Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 16, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Our stock is replenished nearly every day. The very
best styles. The very latest designs, are arriving from
the eastern manufacturing centers. Medium priced
suits from $15.00 upward in cloths and suitings. Gr3ens,
Smoke greys, blues and browns predominating.
Everything in Shoes
Ladies Dress Shoes, button or lace, all leathers . . $3.50
Children's Foot form shoes a specialty
Men's Winter shoes $3.50 and $5.00
Dress Goods
Suitings in wine and grey shadings. Broadcloths, Braid
and button trimmings to match Ihe popular colors.
New patterns in Waist Silks.
NEW ARRIVALSVeiling, Wide Ruching, Misses Gloves
S. E. Young & Son.
Tht Street Car Franchise Granted News from Six ot Albany's 26
for Thirty Years,
Present Mayor, recorder,
marsual and all councilmen.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Will. Valley Co., $162.33; Mayor and
councilmen, $37; F. F. Hoskins, $3; M.
F. Dawson, $10; Stewart & Sox Co..
3122.25; hi. box, $11.20; H. Brvant,
Passenger Trains.
' Rev. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville.
went to Portland this morning to be one
of the speakers at a big meeting tonight
at the White temple, representing Chaf
in. E. S. J. McAllister will Bpeak for
Bryan. T. J. Edwards for Taft and J.
D. Stevens for Debs. The Oreo-oninn
$11.10; J. H. Goins, $6; Fred Holmes, this morning gives all their pictures.
$H; Ed Kichmund, $23; J. A. White- me meeting promises to be a warm
side, $24; Bert Felton $4. Continued, number.
bill of fashion Livery Stables.
The report of the recorder and treas-, Mr. Jim Wilson, a prominent Salem
urer showed the following:
Cash on hand
Received from taxes
General licenses
Recorder s fees
Police court fines . . .
Doc; licenses
Dirt sold
J. H. Boles, sidewalk
Total $
Paid interest $
City officers.
Fire department
Sundries.... . . 258.79
Nimrod. came down on the Brownsville
D.dbe.ou train with a string .of about six Celes
277.66 tials, which he earned.
395.75 Rev. H. Wyse Jones, the Baptist
84.00 evangelist, passed through for Central-
220.00 ia. Wash., where he will conduct ser-
91-00 vices. He has been in Corvallis and will
30.00. be back again Friday.
23.40 ; Miss Etta Carter, the former teach-
er, came over from Corvallis, and went
6.490.21 to Salem this afternoon,
2,250.00 Prominent drummers leaving for
929.65 other points were Bille Frazier, Wayne
426.0T Stewart and Sid Beck, live fellows.
182.65 Cecil Cathey, the painter, left for
(43.79 Portland, from which citv he will start
841.47 out on a trip as far as Boise, Idaho,
THE 0. J.
The two men taken from the box car
yesterday morning by Policemen Cat
lin and Saylor yesterday evening were
taken betore Justice Swan, and upon
waiving examination were held for the
grand jury. In default of bail they
will board in the county jail for awhile.
They gave their names as Daniel
Burns and Jos. Fortune, and claimed to
have been working on an electric line
in Washington. At Portland, while
somewhat boozed up they gave a brak
man a dollar, accopding to their story,
aim Luej were pub ill u cur ana lOCKea
up, being told that the car would be-
opened at Junction. Here they made a
noise and were taken charge of. They
are accused of breaking into the prop
erty of the Southern Pacific with crim.
inal intent.
with his gang of sign painters, with
several contracts on hand, and will be
gone about a month.
Total $ 6.632.25
Warrants outstanding 8 19,097.07 ,
Net Indebtedness $111,279.02 Mr. Herman Hecker, the stock man,
The committee on streets and public wen' to Scio and from there will go to
Droperty reported the seers near the rtland with a shipment of hogs. His
new Elka hnildino- to ha made nf tai-rn brother Barney is now up in South
100,000 100,000
PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has bean
filled in our store without one single mistake just think how money .differ- "
ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Proscriptions and' with-
out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you
right, The store of quality.'
