Five per cent more nutrition in the EHMANN OLIVE OIL. than in any im ported. Hence physicians prescribe it. Try a bottle and it it don't suit, bring back half a bottle or the empty bottle and its money back. H. T. Wentworth today began work on the new residence of 0. M. Barton, his first Albany contract. The plans show a pretty place. NOTICE OF FIN A'. SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given mat 0. P. Hendriceon and M. J. Hendriceon, ae eiecitora ol the estate of W. F. Han driceon, deceased, have filed their fioul account a? executor with the Oounty Clerk ol Linn County, Stale ol Otvgen, and that Hon. J. N. Dunotn, Cjuney Judge of said LinnUJontv, haa appointed Saturday tbe 7th dav ot November, 1908, at One o'clock, p. m. of aa d dav as the time, and the Oounty Court room aa the place to heir objections to said dual ac count, if any there be,and for the settle meat of eaid octet. OP. HENDRIOSON, M. J. HENDRlCbON, GEO. W. WRIGHT, Executors. Attorney for .Executors. SUMMONS Io the Circuit Ocrt of the Slate of Or you for the County of Lion. Rose E. Youuii. Plaintiff, vs. P. tf . Marley, Deiendaot. To P. H. Mariey, the above named dt- tend&ni: In tbe name ot tbe State of Ore. on, Yon are huretiy required to appear anil auswei the complaint of the nlaintiff above named in tbe above entitled court, now on uia wiiu lueuw.uiniu court on or before tbe 9t:i day ol No vember. 1903, and vou are hereby rotified that il you fail to appear and answer said complaint aa hereby re- uutieu !. -rr'i relief prayed fo- in ss'd compiaiat to- wit: adjudging piaiminione tne owner in fe Bimple of the Unde described n piaint'ne complaint aa ij-th uae aaa Two in Block N . 37 in Hscklemau'e Second Addition to tbs city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, anil declaring ibe tax deed Issued o the bhentt ol lidii County, Oiegon, dated the 23rd day of December, 1899, and recorded August 16tn, 1900, in Book of Deeds Vol. 67 on Page 84 uf the Re ords uf Deeds for Linn Couoty, Oreson, be decreed void and of no force or enejt ana taai tne eame ne uacur Soth and Anna Steel, 1953. Os c.ncelled, and that plaintiff recover her j car was the first to do it correctly and vubiiq uuuDuiDUK .W o .BAou. This summons isaerved bv publication bv order of the Hon. J. N. Ounc.o. Judged the County Court for Linn uouoty, uregon, aui maue ou me zsnu day of Septeniher, 1908. Thataaid order reouireasaid summon. to be publiehcd tor eix conaccativo weeks in tbe Albany Democrat, the firBt publication to be mae'eon the 25th day September, 1908. and the last publiea tion to be made on tbe 6th day of Nov ember, 1908, and requires the defendant to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff on or before tne 9tb day of .November, 1908. WEATHtiRPORD h ffYAT'f, Attoruexa lor Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notfce is hereby given 'hat the 01- dersigned has been dulv appointed by the Oounty Oourt of Liuu Oonntv, Or., administrator of '.be esiate of David An drews, lale of said county, deoe.isd. All parsons hnving claim ugainBt tbe estate ot said deceaaed are required to preeeut tbe same, with proper vouchor to tbe undereigned, at hie office in tbe city of Albany, in aald county, within six months from tbe date ol Ibis uotiu-. Dated this 9th day of Otiber, 1908. t . M. REOFIELD, HEWITr & BOX, Administrator. Attorneys for A lminlstrnio.. FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed, admioiitrator of the estate uf (iranville Marsh, defeased, has filed his final account aa such aduiinist ator, and tbe oounty court of Linn county. Ore gon, has set Mnndav, Nov. 2, 1908, it the court houee in Albany, Or. for hear, tng objec'.iona tlinreto.and for tbe settle ment thereLf. Albany, Kept. 2d. M.L. Wilmot, Adm.niitratoV. w.J. whitnky, Attorney. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice if hereby itivnn that Ihe mi deraigaed, by orier of tbe ciumv cn-:r of 'Linn counu . Oreon, has bevn m pointeJ executrix of the estate inn I .