V SHINGLES 7 Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. They arc mc nest in tno market. Our No. 2's are the equal to those usually sold as a first-class article we make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect them, see them made and be convinced that they are i me Remember the place. Theold Wool- en Mil!iVeritiouse. THOMPSON & CRAMER' 1 Ur Wl 11 1 Tf i k in ! I IIL. YY III 11,1 liVln To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and ' forepart of October. Stage leaves Lebanon Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7 a. m. Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m., arrives in Lebanon in time for the afternoon I rain to Albany. Board at Whitcomb $7 per week. Right Whatever the job whatever the require ment there is a Keen K utter Tool that is exactly right. Right means right shape, size, weight, strength, balance, adjustment, set, hang, temper, quality. KtmiWffiR Tools and All bear the trademark which only to be satisfaction are sure of OHLING k TAYLOR -Graduates- vi Ur.. i l.'j'i ;JH00L3 ail 3 tn Linn cou ni elsewhere: . , Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. A.LHANY COLLEGE Offer you large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighth;gradejtoa 1 n Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teacliers Course or A Four-Year College Course Albany College h. M Crooks Oregon. Pres Beware of Selective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Ol the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. Kutablishcd in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Cilice corner of 3rd arj Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm i:i. srni" I,. I'mprie'oi Breeder and Importer of O. 1. 0. Hogs, S. C. White and Huff Leghorns, W. P. Rocks, l.isrht Hrahmiis, R. C. Khode Inland lii'ds, bite Cochin Biintui.i., . 11. Turkeys, Win 1 -den tioose, 1 Ducks, 1 e 1 Cuine iiT Winner of 17 prizes :nl 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 115 - - li p. D N'3 jj Want's Vour Patronage t Telephone Red 671 IN AND AuUND ALBANY. j Bowling at the Alco alleys every evening. The rinest brand of scissors in the city at lialtimores, every pair guar anted. Money back in ten days if not perfectly satisfactory. Josh Perkins last night drew a pack ed house. The gallery run over and down stairs was crowded. People like a good rural play, and Josh Perkins fills the bill. The hUh school last night gave a re- ceptton 10 tne treshmen, en introduction to the high I f e of this important de- partmenl of the public school work. It . was an enjoyable allair. The motor boat race at the Empire, given last night, the attraction also to day, is the real thing, a contest full of interest. I hese motors are marvels ot speed, a race being a Very exciting thing, and the moving picture makes one real. . The Mishansand .'.lav-Goof the Tenn essee Mountain Men", an eloquent and humorous lecture, under the auspices of the Baptist Sunday School Friday evening uct. lb, laus. lio and near what a native of Tennessee has to say about the people of his own state. s T" -rt IA4. """ 1118 " 1)319 lla,i If1 The Tools Cutlery guarantees them not flawless but to give you run no risk you the best. We sell them. T3- Conxs & Devixe ijil 6 5 1 1 1 a aid Irnura n Uuy nnd soli realty. Insure prop erty nnd transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 133 W. 11RSI ST. ALU A. NY, OK J, M. RALSTON I FRANCE. LOWS AM) COLLF.OT'ONS. hnv' nionov t i Ukiii in stn:nl ami l:u-jr umountfl. Notes and niortpaT tnuihi. 