SHINGLES! Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. The are the beat in the market. I Our No. 2's are the equal to those usually sold as a first-class article, We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect themt see them made and be convinced that they are the BEST. Kemember the place. Theold Wool en Mill Warehouse. THOMPSONS CRAMER THE WHITCOMB STAGE To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and ! forepart of October. I Stape leaves Lebanon Tuesdays, ' Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7 a. m. I Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m., arrives in ' '..ebanon in time for the afternoon train , ' to Albany. Board at Whitcomb $7 per week. j Right Whatever the job whatever the require ment there is a Keen Kutter Tool that is exactly right. Right means right shape, size, weight, strength, balance, adjustment, set, hang, temper, quality. wmmtm Tools and Cutlery All bear the trademark which guarantees them not only to be flawless but to give II satisfaction arc sure of OHLING & TAYLOR -Graduates- - 1 i .-.ulfp) a .11 I 43HOOLS ani 3'. ' I. JT SCHOOLS in Linn ecu nd elsewhere: Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. AJLHANY COLLEGE Offers ou large advantages; caa carry you forward from any point above the oighthjirradeitoa Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or AFour-Year College Course AIbany College Oregon. Pres Beware of Selective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO,, Z. H. RUDD, AVanager Ot the real property you intend to purchase, or accept aa security for money loaned. i Ktnblished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Ollice corner of 3rd ari Broadalbin stroota, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm i:i. SCIInl 1.. I'rnprioior breeder niul Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs, S. C. White and Huff Leghorns, W. 1. Hooka,'ht Hnihmas. R. C. Hhode Inland Knk. White Cochin Bantai.iH. ". II. Turkeys, Wiih i don Geese, r. n l.lm'ks, re i CiuiiH,i Winner of 17 prui'ii and 22 on Poultry nt tlio Lowis & Clark Fair. Kegs in Season Stock for Sale I'hone, farmers Sir. - - R f. D N"'3 Want's Your Patronage Telephone Had 671 I nGME ANL. aBKOa: Jim Corbett, the celebrated fighter, will be here Oct. 10 Mr. George Garrett. Benton county, and MiBS Myrtle Purdy, of Lebanon, were married at Corvallis this week, ov Rev. rl. H. Hubbell, A company has been incornorated to build an electric line from Eugene to tie Blue River mines. Zera Snow and others are at the back of it. Will E; Gwnn. who recently acted as an official in the Pacific-Albanv foot ball game, a splendid young man of ciinracier, nus ueen eiccieu prnsmenr. of the student body of Pacific Univer sity, neteating Alex Kobinson, a lead ing athlete. - . Miss Mary Adele Case, of Portland. has won a great musical victnrv in Europe, by being selected as the soloist lor Harold Bauer, a celebrated pianist, in his coming tour, in competition against a large field of ambitious Bind er, Miss Case has been heard in Al bany. J. W. Scrlber, cashier of the defunct La Grande bank, has been ariested for embezzlement of funds of the bank, aid to be $12,000 and has confessed to the crime. Scriber in a former fallow student of Bank Examiner Gatch, who naj an unpleasant duty to perform in miking an examination of the bank. Scriber is a former Salem man, and used to be well known Albany. The Tools you run no risk you the best. We sell them. ious & IIkvim: R 2 il E;Uti a id Indira n Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or amall timber tracts. i; w. ursi si A Lit ANY, OU J, M. RALSTON insurance, lows am COLIKT'ONS. have monev 1 1 loan in small an large amounts. Notes and mortgage Imight. 