-t will and teatnu'ot of Weert A'be'a, de ceased. All per ona having claims against said epttte are directed to fi e tb same with J.J. YVbitner. Aloanv. O . witbin eix months fro'n the date here of, properly vented us by law requi-e.l. L'ttbeu oepr. zo, IV 8. Heibke Ai.B'iKu, Executr x. J. J. Whitnet. Afn-ney. F.XECJTOVS KOTICE Notice ia i.ereby Kiven that the under- Dmueu, meuu'or m ute ISBt Will BUJ testament of B. W. Cooper, deceased, una men oio mi ate unt b such txe- enror in tne umintf court of the State o'Oream f-.r Liun Ooun'y. and thai Mooda ht 5trj day ol Oe'oher, 1908, t one oVim in tbe afternoon has b-eo fixMi by B"id .cu-t aa the lime and place lt-r bearing objjetiona to aid final ac count and he settlement thereof. V v ol hnt oub'icvinn i. Sent. 19 8, la.t Ok . 2, IS08. 4, T. B. OOJPEtt, Execu'crof 'be la-t wi I and fsta juent i.l B. W. Uonper, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICF. Notice is hereby giVen that the nndpr s'.aueil of.a bceo hy :be Connty Ooort ol i,inn voimiy. KJtefOO. only appoioti-d tiKu ur oi in. 'mi win and tes'ameo and estale ol Tiroobr Kelly, dficeed, late ol nr.&r Scio, Lion County, 0'6on. A l p-reoDB hnvinif rliima eaio6t aaid es'H'.are hert-br required o pie.m tbi KAme to ihft undurfiifned at S:io, Or., daiy vt'Btd t b Uw reqoired witbiu six muii'tia from tbi. date. Doted tbi. ilia 23 -d ,lv 0i Spntsmbir 1908. MICHAEL KELLY. ' Execntor of the las- i I and iat ment rf Timn-fi Kll. WEATHERFORD A WYATT, ' ' ' Attomej" tor Executor. . DEATH OF MRS. BURMESTER. Mrs. Dana Burmester died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. Rev. C, K. Scevenson, in Vander gnft, Penn.. of heart trouble and kid. ney complaint. Rev. and Mrs. Stevenson and daugh ter left this morning with the remains for Albany, a request before her death being that her burial be ac this city. She was born in Iowa Aug. 12, 1845. and crossed the plains with her folks in 1865, settling in Albany, where she af terwards spent most of the remainder of her life, several years ago going with her daughter to Vandergrift. She was a member of the United Presby terian church, a noble Christian wo man, beloved by all knowing her. News of her death was received here yesterday with extreme sorrow. She leaves a daughter, sister, Mrs. Stewart, brother, George Humphrey.of Portland, and other relatives, as well as many friends, who sincerely mourn her death. It is thought the funeral will be on Friday, buc announcement will be made when the time is known. A Touching Incident. An affecting scene occurred at the W. F. warehouse, at the depot this af ternoon. A lady from another town was shipping a fox terrier down the road. As she gave her name tears i streamed down here cheek, then she kiaged the - , fe th ,. and ruBhed out ' j "Did you see that," the boys were remarkjnei when 8n'e rushed gack and crave the do? another nmnnk. -Don't crv." svmoatheti tne agent ..there e other d tn 1 world " "But. I mav never see him ae-ain." she cried, and loft for good. Oscar Got the Ring. Out of a good many counts only two counted the number of dots in the ad- vertisment of F. M. French correctly: j Du owureu tiia ring. a. u. nail was , the first to hsinrl in a mnnt mianr it I bv onlv 1. t.nen cam flarnr' hnVtlZa f. terwards,' being No. 2. The . counts ranged trom 155C to 2255. One boy just guessed and put it over .8.000 ' oane Soth now snorts a fine SIR rinJ xoung aotn now e a pretty one. Grants Pass Sand. A Grants Pass Sand platform on the south side of the depot was being put down today. Grants Pass is all right; but its sand is a horrible affair for walks and platforms in places much used, in fact-, a first-class nuisance. Fortunately, though, Mr. O'Brien prom ises a cement platform in the spring, the appropriation being exhausted for one this fall. The remark is heard, though; "If they put down a Grants Pass sand platform now it will stay, that's all." Sold His Aihanv Prnnorfu ' ' ' ' L. A. Bruckman returned to Portland this afternoon. He was up to complete the sale of hi, nr,n i,of m"f..::ji. 