritor of the estate 01 Tru
.man Pritm, late of paid conntv. rie
cenfed, and thai said court ha appoint
ed MoodBy, the 7ih day of De ember,
9i'& at the hour of ten o'clock in Ih
luriooon the bearing of oojeciioos to
said 6nal account, and the neHlement
,,.renf. GEO. S.OHILD.S,
.HEVVirr & SOX, administrator.
Attorneys tor JSxecutrix.
Notice is bereh. iiiven that the under
iit-e'i has r.led in the County O.nrt of
Linn C matv. Orenon, he- dnal ciut
.xcirix of tbe last M "d testa
mmtoi Wji. B. Mack-innon, late of
-Mid county, debased, and that sid
"n,i has appointed Monday, the 7th
nay of Decern be-. 1908. at the hour of
ten o'clocH In tbe loreooon, as the lime
lor I he hea.ihg of objection to said final
acc nnt. and the settlement thereof,
acc nni. au ELVlRA waG8TaFK.
.HEWITT A 60X. Eiecutrix. ,
,A'.toraey lor :Exeoutrlx.
The team of G Co , which shot at the
Knox Butte range yesterday, under the
direction of Col. Yoran and Capt. Houck,
made a splendid record yesterday after
noon. Messrs. Marquam, 'he Karsten
Brothers and Abraham, forming the
Company team, made a total score, cov
ering the work of the different ranges,
of 601. The McMinnville team made
582 and Dallas 563, so Albany is ahead
so far. The two Euerene teams. Cot
tage Grove, Roseburg and Ashland are
yet to shoot, and it is prooaoie oui our.
nf a nnasihle 800 will be beaten. Pruf.
Marquam made one nignesi. inuivtuuai
score. The individual record nas not
yet been made up by the secretary of
the range.
buy Now.
Canvassers for the Albany College
Lecture Course are selling tickets for '
this year's course. The aim of the can
vassers is to sell at least 300 seison
tickets to adults in Albany. The course
ticket this year is very generous in its
arrangement. Any coupon is good for
any entertainment; the price oi tne six
coupons is $2.00. No Buch course has
ever been given in Albany at such a
price. The first entertainment is by
the Four Great Musical Artists on
November 3 and will be given in the
Opera House. Following are the dates
and places: I
The "Four Great Musical Attists,"
November 3, the Opera House.
"Germain, the Wizzard," January 6, 1
the Opera House.
"Jacob Riis," "The Battle of the
Slum," January 11, the U. P. church.
Dr. W. Waugh Kauder at the piano,
Baptist church, Feb. 1.
Dr. Thos. E. Green, lecture, Baptist
"The Dunbar Company," concert,
Baptist church, April 9.
At theTlotels. i
R. R. Butler, of Condon, and Henry
McKinney, of Baker City, through the
valley in the interest of Mr. Roosevelt's
W P. Smith, who makes Albany, his
Joe Stevens, Airlie.
J. J. Harold, an S. P. man.
Geo. Goodall, Salem.
H. G. Miller, New York.
Prominent drummers: Frank Ward,
Frank King, J. K. Pratt, W. F. Jeffries,
F. E. Jackson, J. W. Whitney.
G. li. Spring of Eugene.
A Remington man at the Revere was
showing one of the new accounting
typewriters, a machine which does its
own adding and subtracting, a marvel
in typewriting. .
Another Brutal Mistake.
Alexander A. Franks, this week, was
shot and killed by Oscar Webber, while
hunting on Catching Creek, Douglas
county. Another case of mistaking a
man for a bear. Webber is an S. P.
fireman. He shot three times, so far
away as to make the mistake in the
open, hitting his companion as he rolled
down the hill, every bullet taking effect.
There ought to be a law making such
things a penitentiary ofiense.
Mrs. E. J. Dow returned last even
ing from a visit with her son in Eugene.
Mr. Paul Schmitt arrived from Port
land this noon on a couple days visit.
Rev. J. P. Elmore and H. F. Merrill
returned this noon from McMinnville.
J. H. Thacher, general manager of
the Pacific States Co., passed through
the city this noon going south.
Miss Ella Struckmier has gone to Port
land, where she has a position at the
home of Dr. A. E. Rockey.
The Pacific Monthly for November
doesn't ask any odds of any of the mag
azines. Splendidly gotten up it is a
credit to Oregon.
