Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 16, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mi. M. U. ULLLS
Ph'ysician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
Main 38.
Id ibeCircuii Con-t, o 'he S ate cil
Oregon lur Linn County.
1., die ill ti.6 pulicallau il
Eaiily K- Sioau tn regnt-r Hi.- li h -i
ttie tulluiug UeioriDeiliiBiuiee, i. - i
Beniuuinu at the N . W . comer ui L .1
2 ia B.ocK 15 in the city of ilua"y, 111
Linn O untv, Oregon. aMl run Mu
liieniie Eiaierly on ilif Norm buiu.Un
line of eaid Block 62 H 10 p. 11
wbicu ia 5 feet Westerly fro-.ii (lit N. E.
coruer of aid Lot 2. thence Souttiuriv
parallel wlib tbe Weal busadary line nl
eaid Block 103 feet sod t ioehes to ibe
alloy, tueuce Wea erly parallel with tbe
North bouodur, ni.e of eaid Block 62
feet to ie w. cor.ier of said Lot 2,
thence Northerly parallel villi 1 be Wen
boundary line of Baid Block 103f-e- aad
2 IncneB to me place of beginning,
against all whom it may concern, De
To ail wuom it may concern:
Take notice, Ibat on tLe ninth dav of
September. A. D. 19u8, an applicati m
ws filet ov said bmuy a. suau ia tie
n;..., m h s.t ..( 'i,ran fur
,Linu )uuuty lor initial regie: ration ol
unless vou .
Now, unless vuu appear ou or Deiur lQo
tne title to tbe land above described
1ZM aay OlUClouei.n.l., 1.". .'""
1 dav
cause nby aacb apulicatioi sbi.ll uit be
grauteil, the talon will be taken as con-
leBBed, aoa a ueciee mil ue
coidin to tbe roer o tbe application,
and ynn will be fo'ever barred Iroui dis
puting tbe same.
Witreas my baud and Ibe
I . ) seal ot eaid Circuit Court this
9th day of September, A.
1908. J . W.MlLliliK,
Conntv Clerk and ex otiiiciu O.eik of
tneuircu.cuourto, luoyouu.. Ur.
Bn- . "M1?.6"'
Applicative Attorney s.
.u n .- n...., rtl ,hB aiaio nl
ill luv uvuuvj vuuiv m w -
UreKOu, tor kino uoumj.
In the matter ol the eeiate of Lavina
S. Obilde, deceased.
Xo JJilele Li. iaamucon, & uunus
an Geo. 8. Cuiiii, Uieetioy.
In the name ol the state of Oregon.
You are nereby cited aud required to
appear In the Comity Court of the State
ol Oregon, for the Ooumy ol Linn, at
tbe eo'irt room tbereof, at Albany, in
said couny, on Monday, the 2nd day of
November;l0B8, at 1 o.cioca in tne aiter
noon ot thJut day,tben and there to show any there be, wuy and an order
nhoulo uot be made by the aoove eTi-
rbnJnistraTor of tSe ST. U J
toeell me realpioBerty of baid eatate a;
privaie ea e, said nal properly being
JeBcnuoo followe, to-wit.
Loi 3, 4,5,6. 13, '4, 15, 16, 17 and 18,
in Block 7. in Hill's Addition w the
town ui 5.udnlle, in Llun County, Ore
sou, as u.c uie appears upon the maps
aod piat, ot eaid addition now ou me
and olreuord in tbe office of the Cuuty
Recotoer of eaid county.
Loto numbered 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
5 in Hill', addition to t..e town of so
daville, in Linu County, Oregon, as tbe
same ia numbered and described on the
maps and plate ot said aaoitiou on me
and of renord iu-thu office uf theOounty
Recoider ot said county. aff aira on his farm.
The North i.aii ol ihe the Northeast m,.. Ben Barker, of Waldport, on the
quarter, the rii,vihva t quar er of the ,pacjfiCl j3 in Albany, receiving medical
Northeas- q-iar.ei atia n..-bouiii iimf of treatment.
the Sou,.,.- t q er S...i, 36 in Another car load of gravel at the
a.n.pU ..K h. of the depot, and ai the cemenf floors built.