1 will bond you. rropert h:ntlleil for non-residents CIUNKSE DOCTOR 3. Mon Foo, an I'SP-irienced compounder of Chinesi ie lieine.-t, successor of the late Honu W) Tjng. is now prepared to furnisl i h ne.-io medicines to all. ineunner iL'ne.l recommends him and guaran j teas satisfaotion. Ca.l or write hin at No. 110 West Second st.. Albany, v.uv I I Or Jm W est r IX. 6-1 IN A0 AROUND ALBANY Kev. J. c. Elliot was moderator of h ient Be88ion ' the Presbytery of ,i iiiaiiieiiB at ire3well. . B.rin? in your "Hull" detachabltum orella handles and get a new top. We nave an grades, jr. M, French, agent There were eirrhr.fiva 'kfthna' around the depot yard bonfires last night, while on their way south to a Watkin'a Tennessee Jubilee Singeri at the U. P. church Fririav evening-. Oct. 23. Real negro jubilee singing and impersonation. The finest brand of scissors in the city at oaitimores, every pair guar anteed. Money back in ten days if not penally sausiaccory. The "Hull" umbrella costs no more man omer makes and you get the ad vantage of the only reliable detachable handle made. F. M. French, agent. Farmer Montgomery, the artist in Albany several weeks ago, will be here again next week, when his pictures will be shown down town, and he may give another talk. Further notice will be given. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyter ian church last night, at the W. C. T. U. hall gave a reception o new students of the college, a pleasant affair, well attended. Games were played and a nice lunch served. George Gilbert Bancroft, the great psychologist, with whom a contract was made several weeks ago, will speak at the Christian church on Friday and Saturday nights, Oct. 23 and 24, giving an entertainment of rare merit. The first tilintr for a store vestibule is being put in at the newly arranged store ot the Blain Clothing Co., in keep ing with the splendidly equipped store. J. N. Parent, a son-in-law of R.Thomp son, has charge of the work, an expert workman. The most common machine in use is composed of many parts and people think because it is so generally used that any man claiming to be a machin ist can repair it. That is a mistake for jt requires skilled and exnert workmen on that particular machinery. Roberts ec nooercs sewing macmne experts. Repairing and rebuilding at Mrs E. Woodin's 3rd and Broadalbin. Bell phone red 3011. RUBBER GOODS. WE have at last fownd what we have been looking years o find; a com plete line of Rubber Goods that thr manufacturers have confidence en 'h in to absolutely guarantee for 2 years the' onsumer. We honestly believe evei ne ot them t last 5 yek The line is so much out of the ordfr nary that we caa not be- gin to de-' scribe the dilfcrenco between "THE EVER- i RITE LINE" and the. other kindsj j but wish' you mightt drop in ai our store and see for yourself. TThe prices are right, too, in fact cheaper than the othvr kind, considering me quality. See our window display this weV and then come in and let us explain ttha WHKf of it. Remember we are the exclusive!! agents in this town for "THE EVEKRITBl I iUJT "f t a 1 U T.. T T" J kmc. Auauuiuuiufeu ujf I MB irrTrffi nuetUjUB IVlFa. Co., ot Chicago. wood worth Druv Co. NO EXCESSIVE LOANS, NOT A DOLLARilN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO OTHE BUSINESS TO KEEP UP. JUST STRAIGHT.OLD FASH IONED KANKlNG. J.W. CUS1CK&C0. BANKERS. Albany, - Oregon SUMMON In the Cin-iiit 0 nut ol the State o 0 .emm for Lino Couucy. Depnrtmeii' No. Z. IWI k AUooil, Plaintiff, va. Chsrlcn V. Alvood, Deleidatw. Tj Corle v. iiwood, tne a'wie am ej defen tarn : In tliu nxiue ol ihp K'.te of Oreuon: Yon aw heri.y tio i ri et nod reqiired 'o (ui Apoer in Hhi c.mrl Id B.ld eiilt, ind Hits ec ihf couuila nt ol te abuvn lamed pUintiff now nn tiln therein, .n irbemllm Itilh ilny of November. 