Big games of foot ball in the east
Saturday will be Penn. and Carlisle,
Princeton and Syracuse, Cornell vs.
There will be seven presidental tick
ets: democratic, republican, prohibition,
socialist, people's party, independence
and socialist.
Ray Goodrich, a former leading U.
of O. student, and Miss Ruby V. Hen
dricks, were married in. Eugene last
A. H. Freerksen, of Bremerton, is in
the city on a visit with numerous rela
tives, his first visit here for several
years. He has been one of Bremerton's
mayors, verv succeseful there general
ly. Washington street continues to be on
the Albany map. The residence of E.
A. Barrett is beine made over into a
modern two story structure, a fine
place, making eight new places on that
street this year.
Henry Fish, the polite little hustler
for the Saturday Evening Post i i some
what of a philanthropist Every week
he leaves acopyof the paper at thepub
lie library, hi contribution to a worthy
Warren Hulburt. a promincne Linn
county farmer, has sold all his stock
and household goods at nublic auction,
and will leive soon for Portland to re
side. He h is property in that city, an'l
exne::s tn make it the home of himsell
and family
,i is. G. M. Payne loft this n-on for
the SiletZ with a couple tons of freight
and the family dog, to join Mr, Payne,
who is there getting things ready. A
new house will be built and things
made comforfc-ble for their fourteen
months residence on the Siletz.
A neit post card received this morn
ing shows a crowd of men rushing across
the line from Kansas to Oklahoma to
reside, the cause being the hank de
posit law in Oklahoma, a Bplendid thing
for that state, and a safe one for the
tate, which will not lose by the operation.
Have Registered, An Increase ct
Following is a list of the registrations
as compiled for the November election:
Albany 285
E. Albany 264
W. Albanv 358
N Brownsville 248
S Brownsville 191
Center 75
Crawfordsville 192
Foster 91
Fox Valley 73
Hasey 211
N Harrisbure 147
S Harrisburg 143
Jordan 84
Kingston 42
Lacomb 142
N Lebanon 179
S Lebanon 312
Orleans 124
Price 276
Rock Creek 106
Santiam 126
N Scio 101
S Scio 116
Shedd 195
Shelburn 118
Sodaville 70
Sweet Home 120
Syracuse 83 .
Tallman.... ; bs
Total 4841 1
Increase overJMay 284. 1
NeWS From SIX Ot . Albany S 26 tion of the Rockey Mountain Express
D . . last night. The gallery was particular
. Passenger I rains. ly heavy and demonstrative. The play
is full of blood end thunder. Every a;-
morning. The lrghts are again out , but right urevailed. all the vil-
unce u whs tne uuiii kuimk "'"
there wasn't enough water, but there
has buen water lately, then tne drum
of the dynamo blew out and there was
darkness for three davs. Last night
the lights were running again, but this
morning something else happened.
I Mrs. Baker tlddy was in the city this
morning, stopping off to see Mr. and
Mrs. Prof. David Torbet. but Mrs.
Torbet being in Portland on a visit with
her daughter, left on the local for that
city, before going to her former home
in Ohio. Mrs. Eddy has been a mis-
sionary in India for twenty years, a
fellow missionary there being a sister
of Mrs. Torbet. Mrs. ,auy was a
former student under Prof. Torbet
Ohio, graduating under him.
Rev. Craig, of the Junction M.
church south, a pioneer of 1852, went
to Portland to attend the conference of
his church. He used to be at Albany
and declared he remembered the Dem
ocrat man when his hair was black,
used to know Editor Mart Brown well
and even Editor Shepherd of the Dem
G. B. Hansard, recently numerously
in trouble at Lebanon, went north.
Rev. Myers of the Brownsville M. E.
church, went to Salem.
Frank Clevenger, after a visit here,
left for Electron, where he has a posi
tion in the big power house under Sup
erintendent bears.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford went to Sa
lem to argue the Thomas-Booth Kelly
case in the supreme court. ,
Mrs. Bessie Stockwell left for The
Eugene Palmer, of referendum fame,
went to Portland on referendum busi
ness in connection with a case appealed
to the supreme court, that ot the w .
F. Co. and telegraph companies. Mi.
Palmer is in the referendum business
for keeps.
Wewport Doings.
