Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 16, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Tho Simplest Patterns of All
A superb line of patterns and weaves in the newest shades of grey, green, blue and brown is
waiting your personal nspection in our Dress Goods Department. You probbably desire to make
your own suit, but have not clearly decided on the style or cloth. To help you in this our Pattern
Department is at your seryice which will aid you greatly in the matter of style as to the cloth
and trimming you will only have to choose from our Bplendid assortment.
A special line in the new weaves in the popular shadow
Btripe and s.tin stripe plaids in the new colors (()o
at per yd vyjVj
(See Window Display)
Plain color -serge and panamas of best quality in
rtpcfyd. 75 and 85c
New satin finish 1-4 inch stripe effects; beautiful and
sensible in blue, brown, and green jJ
.,.ii.irtii h me poatoltictt, Altmuy, Or
4 a iHHOtid ctaaa mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, 4.0C
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $3.60.
Tho Weekly Advance peryeur $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. Alter 3 years at
WANTED. Hand picked Johnathan,
Baldwins and Spitzenberg apples.
Apply to Albany Supply Co. 12t
CIDER. Will make cider every Wed
nesday, also do custom sawing and
make shingles on custom work. J.
D. Stedmm, 1st and Cleveland t 20
TO TRADE. For Albany property, 65
acres of land, good house and out
buildings on R. tt., 100 yards from P.
O., dopot and church. 16 or 13 acres
in cultivation, mostly bottom land, in
Linn county. Address "Trade,"
this oflice. tl5
J. Y. LEDBETTER. Contractor for
plascering and cement work or will
work by the day. Give me a trial.
Call at 906 Calaponia. tlG
FOR SALE. 45 by 110 feet on 6th st.
botwoen Maple and Walnut. The last
of good close in building sites left.
D. J. McLardy.
WANTED. A waitress at the Royal
FOR SALE. My 47 acre farm with
stock, on L;banon road. K. S. D. 1
box 27. Albert Schultz, Albany, Ore,
LOST. Pockot book with freight bills ,
and checks. Return to W. D. Elkins. i
FOR SALE. Two norse gasoline en
gine, jack and pump. Call upon J .
S. Morgan at the brick jnrd, phone
black 382. J. S. Morgan , , tS.
FOR RENT. Rooms at 723 Ellsworth
St. tie
WOOD FOR SALE.-Somo good dry
wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201
Bell, 204 Home.
WANTED. Clean, white rags, 1 ct. a
pound, at C. G. Rawlings.
FOR SALE. Now single disc plow.
Apply at tho Central food shed. tl3
FOR RALE. Apples, cheap, wind
falls, Jonathans, free of worms and
. scales. 30c per box in orchard; 35c
per box if delivered. Not sold in less
than 6 box lots. Delivered on Friday.
S. G. Talia. Phone Farmers IX.
week or month, at Blount's, 314, Ells
worth St. 5t
MUSIC LESSONS. Piano and organ.
Phono black 971. Helen Elkins.
WANTED.-A boy to work intelephono
otlice, before and after school and
Saturdnys. Call at the Postal.
Clarco Dears below cost. I must
move them now at 50c per bushel. Or-'
Her now, only a few moro bushels left. ,
Homo phone 13U. B. U Wyatt.
FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms. 710
Walnut St., Mrs. Gingrich. i
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera county recorder to record the instru
Houao Bldg. . I mentg;bTOUKht to him, or the assessor 1
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro- to a6acs3 tho property of his county,!
feasors celebrated hand loads had ... . ... . , , ...
bettor t in their orders pretty soon, i ""out waiting to be pushed. His
One party who got 100 loads of us last province is more thon just trying cases j
year ordered 300 this year. He said that happen to come into court. I
they done the work, llultimore Gun
& liicycle Works. - --- I
ONIONS FOR SALE. E. L. McKeever, All through the valley everything is'
has them, to bo delivered anywhere crowded. That fact speaks for itself. !
in Albany. Phono 1' armors 2x1 Bell. It up to'tho cilie9 ot tne Willamette,
son A WATER.-nasc1iiwatnrfmm''ohustle together, without any mud'
the Geiscndorfor springs, may be had
at Tomlinson & llohnan'a and at the
I 'eacock bui UK's, ai i.ou a uozen. zt
FOR RENT. Furnished house keeping
rooms. II. Barns, 306 E 4th st. 18t.
brook. Home phono 7001. tl8
AERMOTER gasoline pump, air coated
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
pump-for only $15. Crawford tho
Aerniolor man will be glad to show
McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
WOOD SAWING. See me before you
engago your wood sawing. Gasoline
used. Geo. F. Brown, Home phono
nn n a T r l -.1.-1 VT t 1 4
with top. only run one Beaton in
cndition. Apply 10 n. n.
ford. agt. Ford Motor Car.
Hamilton's Bazaar
National Democratic Ticket.
For President-William J. Bryan.
For Vice President John W. Kern.
For Presidental Electors. -O. P.
Coshow of Douglas county. August
Huckestein of Marion county, E. S. J.
McAllister of Multnomah county, Sam
uel White of Baker county.