1908, and you are further notified thM i! von tMi to oppar ana answer pain loinppitot a ahnve leqmreJ, for wan ihe-e-i' ll-s taiJ plapi'iff will take a d.- nn-e. Atiai, 8' you ler i hn relief prayed lor in Bain cntDpininr, t.i-wit : A -'teree of Brtid eo.,rt dissolving Ihi roud o: timtrimonv now pxitinu he tveeii von ami ani,! j l.ontiff. Tola mitutnona la aurven upon you h ..inn cnon i r C'necurive piib !-' 'o tl.eaai l Hi h (Uv of Novemh r uio hi nan, i 'hi y i'ea.ocrat,H ik-a . ant r u 'ihvil dtifr in Albany. L'm. Uouniv. Urenn. and nl general oircnU ion, in aa'd'y. by order ol t r Hnn.J.. Uonran. UoilnW Julg" o' said Lmu Con. tv. O ejon, which aaid nler hera da'e;t)ciol er 1st. 1SI0S, and aid J. N. Iionoao n Judge rl aa t! county, iii rai.t n-Her lor the aaid puh icittin f hta .nmoioDa upon you, ti.a prn.critir.1 .a-1 da? of November. 18. aa the time, on or before wlit.'h your hall appear and aoaxer !h taiil co-ntilrtint in fatd auli. The date of the firet pntilicatinn of thi lUwmnnt in taid natrappt-r I4 Otchor ind 1908. W. K. BILYEU. A turnejr lor Puisuff. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Newspapers want news now. Political ra lies are aUays enthusias tic. Railroads are always immense insti tutions for a city before they are got ten. Corvallis has the fever and may raise $5,000 for boosting. Send for Tom Richardson. , It tak;s a wise man to make his money work for him as well as he worked for his money. The City of Eugene has gone down a steamer plying down at Portland, not Mr. Hartog's town. It's all right. Foot ball has become a war ft re. Clubs send out spies to find out how the fellows play. A few spies will have to be executed. "Now watch Marion grow", cries a correspondent of the little town hi Ben ton county, in anticipation of Carver's road to Alsea. The Japs may get even with the A merican fleet by furnishing- a genume typhoon. At least one man has been washed overboard. Chairman Mack says the fight is won and Bryan will be elected. Mr. Mack saya New York, Ohio and Indiana are sure for Bryan. Hurrah. The-mudslingers go so far as to pic ture Bryan hoW of the wolf panic wiich came m the third year of the reign of Roosevelt the Koughrider. J. D. Stevens' insists Ithat he is socialist- He ought to know, regard-' less ot the'statements of the secretary i of the starte central committee. ! Jim Wilson, nf SoJom av hia tVienrT S. L. Morgan-recently shot a pheasant. winzins- it then.' ervin to Wilson: How shall Bkillhimc stab him under l. ,;n7i, ..... An obstinaHtr-man does- not hold opin- una, uut nitty noiu rami, xor vrnen ne is ; once Dossesseii! with an errrw it it li Lr a : a devfl? onlj 'TJtZfl ith4ter dif! I ficulty. Bishojv Butler. i ; i i. ii l. j i j . f i l "Champion Peddler af heated atmos phere" is the way the Corvallis Times refers to Boosten Raitog after thht gentleman had bold Gbnvallis how it could become a great city like Eugene. Accordimrto the Leader a Crttoire ! Grove man recently saw a bnj and little man jertcmg a cross- cut saw across a log. He rushed ud- to the bie man. punched him in the nose- and remarked: 'Now will you giv that saw to him. C. and E. 1 ime Table. tltiCUVe lnuiadap, uctober 1st. a new time card will go. iota effect on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, aa fol lows: Through trains 6:45. a. m. leave Ya- quina; arrive at Albany 1158 a. m. Leave Albany 10:88 pi it., arrive Ya qnma 6:15. Corvallis Local 6:30 a. ms. lestve Cor vallis daily; 2:15i p mi daily, except Sunday; 6.00 p. mi daily. 