The BEST in Jew?
elr y is none too good.
Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 6c.
For painting and paper hanging see
Eicker, 332 E 3rd st. Home phone
If you want to buy or rent a type
writer, see Rawljngs. - He handles a t
makes and keeps supplies for any , ma
chine. See his window of Remingtons
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set
if desire11- " ' . , .-
Dakato disnosine of some hieh irrade
Cotswold bucks. The Hecker Brothers
do a big business in stock gathering,
pretty well covering the Pacific slope.
Miss Sue Breckenridge returned from
cotta and cement. Adopted
The report of the chief of police
showed the following arrestj: drunk
( and disorderly 8; larceny, 4; runaway
' boys, 2; violating booze ordinance, 3;
hobos. 101.
The superintendents report showed LebaP, where she has been assisting
44 crosswalks built, new bridges 3, foot her sister, Mrs. Stanley Stewart in
bridges 4, loads of gravel 1125. getting settled. The new girl has not
rumnn iij .. : been definitely named, but is liable to
Councilman Hand spoKe in favor of u- -oiiprt Ei!hth
the pipe line down 3rd street, and be Ca"ed "zabeth.
moved that the recorder advertise for
bids for 8 and 6 inch pipe for the main
ana latterai lines, carried. - -
Complaint was made that the chief Rev. Elbert H. Hicks, at the Baptist
engineer had not had three cisterns u.i, iv;,i .,! n ic
connected with the water mains as or- h.ufc1'' on Fday evening, Oct. 16, on
dered. The recorder was directed to Misi-ans and May' go of the Tennessee
notify the chief engineer in writing. Mountain Men, a strange combination
The recorder was directed to notifiy :?' eloquence. Reared in Tenn
, -in, ;,. f it f n,pi ??aee among the mountains he knows
St- hpndo-ntna '..': his subject. Admission 25e children
Something Good.
Has it.
Mow have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show
ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St
Plumbing j
and Tinning.!
Bell Red 2401. Home 246. i
First class -work
Osteopathic Physician,
226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany.
Phone Black 482.
Second and;EllsworthlStreeta.;A lbai j
Crawford Block. - - - - 'Albany.
At the Oregon Market and Grocery.
The season has now started at the
Oregon Market and Grocery. We shell
our oysters freeh each day, having en
gaged'the oldest and most experienced
oyster opener on the coast. Onr oys
ters are not torn in shelling as a good
many are.
you start out to purchase a Razor or
I rocket Knife where to eo to eet the
t nest tne Kind mac bears a personal
guarantee you gee just tnis irom us
prices aie right. See our window.
Bring Your iiubsription
We have bottom figures on
Single or Ciub lists for 1908 9
Charles Knecht's
An ordinance was read twice m-ohih.
iting barbed wire fences in the city,
such fences already up to be torn down
within twenty days. Marshall and
Wilmot votea against a third reading
and it was continued.
An amendment to the skating rink
license ordinance providing for a quar
terly license of $15 instead of an annual
license of $100 was read three times and
, passed unanimously.
ine weicn tranchise ordinance was ;
I read the third time and passed. Wilmot
uuiy y.ubuiK it proviaes: time -
years, worK to begin in one montp..and
be qompleted to the depot within six
months and whole system in 2 years.
$100 a year is to be paid after 5 years
and $200 after 10 years. 60 pound steel
rails are to be used, good cars. Freight
can be hauled on First street only at
night. Cars must not be left standing
for more than 1 hour, Ten days for
acceDtance. ' .
Judges and clerks were appointed as
First ward W. A. Kimsev. Ed
I Washburn,- O. W. Warren, judges; Z.
H. Rudd, Hj F.- Merrill, clerks.
I Second ward T. J. Stites, W. C.
ITweedale and Ed Wiles, judges; M.
aenaers, j.m. Kalston, clerks.
Third ward -A. W. Bowersox, S.
Shupp, N. D. Conn, judges; C. C. Bry
ant and W. M. Pafker, clerks.
