Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 23, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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We Can Make it Warm for You
If You Need Sweaters.
Just the proper thing (or these chilly ruindy days. The're comfortable warm and durable. They take the place
of a coat and are especially desirable when walking. You will want one when you see the new and dainty
weaves and colors which we show. You may like the loose straight style or perhaps the blouse effects. We
show them both and we (guarantee the highest quality for the price.
From $2.00 to $5 00
Wool Shawls and Scarfs
Some especially fine values are offered in this department in round or square shawls and long scarfs. The weaves
are new ard pretty. Come in all colors of soft, pure wool and will be most serviceable. Trices from 65c to $2.50
Handy wool Booties and Jackets ribbon trimmed, for baby.
Jackets, 50c to $1 50 Booties. 25c
All of These Articles May Be Seen in Our Show Window
I lie t
iburu.i b cue poet otlicM, Aibdity, Or
14 second oIbhb mail tu Biter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, 4.0C.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $i).50.
The Weekly Advance peryear$1.25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
two lots, barn, plenty of fruit. Sit-1
UateO On deueiBUII ntmcbi . muni,
sold to close up an estate. This is a
bargain if taken immediately. Call
on J. V. Pipo, 203 West Second St.
Both Phones, . .,
FOR SALE. One year old steer. I.
C. Duedall, Home 7102. .
LOST. A pair or blue trousers with a
salt and pepper appearance. Please
notify the cleaner. No. 420 W lstst.
FOR RENT. A six room house.
Furniture for sale. 315 Broadalbin.
APPLES FOR SALE. -A fine . lot of i
winter apples, 25 to 35 cents a bushel,
in the orchard, on the Santiam. A.
W . Martin, Farmers 2G Bell. tl
Teachers' Agency of Portland, Ore.,
is placing more teachers than ever.
If you need a high school grade, ru
ral, commercial, music, or private
tcncher write or wire immediately
and you will receive prompt attention.
202 Sweetland Bldg,
PHD C A r 17 A nAlnlni. Kirrl rlnrr turn
vanra old.' well broke. Call at the i
Farmor's Feed Shed. 122 ;
CABBAGE for sauerkraut. E. L. Mc
Koover, Bull phono 2X1.
WANTED. A girl to do general house
work. Call at residence ot E. J
Knapp, 623 West Ninth street.,
WANTED. Hund picked Johnathan,
Baldwins and Suitzenberg apples.
Apply to Albany Supply Co. 12t
J. Y. LED BETTER. Contractor for
plastering, and cement work or will
work by tho day. Give mo a trial.
Call at 906 Calaponia. t20
FOR SALE.Two horse gasoline en
gine, jack and pump. Call upon J.
S. Morgan at the brick yard, phone
black 382. J. S. Morgan t3
WOOD FOR SALE.-Some good dry
wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201
Bell, 204 Home.
WANTED. -Clean, white rags, 1 ct. a
pound, at C. G. Rawlings.
FOR SALE. Apples, cheap, wind
falls, Jonathans, free of worms and
scales. 80c per box in orchard; 35c
per box if dolivored. Not sold in less
than 6 box lots. Delivered on Friday.
S. G. Talia. Phono Farmors IX,
r.TTT5xTicm?n l?nnM hv vhn .In., 1
r vj ivi" vv....w . j , (
wpnU nr month, at Blount's. 314. Ella-
worth St. 5t
MUSIC LESSONS. Piano and organ.
Phono black 971. Helen Elkins.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
Houso Bldg.
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro
fessors celebrated hand loads had
better get ill their orders pretty soon.
One party who got 100 loads of us last
year ordered 300 this year. Ho said
they done the work. Baltimore Gun
& Bicycle Works.
-iTT-Ma pni) QA T.P V. T. ppvi.
1ms them, to bo delivered anywhere
in Albany. Phono Farmers 2x1. He
tDl I
RONING BOAP.DS.-The best made.
See Ed Davidson, 739 E. First St.
SODA WATER. Cascailia water from
the Geisendorfer springs, may be had '
at Tomlinson & Holman's and at the
Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t
brook. Home phono 7001. tl8 (
AERMOTER gasoline pump, aircoatcd
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
pump-for only $45. Crawford the
Aormotor man will bo glad to show
Mc.Minnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu I
tual company. C. C. Bryant. Albany, .
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phonos. j
FOR SALE. Model N Fonl runabout
with top, only run one season in tine
r. ndition. Apolv to W. W. Craw
ford, agt. Ford Motor Lars.