7:55 a. m. leave Albany daily; 3:35 p. m. daily, exeent Sunday; 7:50 n. m. daily. JNO. J, SHEA, Agent. f none Red 71, Home phone S. EQUALIZATION NOTICE. The Count? Board of Equalization will meet at the ofSce of the County Clerk, Monday October 19tb, 1908, and remaini n session six days for the pur pose of publitiy examining the assess ment roil atuuto correct all errors in valuation, description ot qualities of land, lots or other property, and all persons interastedi are hereby notified to appear at the appointed time and place, and: if it shall appear to said board that any land, lots,or other prop erty be assessed twice or assessed in the name oft any person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond itSiValue, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, they will make the jasper correction. u. a. mcKnight. County Assessor. NtTiKOF FINAL StTTLEMtNT NntinH ia.hart.hy siven that the undaa a gneii hafr filed tbe County Conrb ot Linn Cnantv, Ureuon, bia final acuoot -ulinijttatraiot of tan eatcte nl Anna Snwlor ivnd Ola R. Snyder, both ie-rca-fd ort that said rourt has anrobat m.i Moadav, the 9tb ilay ol Novunibar, 1908, a the h- nr nt In I'cli ck is the lo ennon, as the time tor hearing t.-f ot- Ifct-ooa to Brio account ajU lb noal neltleajeot thereof. WM. ri 8NYDBK. UEVITr&SOX, AdminiHtrator. A fornv. Inr Adminia-ra'O'. EXFCUTOR'S NOTICE Notice in t.eiVuy uiveii tha. the uotler eitaeii, tixeciitor of inn irs-I will and leslauiftnt of B. W. Ooopei, deceased, us hied hie onlaccunt at sncb txe o or tn the County Court of the State O'uon fir Liun CoHny, and tbat MoodAv ih5tti tlajr ol Oj'oher, 1908, m otic o'c'o" in tbe allot DOan has beeo tixfd by and ou t aa ih lime and plac ur hearing objcclioDd 10 paid final so e-vtnt and he tettimnt thereof. t)s h of tirtt i'nb :c i-iu iv Hept. it l 8. Iai Oc . 2, itHS. 1R,CO -rER, Execa'or of hp U-t wi 1 a d ie(& men? I Vtv.i p-r. Jtot-i , The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per fr jC(-rflf1 , sonal supervision since Its Infancy. yUACvr, UcAc4Zi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger 'the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.- It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. It age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures- Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.- It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUft COMPANY, TT MURHAV THKET. NEWVOftK OTTV. Lodge Meetings. ! The IE. O. M. every Saturday even-! I ing Chus. Schoel commander. I The- Woodmen of the World every , r irSl a-ZZ' i -Mh"za?.lta P"?'S 3?J and 3rd ''"ndays. ! rro,';jCT- moaern' VFwnmen 2nd and 4th I Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. i Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes-1 days. Carrie Bussard (Jracle. 1 , - uin on nu rno i.rnn arrnvnirna. TiT v" , ' i m- Ropublia meet erery 1st ana 3rd Hues- day aftarnoonrhVthe G. . A. Ki hall. Slirangerji belonging to this order will isuvive-tui'uyat1 wB.tjniR mra. eiiunr M. Browi. Secretary. Notice. T.v.i7iv. nmnu Meads and customers-.: Altho.irh.Ehae-lD8t oeh in the fire j -.U.Q;o Worn nnnilo f i roll .m 1 amrtoal, no - ..... - - fiuMiKiT. n wuim little rest day or rugnt, because.-mor-thaniver A. SCHMIiST ;ofthe persiateni Mhing and; soreness. "orenry-or.. jxhe kidney secreSions were disordered s tT. ' . ' ., and though I keoirtrying different rem Hums, ecaema-.B or salt rnenni. d wSise'Ccostantly. sets Mu.craey. dm t bear thra touch. . -vh. . j,,! , k, n !of your clothing. Doan's Ointment,:" T" , 7 . I' , . curea.the-most obstinate cases'. Wny(i"n"" uuaoBuu goi. a. suffers Alb Brugaists sell it, r.aolr. Ionic wall cat well or feel wel with ampur blood feeding your body. Keepp the blood, pare with Burdock-. RlnndiRittexst Bat simDVv. take exer cise, keep cteaniandyou will have longr li'e. I'have bean, somewhat costive, but. Doas.:s EegaJets gae just the results, desiiod. They actlrBlldly and regulate- the bowels) perteotiy.