'ui jiiito. jv.ntcuiuuisiiuii aim it. it. to Herman uung b new comer, employed in the tannery. Mr. Bruckman has a position in the factory of the Crystal Ice Co., where his brother Fred is also employed, both having stock in Ihe Co. Mr. Bruckman has a new home of his own well situated, and likes Portland life. An Artist Here. A Montgomery, the farmer artist, is in the city, and has his pictures at the First National Bank 2l ife 18 Jnar,ked ?4,000 and another $6,000, rather beyond the pile of Al bany neoDle. .Viontu-nmori .1-. h... several weeks ago, hitting the old cuuui art a nve wnacK. rle is a ee lima nniivau McGinn was here. , After being introduced bv Hon. P. R Kelley and the band had nlauoH h.,. McGinn, a Portland lawyer, spoke at uit opera nouse oatnroay night in the in terest of the gentleman President Roose. veit named for his successor. Of course Henry lammed it to Mr. Bryan and the other Democrats and lauded Mr. Taft uf inn rarcers. Henry uid, that was wiiab ne was out lor. Martin Meiser returned th snoon from uie raeiser lann at su nrrut. ine jury inr the Martin case finaliv .vcu, uioiiuiKiiiK prisoner. Capt. Kuhn and familv left ihio oftar. noon for their future home at Spokane. Harrison Johnson, aged 86, of I eba non, was sprinting around Albany tooay. Dr. F. E. Adams, of Nemnnrt w ruruana mis arternoon on a short ousiness trip. Juaee Lone . nf Ppnrl ptnn nnj .1 u .u- r 7. f tn Jr. .(.a T. ... . t T f .uiuuKii ine cilv cms nonn rnr rh. k.. vw ...a buuigiiL ana Newport Mrs. rannie Calmpn. whv ho. i.nnn visiting her brothers. J. P. Roberts and L. H. Montanye, of this ciiy,. left on the 10:57 train last night for her nome in Houston, lexas. onief or Folice and Mrs. Ries have returned from a visit with their sons at roruana ana rorc Stevens. Down on the ocean they saw some genuine winter breakers and got some pointers on coast defence. A young man in Portland tried to mash a young lady, approaching her and trying to walk witn her, when she proceeded to do the mashing with her little list. Besides she had him arrest ed and he was fined $10, and more than that greatly humiliated, all nf oh;h served him right. About every tow has its masher who oucht to hp mofiorf likewise. I CORONER SENT FOR, And Left for Brownsville Dr. Davis. with Mrs. W. N. Sawyer, of Brownsville, died suddenly this morning, it is report ed under peculiar circumstances, with indications of poison. Coroner Fort miller was notified, and' with Dr. Davis left for there, in the Dr's auto, this afternoon. The purpose was to make an autopsy of the body in charge of Dr. Davis and Dr. Starr. Brownsville parties interested refused to make any statement until the examination is com pleted. Some there think there is nothing in it, and that death was nat ural. She is a prominent Brownsville woman, hence the case has excited a good deal of interest there. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. W, F. Howard, of the wholesale seed house, left for Alberta. Calif., where he will remain with his family for awhile, before moviner nermanentlv to Albany, perhaps not until spring. Mr. Harry Woodin went to Salem to take charge of a furniture store there for a few weeks. Though residing in to Portland - Hayne3' of LebaDOn' went F. P. DeVaney went to Portland. Maurice Winter left on a tiiD down the road. He makes the territory from Aghland to Hoquiam, Wash. i uauu, A new employee at the depot this Another opportunity to vastly in morning is Hermann Stalnaker, who crease the Democrat's circulation. This will be employed in the car service and 13 8 clubhing arrangement, the most numerous other things. Mr. Crimp al- unsatisfactory thing a newspaper can so resumes work after a month's vaca- enter into, a genuine nuisance, tion. I Suicide at SWeet Home. Miss Lottie Moreon. of the nublic I m USSSfiS? ViS!t Lawyer Tussing went to Salem on legal business. Harry Schlosser went down the road, JacK """"6 left for his home at V?" ZZUPfL 5 ?y.V,8,t,at Al" V , s ' 6 5?" f th alumnl e.l8vi.n' r!,raJ V nf tne team quarter back, and had a lame right hand to show for The alumni made a fine showing. From an Albany Sermon. Look for things with good, do not be passive. Stand for something, not for nothing. Do not be just no one in particular. A positive life is a high accomplish ment.' Look around for discouraged men to holp. There are bigger things than $20 gold nieces. Encouragement cannot be purchased in dollars and cents. nNii.iiuiwiiBgTO nimseit to v. u..:, .... , thine. 