WOOD SAWIMG. See me belore vou
engage yonr woikI sawing. CUfino
used. G. F. Brown, Homo phoaj
Hamilton's Bazaar
National Democratic Ticket.
For President William J. Bryan.
For Vice President John W. Kern .
For Presidental . Electors.-O. P.
I Coshow of Douglas county. August
xiutnesieui ul munun county, a. o. J .
McAllister of Multnomah county, Sam
uel White of Baker county.
An Auction Notice.
The following handed the Democrat
in type writer copy is at least ingen- '
: iously gotten up, and is very readable: '
Public Auction.
Grand closing-out sale of the G. O. P. .
Our lease with Uncle Sam having ;
Practically expired and having decided ;
to quit business and retire
private ,
mi, wc, mo uiiuioibhcu, uuw, ...
public vendue at our residence at the '
Capitol in Washington, D. C, on the
fourth day ot March, 1909, the follow-1
ing described goods and chattels to-wit:
One Elephant about 45 years i old,
slightly blemished, one Financial Panic,
made to order, old enough to wean, i
sired by Goldbug and damned by Every-1
body; our interest in one Republican Mr. Arbogast, Mrs. Ada Blanche,
Platform, good as new, somewhat moss w.m- Bollinger, Mrs. Thomas Brown,
r- cj.- i i- lh , Miss Brookings, Letty Cowan, Mrs.
grown; one Big Stick, slightly impaired ; Marie CoXi cj. Edmund!Ji M. B.
by over-work; one Republican machine, jGoally, Ivy Hurley, Mrs. Myrtle Hart,
somewhat out of retiair: one Financial Jno. Jacobs. Charlie Mov (5). Mrs.
system, not guaranteed, well supplied
.i. i u ! i i
with c eanns house certificates and a
little cash; 1,880,000 dinner pails,
empty; one Cannon; five million Teddy
Bears; and other articles too numerous i
Everybody, regardless of party aflil
iations or previous
political servitude,
are invited to attend,
While it is expected that most of the
articles herein listed for sale will be
bid in by the "stand patters" for relics,
nevertheless everything will be sold,
and there will be no by-bidding. Im
mediate possession.
Free lunch at noon.
RoastJCiow will be served free on
the grounds by tho Young Men's Re
publican Club. .
This sale will positively take place on
the day and date above mentioned, re
gardless of weather, as we must go
out of business at this date.
Terms. All goods, cash, and must
be settled for before removal. Gold
only acceptable clearing house certi
ficates barred.
G. O. P. Managers.
Cols. 'Rockefeller, Morgan and Harri
man, Auctioneers.
Cortleyou, Hitchcock, 'Hayward and
Little Vice Clerks.
N. B. If either or any of these auc-
tlonoers or clerks are. at the time of
. - .
nulp. rlphnrrpfl nf thpir lihprt.v hv fhn I
liberty by
courts, others equally as good will
supplied on date of sale.
li cdz cd '1 noughts.
Since it has been admitted that the ,
G. O. P. pnys its starspellbinders $500 j
a night, an unpleasant suspicion is
ar roused when a prominent democrat'
announces his conversion to tho Taft'
tickeOind is placed on tho list of .
The Steel Trust, it is said, will start
millsjgoing again in doubtful states, '
Oh, very well. It will be a good thing :
to get them started anywhere. j
So far as we are able to call, Mr.
Bryan is the only public man who
answered the question: "Where did
you get it?" i
Willio Hoistlbas broached his bar'l. '
He is having his speech against Mr. i
Bryan printed in vVcstern newspapers
as advertising matter.
ASluve Bargain. j
A good 18 inch air tight stove tor
only $1.75, at the store of the Albany
Hardware Co.
TryPatrick Uordsa cigar i cent "
The Rocky Mauntain Express Ar
"The Rocky Mountain Express,"
which is scheduled to aton at Alhanv
tonight, is a thrilling melodrama of in-
tense heart interest of incalculable
scone, that is eninveH hv nil nlnRRen nf
npnnln. Tho nitoni. onuirnmnanf ia
beautifully designed and arranged, the their way home and may arrive any
subjects being in the Rocky Mountains time. They were in Chicago the 14th.
mostly gave excellent . suggestions to. Albert Dorris was in town today
the artist and his corps of assistants, making arrangements for the appear
and the result is varied picturesque ance here of Joseph and William Jef
atage pictures. "Tne Rocky Mountain ferson in The Rivals, on Oct 31, a high
Express "requires a bier cast and the .iq rt
fSTZSSrl "words!
the nro(ntinn :
ginning 10 enu.