1 win bond you. I'roperu n-titiliod for non-rosidentrt CHINtiati l0l3TtlTl J. Mon Koo, an experienced compounder of Chinesr nie.lieinos, successor of the late Horn Wo Tung, is now prepared to furnisl Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guurnn tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second st., Albany, Or Jm Wkstfall. 5-lt HOME AND ABKOAD, Andrew J. Purvine died at Slalem yesterday at the age of 75 years. Here is a Salem personal: C- H, Bu gan and Frank Hardy,, of Albany, were in town yesterday. $2,600 was received for a ar load of Medford pears, in' New York. The rec ord price was ?2.T3' for half boxes of Cornice pears. The Corvallis tfattnery has closed lown for the season! It had intended to make big run on tomatoes, but the frtfst stopped that. Affef'.Jamrary 20 there will be 91,8)0 acres 6f land open for entry in Douglas. Lane and Benton counties. Tne open ing will be at Rosebnrgon Dec. 21. Henry Parker, a ten year old Corval lis b.iy, this week tackled the foot ball dummy at the College so fast he broke one of his legs. Almost any kind of foot ball causes some kind of a Bear. Dr. O. K. Beers, superintendent of Eleanor Club No. 3, of Chicago, has left on a trip through the south and west, and will be in Albany on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bryant, and many friends, before her return to Chicago. Lane county this week ordered1 a $3,100 paving bill paid, being along the county's property in Eugene on Oak s'reet. At the previous session a bill of about the same amount was allowed for pavement on East Eighth street. $6,000 irt all by Lane county for helping to boose Eugene is certainly good. You will not reeret takintr advantage of the opportunity we offer you while we are here rebuilding and readjusting sewing machines. We are known as sewing machine experts, skilled and reliable, throughout , the United States, and for the time we are here can give you service you ate not likely to get again. Kooerts and Roberts. Notity Albany Commercial Club, Home Phone 192. also Mrs. R. Woodin. Ird A Broad. albin, Bell phone Red 30111 RUBBER GOODS. WE have at last founcf what we have been looking years lo find; affljnt nlf.te line of Ruhber Goods that the manufacturers have confidence en 'h in to absolutely guarantee for 2 years the' onsumor. We honestly believe evei, no 01 tnem i cheaper than the other kind, the quality. 1 See our window display this weerk audi then come in and let us explain th WHrt of it. Remember we are the exclusi7et agents in this town for "THE EVERRtTE) LINE. Manufactured by ThbIdbai. KuBBlsj Ml'Q. Co., of dhicago. 1 Woodworm Orng Co NO EXCESSIVE: LOANS, NOT A DOLLARiIN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO 0THEA BUSINESS TO KEEP UP, JUST STRAIGHT.0LD FASH IONED BANKING. J. W. CUSICK&C0. BANKERS. Albany, . Oregon SUMMON In the Circuit Ciurt ol the State or Oregon for Lion County. Department no. a. Bell A 1 wood. Plaintiff. v. Chirle W, Alwood, Delendant. lo UoHrles w. Alwood. tna iwi nti'ued delen 1ani : In the nfliiiH nf M'p Sluts of Oretn r You are hereby uo'ilied and req-iired 'e Iw and appear in said court in stid nuii. and anaei Ihecnmiila nt ol the abeve named pU'ndff now on UIh therein, .in orbelreibe 16th dnv of Njvemhpr. 