1 . What one can do, not what one can't i is what counts. If nn Hniihh h hnn..f an t : .:. -V gate. The best charity is work. Albany Did Well. The Albany college foot ball team did splendid work in the game of foot ball with Willamette Saturday afternoon. Salem had it ail figured out before hand 25 toO in favor of Willamette. but it was only 6 to 5 in Willamette iavor. nracticallv a tie. earn mob-in, touchdown in the first half, Barry fail ing to catch the ball for a goal. Will amettee eot the first coal in tpn min. utes. Cummins eoinc- over tho lino than Albany did businesa and tnntr a hand at- goal maKing. in tne second half neither team coum score, it is said Albany tonjr wuvtiiujriug me jfietnouists, not withstanding the fact they weighed about fifteen nonnda tn fh man The result shows the splendid training .no .cam huh receivea unaer (..oacn L.UCK, wno is an right. The men did well, Victor Yates again doing extra TO At the Hotels. A. T. Peterson, a prominent Toledo man. Lawyer L. H. McMahon and son Sa lem. Maggie Carter, Oakland. R W. McLeod, Ban Francisco. Jud O'Brien. Portland. A. H. Lea. of theHazelwnnd f!rnm. ery uo.. a nustler. MISS M. Haze JeWltt nf wti iter way to ivionmoum. marv A. Smith, (iranta Puce Walter Jackson of the Amer nnn r.i. gar Btore, up from Portland on his reg- itiat valley trip. Returned to Albany. John Mullettand famifv have returnod from Kockey Ft. Mon. They left Al bany last January, sellinir thpir nmn. erty in the third ward to Frank Kitch and after seeing o' her places are glad i" c uac. uere, in tne nest valley in the world. Mr. Mullett is necotiating ;ul ''" ffuici-BBB ui me Curtis property in tuc tiiii-j walU. Some Foul Prizef. Mr. Ed Schoel has returned' fmm North Yakima, where h.rnntn,.H.. erotis poultry prizes in fact sweeping the '" ww'te ,enorns. getting $180 in . r. , also "one welt t balem and the Pnrtinnri rfi, i is birds ar-e sure winners-. Likewise is nogsv TRIP OF AN ALBANY MAN. uiucoin, eo. uct. 14. 1 am again on the streets of Lincoln Nob., the home of W. J. Brvan. 18 veara since T was here. The changes are many; but it has not grown like other towns of the west, naraiy getting over the panic of 1893. I have been hllsv rnrtuv nlndino- the literature of Alhany. I always LuuuKnt uregon was always advertised too much until I started on this trip. I have seen neoDle on tin's rrin whn in not know anything about Oregon, and I have talked until I am hoarse. My uya i win do a regular wind jam- i" "au eume uregon apples, wnicn I CaVe aWaV nnH WPW. anrifanlataA Oregon Drunes RP.I1 hern 9. fnr K ppnfa' Oregon pears 5 cents apiece and not the ueai eitrer. iomorrow we will leave for Chicago and then on to Ohio. In The Mail. 3The regular weekly letter from the roruana oooster club. This week the boosts are F. H. Scrihnnr. tlio atnpk fan, who complimented Oregon's dairy- ,nK interests; the Hood River fruit fair, ' 8 coming writeup on the North West bv i Harper s Weekly, John Barrett's visit, and 'he calling upon the ministers of Oregon for boosting assistance, I several dollar puff for nothing. ' Another Howaiian booster telline of the wonders of the Sandwich Islands. slopping bo me coming regularly ana tre-quently. ' J' S- Su"el1 e-mitted suicide at his home near Sweet Home Sunday about 9 a. m. The act was committed in i bed, with a revolver, the ball going in- to the temple. His two children, in an- eTdvi - " Six months nan ho hari trloJ m;n, hi?S,S .?,uf il .Sl-f ?lth V" lVf'T. separation. it. "KU " nave troumed him consid- t. j i- . ; . . .