Willamet e I.Juu, aud the wLr fnP
quanerot Die N..tiu-et q r , , WBat is it tor.
Bee tun i, in i ...nip 14 do ., ,K.nge A new hand at the saw mill, Mr.
8 West o 'u i i.ii, M.IU1.U, in Schuller, this forenoon caught a fin
Bentou 0uu...J'.g.u, ttouiaminu 240 ger in a cable losing the end of it.
acres. Rev. J. H. Cornwall, of Dallas, a
Wit Uf.
I) ii iiiy
the Hun. J. N.
Judne uf tue
court, ot the
Oregon, the
Ihe en I o' "Mid
i ,iiie of
Conntv ' Liuo, wi b
court alii so ', this the 23rd day of 8ep-
'tember, A. D
J. W MILLER, Clerk
By W
L. Marks, Deputy.
Notice is hereby niveo that the under-
.Bigned, execnior of the last will anJ
.testament of B. W- Ooooer. deceased,
has tiled his oalatmntas such txe-
.cutor in the County Court of tbe State .
ol Oregon f ir Liun Ounmy, and that
Monday tbe 6th day of October, 1908,
hi one o'c'onB in toe afternoon baa been
'fixed by said court as the time and place
for bearing objections to eaid Bnal ac
connt and ihe settlement thereof.
D-i e of Bret oublicaiion is Sept. 4,
i!9u8, last Oc 2, 1908.
X. 8. OOJPE R,
Executor of tbe l-t wW ai.d tests
,nentof B. W.(Jo ip-r, Jeceaetl.
xr-.ttnn in haroUn rriron that th'n linHnr
.inpri has Bled his final account in the
n.Rttur of I UR IMale of E. B tiuck letnao
deceased, and that the County Court
of Linn Cjuuty, OriBon, has set Mou
oay, Oi tnher 5tn, 1908, at 9 o'clock a.
ui. ae .he time lor iLe beariug ot any
onieciiooi ther to and for tne aattle
meut of eaid estate.
Adminislraior of the estate ol E. B.
Hacbleman, daceased, with tbe will an
Sotit-e ia bereb iven that the undr
signed ba heeo dnlv appointed by the
C .un'v Cm-i ol Li i . C junty. Oregon.
Bdniii.i.trat r of th'-stateof Aodie H.
Amliera, Mi-olsatd county, deceased.
All person. Iiavinn caima against the
ttate of said deCfaaed are required to
present Ibe same, with proper voncbsrt,
to tbe nndersigued, at his office in Ibe
city of Albanv. in eaid countr, within
ix months from the date of tbii notice.
Bated Ibis 9th t J 0ctoSr'
fiEWirT&OX, Administrator,
Altoraeje loi Adminietrator.
involving over $20,000 Against
the Albany Farmers Co.
An important suit was begun this
morning, when Hewitt & Sox filled a
complaint entitled: W. H. Goltra agt.
Albany Farmer's Co., a corporation. S.
J. Archibald, Phillip Swank, Alfr.d
Blevins. John Denny, J. W. Propst,
Albert Barnes and Thos. Froman.
Tne plaintiff alleges that during 1907
and 1308 up to April 22nd he stored
with the defendant 61.121 bushels of
oats and durir:? '06 08 2861 bushels of
wheat, which remains undelivered.
That other parties having wheat and
oats have withdrawn all but about 25,
000 bushel of oats and about 4,000 bush
els of wheat, whereas there should be
on store according to the books of the
company 60,887 bushels of oats anil
22.861 bushels of wheat.
That the defendant company is insol
vent, and that the director defendants
with knowledge of the shortage have
furnished money for and bought oats
amounting to about 10,000 bushels,
which have been sold, it is claimed to
Westgate Bros., now being shipped,
And it ia alleffted all of said wheat and
!nuru nrill ha ehinnprl ntl(. Unless re-
atrainpri. Tkat the
detendants nave
had a knowledge of the insolvency for
u"r mont-ns
l A receiver is asked, and an order re-
straining the shipping of any wheat or
s w"ih . ,he com.
