THE H 'CHEST COR SET VALUE POSSIBLE AT THE IIUCE. habit back mod '""IIUMJliFrot"' FUf ' JnUUf 11 t i lit OlDUtf, ihbh mail matter F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, M.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $!t.50. Tho Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2.; OUIt WANTS FOR SALE -6 room house, and lot, good location, 7 blocks from business section. Call at Democrat oilice. GOOD SIX ROOM RESIDENCE and two lots, b.irn, plenty of fruit. Sit uated on JefFerdon street. Must be sold to close up an estate. This is a bargain if takon immediately. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second St, Both Phones. FOR SALE. One year old steer. I. C. Duedull, Home 7102. FOR RENT. A six room house. Furniture for sale. 315 Broadalbin. . APPLES FOR SALE.'-A fine lot of winter apples, 25 to 35 cents a bushel, in the orchard, on the Santiam. A. W . Martin, FarmerB 26 Bell. tl SCHOOL OFFICERS. The Fisk Tcaohors' Agency of Portland, Ore., is placing more teachers than evor. If you need a high school grade, ru ral, commercial,- music,' or privato tencher write or wire immediately and you will receive prompt attention. 202 Sweetlund Bldg. FOR SALE. A pointer bird dog, two years old, well broke. Call at the Furmor's Feed Shed. t22 CABBAGE for sauer kraut. E. L. Mc Keevor, Bell phone 2X1. WANTED. A girl to do general houso work. Call at r6sidence ot E. J. Knapp, 623 West Ninth street. WANTED. Baldwins - Hand picked Johnathan, and Spitzenberg apples. Apply to Albuny Supply Co. 12t J. Y. LEDBETTER Contractor for plastering and cement work or will work by tho day. Give mo a trial. Call at 906 Calaponia. t20 FOR SALE.Two horse gasoline en- eine. jack and pump. Call upon J S. Morgan at the brick jard, phone black 382. J. S. Morgan t3 .WOOD FOR SALE. Some good dry wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 204 Homo. WANTED. Clean, white rags, 1 ct. a pound, at C. G. Rnwlings. FOR SALE. Apples, cheap, wind fulls. Jonathans, free of worms and scalt's. 30c per 'box in orchard; 35c per box if delivered. Not sold in less than 6 box lots. Delivered on Friday. S. G. Tulin. Phone Farmers IX. FURNISHED ROOMS by the day, week or month, at Blount's, 314, Ells worth St. 6t MUSIC LESSONS. Piano nnd organ. Phono bluck 971. Helen Elkins. FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mutuul. Inquire at Opera Houso Bldg. THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro fessors celebrated hnnd loads had bettor get in their orders pretty soon. One party who got 100 loads of us Inst year ordered 300 this year. He said thev done the work. Bultimere Gun & Bicycle Works. ONIONS FOR SALE. E. L.McKcever, hus them, to be delivered anywhere in Albany. Phone Farmers 2x1. Hell. tDl HONING BOARDS. -The best made. Seo Ed Davidson, 739 E. First St. SODA WATER. -Cnscnuia water from the Geiseiulorfor springs, may be had at Tcmlinson & llolman's and at the Peacock Btaliles, nt $1.50 a dozen. 2t WOOD SAWING. -By C. M. West- brook. Homo phone 7001. tl8 AERMOTER'gasoline pump, aircoated with pump jack, ready to hitch to pump-for only $-15. Crawford the Acrmotor man will be glad to show you. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE. -Model N Ford runabout with top, only run one seasi n in fine c ndition. Apply to W. W. Craw ford, agt. Ford Motor Cars. WOOD SAWING. Sec me bffire vou engage your wood sawinir. Gasoline lined. Go. F. Brown, liaise phone W2. Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON Corset Comfort. Our Opening last week was successful in more ways than one, for it drew the attention of the ladies to the superior line of coisets which we carry, so perfect were they in style, giving to the form those long un broken gracefn 1 lines, so much desired this season and also needed to enable you to wear properly the gowns in the straight hip styles which Dame Fashion has decreed. Further more you will be delighted with the comfort and ease of carriage which they give you. We illustrate one style showing both front and back. It laces in fiont giving a perfect smooth back particular ly desirable to the princess and empire styles of dress. R. &G. Corsets $1.00 Henderson Corsets $1.25 to $1.50 LaPr ncesse $5.00 and $6.00 j National Democratic Ticket, For President William J. Bryan. For Vice President John W. Kern. For Presidental Electors. O. P. Coshow of Douglas county. August Huckestein of Marion county, E. S. J. McAllister of Multnomah county, Sam uel White of Baker county. . Incorrect Figures. State Bank Examiner Steele has just issued a statement of the condition of the sixty-five national banks of Oregon, secured at considerable trouble, as pro vided by the laws of the state. It is an interesting fact that they vary con siderably from the figures of Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency, whose figures are undoubtedly correct. Here are those that differ: Resources: ' Loans and discounts Steele's $24,- 862,685.32; Murray's $24,864,685.32. Securities etc. Steele's $4,551,110.22; Murray's $4,708,584.53. Banking house etc. Steele's $925. 