--""-. (ciauiy, mm since men several times he is said to have remarked that ho in , tended to take his own life. . - - w ao UUU11UU DUl ! turned the matter over to tho local jus- I .nrnnor hnrlmi a. t..i , Ai, u. j. uuuiu went up iron. ' Lebanon as the examining physician, i ' . TUESDAY. WAS SUICIDF. t'01'" Fortmiller, Dr. Davis and i Pilot Crawtord returned last evening irom cneir nuco ride in the mud to I Brownsville, coming back in an hour i and 8 nal?- Tre coroner found that it , ""J , u S,1" T 01 !u'T,at i?e .s?w: er home. An empty bottle that had contained stryenmne. and keDt bv Mr. SHFiior in on .Un... I.Ml:" bawyer in an outhouse, for killing Bupuere, wan munu under tne bed, where it had been thrown after being emptied. Mrs. Sawyer had been taking strychnine tablets, but in very small doses, and all she had on hand taken at once would not have effected her ser iously. An inquest was not thought ! necessary . M8' Sawyer was 54 years of age and I ?er hu3ba"('' an old soldier, only about ! H.H'.C.rf1. "1re mar- trom the east for the nurnnno Sho was a Southern woman of fine appear- iiwc tttiu nno wen iiKea. L. Walker, of Portland, is in the vity on a DUBiness trip. Miss Ima Redflcld is expected home irom ner eastern uregon trip today. rroi. lom settlemier, a prominent nviiicatntiuer, ul oiacniy. j,ane county, is in the city. Hobson will nnnnlf nnlv of T,.nnf.-nn City and Euvene in this valley. He skips Portland. Mrs. W, C. Hawlei. wifp nf il,.r. gressman. has beenvisirino- ur th. hnmn of her folks in the Country. Kev. 8. A. Douelas and H. P Mo-tii Went to McMinnville thin nfiorm . attend the Baptist convention. Miss Etta Carter. fnrmrltr nf Albany schools, retnmpd In Hol.. .i,:. afternoon after numerous, vittira haPA and elsewhere. A Benton county sale la: Onl. Hon. mis to R. ft. Hanson, tract of land near Albanv. $11,000. Thin i thu n,n known C?eo. Beamis farm. Mr. Tom Parker and fa tu uouaue urove tnifs alternoon. Mr I Parker haa a few days more work vet I ii iia muuiiy resilience Laree numbers of hoW ro o-n, southward, including quite a number r,..t,enV'iefnJLy Br.ePf.e"ional'wsn'- Last night the city jail was well iil,ed. Richards and Pnngles phased a good sized audiem-e last night, always pre- senting some good Arabs, a new feature, niieciaiues. ine excellent performers. V. Vincent .TnnpR. r.rrHonlinn big Jacobs-Stein Co. of Portland, haa oeen in the cuv se linir Portland rol. ty, and getting interested in Albany's splendid prospects, W. S. Rovce ha rp.snmpr! h;a n.nHv : at theWestern Union. Miss Edith Guern-1 sey, who has been filling the position in ! an able mannpr. tinea nni bn...., sne win go Irom hero yet Ihe tour of the II. nf n r:i..o ri..i. an this year will ho in Eastern Oregon, GrandThn ,,CUy' fenudlet,on;v u brande, The Dalles and Hood River. niv Portland. S. em and in-i tu played in thi,vall,y. KuhenSte- 7l a f lender of the glee club. Robin N,lr.n . me manooun club and Merle Che.- an general monger. A PASTOR RECEIVED. A reception was tendered, the new pastorof the M.E. church. Rev. William Steward Gordon, at the the church last night, with a large attendance. Meet ing a new pastor is always an import ant event in the life of a church, and it means something to a city, for the mod ern minister, who works for righteous ness, is active in all good works as well as in the doings of his own church, and many naturally are interested in seeing the establishment of his character. The church was arranged lor social intercourse and a pleasant time was had meeting each other, when under the direction of Prof. David Torbet. who has a way of his own, the following program was rendered; Nellie Hart and Madeline Rawlings performed well on the piano; Mrs. Guy tvuttpjj fjtnaocu all III a VUCU1 80IOJ Mrs. Claue Brav was heard in a ninno ol,i showing excellent skill, and Miss Orah Harkness gave a darkey dialect selection in a bright way and was warmly encored. Mrs. Robert Burk hart sang sweetly and Prof. Kendall gave several recitations and a welcome to the pastor. Rev. Gordon