The case involves $20,000 to. $25,000
and it is said will be tought out, no
doubt divulging some interesting things
before its termination.
Not a Miracle.
A Portland oaoer recently published
ollm)i,f nuiinnnl irom nhnnt how
Mjgs rg Hoerner. o Los Angeles,
formerly of Portland, miraculously re-
covered her health, getting from her
bed and walking at once. Mrs. Anna
Strom of this city today received a let- land trip. He reports excellent pros
ter from her. in which she states that neitta for n trnnd nrnnA venr. nnnnirler-
-I : 1.. u- 1 .nMvf.,ll..
Hue siiaiuiy uae uccu nuiiuctiunj
proved tnrougn tne aid 01 ur. w. u.
Teter, osteopath, and that tbe story
was greatly exaggerated.
Born, In Portland.
On Oct. 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Mnrrvn irirl. weitrht 13 nounds. All
doing well. Grandpa and Grandma
Lugger, of this city, are carrying their
sa1isLXcPtiornene wUh beCming
t M. M. Davis returned to Eugene
A big district fair is being held at
The Dalles this week. .
W. D. Mixter, the real estate man,
returned to Junction this afternoon.
H0fer Salem, passed through this
n0on for southern points.
Th TT f n hade hnll team ia talk-
Jfb";.f - t0S!jaDanteaamt 'ext
Befson P
Rev. H. E. Honschsck, Presiding
Elder, will preach at the Evangelical
church tonight.
Judre Mcfadden, ot oorvains, went
to Junction this afternoon to attend to
former resident of sodaville, was in
the city this noon on his way to Ashland
to attend the Synod ef his church.
s. s. Train returned from the Bay,
where he has been for some time. No
salmon yet except where they are
caught in nets,
I' W. L Archambeu, of .the Warren
' Construction Co.. was in the city yester
day going to Eugene. While here he
signed up for the Albany paving.
I Mr. Hi C. Chamberlain, of Independ-
euce, was in the city this noon on his
way to the foot hills over in Benton
county, to buy tattle for his Independ-
ence market.
The Democrat has received some
fushion notes, in which in a very in-
genius manner an advertisement is in-
terwoven for some silk underwear.
Never touched us.
Henrv Warnock, of Silverton died at
the Salem hospital yesterday from a
gun wound. While hunting he tried
to pull his gun through a fence. Strange
that men wilt not use every dav common
sense when hunting.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scanlan-i, of Fos
ter, carats down last evening, Mrs. Scan
land in response to a disparch that her
father was lyinif diineerou.sly i' at his
home at Hamilton, Iowa, le-iving on
last night's train for that place
J. C. Lowe, th' efficient manacrer of
the Home Co. at this oily is preoaring
to go to Corvallis to reside nnd ussume
the exclusive management of the big
exchange there. G. E San l-rs will
havo charge of the Albany exchange, a
splendid man for the position.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, of Tol
edo, were in the citv this noon on their
way to Portland. Mrs. Hawkins is a
member of the executive board of the
Lady Macabees of the Pacific Coast
and goes to Portland every three months
to uttvnd a s ssion of the boa d.
A man with a finger done up was on
the street selling one cent lead pencils
for five cents, saying that he didn't
want to beg and bo took this course to
get some money. He should be work
ing. Thousands of men work all the
time with sore fingers.
Amedia Choquette met with a pecu
liar death, near Gervais this week. He
had been smoking, when he threw the
cigar into the bed of the wagon. It
set fire so some straw and spread to a
can of coal oil, which it reached and
exploded, the contents sca'tering ove'
Choquette, burning him to death.
Will Take a thousand Cars
Gravel and Dirt.