The recorder was directed to nreoare
, an ordinance for cement walk along
the property of C. E. Wolverton.
Applications for street superintend
ent were read from S. S. Train, O. W.
Warren, G. W. Willis, J. P. Martin ar.d
J. J. Graharn. After a recess nf three
minutes J. P. Martin was elected unan
imously. Councilman Miller suggested the se
curing of land for a city park, which
was favored by Councilman Hand. Mr. 1
Wilmot Said W. C. Burkhart hart a D-nnrl I
place which will be fitted ud if an elect- ',
ric line goes to it. Tomlinson, Miller
and Hand were appointed a committee, ;
Ah Swill 3 misdoincs were HiflrMifiRpH !
and cussed.
Returned trom Europe.
Capt. Kuhn arrived in Albany this-
week from Europe, where he has been'
on a visit with his folks While gone
his family have been visiting at the
home of Mrs. Kuhn's parents. Mr. and
mrs. i. r. nacmeman. iney will go
from here to Spokane, where Capt.
Kuhn will have charge of the Salvati on
Army work. Previously for severa !
years he was at Butte. He is one of
the most competent men in the service
on the coast. About ten years ago he
was stationed at Albany, where he was
married, since then having charge of
the work in several prominent fields.
Mandolin Le ssons
Evenings at his residence 128 Water St..
Lessons 50c. Home Phone evenings.
326. Home Phone day time 1326.
Dancing Lessons
Beginning Friday evening, Oct. 16 at 7 '
p. m. at Bussard Hall. 3b years ex
peiience. Call at hall during Friday
afternoon. All the latest dances.
j 15 cents. Begins at 8 o'clock.
Try a Patrick (Jordan Cjgar. 6 cent
-- i
FOR SALE -6 room house, and lot. I
good location, 7 blocks from business Over Wcodworth's Drug Store,
section. Call at Democrat office. . phones.
l ; "A, v iS ZirsVV v !
i fcttssa a I A A a kwti
We are going to give awuy a fine $15.00 Ruby ring oh Saturday evening
October' 17th at 8 o'clock to the one giving the first correct number of dotB
in and around the above ring. See our show window for full Information.
(Move quickly) F. M. FRENCH, The Jeweler.
The EHMANN nr.rvis nir i
the palate with the taste of sweet rich
cream. Imparts the mot delecato
flavor to meats and vegetables. Try it
Money back if this is not so. 1
McKinstry's Studio
Photos and Enlarged Portraits. Next to thelP. O. Home Phone 818
when cleaned by r.ur meth' Js of dry j
cleaning-, are maie to lock judt as pood
as made to .ook just as new. Waists
nnd itressep nf (.eiicate colors and ma '
it-rial we r-mv,ite to the delight of the '
owner. rtV uMo dye any ninnt t e- ;
aireU in beuutitul shnden and colorings, j
C. E. SHELLEY, Prop.
j0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 i
Home phone 196
Any time
Ary style
Try cur Special Cocktails
-.vr THE-
Chocolate Shop.
Demotrat Building, Albany,
Is' prepared to make and repair boots
sou anoas lor men, women aod coil
dran in wsrkman lue mannet.
Brui.e & Andci son's Bai ber Shop
In temporary quarters at the office
of Anderson Rooming House, corner ol
F'rst and Washington s' reels, when
they will be glad to attend to old ant
new customers.
uatc isiuiipruMi me nsvem 01 me iiainy
Season with i Complete Slock Appro- -priale
for Ihe Winter tfonllisi
RU3BER BOOTS in all heights and weights.
STORM RUBBERS, enough for everybody.
UMBRELLAS, values from 60c to $5.00.
Mai LORY CRAVEN ETT HATS, the beBi $3.00 value in Oregom
NAP-A-TAN SHOES, for the farmer, cruiser or Uggor.'
All the best, well known brands of Oil Clothing, including the Reese brand,
wh ith for water resisting qualities, is witnout a peer.
Everything for Men