responded in a hannv and earnest manner. nnH tin. on being called upon remarks in keep ing with the event and in the interest of a united effort for righteousness in Aioany, were maae by Kev. White, Rev. Elliot and Mr. Nutting. Rev. Gordon is an Ohio man hut hi. has been in the Northwest since 1881, and hence knows the field well. He starts out with the confidence of his people, splendidly enuiuoed for doino- good work, in his own church and in Al bany generally. News from Albany's Six Early Trains, Mrn V.tta MnHatrn nt Qalronnn t.n turned home after a visit at her farm near Brownsville. JUBtice Lovelee came down from Lebanon. Miss Gav went to Portland for a fnw days visit. Claus Vehrs, came down from Leb anon, with a car load of hogs for the Portland market. Vehrs is a very busy man. Besides buying and selling stock Mr. Vehrs is Dromotinor an oil Drosneet near Lebanon, which promises big things, i Lawyer J. M. Williams, of Eugene, was among the passengers going down stream. Rev. W P. Elmore came down frum Brownsville on his way to NewberR to attend a Baptist convention. Newberg has the distinction of nnh hnvino- a oin. ! trie blind nif. muiiilc tha hi.hi. not a Rovernmont tax being paid therei . th Inst' ln oommeminjf on my de Not even the near-beer racket is aN ; nml titAt lt!!ly appeared in Ihe Demo tempted m .Newberg. ' jcrat, has this to say; "du Mr. Martin lawyer, characterizes the report of. conddernble snow eaft'of. Ni'ag'aT 'as Jfi 'flVhhtrPem0Cr,lt h'8 defin;tion of ' uuwn aa mat place, evidently ai deal up in the hills. i IT . , Anderson's dictionary of Law. "Fight. J. W. Hobbs, internal revenue col- Does not necessarily imply that both Iecto, went north looking after Uncle parties should give and take blows. It Sam s interests. Mr. Hobbs can put hi ' sufficient that they voluntary put finger on every blind pig in the valley! their bodies in position with that in but his business is simnlv to collect ih tent." government tax and he does it. Uncie Sam knows his busine. nnH h. aion gets it on ev-3 y near beer joint. Thev If one person raises a chair in a can t foo him on the one per cent al-, threatening manner, and another ter conol racket. son takes the chair from him, and uses It WorRj Weil. , en to strike the aggressor, surely the The first lira Was pu In the 'now cu- '!!ma Tid f!?1 b8 fi,'t under the poU of the Albany trm VVnrHs, yeste, BX""!3S AFS Z day afternoon, under the direction of guilty of no offense. And if the ag the veteran machinist, ,nhn Holmnn. Kfsihor pirty accidentally strllies hia It works find. Thn n..iv ,.l,,,.r head aeaiiwt thu irnrlnw ;n u.,.u doubtediy the finest in the state oucside of Portland, a model iron factory. As rebuilt it is said to be as safe from firo as if all ston and hrick. The complete plant will now he in nnMiinn tni.. ing the moulding department which of tne otller also", but I have taken arti course has been idle. Work, though, cles from the hands of persons not in has uroirressed ritrhr. nlnn, in ih. the beat nf hiimnr h.f.1.. nn.n departments. Promoting Condensers. Through C. W. Tebault Scio haa ordered the machinery for a condenser with a capacity of 10,000 pounds, and wij start business on a small scale and S0Pu'mres, which indeed appear beauti build up. The Stay ton condenser is as- lul outward, but are within full of dead sured and Mr. Tibault says the Albany men's bones and of all uncleanness". plant is sure to go. He will leave next , The Bna'l is traced by the slime he ween ior K03eourg, where a condenser Will nnrlnnhln-lli. U.. i .. t. t i DiedTt88! Mr. John Carnes died at the hon-in nf "'a daughter, in this citv. lnnf at the age of 87 years, of old ace Ho was a worthy pioneer n resident of Corvallis foi-nl, years Among his large family is Mrs. Al Saylor of this city. Mrs. Carnes has been dead a iiu'iiuer oi years. 