c Albany VOL HIV ALBANY. OREGON , FRIDAY. OCTOBER t 1908 NO 12- Carpet Cleaning fcy M. L. Sanders ; FOOT BROADALBIN ST. New Rugs made from old carpets. Both phones. Home 210. Bell B, 402. Dreamland The New Moving Picture Play House. The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. t ! vV e? First straet.op posice Stev n's store. WAS IT A FIGHT. The Democrat copied an item from the Brownsville Times, a very reliable paper, about a fight between B. S. Martin and Henrv Ackerman, and then a denial by Mr. Martin that there was a light. Now the Times says: Will Mr. Martin be so Kind as to pub lish in the Democrat his definition of a real fight? Mr. Martin and Mr. Ack erman may not have had a real fight, but when one man attacks another with a chair and attempts to knock him down, and the other fellow grapples with him, and throws bim down, and in doing so cuts a severe gash in his head, and the combat so real that one man's nrifa . tiioVifia nut- inf n tha atraaf nnllinfT I for help, and help arrives and puts a j stop to the proceedings, it looks to The limes very mucn line a reaingnt snouia be reported as having taken place be tween Mr Martin and Mr. Ackerman. To determine the question as to whether there was a real fight or not, the matter might be tried out in the City Recorder's court? Five per cent more nutrition in the EHMANN OLIVE OIL than in any im ported. Hence physicians prescribe it. Try a bottle and it it don't suit, bring back half a bottle or the empty boUle and its money back. J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWING NO VERDICT I HARRISBURG. In the Martin MurderCase. Portland. Oct. 17. At 2 o'clock this afternoon no verdict had been reached in the Martin case. The jury has been out nearly 24 hours It is rumored the Bulletin: Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Phelps have left Harrisbnrg and are located at Flor ence, over near the coast. Eli Perkins and so" of Eugene have purchased the Harrisburg sawmill of the Boootn-Keiiey people and are moving talesman are ten to twelve for acquit-. the machinery over on Coyote Creek. tal. ' u :i ; ... nurnouurg is now witnout a dentist Yale beat the Army. Lots of tires at Baltimore's, op"o site the Democrat office. West Point, Oct. 17. Yale defeated the Army at foot ball today. Score 6 to 0. Princeton defeated Virginia Poly technic 10 to 4. A Frightful Massacre. Berlin, Oct. 17. It is reported frightful massacres have occureed in Armenia The Turkish trooops have murdered men, women and children. Stories in Action. Phone red 942. Ruby Blend Coffee The Best 25c a lb. Coffee in town. HEISER & MEISER Hollowe'en Post Cards 2 for 5c Ihis town affords a yearly business of Sl.UUU to J1.500 for a dentist. This is the best time of the year. Mrs. R. A. Githens recently paid an even hundred dollars for a fine blooded calt. In developing a dairy business she may prove a rival to some of our prom inent cattle men. R. L. Weatherford and wife will re turn to Harrisburg in a couple of weeks and reside here this winter. They have completed their "sentence" at holding down a claim in the Siletz country. One of the ropes on the ferry boat broke today about noon thereby causing incomers andoutgoers much annoyance. The need of a bridge looms up larger than ever. Doubtless one would soon be built if the present busy feeling on me suDjecc were Kept up. The presentation of Pocahontas at james McCartney was up from Port Wonderland last night was witnessed , land last week and completed the sale by the Democrat man with a good deal ; of h,'8 farn of 305 acres fie miles iiwiwincoi, Ul IUWI1, LU DfOCR UrOin- ers. race lU,bOO. Mr. McCartney A Fair Display of 'most everything in china, porcelain and glassware for the table, bedroom or kitchen awaits your admiring atten tion in our establishment. We have devoted much thought to its prepara tion and invito your critical attention. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. of interest, a realistic reproduction of story familiar to every school boy. The large number who saw it were de lighted with the offering. . Dreamland too had a live program, A Gypsy Girl's Love, in which the gypsy won out after a tragedy; the Mourners, showing the humorous experience of two bums who mourned fictitiously, and the Chieftain's Revenge, an old time Scotch story well reproduced, a vivid reminder of the stories of Sir Walter Scott. Leo Davis sang well No One Knows and What Will Your Answer Be. Public Speaking. R. R. Butler, republican elector, and H. M. McKinney will speak at the court house at 8 p. m. on Oct. 22. Senator Fulton will speak at Albany, Oct. 29th. has owned this Dlace for forty years K..t 1 :j :i u..l uui lias icsiueu uu ib uub very lime. Lost in the Mts. Postmaster C. L. ' Morris and Dr. Dale of Harrisburg were hunting in the mountains this week, when Morris got lost. Not returning Dr. Dule went af ter help and a searching party started out. Morris after a night in a drench ing rain finally found his way out. He declared it the