The yard this side of the depot is
covered with stakes, set for the new
grade, indicating something of the
large amount of dirt it will take to
grade the newly ariangd yard, reach
ing east to the oil tank. It is estimated
it will require from 800 to 1.000 car
loads, about twenty-five train loads for
the big job, causing a transformation,
when the yard is completed. The pres
ent stakes, though only cover the sec
tion this side of the old depot. Later
the part south of the depot will also
be nhed and graded. Hence, the new
depot is a small part of the improve
ment that is being made It is all
right, and will particularly be if it has
a cement walk around it, but the great
point is the fact that it is on the side
ot the yard where it belongs, and the
yard will be a fine one.
News from Albany's Six Early
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Richards left on
a visit at the heme of Mrs. Richards
sister at Hubbard.
. Mr. Jack Bevan, a prominent black
smith, of Portland, left for home with
a couple string? of Celestials, one be
longing to a friend, perhaps twenty in
:ll th,r,rlr.f vrl rfava in l inn
all, the work -of several days in
" Mr. Stearns left for Iowa after a vis'
it with his daughter-in-law, whom he
recently met for the first time. M rs.
j Mabel McCoy Stearns. His Bon is now
at Harriman, in Eastern Oregon look
ing after tome interests there. An
effort was made to have him dron Iowa
and come out here, but he seems too
moruugn an towan lor mat.
Sariford Lasselle. manaeer of the N.
W. Fruit Association, left on a Port-
L 11 Vi i rf '
uie hibhii crup.
Mrs. E. J. Seelev and Mrs. W. B.
Chance, returned from a visit with the
Chapter at Shedd, reporting a pleasant
evening with the Shedd ladies.
Mrs. Prankie Torbet returned from a
Rock Hill visit.
Dr. Silverwood, stock inspector, re-
turned from a Benton county inspection
trip, being at Monroe and other places'
O.J Mealey returned from a Sweet
ne tr'P-
Confers With Mr Caldwell About
I His Hose Factory.
The session of the Albany Commer-
cial Club last evening was devoted to a
' consideration of the proposition to es-
tablish knitting factory at this city,
Mr. Caldwell presented the workings
of the faetory at length in a talk of an
I hour and a half. He is now running it
n a small scale, but wishes to branch
out into a good sized concern, for the
purpose desiring $5,000 or$6,000;in stock
to be taken by Albany people. He will
put jn his present smalf plant and cash
amounting to about $500.
Messrs. Hamilton. Senders and Blain
were appointed a committee to investi-
gate the matter,
Manager Dasent was directed to cor
respond with Manager O'Brien inrefei
ence to the depot platform and a letter
went to Portland this afternoon in
reference to the matter.
At ihe Hotels.
Hon. J. M. Shelley, a leading Eugene
man, prominent in legislative affairs a
few years ago.
C. A. Scott, U. S. A., Portland.
C. S. McCullock, Grants Pass.
Gertrude McBee and Carrie Danne
mann, leading Corvallis young ladies.
J. M. Deeds, the Eugene artist, who
does considerable Albany work.
Chas. A. B. Hall; Hood River.
Geo. G Hancock, Hillsboro.
Miss F. E Crow, Portland.
Prof. T. H. Crawford, Corvallis.
Lawyer, Banker, Editor and Farmer
M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis,
J. M. Stokes, Lebanon.
Drummers W. P. Smith, J. E. Leon
ard, C. D. Frazier, W. H. Seifert, W.
A. Henderson and L. W. Scott.
A Good Pointer.
The following is a red hot pointer for
the authorities who have been per
mitting outsiders to sell buggies in Linn
county, without a licerse, under the
guise of taking orders, notwithstanding
the fact the buggies were trailing along
the road:
Fined $600 for the violation of the
peddler's license law by Circuit Judge
Bradshaw, D. V. Wright and H. M.
Ogan gave notice of appeal to the Su
preme Court. This is a case in which
several lical merchants filed informa
tion against Eastern concerns which
sent buggy salesmen to work Waso
county territory without a license.
Wright and Ogan are both representees
of Extern carrinee companies. Upon
hearing the testimony in the case,
Juge Bradshaw fined each of the de
fendants $300.