- ueorge d. Kranae, SOS Walnut Ave.. Altoona, Pa SwoilleiT glands about the nteifc.. THE naming sosea and ulcers, skin diseases, and gene-Ttll poor health, areetkc usual ways in which Sr rof ula im nuuiiifested. TXxn dispose being deopl J iitrencbtsl im the blood often attacois: the bones, resuttmr in White Swelliner, orr hip disease, and tb a scrofulbus; cfastroy-s the healthful properties ot teimnnaiFS in consumption, an : incurable disease:. lTbe entire circul&taon liaing contaminated, the only -wbw- to care the isrjcnsble is to thorcuehly jmnfy the blood and restore toi' circulation to. ai strong, healthy- state. Si Sv S. is the very best treatment Blbod: supply and drives out the; scrofulous and tu'fcrctslar deposits. S.S. S. t. the createst of all Mood punners. very bottom of the trouble and i semoves the causae ftet it supplies theweak, diseased blood with 'fte-healthfali properties it is need of, and in tSds way builds up weak, fraiU, scrofulous. persons and makaHliem strong and Wealthy. & S. S. is a gentlesafe, vegetable preparation ajid is suited for persons of any age. Book on the blood containing information about Scrofula and any tnediaal advice freso. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. f5 . A. STARK, M. D PI1Y8IOIAN AND SlR&BON ' k Bldg, Alban DR, J. L. HILL, Pbisiclan apt! f-orireot Hill blott - Albans. l DR. A. J. I10DUES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Oregai W. F. JONES, Veterinarian. Office Albany Sublet. tJotfc Fbvdm U Signature of . hm, a atc d a rv The Arhet anrl Paint Will Disap pear if the Advice of This Al bany Citizen, is Followed. A woman's back: has many aches and'! loan3 . ,, . t, , . , . . . , Most t.mes 'tis thakjs' fault, - : BaeKache is really kioney ache; ma1; s wny uoan'S' Kjgtney xi JJ3 cure : Many Albany women fau this. f. Read what one has to- say about it: j Mrs. B. V. Flagg,. of 23H Main St.,. Albany, Ore., sayst: "1 nave suttered I'K'L IILJ!??; lltr IUI3U5 HI1U UOWEMIltO UWC11IDD9. X ilcrB ' has-beB times whon. I was. unable tc - ,5S f VM w "W. ?eworK- UUA i.Bio iiic ab f u.iiaj u uuiavu o utu4: store-. After usisg. then, aboot three. weeks sot an acha-or a pa remained. I'i have been doing my own work sines. ' withe the leant iatoavenience. 19 Heartily recomntendi Itoaa'a Kidney FillBi" For sale by alii dealevs. Price 50! . cents. Poster Milburm C, Buffalo). New York, solo agents, for the Unitedif States. Remember the name Doan's and takar . no other. FOE SCROFULA weak eyes, pute, -waxy complexlaltnr, and tubercul 'j matter so thorotig;b.lj the blood tujUC: acrofula someaates tor icroIulcii.- renovates the entire and it not c!w goes ncriit dowm to the FIRST NATIONAL BA K B-Xj AJSTT OBEGON OlVICKRS DlRRCTORa E W LANGDOy 8 E Vonnir Presi.lent I & UiHHlirin S F. TOUSO O .r Schmilt VJce-PreMdent E TT Lanpion C 3UHMITT A C F'hmlH Cashier Transacts a general banXii. business. Accounts keptsubjec-t to check. Sight exchange aud te!rraphic tran- for-soldon New York, San Francisc. Cilicago and Portland. Collection!, mnde or favorable terms Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capssfies A POSITIVE CURE Fo Inflammation ordtmrrhot tin Uladtier&nd D1iM-eil Kvi WfB. BO CORE HO PAI. Cures uickly and vermnBentlr th worst rtiet oi Conorrboe Md 3iWt, no muter nt how xag standing. Atiolfltp!? hlrmlau Sntrl V.x- Arnrtrlt Price fl.00, or mtvll, po4t THE SANTaL-PEPSIN CL, BcUetaatalna, Ohio. For lalB ar Borri art A Le" oWtia r. Had Ym Hm limn Soat Cftai I 4