worst time in his exper ience. It is an awful thing to be lost in the mountains. Some nice Sal lo way peaches for 90 cents a bex, at Ellis & Son's, Baltimore block. Get the Best. About the most important thing in the world is flour, the stuff that makes the staff of life. The best flour that can be made is none too good, and that is considerable. The best that can be secured is Johnson's Best, Albany. It is made in the proper manner, and when it is up ready for the market there is nothing left to be done that could improve it. When you call for flour ask for John son's Best, the product of an Albany industry. OASTORIA. Ben tha -Tlie """I ft" Ha" Always Bought Signature So Many People Only Think of Us As Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store Because cf the recognized fact so prominently displayed; that we are selling three-fo irths of the Suits and Coats worn by .the Ladies in this Valley; but let us call your attention to the fact, that the following lines we sell are equal in every way to the Famous brands of Suits and Coats we sell: ' Dents' Gloves, Perrius' Gloves, W. B. Corsets, gtroot man Shoes, Silk Waists, Tailored Waists, Silk Petti coats, Cotton Petticoats, Underwear, Hosiery, Furs, Belts, Bags, Combs, Collars, Table Linen, Towels, Curtains, Blankets, Comforts, in fact everything ready-to-wear and use. To Flower Growers. Don't send away for your flower bulbs, we have just received our supply consisting of CHINA LILLIES SNOW DROPS NACISUS - JONQUILS -HYACINTHS CALLA LILLIES TULIPS and CRoCUS of various de scriptions which will be sold at cata logue prices. We also have "WILL GROW" fertilizer in 25c packages for nower gardens. SENDERS' FEED STORE. Ura too me mho ton ia Always Always give us a look. Style and Quality the Best. The Prices are Less. Chambers & McCune Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. acres, miles from Albany, all in cultivation, small buildings. Price tinnn 10 acres, 1 mile from Oregon City, ; 6 room house, good soil. Price, $1200. 19 acres, mile from Corvallis, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $3000. , I 24 acres, Santiam River bottom land, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. I 80 acres river bottom land. 17 acrn ,in cultivation, fair buildings. Price 39 acres, 30 acres cultivated, 15 acres . orchard, small buildings. Price, $3500. I 40 acres, one half in cultivation, all I bottom land, fair improvements. Price $2250. I 42 acres near the city, 25 acres in cultivation, no buildings. Price, $4100. I 190 acres, all Lottom land, one half in cutivation, fair improvements. Price I Homestead Relinquishmen 1. 120 acre s 100 acres can be cultivated. Price $400 I Good 8 room home and 2 lots. Lyon I 5 room house on 4th street, one lot 1. I.IO f IVW. r 5 room house and one lot, close in, best buy in the city. Price $1300. I 5 room house, First street, one lot with barn. Price $1000. I 7 room house, barn and one full block of land. Price $1600. i 8 room house, barn and one lot, good location. Price $1500 Full particulars as to termc nnd loca tion given on calling at my ollice ulNo 102 East First Stieet. No information given to inquires rnado over the tele phome. If you are looking for bargains in rea' estate you should in-i'tuate this list at once. C. G. BUKKHARr. 102 East First St , Albany, Or. At The Crest Tamales, Chilli Concama ana Oysters any style. Both Phones, 316 W. 2nd St L. L. POTTS. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest lin ment ever devised. A household rem ,dy in Amtrka for 25 years. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. 44SWEST FIRST STREET. The Highest Market Price paid for Senders' ! SEEDS M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Fl at-class meat of all kinds fr. m se ected stock. FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, Or. Headquarters Jfor "AlsenJ and Pyramid" Portland Cement, "Roache Harbor" Li'ne, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Piaster, Sulphur, Spray. Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bel' hard wheat flour, Hay Grain. Mil? Feed and Salt. Of all kinds,' at klrl m KHz. on tn vienri tstn 1 i: tliirps to EAT . ). s Mirt- Kljjcnh acd '..u S .0-. F;fcii m CHOP WAKHHOOiB Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. Seeds- elb'inc-d wiihuut waste for l-2e per p.,i nd. Sacks lurnichcu iree. rVre- 307. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c bu taste like 40 cts, GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. OUR. DU Y IS TO. FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Don't think we- want only ;your money we need your good will quite as much. We kepp constantly on hand ' the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patn ns the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also curry a full hoe of hams, bacon, sausage, lurd, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker il6 WEST r'lEUT 8TKEET..ALBANY OREGON,' First class goods in their season. Phone Main'Se. Stetter's Cash Store