M. Wygaat, one of Newport's best
boosters, a former Albany man, has
been in the city today interviewing Al
bany people about the new electric
light system there. A franchise has
been granted Hall Bros, for a system,
and they also propose to put in a cold
storage system for deep sea . fish.
The experience of the Hall Bros, is
interesting. Young men six years ago
they took up timber claims on the Si
letz. These they sold for $10,000
apiece, and besides have made about
$5,000, giving them a capita) of about
$25,000 in all.
Mr. Wygant reports contracts let for
43 new cottages at Newport, which
will be built this winter and in the
Geo. Walker, an old ship builder, the
man who built the Richardson, is con
structing a couple of new boats, one
for deep sea fishing, the other for the
Newport-Tortland run, a 130 foot boat.
Newport sees big things ahead.
More than anything just now it needs
a water system and sewerage.
A. C. C. Met
The Albany Commercial Club held its
regular session last night, with a quor
um present.
The coming visit of Senator Bourne
was discussed. He will be met at the
The demand of the State Dairymen's
Association for a guaranty of $950 for
expenses for a state convention at Al
baby in December was reported de
creased to $500. But the Club does not
care to make a guaranty like this, and
it h probable the convention will to
some city that wants to put up.
The cannery pr.-ject was reported
aboui closed.
A resolution in reference to the river
at this city was ordered sent to Con
gressman Hawley.
Jas. S. Sherman, republican nominre
for vice president will be 53 years of
age on Saturday.
The Oregon Electric Go's line to For
est Grove will be completed Nov. 1.
W ill the Company then proceed south
ward from Salem to Albany as promis-i.
That Will
On Wednesday. Nov. 4, the Southern
Pacific will send a train out down the
west side, in charge of the general
freight agent, R. B. Miller, which will
have as its mission the demonstration
of farming in Oregon. It will reach
Albany on Nov. 7th. and be open for
visitors from 8:45 to 10:30 a. m.
The train will consist of seven cars,
the first containing farm machinery and
products, the second horticultural ex
hibits, the third dairy implements and
products, the fourth stalls of live cows,
with a milking machine in operation,
the fifth a day coach, the sixth a sleep
ing car and the seventh the business
The demonstrators wilt be Dr. Withy
combe, director; M. O. Lownesdale,
giving a practical packing demonstra
tion; Prof. Cordley, entomologist; Prof.
Lewis, hotticulturalist; Prof. Scudder,
agronomist; Prof. Kent, dairy husband
ry; Prof. Allen, assistant horticulturist
and Harry Asbahr, herdsman.
Linn county farmers should pin up
tne date ano ne nere at an events.
The object is a splendid one and the
g. P. andO A. C. are entitled to great
credit lor tne enterprise
A Play of Revolvers.
A large audience saw the riresenta-
, ; . -t tha i ,t m0mpnt Wpr(,
fall at'
i"i ; " i, uj
10:30. A voune new furnished comedv.
even in the midst of tragedy.
Heard From Mrs. Bryan.
Mrs. D. M. Watson, of Portland, yes
terday received a letter from Mrs. May
Baird Bryan, wife cf the Democratic
candidate for the Presidencv. in which
Mrs. Bryan states that her husband
feels more confident of success at the
coming election than at any time during
the iast 12 years. Mrs. Bryan also I
writes that her husbanl is bearing up
rfimarkah v under the ntra n nf thn
, campaign and that his voice is not in
t the leaBt impaired by the large number
' of speeches he has been delivering
Recently Miss Delta Watson, daugh-'
ter of Mrs. D. M. Watson, nrenired
some fruit and sent it to Mrs. Bryan,
and in conclusion the recipient extends
f d 'f a,n. 63 n"d P5!!8
the flavor very highly. Oregonian.
Miss Delta Watson is a frequent visitor
in Albany
S. L. Kline, of Corvallis, was in the
city this noon.
Senator Fulton will speak at Albany,
Oct. 29th.
Eugene is to have a modern hotel on
a $30,000 lot. ,
' The trial of Binger Herman has been
indefinitely postponed.
The Oregon and Idaho Development
Congress meets at Roseburg today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. bhaw arrived in
Portland today and will be home to
night. Dr. M.J. Gray, of Douglas county
yesterday paid $'.o0 for violation of the
local option law.