1908, and tou are further notified tti-l il von fail to appear ana anBwer id complaint a1 above leipiired, lor want theieol tee fai.l plaimiff will take a d. cree amirs' you lor ihe reiiel prayed lor iu saul complain', to-n-ii : A ii'i-ree ol said court dissolving the bondu o: matrimony now existioit bs tween vou sntl aid lliintifl. This euiumnna m eervea upon you by iHiln ciu.iii ( r ..x c mferuiive ' eke ii-i .r io ire e.i.l IB b Hav ol Xove'mb-r. 19 8 in A ban, i.ai y Democrat, a n-w-impi r i u 'i9hel d nV in Albany. I.miu Couniv, OrH.nn. and of general circuit lion, in 'd c mniy hv order ol the H.m. J. N. Dunran. County Julcof said L'nn Cjn-it. O eion, which ! order ber daipUeioher 1st, l'.0S, '"' laid J. N. tluncan n Judge I aa ! county, in aai.i n-.'er lor ihe eaiii pn' licatioti I Hits aniuiuons upun you. i-" orcrih.,1 .a' I Itt ii uav ol NovidIwi aa 'h num. on pr bvt.we wrtl.-l. r.iurhall appv.r and ansaer Ihe tui CO p.iiii in mi, I olr, T; f ita-f o' id- firat pnblKHti 1,1 ol II I a ii..in 'n a .1 nawapopi-r I. OMtber S, .1.11)08. W. K. B1LYEU, A'lnrpav lor i'uinfff. OASTOniA. Baani tna y?"18 Yea Hart lwars BouM fSast 5 yei .. The line i sit much out; of the ordi naaythatwe' can not be gin to de scribe the diif,rence between "THEEVER. RITE LINE"! other xmdS but wish ,on niighS drop in at! our sior and see: for yourself. The prices are right' too, in fact , considering MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts The ea3t has gone plum crazy on base ball. Illinois voters will do well to the Cannon. bust Some one ought to be licked over in Europe anyway. If you are going to make a noise let it sound like a boost. The Oregon Presbyterians also con demn Cannon. Hit him again. The most valuable Celestials ' In the valley are a Jefferson. E. A. Mills killed one with a $60 diamond in it. Senator Fulton is booked for a politi cal speech in Albany on the 29th and 3 Mr. Butler on the 2knd, bolh for Taft. Albany will have to get back to its old style of street sprinkling, with the hose, if the dusty weather continues any longer, Jefferson Review. A man who al lows personal feelings to figure in his writings is not fit to run a newspaper One must learn to ignore personalities and treat all alike. Brownsville Times: Assault with in tent to-kill is a penitentiary offense. If I one Albany man assaulted another with intent to kill, as stated, why should the crime be compromised? One great' trouble with Albany b not enough law I eiuursemcat. Died at Lebanon. The E. A. ; jam. o. a.- moagesc passed awayl early yesterday morning at the home of her son-in-law, W. Crawford, foor j I miles west of Lebanoni after a lomr iiiness. ogea oo jiearB-4. months and 2s! days. The deceased wae born in St. Joseph county, Indiana, May It 1842. . . ain Kama to uregnac an eany day and maay evemng. i. ii. owan cierK.. was one of the best' known' and! most Manzanita Circle 1st aid 3rd Mondays,! highly respected pioneer ladies of this ! Hilka Warfowl G; N-.. ! ccmmuniiy. She leaves six childven. i A. O. U. W.. every Monday evening. ! , Mrs. A. W. Marks,-of Hillibors, and ' W. M. Parkeriinaneinr. O. P. D?n , Mrs. McCallum, of Westminster, B. C. i efa M. W. , will be here tomorrow to' attend thei Modern Whodmen' 2nd and 4th.' C and E TmiB Tihl'p- V. HIIU 1 Willi t'MUJlK. j4vcct.ive nursjayr ucrooer" Lmr .... .. TTfir.i mi j er, . , , ... new time card will go into elSect on thffii CorvaUis Eastern Railroad, as fol fcHP1?! Colors- Pict. ZnS ZDy 12:38 P- m'- " 1 Brings has .it"off coW-gravureJ ot jnt; CoBvallis Local-6:30 a m. leawi Cor-! pietares shippedihim.bymistabl and is '" a" to.J' ere vallfe daily; 2:15 p m. daily, except advised to get kis-freigbt out of them.. tntoiworh Su.iday;. 6 00 p. m. daily. I See the windowwiisplav. and tome in e' ""f J? a"ef ri0",-JKTJ?, 7:65 a.m. leave AlbaVw dailv: 33fr: and look over the- assortment. Choice.. LfiJ"Ie.s' rS,ht: i"0"? p. ro. daily, except Sunday: 7:50im ra. daily. INO. J, SHHA, Aent. Flame Red 71, Home phone 8. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion, of the ear. There i only one way to cure deaf ness, and tkat is by the constitutional! rem edies. Deafness is caused b an in flamed condition of the munous lixthg of tha-Kuatachian Tube. When, thia tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whe it is entirely closed, Deafness is. the result, and: unless the inflammation' eao be taken oat and this tube restored te- its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed iorevei ; nine cases out of ten i are caused by Catarrh, whwniisnoclutii; out an inflamed condition efi the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred! Dollars tor any case of Deafness (laanse by eatrrh) that cannot be cowed by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for cimuiar., free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. ..Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pilta for consti potion. NuT CE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hrthv utven bbat ihe nndei Roed han filed ii. the Oonnty Cosrt ol Lun CouQtv. Orptfnn, bi frna) account ' Mlniioietratoi of ti eetnte ot Anna Soyde nnd O'a R. Snvrtur, both d- -t-il wi1 that aid vovurt hn appoiot Monav. the 9th ria-y ol November. 1008, at ihe b ur nf In olnck in the fo'unron, as the time forbeaTiug of ot jeuuond tn nirt pc.ouac aid lue tioal setilement thereof. WM..HI SNYDER. HEWITT & SOX, Airtii.ii-uiator. J. H. RUITER, W00DSAWING Phone red 942; EQUALIZATION NOTICE. The County J Board of Equalization wilt meet at the office of the County Clerk, Monday, October 19th, 1P08. and remami n session six days for the pur pose of publicly examining the assess ment roll and to correct all errors m valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other" property, and all persons interested are hereby notified to appear at the appointed time and place, and if it shall appear to said 'Hiard that any land, lota, or other prop erty be assessed twice or assessed in the name of any person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond its value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, they will make the croper correction. D. H. McKnight. County Assessor. ALCOHOL 3 PER r.VNT AVcgetablePreparalionrorAs-similaiiieJiheFoodamlRegula-ling (lie StomadB fmdDow2ls of Promotes DigcstionCheerfid-l ness and Resonlaku nekha- i Opium .Morphitie norMacraLj NOT NARCOTIC. ScrtoOMBcSSMXLPflWa Anerfect Remedy forGmsflW Hon , Sour Stomch.Blarttoea WorniswnvulsionsjerensB- ness andLOSSOFSEEBP. ftcSimilc Signature of KEWYOBK. j Exact Copy of Wrapper. I . Ldge Meetings. lhe H.. V. everf Saturday even - ing Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of the World every Royal Neighborslst azdi Zv$ Wednes - V- Carrie Bnssard' Oracle. , rwr. , .j-ul. n I A .U i liv juauies w Xliv uifiu nmy ui me - Jiepuuiic meet every hxj unu c?ru iues- a,!ray ariemooner-int tne;' t. n.. nan. 10. 1 1 : ...:n j t .1 m- a t 1 1, """"s0"1 uonaimiiR j KwnXzTT Mrs. Jennie-; for 5 and 10 cts.- u;- ,,,. on gaJt rneum. i sets you crazv at your ciotnuigi' uoanis. uinirneni. cures the most obstinate? casef. Whjr! suffer. All DrcgcistB.