595.33; Murray's $972,595.33. ' Other real estate. Steele's $159, 678.94; Murray's $112,578.94. Due from banks and bankers. Steele's $10,090,389 61; Murray's $10, 072,970.24. Checks etc.-Steele'B $260,244.40; Murray's $287,283.67. Exchange. -Steele's $303, 861 .07; Mur ray's 1298,682.59. uasnoniianu. sreeie s Hi,bia.u(; Murray's $7,739,455.08. U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Steele's $3,059,600.00; Murray's $3,016, 600.00. I U. S. bonds to secure deposits, ! Steele's $1,918,600; Murray's $1,883,000. ! I Five per cent fund. Steele's $153, 097; Murray's $148,417. j j Expenses. Steele's $61,080,87; Mur ' ray's less' expenses. I Other items. Steele's $66,368.94; Murray's $5,305. ' Totals. Steolo's $55,109,190.73; Mur ray's $55,050,417.66. I Liabilities: I Undivided profits. -Steele's $1,144, 927.21; Murruy'e $1,095,0.'14.23, less ex- penscs. Duo to banks and bankers. Steele's $3,016,224.69; Murray's $6,048,584.55. Individual deposits. Steele's $35, 320,888.42; Murray's $35,397,655.32. Deposits due state treasurer. Steele's $171,053.10; Murray's none. United States Deposits. Steele's '$1,475,301.03, Murray's $1,205,844. Deposits U. S. disbursing office. Steele's $499,986.42; Murray's $769, 412.57. Bills payable. Steele's none; Mur. ray's $232,000. Certificates of deposits issued for money .borrowed.-Steele's $137,000. Murrav's none i National bark notes outstanding. Steclc's.H2,S76,480; Murray's 2,876,- 100. Reserved for taxes. Steele's (15,- 800; Murray's $16,200. I Other liabilities.-Steele'o $42,636; Murray's $30,362.15. i Totals same as above. j Out of 30 items only six of Mr. Steele's are correct according to Mr. ' Murray's figures, 24 given above all being incorrect. Why is it. i Just Received. Car of Yellow Fir shakesby Cmas. K. Spaulding LoGHino Co. Steel Cut Oats And Cream Rolled Oats at the Ore gon Market. This is the new crop. The EHMANN OLIVE OIL is the finest liver and stomach regulator known. Take a table spoon full be tween your meat course nnd your des sert. Try it month nnr) so . the dif ference in your general health. At Owen Beams. Try a Patrick Gord cigar i. cet THE PROPER FOUND DATION FOR THE PER FECT GOWN. rrr-m 31T BACK MOPED) ItUtttlMtoMV JEFFERSONS. The talents of the late Joseph Jeffer son were certainly not confined to act ing alone. He was a painter of distinc tion. Many of his canvasses now grace the walls of our foremost art galleries. Nearly all of the theatrical and Bohem ian clubs throughout the country prsud ly boast of possessing one of Joseph Jefferson's paintings He was also an author of considerable note. His most pretentious literary of fering is his own autobiography. The original manuscriDt of "The Riv als" was entirely too long for modern production. Mr. Jefferson reconstruct ed the play. The snappy and brilliant manuscript as now used bv his sons. Joseph and Wm W. Jefferson, for their performances of this play, is the fin ished product of the elder Jefferson. The abrupt ending of the play in its original form prompted Mr. Jefferson to write an epilogue. His master hand at literary construction is apparent in eve'y line. City Property Wanted. - , Wanted at once two or three pieces of well improved residence city prop-1 ai.fl. haf.t.nnn , , , 11 f .... I. v. kjr, ucnvci, luumguiuci jr mm titsii ington.stieets Have customers now waiting. Call at my office and list your property it you want to sell. C. G. Burkhart, .102 E. First Street. It Missed. Subscribers who fail to Ket:thelr Daner should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomery .street call up Red 8132 Pac- ific if missed, and your paperwill come, I if between Broadalbin and Montgom- ery Home, and if west of Broadal- bin street Pacific Black 892. "Use less lard and more olive oil," is the advice of a prominent physician. I That's sound truth. One bottle of EHMANN OLIVE OIL has as much nutrition as a -ten pound pail of lard; and don't tax the digestion like lard, i At Owen Beams. REAL ESTATE. Good modern eight room house with furnace, situated close in, West Al bany. Price, $2750. Two houses and three lots, East Al bany. Price, $2200. A four room house and one, lot; East Albany. Price, $650. A good new house, a nice lawn nnd the lot is terraced, one lot East Albany I Price, $1500. FARMS 265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation, improvements fair, balance of land in good timber. Six miles from Albany. I Price $33 per acre. I 11 acres in prunes, house and good ; dryer, one mile and a half from Albany. Price, $2200. I 30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a good little town. All A No. 1 land, i New buildings Price, $2250. I 60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of apple orchard, well taken care of, good buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one a a miles of a good town. I 100 acres, 5 miles from a good town. in Linn county, all in cultivation. 