4 Albany Democrat w , ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER SO 1908 FOL XL1V NO 1: Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. New Rugs made from old carpets. Both phones. Home 210. Bell B, 402. Dreamland STILL AHEAD. G Co. of this city continues to lead In the re giment Bhoot. C. Co. of Eugene yesterday had its shoot, making the following record: 200 yards, rapid fire, 113; 200 yards, slow 150; BOO yards, 150, 600 yards 146. Total 659. This makes the score, bo- far: Me Minnville 559, Dallas 582; Albany 602, Eugene A 591, Eugene C 559. Cottage Grove the-champions of last year, is a crack team, and is liable to beat the Albany record, and it may not. Then comes the fine team at Koseburg, the only other one feared. 'Ihe record of Prof. Marquam makes him an expert shot under the military rules. Won $1025. F. H. Porter, of Shedd, this year re ceived $1025 in premiums, a net profit THREE TIES, j H00-D00S New York. Oct. 24.-fhe big games The Study of Mental Phenomena. were all tied. Midshipmen 6, Harvard 6. Princeton 0. Syracuse 0. vania 6, Carlisle 6. Pennsyl- New Record. Motor Park Waa, L. I., Oct. 24.- Ueo. Kobertson in nis iiOcomomie won : i ne pi 258.06 miles in . two bi the Vanderbilt cup race, tour nours, maKing a record on a wee track. new American The New Moving Picture House. Play Portland Suicide. Portland, Oct. 24. Crazed by excessive use of intoxicants, A. Murray, Dr. George Gilbert Bancroft, of San Francisco, gaye his first lecture at the Christian church last night on Hoo-doos, otherwise, mental phenomena. Twenty two years ago in London a society was organized for the study of phenomena and most research has come through it. The present conclusion is that man has leings, two minds capable of act ing independent of each other, one the objective, the usual condition of the mind; the other subjective, the invol untary condition of the mind. The latter is the one causing the phenom ena of the world, such as that of the 97 pound woman, once in Albanv. who lifted hundreds ot pounds of men, and the i herself could not be budged; table tip P I ping of mediums, the result of the con- brother of Gen. tsupt. Murray, lng outside of the body. The manifest A Fair Display of 'most everything in china, porcelain and glassware for the table, bedrosm or kitchen awaits your admiring atten tion in our establishment. We have devoted much thought to its prepara tion and invite your critical attention. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street t Opposite First Nationnl Bank. The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. I! We3 First strset.op nosice Stev n's store. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, oppo site the Democrat office. of $700,;at fairs and stock shows, at 1 0f the Pacific Telepnone & Telegraph tations of mediums are simply this, not one place, witn 68 entries against mm. i uo., severed tne tenaons oi nis wrisi, spirits, d . : .L : . t , i: if i a, tk. ' TTn.1. Dir. rurmr 13 uuiog; tue niuu ui lunuiug 1 8in that advertises a country- WANTED Men, with teams, co plow 40 acres AT ONCE. Apply to Linn Benton Real Estate Co., over post office. 22t The Oliver typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu latory attachment is just out. See one of the Oliver Agency, 338 W. 5th St. Phones, Black 2062 and 21 Some nice Salloway peaches for 90 cents a box, at Ellis & Son's, Baltimore DlOCK, trinned himself and lav down on the railroad track and died last night in the Portland terminal yards. liis orotner resides in San Francisco. Display of Arts aad Crafts Metal Novelties. in Jardiniere Sale 150 New Jardinieres at Reduced Prices This shipment should have reached us two months ago. Now, we need the room and they must go before Nov. 10th. They were made bv one of the Best Potteries in this country and show it both in beauty of design and blending of colors. 8 inch size now 38c 9 inch size now 58c 10 inch sise now 78c 11 inch size now 98c flEISER & MEISER Under suggestion, a nerson may be controlled as to conduct follow ing upon awakening. Preseniiments come in. Telepathy, the transfer of thought is the result of attention and concentration of thought. Dr. Bancrott has made a special study of phenomena and his presenta tion of the subject was full interest. Tonight he will present When, and Ye Old Arts Jewelry at Chambers & j He j3 accompanied by Mr8, Bancroft, McCune's. Thi3 is a modern repro-1 D. Lillian Lewis, who sings and imper- auciion oi meat mas prevuueu m mc sonates well. times of Rameses and Caesar, as dis covered by the researches of the his torical societis, and the originals aie now on exhibition at the Field Museum, Chidago, the Smithsonian Institution of Washington and museumB throughout the Old World. ' The peculiar green bronze color is an exact reproduction of old copper, the little indentations rep resent the corrosion of the metal through the centuries it was buried. Apples Wanted, For drying purposes, culls. Call up Main 6 Newport. windfalls and or see Roy Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edipn. TleAfnaas is caused bv an in flamed condition of the mucous linineof the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling Bound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing Dut an inflamed condition ot tne mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any . case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular.-", free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. OASTOniA. fioin tl Kind Haw Always Boushl Sigutun Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received until 5 p. m., Oct. 28, 1908. for the erection and completion of brick store buildings for Frank Will. Dr. A. Stark and Miss Fan, nie Brenner. Plans mav be seen at architect's office. Owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bur graff, architect. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bu taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 8j acres, 3,' 5 miles lrm Albany, r: all rice In a Class by Themselves Something Entirely Different. Every new Up-to-date Style, Fad and Novelty in Sheatl Belt?, Fancy Collars, Fancy Ties, Tailored Collars, Back Combs, Pins and Barrel tes. EXCLUSIVE S TORE FOR EXCLUSIVE STYLES Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE, At The Crest yfTamales, Chilli Concarna and Oysters any style. Both Phones, 316 W. 2nd St L. L. POTTS. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas's Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest Im ment ever devised. A household rem dy is America for 25 yea. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, prr duce, paper bags.jwrapping paper and twine. 442 WEST FIRST STREET. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Firit-class meats' of all kinds front' set icted stock. - Senders' FEED STORE,! 435 West First 5t.. Albany, Or, Headquarters JJfor "Alsen and Pyramid" Portland Cement, "Roache Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, ' Wood Fibre Plaster. Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bell hard wheat flour. Hay, urain, mill reea ana salt. in cultivation, small buildings, $1000. 10 acres. 1)4 mile from Oregon City, 6 rornu house, good soil. Price, $1200. 1H acres, mile irom wrvains, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. . Price $3000. .' - 24 acres, Santiam River bottom land, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $1850. 30 acres river bottom land, 17 acres in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $2100. 89 acres, 30 acres cultivated, 15 acres orchard, small buildings. Price, $3500. 40 acres, one half in cultivation, all bottom land, fair improvements. Price $2250. 42 acres near the city, 25 acres in cultivation, no buildings. Price. $4100. iw acres, all lot torn land, one half in cutivation, fair improvements. Price $6500. . Homestead Relinquishment. 120 acres 100 acres can be cultivated. Price $400 Good 8 room hou ;e and lots, Lyon St. t rice $3250. 5 room house on 4th street, one lot. Price $1050. 5 room house and one lot, close in, best toy in the city. Price $1300. 5 room bouse, First street, one lot with barn, Price- $1000. 7 room house, barn and one fufl block of land. Price $i&K. 8 room house, barn and one lo fcood location. Price $1500. Full particulars as to term am loea- i ion given on calling at my office' at No. 02 East First Stieet. No information given to inquires made over the tele phone. If you are looking for bargains in real estate you should investigate this list at once. V. U. BUKKHARr, 102 East First St., Albany, Or. The Highest Market Price paid for SEEDS Of all kinds, at BROS. Ftl D IN CROP WAREHOUSE Ferry and Water Streets, Albany, OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHED OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrens the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also curry a full lino of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's MarKet STAR BAKERY, G. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker iit WEST KIRHT STKKBTALB4N Y OREGON,: First class goods in theii" season. Pliout Main',66. v 1 Seeds cleaned without waste for l-2c per pound. Sacks furnished free. Home Phone 307. K EI P an KYt uu tnr Vim hi h I for gocd things' to lJ-1.- icoird (tivctn niVKiil. 110 , rui WANTED success .Magazine rvqmn s the services of a m m in Anniiy 'o look after expiring sul scrip, i.in n- d to secure new business by menu ni special methods unjsuahy ITititive; 1 position permanent; prefer one with 1 experience, but woulrl consider any one with good natura quMifi ntmn ; salary $1.50 per day, ilt c.i:imhi.-.s. u option. Adfiress, wi refer- n. . R . C. Peacock, Room 102, -Sure- 11. azine Bldg., New fork. 1 ' Stetter's Cash Store