The E. A.:
BertHower and family have moved to
Lebanon from California. Air. flower
is a plasterer and brick mason, and has
gone into partnership with Geo. Camp
bull. He has purchasej a lot in Bahrkis
Fruitdale Addition and will build a home
upon the same.
Roy Fitzwater has bought T. C. Tur
ner's outfit of fountain supplies, in
cluding the beautiful oar and fixtures,
the peanut rranter, etc., and has moved
the same into the building now occupied
as Clover's restaurent. Mr. Clover in
tends to go out of the restaurant bus
inees in Lebanon in a few days, when
Roy will open up the atom in the building.
Woods Rhodes
On Thursday forenoon, Oct. 8. 1908,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
in Albany, by Rev. J. J. Evans, Mr.
L. D. Wood and Miss Phoebe R iodes.
Tbe wedding was private.
The groom is a prosperous Lincoln
county farmer, residing at Siletz, where
he owns about a thousand acres of
grazing and timber land, and the bride
is an old resident of Albany, of splen
did character
They left on the noon train for their
future home on the Siletz.
On Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock,
at the residence of and by Rev. W. P.
White, of this city, Mr. Silas M. Couey
ard Mrs. Nancey O. Stewart. Bath
are well known and worthy residents of
Lebanon precinct, the former having
resided in Albany some. They have
the best wishes of many friends.
Miss Eva Sternberg, of Portland, is
visiting Albany friends.
Jos H. Ralston has returned from his
trip to Denver.
D. S. McDougall, of Eugene, is visit
ing Albany friends.
Rev. Norton, who is residing at Dr.
Marshall's, is confined to his home by
Mr. and Mrs. Connie White, of Har
risburg, have been visiting Albany rel
atives. Mr. John Morrison, now a resident of
Portland, is in the city on a few days
Judge E.'O. Potter, of Eugene, was
in the city yesterday, going from here
to Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. R, B. Montague, have
returned from a visit with Col. C. B.
Montague at Lebanon.
Mrs. D. W. Myers, of Dilley, has
been in the city, coming here to attend
the Wood-Rhodes wedding.
A gang of men has beeun work Dut-
ting in poles preparatory to moving the
S. P. wires to the new Depot.
M, Bussard and family left this after-
noon for Newport, where they will!
spend the winter, perhaps a year.
J. J. Alexander, representing a big'
San Francisco jewelry house, was
around among the jewelers today. .
I Baker City has so. many incendiary
nres Mayor jonns advises people to
shoot fire bugs at sight. But the sight,
there's the rub.
Ed. Baum, of Pendleton, passed
through the city on his way home from
a Eugene trip. He was a resident of
Albany twenty years ago.
The Democrat yesterday mentioned
I Mrs. (j. ci. Hawkins as one ot the board
' of Lady Maccabees. It should have
I been Women of Woodcraft.
I The cupola of the Congregational
i church has been removed and the roof
' shingled over, rather of an improve -'
ment to the appearance also.
I W O. Peery, a former federal judge
in Oklahoma, a man of considerable
prominence is in jail at Salem charged
witn obtaining money under talse pre
tenses. The Lebanon Criterion reports A. E.
Carstens and family leaving Lebanon
with many debts behind, including two
foreclosure suits. According to the
j Criterion his capital was cheek.
Journal. -Lee, Charles, and George
Brown, of Stayton, were indicted by
the grand jury yesterday for dumping
sawdust in the Santiam river. This is
punishable by fine or imprisonment.
Dallas Observer: Claude Peary, of
Albany, wh has been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs A. A. Launer,
went to Newberg, Wednesday morning.
Claire Dawson and John French, two
noted hunters, left yesterday afternoon
for the Dawson farm, which they have
been hugging after Celestials, no doubt
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Harnish, of this
city, are now in Hutchinson, Kan., re
cently croincr there from Fiatt. III.
They expect to leave about the 25th for
lUiiacan, Mexico.