1'he other tthilil iforma, Gilbert, Floyd, Charles, Thorn-' as and Madison of Oregon. A short funeral service will be held at the home of Mrs. Saylor at 8:30 to morrow, after which the remains will lanen to corvallis lor burial. At the College. lnB college conservatory now has enrollment of 70. outairln nf th .i; r ferent clubs, a fine showing. The facul wil1 McMlnnvill. for a concert Friday niht at rh Ph. ..-:".u..c." ".Ti" ... " V ..' -'.'" ureu. n.Ur ci. ""m colh m lhv The foot ball team is down fnr with Multnnmnh ut P..tin ..."."r".'.' but it is 00.. mav ,, "uruaJ ' DOCTOR ADVISED USE OF CUTICURA After Other Treatment Failed Eczema In Raw Spot on Baby Boy's Face Lasted for Months Cried with Pain when Washed. ECZEMA WAS CURED AND HAS NEVER REAPPEARED "Our baby boy broke out with czema on his face when one month old. One place on the side of his face the size of a nickel was raw like beof eteak for three months, and he would cry out when I bathed the parts that were sore and broken out. I gave him three months' treatment from a good doctor, but at the end of that time the child was no bettor. Then my dootor recommonded Cutlcura. After using a cake of Cutlcura Sonp, a third of a box of Cutlcura Ointment, and half a bottle of Cuticura Itcsolvent he was well and his face was as smooth as any baby's. He is now two years and a half old and no eczema haa reappeared. I am still using the Cutlcura Soap; I think it is tho finest toilet soap 1 ever used. I keep my little girl's hair and face oleanBed with it too. I am so thankful for what Cuticura haa dona for us. Mrs. M. L. Harris, B. F. D. 1, Alton, Eau., May 14 and June 12, '07.'' SANATIVE Antiseptic Cleansing Is Best Accomplished by Cutlcura. Woirfbn, especially mothers, find Cutl oura Soap. Ointment, and Pills the pur- jsi, Hwi-oujuiy, aim moso effective remedies, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the ekin, scalp, hair, and nanus, ior tne ireac mont of Inflammatory . and ulcerative condi tions, as well as for re storing to health, strength, and beauty paie, veatc, nervous, prematurely faded, run-ctown women. Guaranteed absolutely pure under the United States Food and Drugs Aot. . Complete Exterartl and Internal Treatment tot Every Humor or Infant. Children, and Adiilta con BlaU ot Cutlcura Hoau Wc) to Clcansq tho 8k I a, Cutlcuny Ointment IfiOo.) to Heal the Skin, ami fjmiwura Rfoh'ent (5Up.),(or1n thtj form of Chocolate ifVuUed PIUS, 25o. Per Vial at GO) tb Purity tho Blood. Bu d throughout tho world. Potter Drag & cbem. Corn.. Holo Ilruitnh. UttM. OJ-lailod Jj roc, Cutlcura Book on Skin I BARNEY ON FIGHTING. .. ' Oct. 17. Tne Brownsville Times of In compliance witl the abve request I Submit the follnwin.r dpllnifinn ."Criminal intent. Evil, malicious will exnresaed in n .fiminui ." tV iiu mure lorce man is actually neces , sary to wrench the chair from his grasp, and does not strike nor offsr or thmnf. nis own ttct there can be no fijjht and tne 'hor person is guilty of no offense, . 1 nave never followed the scriptural ""junction, "Who9oever shall smite thee on thv rio-hf t,,.n A uiM any malicious intent on mv part, which in the eyes of the unsophisticated pub lic, I believe, would be commendable compared with the fistic encounter be tween Editor Brown and a certain young man on. tno 8t"eets of Brownsville a few "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees hvoocritesl fo? vn hI. ntiff5 leaves Denind, the buzzard displays ..Mn.lf.kl nU::... ! .l r t remarkable ability in thn InnnHnn nf hia canon and . Adieu au plaisis de voub revoir. B. S. Martin. At ihellotels. Geo. L. Davis, Hoquiam. W. H. Weir, Portland. Mrs. Dr. Pratt, Mill City. Harry Taut, Toledo. Rev. J. V. Millio-nn ii. irnm mm iity last evening. Harry Jack, Willamina. W. T. Clark and Bert Bevier, Gates. John Thum, Portland P. S. Reider, Portland, here looking after the interests of the Willamette and Cascade Wagon Road Co. G. O. Miller, a dry goods drummer from Minneapolis. C. C. Bilyeu, Walla Walla. Lawyer J. W. Draper and wire, Or egon City. B. J. Taylor, Corvallis. Rex W. Davis, a native of Shcdd, on the road. ' Admiral A. N. Smith, of Portland. U. S. Booth, Portland. OASTOniA. 8 tb "'e m k,"m . j 1 j '