Mrs. Dr. Watts, of Lafayette, ar
rived this noon on a visit with her
granddaughter, Mrs. R. S. Shaw.
The large resieence of Judge Wolver
ton, on Lyon street, near the depot has
been sold to L. A. Kroeschel for $3,250.
Ashley Dickinson and bride, of Port
laud, are visiting at the home of his
father, Mr. H. Dickinson, in the coun
try. The college foot ball team will go to
Portland tomorrow to play Multnomah.
Prof. Flo will be in the game at half.
The boys will do their best, that's all.
There is a rumor that the new W. F.
building at the depot ib in the way of
the C. & E. track, according to the
plat for the new yard, and will have
to be moved.
The silver cups for the apple fair
have arrived, a beautiful lot of ware,
elegantly engraved. They are at F. 'J.
Will's, and will be placed on exhibition
tomorrow in his fiont window.
At the meeting of the Rebekahs in
Corvallis Mrs. Cummings, of Halsey,
was elected president, Mrs. Henkle, of
Philomath, vice president, and Mrs. G.
T. Hockensmith, of Albany, secretary.
Manager O'Brien and his car passed
through today for Springfield, and will
be back this afternoon, a crowd of of.
ficials, inspecting the S. P. They left
east over the C. & E.
J. Q. A. Hulburt, ex county surveyor
of vtultnomah county, died at that city
yesterday, at the age of 75 years. Mr.
H'jlburtwas recently in Albany on avis
it with J. C. Hammel, an old friend.
A son lives at Halsey.
Hon. M. A. Miller and E. S, J. Mc
Allister came down from Shedd this
morning and went to 1 ebanon at 9:30
to speak tonight. They had fine houses
at Harrisburg and Shedd and received
close attention. He will be at the
court house tomorrow night at8 o'clock
W. A. Jarvis and wife are in thecity
on a visit al the home of Mr. and Mrs.
V. K Churchill. Mrs Jurvis is Mrs.
Churchill's "nly sister. Mr Jarvis has
been in the rt-staurHiit business in Port
land They are on their way to San
Francisco, to engage in the same busi
ncs there.
Mrs. Meli Dawson returned from
Junction taut night, where she had been
to attend the 16th hemi-annual Sess
ion of the Central Willamette District
of the Degree of Honor A. O. U. W.
They hnd a nice time and a fine session.
The young people did the work like
veterans. They initiated five new mem
bers at their regular meeting Wednes
day night. Mrs. Looney grand chief of
honor was presen. The boys of Junct
in managed tbe banquet, a fine one
tious when raised with
WSIJ The on'y baking-powder
. . . .
Albany for the First
Since Senator.
Senator Jonathan Bourne arrived this
noon accompanied by his private secre
tary J. C. Young, C. B. Merrick, secre
tary of the state grocer's association
1 ma senator was tBKen to tno at.
Charles for dinner by J. R. Wyatt,
, President Langdon and E. D. Cusick,
i 'hen down to his room at the Revere,
1 than fn tha rnnmfl nf thp flnmmorinl
Club, whoro ho was met by the Club's
committee and taken across the Willa-
mette in an auto to inspect the jetty,
with numerous high water views in
TonUht at 8 o'clock he will be given
a reception at the Alco club parlors, to
which Albany people generally are in
vited. This is the first time most Albany
people have seen the Senator.
News from Albany's Six Early
Col. R. A. Miller, of Fortland, came
over from Corvallis and left for home.
He spoke last night to a large audience
at the O. A. C. city, a pleasing feature
being that not a man left the room un
til the finish, always a good sign to a
speaker. At Independence the Col. hit
a harsh cord and three or four left.
Judge Lowell spoke the evening before,
and though one of Oregon's best ora
tors lost a number of his audience, and
he only spoke an hour in a set speech.
Col Miller sees some bright prospects
lor Mr. Bryan.
Mr. Steele, father of President Steele
of the student body of the college re
turned to Jefferson.
' E. F. Sox went to Salem nn a short
business trip.
Mr. George Burkhart left for Port
land to attend tne conference ot tne
M. E. church south.
Dr Hill went to Scio on professional
Rev. W. P. Elmore came down from
Brownsville again. .
Mrs. Gilbert McCullv. of Halsey and
daughter came down for a visit at H.
Bryant s. Mr. Gilbert went up tne u.