Chas. V. Ross, formerly of Lebanon
and the Albany public schools, and Miss
Bessie Lea Michael, also a former Linn
county young lady, both now residents
of Portland, were married recently in
Portland. . ''
Chicago has won its ninth champion
ship in the national league contests.
New York has been champion only four
times. Boston has been at the top
most times, 12. Pittsburg has led three
times. The biggest percentage was
that of Boston in 1875, 899.
A Portland party, consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Phil vetschan jr., Mr. and
Mrs. K. K. Kubli, and their pilot, J. L.
Van Hubble, were in the city this noon,
stopping at the Hotel Revere, while on
their way home from Eugene. ir.
Metschan is one of the proprietors of
the Imperial at Portland.
J. A. Finch, formerly of Salem, now
a Portland attorney, came up last night
and will argue the case of Armstrong
vs. Portland Railway Company this af
ternoon in the supreme court. Salem
Statesman. That disbarment case evi
dently failed.
The Corvallis Printery has been in
corporated at Corvall'.s by C. E. Bar
bour, who has been with C. G. Raw
lings, of this city for some time. E. R.
Lake and J. H. Wilson. Capital stock
$5,000. M. S. Wooddock who has
owned the paper for a long time will
Eugene Guard: The Pacific Tele
phone Company is djing much new
work on its long distance lines in the
vallev. OttHge Grove w II soon have
two more lines into Portland, Eugene
will have four, Albany has aix, Salem
thirteen and Oregon City twenty-five
new lines. There are four crews work
ing between Albany and Eugene now
on the work.
Mox Cohen, an uiu Aiuany boy, went
up to Mill City, and will he back tonight
to spend Sunday in Albany, his old
Miss Minnie Merrill went to Portland.
Mrs. S W. Koss left for a visit with
ber daughter, Mrs. Mansfield in Portland.
Insures delicious, health
ful food for every home,ieyery day.
The only baking! powder made
from Royal Grape Creamjof Tartar
made from grapes.
Safeguards your food, against alum-and
phosphate of lime harsh mineral acids which
are used in cheaply made powders.
Is the Mark Set for Albany Col
The report of Presidtnt Crooks, to
the synod of the Presbj terian church,
in session at Ashland, is the most im
portant one that has yet been present
ed, and contains matter which will
mean big things for the college and Al
bany: The college board of the Presbyter
ian church, with headquarters at New
York, will grant $2,000 the coming year
for current expenses, asagainat $1,000
last year.
Dr. W. S. Holt, D. D., representing
the college, recently received the per
sonal word of Rev. Dr. McKenzie,
president of the college board, of New
York City, that Albany college can ex
pect from the east dollar for dollar, up
to $25,000, in an endowment canvass in
Oregon. $25,000 raised here, which
will be done, will mean $50,000. Th'
movement is being backed energetical
ly by Dr. Holt, Dr. Foulkes and Rev.
Marcotte. fresident tjrooKs expressed
the belief that by June, 1909 we shall
have $60,000 and by October $100,000.
The plan is for President Crooks to
be relieved of other duties and devote
most of h s time tho coming year to
the endowment, S60. 000 any way. $100,
000 if possible. It will mean much for
the future of Albany College.
News from bix ot Albany's 26
Passenger Trains.
Mrs. L. O. Coates left for Eastern
Oregon. She will visit with her' sons,
Alton at the Dalles, and Francis at
Shaniko, for a few days, after which
she will go down into Crook county on
a visit with her aged father, now 93
years old and doing well for one of that
age. Mrs. Coates is a pioneer Alleyite
and deserves an enjoyable trip.
Prof. F. M. Mitchell went to Port
land on a business trip.
Mrs. T. J. Stites went to Portland on
a short visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mackey, of La
Grande, left for home after a visit of a
month at the home of Mrs. Mackey's
father, M. Bussard.
Mrs. Cossidy. after a several weeks'
visit with her sister, Mrs. J. J, Evans,
left for her home at Colorado Springs,
accompanied by Mrs. Evans and child
ren, who will remain there for three or
four months for the benefit of the high
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zeys, of Portland,
left for home after a Linn county hunt.