Letter List.
Tne foliowing lettera remain in the
AlbanV( Ore., postoffice uncalled for
0ct 21 lgo8- PersonB deairing any of
thBae ,ettprs, -hn,llrt .,-m f., rtBrti9SH
letters, giving the date
9y5-thLa Mor8;a?' Mk' d 'if'6 "ew,kirk.'
J. T. Parker, Mrs. N. Po man, B. N.
t ti. d r:,:: o-u.
1W31ET, UU11II IT. XVIUIlllgei, 1U. OUfJIlIU
Sr., Andrew Tomesky, W. H. Walker,
Theodore Witthoft(5), W. M. Williams
3f & Van WlNKiB,P. M.
Good modern eight room house with
furnace, situated close in, West Al
bany. Price, $2750.
Two houses and three lots, East Al
bany. Price, $2200.
A four room house and one lot, East
Albany. Price, $650.
A good new house, a nice lawn and
the lot is terraced, one lot Eist Albany
Price, $1500.
265 acres. 80 acres in cultivation,
improvements fair, balance of land in
good timber. Six miles from Albany.
Price $33 per acre.
11 acres in prunes, houso and good
dryer, one mile and a half from Albany.
Price, $2200.
30 acres, all in cultivation, close to a
good little town. All A No. 1 land.
New buildings. Price, $2250.
60 acres of A No. 1 land, 6 acres of
apple orchard, well taken care of, good
buildings. Price, $5000. Situated one
and a half miles of a good town.
100 acres, 5 miles from a good town,
in liinn county, nil in cultivation. .4 We are now ready to do custom sa
acres in orchard, balance of land mil in , , j f j j
cultivation. Exceptionally good build I mfk . Good rof d to T 1 p.?n - -ings.
Price, $6500. I B"nB yur loes wh,le the roads are
strCee"n J- 203 SeC"d ALBANY LUMBER, Co.
Three sizes 5 lb.. 6 lb., 7 lb.,
They make vour work easy. Try oneifor
yotir next ironing.
306 WestSecond St. Albany, Oregon .
Have customer now for houaejand lot
A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet.
Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.
The Albany Commercial Club has ap
pointed the following committee on re
ception and entertainment of the ladies
I attending the grand opening of the Al
bany depot on Nov. 11
MrcesJ. K. Weatherford, chairman;
E. D. CuBick. A. C. Schmitt. H. H.
Hewitt, B. I. Dasent, C. E. 5ox, H. A.
Leininger, H. A. Nelson J. J. Collins,
C. V. Littler, D. O. Woodworth, P. A.
Young, H. M. Crooks, Calvin Elliott, J.
Tomlinson, Dr. Hodges, J. R. Flynn,
C. B. Winn, L. E. Hamilton, C H.
Stewart, L.. M. Curl, A. J. Enapp,
Fred Dawson, Earl Fisher, A. W. Bow
ersox, L. L Swan, W. H. Davis, H.
Bryant, J. P. Wallace, E. W. Langdon
and Misses Flora Mason and Anna
The committee is requested to meet
in the rooms of the Commercial Club tt
3 o'clock Thursday ofternoon, when or-
ganization will be perfected and the
details of the work arranged.
Hon. Walter Tooze came over from
cn r:..
at Harrisburg this afternoon.
r ..r m. ni . v -t .
C. W. Tebault left this afternoon for
ivooBuuru w uouai, uio u ..uuurara
, there.
Mrs. Geo. Davjy, of Scio, is visiting
! at the home of her mother, Mrs. John
: McGhee.
Mrs. J. J. Collins, Mrs. G. T. Hock
ensmith and Mrs. C. W. Sears are at-
tending the district convention -if Re-
bekahs at Corvallis this week.
Mr. John Stauffer and family arrived
this moraine from California on a pros
VtX tP. with a view of settling in
Llnn county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw, who have
hfn in Hnnfifln OAVOrnl WPpUr. Hlfl DI1 !
Miss Waive Streitel, of this city,
who recently went to Celilo, where Mr.
Streitel has charge of the cement work
for the government in the project there,
has been taken to The Dalles, seriously
Get the Best.
About the most important thing)in the
world is flour, the stuff that makes the
staff of life. The best flour that can
be made is none too good, and that is ;
' The best that can be secured is
Johnson s Best, Albany.