4 acres in orchard, balance of land all in cultivation. Exceptionally good build ings. Price, $0500. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203. West Second street. GET AN ELECTRIC FLAT IRON NOW Three sizes 5 lb.. 6 lb., 7 lb., They make vour work easy. Try onejfor your next ironing. THE RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., 306 WestSecond St. Albany, Oregon. A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. iALL PORTLAND A FINE , i To Be Invited to the Apple Fair BARBER SHOP. : and Dedication. I ! Bruce and Anderson are in their new The General committee on the depot 8noP at the east side of Simpson & celebration of the Albany Comme-cial Clodfelter's, opposite the Hotel Revere. Club met this morning. A committee , The builder, Mr Bonaparte Jean, did a of Albany business men was appointed splendid job. The room is neatly to go to Portland on Friday, October stained in an attractive design of wood 30th for the purpose of inviting the work On both sides are large looking business men of Portland to attend the glasses set in the wood work. Several dedi:ation of the depot and Apple fair. new fixtures and furniture have been The Southern Pacific Co. has ncrrooH tn added, individual work stands, bronzed moke a rate of one fare for the round hat and coat racks, etc., making one of trip, if one hundred or more passen-; the best equipped and neatest appear gers can be guaranteed. ing places in the valley, a 1908 business j j The Portland Invitation committee is ' booster in the city. There are four as follows: W. a. Barrett, P. D. Gil chairs, with an exDert barber at each bert, J. R. Flynn, P. A Young. E. H. place, and the shop promises to be a1 McCune, D. O. Woodworth, J, O. Lee. . Unas. Welch, A. M. Holt, Geo. Taylor, i E, W. Langdon, A. Sternberg, A. M. Hammer, Marvin Brandeberry, W. F. Fortmiller. Bert Veal, J. K. Weather- or u- W,:- JZ?"Snlx'nL "u:nFnch Beam, F. J. Miller, Wm. Eagles, Wal ter Jackson, S. G. Simon, J. V. Pipe. Dennis Merrill, L. H. Fish, J. J. Col. lins, P. A. Kelly, H. N. Cockerline. P. Paulus, H. A. Nelson, Y G. Freeman, F. P. Nutting, Willard Marks and B. I. Dasent. Tne committee will hold a meeting in the office of the Commercial club at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Commer cial Club is arranging the details ol a banquet to be given to the visitors and guests of the city of Albany on the oc- ut-sjuxi ul me ueuuiuuuu UI me uepot. PERSONAL. Judge Hewitt went to McMinnville today on business. W. A. Cox went to Thomas todav on a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Bessie M53; T558'6 Br00.ka of Silyerton, or- wuuj uu a yioii, nun iier ucuiuer, Dr. Davis. Judge M. C. Georere. of Portland. passea inrougn tor tne west side this noon on a speaking tour. Miss Evaline Merrill, of this city, was heard in a violin solo in a reception to O. A. C. students at Corvallis last night. Mrs. Nimrod Price, a prominent pion eer woman, was stricken with paralysis during last night and is lying in a criti cal condition at her home in the coun try. H H. Cronise. who has been in charge of the office of the Oregon Elec tric iO.. at wusonviiie, has been nro- moted to the new office at Hillsboro, nu una mwycu bucio wiui ilia imiiuy. M iss Maud Bryant, now working in an office at Wasco, arrived last nieht ... .. . . , on a visit ac nome mr a rew aays, par- ticularly desiring to see her aunt, Mrs. Beers, before her return east. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Oct. 28, 1908. Persons desiring' any of MlPQP. Ipt.tpr.Q chnulH "all 1V,,. olirafloa' letters, giving the date: .1. H. Brown, Harry Bullock, F. Cammes, Goally, S. E. Irvine A D McGuire, Mrs. Lydia Myers, C. H Port- ! er, Nellie Smith, R. D. Wade, C. E. Williamson (2), Leonora F. Walters. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist Over Wcodworth's Drug Store. Both phones. SKATING RINK Will be open for skaters Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Go and enjoy the sport. t21 T W. RIDDELL, M. D, C VETERINARIAN Office Both Phones 34 Albany Stables ALibAiS I, UKKliUN. LAND FOR SALE. -Near city m small tracts on monthly or yearly payments, a. Bryant. us. i busy one, a popular tonsonal resort. . u..i.A I mwta ' Mr. As Keene and Miss Mabel Sloan, two worthy young people resid , ing near Lebanon, were married at tbe court house to-day by Judge Duncan. I They have the best wishes of many friends. The Weather ' Range of Temperature 68-39. . The river is 2 2 feet. Prediction: Rain tonight, warmer Thursday with rain. F. M. French local observer. Notice, A stockholders meeting of the Orien- tal Mining Company will be held at the offices of Linn County Abstract Co. on Sniiirriuv Nnu Tth o 7 an n m fnr the purpose of electing officers and transacting Buch other business as mav holders are requested to.b'e present. I Albany, Oct. 6. ' j. p. Turner. Pres. I J. O. Lee. Sec. 20 Cents tor a Meal. At noon a fine dinner for 20 cents. Fine hot cup of coffee, and oysters any wav vou Want them. At the Mission Parlors, 309 w. 1st St. Apples, Apples, Apples. nr i j i. n n dl j , , , i McCune's. This is a modern repro Wanted by E. H. Rhodes, 10 carloads duction of idea3 that preyaiied in the red apples. Call up Bell Phont Black tlmea of Ramesea and c'aesar, as dis M1, j covered by the researches of the his- . T. . . . '.' . , . i torical societis, and the originals aie If you are m doubt as to what you now on exhibition at the Field Museum, want, come to -the Oregon Market. . chidag0 tne Smithsonian Institution of 'han, vnn hm!I nnri met. nrhar vnut an- . p . X'here you will find just what your aP" I petite calls for. A good quality of brick for sale op- positi Postoffice. Inquire of Frank J. Tracey, 816 Montgomery ;St Albanv I SELECTING A A range is not bought every day. A few dollars more or less in price doe' not determine whether a range is cheap or dear. You want the best: that is the very first consideration. ftjgl The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are: How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack, break on warp? Does it heat up the kitchen, or is all the heat put to use in cooking and baking? Will it wear well? r yS-"", The "Quick Meal" Factory is so well equipped with latest and most improved machiney, that "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the. best for no more money than what you would have to pay for the ordinary, cheaply constructed range. For sale by STEWART & SOX H'DW CO. ALBANY, OREGON C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded: J. Abbey to B. F. Hyland lot Ab bey's ad Albany, dated Nov. 1891 S 90 C. Edward Murray to Anna C. Erkie 61.19 a 10 J. B. Nanney to Dist. 86 1 acre. . 1 W. A. twine to Scio Condensed Milk Co. 2 small tracts. Scio. . 600 U. S. to C. Edward Murray 61.10 acres Jas. W. Miller to Stanley Taylor a Shelburn 1 Mortgage for $500. Satisfaction for $200 and $400. Marriage licenses: E. I. Wagner, noeA afl nf ITouilor. Wool, DnnT.DH.'a 1 C. Hamilton, of Holley, both born in Or. Asa Keene, aged 23, and Mabel Sloan, aged 17, both of Lebanon and born in Or. J. A. Newman, aged 40, of Albany, and Nora Muddox. age 35, of Brownsville, both born in Tenn. No. 19 for the month. 1480 hunters licenses. Death of Frank Walsh. Sacramento Star of Oct. 21: With the beautiful military ceremon nies of the United Spanish War Veter ans, the body of the late Jrancis Walsh was laid in the grave yesterday after noon in the City cemetery. Walsh served his country as a soldier in the war with Spain and one of his last re quests was that he be consigned to jtacfU tnitk tha flaff nhnnh him TTia wish wa8 gratified. With the starry ! folds of the flag about the casket, the : beautiful and impressive words of the I veterans' funeral ceremony were said. ' a squad of soldiers fired a salute, and a I bugler blew taps, the soldier's last call. ine iunerai was uuuer uie auspices of J. Holland Laidler Camp. United Spanish War Veterans of this city. I Walsh recently came here from Brem erton, where he worked in the navy I "ard. He left a wife and three small i children. He was a resident of Albany, work ; ing in the woolen mill for several years. I - ricnlav nf Ari u""ay n " aad Crafts in i Metal Novelties Ye Old Arts Jewelry at Chambers & Washington and museums throughout tne Old World. Ine peculiar green 1 bronze color is an exact reproduction :.".';?" "yiuuu"""" ot old copper, tne nie inaentaiions ren- resent the corrosion of the metal through the centuries it was buried. NEW RANGE. Go to EASTBORN'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and Glasswarr as we in tend to elose out that department. Come and get our prices and see our tan up-to-date store. Both Phone Mata 18.