The platform was covered with hunt
ers, one man with twenty or thirty
birds. If Oregon has a game warden
there has been no signs of him in Linn
county, where men kill all the birds
they please.
Small Crops and Big Prunes.
E. H. Rhodes has completed the dry
ing of prunes at his orchard near Jef
ferson, having 60,000 to 70,000 pounds
of tho diied product, much less th in
anticipated, about a quarter of a crop.
But the prunes make up in size most uf
them being about UO's. Prunes range in
price from 4 to 5 cents according' to
grade. '
Wore Three buttons.
An Albany man in Portland recently
met an old gentleman, wearing three
buttons, G. A. R., Taft and Bryan.
When asked what . that meant he re
marked: The firt means I am an old
soldier, the second that I am a republi
can and the third that I an going to
vote for Bryan.
Albany College defeated Pacific Un
iversity yesterday afternotn. after a
hard contest, 6 to 0.
Albany people are getting a good
J J..t. 1 .U.. Int..
ler is not running, and it serves some
right, though unfortunate for others
who wish to do the proper thing with
the manager of the sprinkler. Because
it looked like ruin Mr. Kidder reports a
(rood many withdrew their orders for
sprinkling, not leaving enough to pay,
one wnoie oioctc witnurawing. Aprintc
ling is an expense people should pay will
ingly. Instead frequently business men
sometimes squirm out of paying even
atter they have agreed to do so, malting
the job of sprinkling streets a thank-
load nna anA a nrtnt i n uaa m an t- fif tha
owner of the sprinkler. Mr. Kidder
may run it next year, but he is not
very particular about it. It is not his
lauit tne air is iuu ot oust.
On Oct. 7, at the office and by Judge
J. N. Duncan, Mr. Claud B. Miller and
Miss Ethel Buckminster, both of Al
bany. The Broom is a son of Enoch Miller
of Crabtrce, a native ot Linn County,
recently one ot the proprietors ot the
Roval Restaurant, the bride, a worthy
young lady. They have the best wishes
of many.
of Mr. Miller'B folks, in the country,
returning to Albany to make their
At the Hotels.
A. P. Stover, the irrigation man, and
wife, looking after the Albanv exner-
iment, which iB doing well.
C. E. Rogers, the condensed milk
mathinery man.
A. F. Rapp, Roseburg.
Wes I. Pike, agent Montana Limited
Co. '
Drummers A. E. King. Thos. Car
ney, S. M. Cooper, W. E. Carpenter,
A. F. Albring. C. L. Monson. D. W.
Collins, H. L. Chappelle, Web Camp
J. W. Burns, Condon.
Eugene Walrad and wife, Ashland.
Lawyer S. M. Garland, Lebanon.
Mrs. Mulkey, Jacksonville.
J. S. Cooper, Independence.
Mr 8. Walter Howell, Shedd.
Playing Foot Bail.
The Forest Grove team of foot ball
players of the P. U., arrived this noon
by way of Portland, a fine crowd of
young men, well trained in Oregon's
Congregational college. It is said,
though, that Coach Hahn is simply a
track trainer, and not a foot ball man,
at all. The game was called at 3 o'clvck
too late tor today s Democrat.
The Albany team has been splendidly
coached by Mr. Luck, and if they do not
give a good account of themselves it
will be due to other tlimirs. The Dem
ocrat expects to see them make a good
record this eeason.
Elsie May, daughter of J. Stitt,
of the third ward, who died Wednesday,
was buried yesterday afternoon. Spinal
meningitis was given as the cause of
the death.
Johnny, son of T. E. Shepherd, died
last niirht at the age of S years, and
was buried this afternoon.
On Oct. fi, In San Francisco, to Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Harnish, a daughter,
weignt 7J4 pounds, aii doing well.
The mother was formerly Miss
Josephine Barnes of thi city, and the
new girl has the best wishes of many
Albany friends ot Mr. and Mrs. Harnish.