It is made in the proper manner, and
when it is up ready for the market
there is nothing left to be done that
coma improve it. . . .
When vou call for flour ask for John
son's Best, the product'of an Albany
' ! Amateur work developed and finished.
' Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders
, at Woodwork's drug store. ,13t
OYSTERS, Berved in all styles,
by the pint or quart,', at Hoflich's.
Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina
Bay at the Metropolitan.
i-m tho A "roil Ion Haie Mays Batgri
CIDER. Will make cider on Saturday.
commencing the 17th, until further j
notice. C. R. Widmer, Home Phone '
2801. t8 j
LAND FOR SALE. Near city in I
; small tracts on monthly or yearly j
payments. H. Bryant. ' tl3. i
in' Albary.
Price'mnst right.
That Tells About Pioneer Miss
ionary Life
Rev. A. Atwood, of Seattle, is in the
city, introducing his work, The Con
querors, facts in the life and works of
Rev. Jason Lee, the pioneer and found-
er ofa American institution on the Coast
It is undoubtedly a valuable historical
work on the early missionary effort of
this Northwest country. Neatly and
welt gotten up the indications are the
preparation in a literary way has been
as excellent. Rev. Atwood has made a
careful study of early history, partic
ularly along missionary lines.
Rev. Atwood years ago was a P. E
in Oregon and once was stationed at
Eugene. He attended the conference In
Albany in 1880 when Rev. Isaac Dillon
was sent here, but has Bpent most of
his Northwest life on the Sound.
The book will be on sale at H. J.
Jones book store, and Miss Elverta
Willard will have charge of the Albany
sale of it. Thoueh a Methodist brodua
; tion it is of such general interest as to
I be of great value to all interested
tne early history uf Oregon.
Call No. 3.
WnfiD ;a horu ration W T
. funcn hand to pay warrants No. 304
to i0. issue of 1906, of the city of Al-
banVi 0regon Inte;est on thfBe war.
,antg w,u cease wjth tnja date
Albar.y, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1908.
E. D. CusiCK, City Treas.
the palate with the taste of sweet rich
pn3m. Imntirlfl fhA mnqf rlplppnt-n
flavor to meats and vegetables. Try it.
Money back if this is not so.
HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly
Served, according to taste.
I. R. SHULTZ, Manager.
Wednesday, October 21st
Offer Their Powerful Melodrama
wmtm express
The Modern Idea Melodrama with a Scenic Dressing Both Unique and Elaborate,
I Written
Around a Series of Exceptionally Sensational ana Thrilling
Kvents ot the Kail and Mountains ot the Car West.
PRICES -25, 35, 50 and 75 cents.
A range is not bought every day. A few dollars more or less in price doe3
not determine whether a range is chap or dear. You want the best; that is
the very first consideration.
The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are:
How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack,
break on warp? Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in
cooking and baking? Will it wear well?
The "Quick Meal" Factory is si well equipped with latest and most improved
machiney, that "Quick Meal." Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco
nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the
best for no more money than what you would have vo pay for the ordinary,
cheaply constructed range. For sale by
Owen Keern Izee.
T. Whitbeck, Springfield.
Fred Zelly. Portland' smallest drum
mer. Sam Goldsmith, an old timer.
G. L. Davis, Hoquiam.
William Staiger, selling wireless tel
egraph stock.
Prominent drummers: Henry Lang,
C. D. Frazier, I. H. Chace, H. W. Nor
mandy. W. S. Spencer, of the Bankers Life.
J. W. Bailey, Jefferson.
John Lanca, Portland.
E. L. Myers, Salem.
D. W. Anderson, Berkeley.
W. H. vVehrung, prominent in state
fair affairs.
W. B. Jenkins, Seattle.
Handoliu Lessons
Evenings at his residence 128 Water St.
Lessons 60c. Home Phone evenings
in 326. Home Phone day time 1326.
Mr. Ctias. 0. tarave,
Graduate of William H. Sherwood's
School of Music, will give private in
structions in Pianj at the Private Par
lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours
5 to 6.
Fairdale Plant harm.
I have for sale a choice lot of plants
for fall planting at reasonable prices.
Gooseberries, red and white currants,
loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb,
hedge plant and sage.
Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 6.
Go to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned gc ods a specialty. B ARGAINS
n Crockery sna C lasswarp ts we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get out prices and see our
ear cp-to-datt store.
Edb n.r.w A! lie i&