& hi. on a hunt after deer.
Mrs. Clarence Turner, of Lebanon,
came down for the day.
A Fine Looking Brick.
The plans for the new blocks of Will
and Stark and Mrs. Brenner made by
Architect Burggraff show one of the
neatest fronts in the city. It will Lo
of pressed brick in neat figure, with a
union hallway for the Will and Stark
part. Mrs. Brenner's will be of the
same material, but in different figures
to show a distinct building. The second
floor will be reached through the stair
way of the Odd Fellows Temple, Mrs.
Brenner owning a half interest in the
valuable brick wall. Bids will be open
next Wednesday and work begun as
soon as possible afterwards.
Big Foot Ball Man Here.
Mr. Henry McKinney, a year or two
ago a leading athlete in U. of 0. has
been in the city. He was one of the
university's best foot ball men, and the
champion heavy weight thrower. Mr.
McKinney is a larmernow.
P. S. Last night he and Mr. R. R.
Butler, another Eastern Oregon man,
played a game of politics at the court
house lo a fair sized audience. Buck
ing the line against a man of the char
acter of Mr. Bryan is no easy task.
35 were protent, when the speaking
began, including the speakers and two
boys, about fifteen more came in after
IHQ ISIIIU luu mn ninara
The Athletic Committee of the Fac
ulty of Albany College in view of the
fact that several of the college boys on
the football team are temporarily out
of the game, have granted permission
to the management of the team to play
several individuals in the Multnomah
game of Saturday who are not students
at college. As this is not an intercol
legiate game this may be allowed but
is not being allowed in intercollegiate
The college faculty were entertained
by President and Mrs. H. M. Crooks
yesterday evening. At 6:30 a picnic
supper -was served.
The September-October number of
the Albany College Bulleton, is just
out. 4500 are sent out this month.
The selling of lecture course tickets
has been given to Miss Melissa Martin
and Grovcr Birtchet. If their sales
make a certain sum they will make a
good sum of money. Help them out.
A letter setting forth the splendid
financial prospect for this year and ask
ing the cooperation of many . to bring
about thb success of the planned en
dowment campaign is being Bent out
from the college office. This letter
bears the fac-simile signatures of all
the trustees of Albany College and the
moderator and the stated clerk of the
Presbyterian Synod of Oregon.-
Death of Mrs Garrett.
Mrs. Lucinda Garrett died yesterday
evening, nt the home of her son, Mr.
W. F. Garrett, at the age of 83 years,
of old age.
She was born in Kentucky Oct. 8,
1825, afterwards residing in Kansas and
Illinois, seven years ago coming to Al
bany. She was a member of the Free
Methodist church, a worthy woman.
She leaves three children, W. F.
Garrett of this city, John Garrett of
Denver, and Mrs. Mary Baker of Street
er, III.
The funeral service will be held at
the M. E. church South. at 2:30 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.
Young Missionaries Married.
Wheaton M. Huntley, aged 19 and
Pearl M. Doyle, aged 16, of Stayton,
were married at Salem yesterday, by
Rev, Errett, at the Christian church
parsonage. They will be at Lebanon
for awhile, and then leave as mission
aries in the foreign field. Pretty young,
but they may succeed, and here's to
their happiness.
The Cannery.
Work has been begun on the new
cannery of H. J. Moore, at Seventh and
Jackson street, the foundation having
been laid, and the sides are going up.
It is to about 70 by 100 feet. H. S.
Gile & Co., of Salem, are back of Mr.
Mooro, as well as the commercial club.
It is a fact.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of Mrs. Dana Burmester
will be hold Monday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, to which all friends of the de
ceased are invited.
The body will arrive Saturday night
in charge of Rev. and Mrs. S tevenson.
A New E:Iks Head.
The new hall of the Elks will be
graced with a 1908 elk's head, raised in
Linn county. Mit Yoeman, of Lacomb,
this week bagged the animal, said to
be one of the finest specimens captured
this year. Walter G. Peterson, of Leb
anon, has the contract for mounting
the head and will have it ready for the
dedication about January 1st.
"Use less lard and more olive oil," is
the advice of a prominent physician.
That's sound truth. One bottle of
EHMANN OLIVE OIL has as much
nutrition aa a ten pound pail of lard
and don't tax the digestion like lard,
At Owen Beams.