&eJl'it. Can't look well.eat well or feel wei with impure blood. feeding; year body. Keep the blood, pure with; Burdock. Blood Bitters. Eat sinmlv... take exeir- i eise, keep cleamand youi will kve long: U'e. "l.have beeDjBomewdal esstive, bub Dean's Reguletagave jpat the results., desired. Tries actimlldly and regulate the bowelsj tierfeetV. George B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ane Altoona, Sa- A JlxMtSdts- I Ami Sad HimSitd- I Qasifktl Sugar . maijreaninr. I Rheuinatifiiiii iis; Qaia3ed by axiexceas of uric acailihi tlflfi: blood, wiiioli'. its carried thrttghtlteriiea!ation taelli portions of th aosysbaui. Every inuaolte, nerve, bonacandi jpint absorbs the: acrid, pain-p jwHiaiiigr poison, eausihg aches, inflammatiiDni,. stiffness aoaiiotB&er well know lounrnis of the-djseasfc. Permaneriiirelief: from the paijis.antS discomfort ;4: RJktitatatism cinnot te expected fsmmthve use of linirtisntBv plasters, an iloUiea-external ttsataient which deos- jtot maulb the blooU.wliere the cause vlbcajodL Such :aeasuass give teraparary rel'iiet, but in. ordijT to cure Rht-mntisOT the uriCi.acid, and inflamnntory pwitrati must b-expelled from te-blcodi. S. S. . S. cures Rheuiuatisnn because it is a pex6et blood puriain. Ht goes dowmitato. the circulatim. neuHraltzcs the uxfc actd and drives .ifc-frrasnitLhc blood.. S..& S. expels tt irritnliing. inflauiiuatxnry matter whic-Sfcis. sousing the pain-,, swell ing and other fibcttmfort, e.iricli3 the weak, taiin Wwod. and piamantatly cures RHeumatism. In all fbnms of Rheumatit'sHi.vriMther acute at! chromic, S. S. Sv.wrill. iw Snnd a s.i(e. vegetable remedy.,, possessing theroperties needed co cure, and at the aatne time, a medic ne- thxt builds u.p the entire systeciiby its tne tonic eff aats. Book on Rheuiwtiism and any medical advice free toallinchc. write.. jhe SWIFT SPfiCIEIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. A. STARK, M. D IMiYSlOlAN AND SURGEON , .- h Bldg. Albn DR. J. L. HILL, Physician aad Kurceon Hill Rlock - -' Albany, (n DR. A. J. HODo'ES DENTIST O.ld Fellows. Temple, Albany, Oregon VY. F. JONES. Veterinarian. Office Albany Stables. Both Phone U j CASTOR For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA YMK CENTAUR KOWVMCT, HCW YORK OtTK A WOMAN'S BACK ' The Aches and Pains Will Disap pear if the Advice of This All bany Citizen, is Followed. A woman's back. Has many aches and! I3 , ... , ! Mosi times 'tis trie kidneys fault, T1 : .. KCJ 1 , khuic is ictnty uiuijcj acne That's why DoanJs- Kidney Pills curat ,:. Many Albany women know this. Read what one ims-to'Say about it.1. of l h THAnaiatom nrthtnov n.l.1 anvanaaa. j The- kidney secresiofis wire disordered! I. i. T : . 1 " n-yiHKumcreiii. rem A neighbor induesdi me- So. try Doaa'si Kidney's Pills and 'my husband got a box: for me at Fbshay & Mason's deng: store. After usia- tiierm about three; weeks- Dotanachsor a. pain remained; I have-been doing my. own- work since withauit the least ihBomvenience. I;. hearti.lv recomaeud; Sloan's Kichney Pills. '- Fer sale by alii dealetra. ' Pricee 50i cents. FosterUilbum Cik, Buffalo, New York, sole-agocts for the United States. Remember the-nanw IDoao's and'talio.. mu ether. CUKE FOR FIRST NATIONAL BAK BAIL ANY dhiaicau OBBO-ON U1RKCTOM E W UANGiiON Pri.leiit If A. lxtri!i SSTOTND OJSckmiU W-Prvident E W lAnffdon ACSCHM1TT ACP-hmltl Ciuhler Transacts a general bankii, business. Accounts kept ssbject to check. Siifht exchange au.J telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco Chicago and PoHand, Collectioiih mn Je on favorable terras. scott's Santsr-Pepsm Gansues A POSITIVE CL'F.L For iTiflammstlon orCftk&rrhof the Blftdrlerand Plsia..a Bid- y. HQ DURE HO FA. LUrfW iirkly and pormnnwutlr the rt cap ni fconarrhiua Mid tQleel, do nikltvr of bow jne ta Dili tiff. A laolte! barmlew. Sold tj dmgpjlfU. Trice (l. 00, or hj nail, post paid, 11.00. 3 boXMw2.7 THE SANTAL-PEPSINCK. BlkloauliM, Oble. For tale br Bnrh.rt & Lee 0M3TOjrllAT oWra tu T'.n Kiirf Yon Han Always Bggfll jfoarut I AW