The Summertima of Love.
(By William Steward Gordon.)
Sweep gently o'er the chords dear.
Until I get the key
For a little summer love Bong
Just meant for you and me.
The dove still siogs his lovenote
E'en with their nestlings three.
And this night-wind wooes the cedar,
Then why should I not thee?
If plaintive little Philomel
Can serenade alone.
How could I keep from sing'ng
'Mid treasures all my own?
The May of love was ravishing
With bud and promises rife,
But fruit and flowers mingle
In the summertime of life,
''Twas sweet in nuptial springtime
To watch your soulful eyes
Send back their lovelit flashes
Like heralds from the skies,
But as now they gently linger .
On a little upturned face,
I can read a deeper luster
And a heavenlior grace.
And while you hold another hand,
And a fairer brow caress,
The little lulla bye you sing
i8 nrf for mo r cuess!
We're a little nest of love birds,
For notes almost divine,
From your downy-headed thrushes
Are chiming in with mine.
And our home's a little corner
Of the paradise above,
For our love is growing warmer
In the summertime jf love
Albany, Oct. 08,
Enfoi cement of Luw
It is not a good reputation for a city
and county to be known as a place
where law is not enforced well
Brownsville Times says that seems to
be Albany's reputation. It is true that
the statute DooKs ot tho state are full I
of laws that are practically dead letters, j
A elnao rf In urn liltlA thnllohh nlinilt- hnk
thure are laws of prominence, standing
for something, which should be looked
after by those in authority, and en
forced, that is what laws are for,
that is what district attorneys are paid
for paid big too. It is as much the
business of the pronecuting attorney in
a district to look after tho enforcement
of the laws in his district as it is for a
throwing at each other, giving a gene,
nil boost all along the line.
Caricaturing may be ajgreat art, but
after all it doesn't amount to very
much in vote getting. Anything that
has a sounJ like mud does a cause more
harm than good.
The Oliver Typewriter.
The new No. B OLIVER, with tubu-l
latory attachment is just out. See .one ;
of the Oliver Agency, 33S W. 5th St.
Phones, Black 20fi2 and 218. I
A Stove Bargain.
A good 18 inch air tight stove tor
J - : j
Hardware Co.
R. & G., Henderson, La
The Proper Style for You
The new London Smoke Grey in the fashionable diag-
rjK1f:..W.) and $2.50
White wool goods for dress skirts or suits in new
weaves, serviceable and deBirableJQg -J-q JQ
Black dress goods in late cloths, Panamas, Serge, Hen
rietta at per yd 50c
aBtr0perydh".. tO $3.50
; yeu, R. M. Veatch, Rev. E. J. Emmons,
Thegovernment is evidently dotojr'L"; 'SFiL O.
something to recover the C. A. Smith Rnowles, Prof. E. R. Parker, Hon. J.
holdings m Linn county. A young man
Has been here several days getting a
complete list of property held by Smith,
about . 14,400 acres in all.
It is claimed that Smith secured the
land through a conspiracy with F. A. I
Kribs and S. A. D. Puter, Puter al-1 Prof. Luck, the coach of the college
ready having been in jail on account of foot ball team, has been engaged to in
some of the transactions. Now comes t t clas3ea in gymna8jum WOrk and
Puter to the aid of the government. ., ... . . , j -n
He has just returned from V'aBhington, athletics at the Alco gym., and will ap
where he went for Bpecial assistance pear to his first class Thursday night
for District Attorney McCourt, and it of this week at 7 o'clock. A splendid
is said Judira Pucrh mav be sent. It in ODDortunitv for the members.
said Smith is also interested in other
land in this county, which may be re
The government dillv dallies so much
j there is no telling how It ends. It will
lane some neaay wont ic gee aneaa oi
The Weather.
The temperature got down to 55 dur
ing the night.
The rainfall for the day ending at 8
a. m. was 1.1b inch.
Tne river is rising and is 1 foot
1 ne prediction : occasional rain
fresh southerly winds.
F, M. French local observer.
You will not regret taking advantage
of the opportunity we offer you while
we are here rebuilding and readjusting
sewing machines. We are known as.
sewing machine experts, skilled and
reliable, throughout the United States,
and for the time we are here can ..gjye
again. Roberts and Koberts. Notify
Mrs. u. wooain, 3rd at croaaaiDin, Bell
phone Red 3011.
CABRAGE for sauer kraut,
Keever, Bell phone 2X1.
WANTED. A girl to do general house
work. Call nt residence ot E, J.
Knapp, 623 West Ninth street.
WAN J'ED. Success Magazine requires
the services of a man in Albany to.
look after expiring subscriptions and
to secure new business by means of
special methods unusually effective;
position permanent: prefer one with
experience, but would consider any-'
one with good natural oualifications:
salary $1.50 per day, with commission
. option. Address, with reference, R.
C. Peacock, Room 102, Success
azine Bldg., New York.
ouND. By J. D. tsiirkhart, near I
1 Albany, a telescope, containing old '
clothes, Catholic, emblems, etc. See
i acting chief of police Cooper Turner.
A letter in the valise is addressed to
Cornelius Susbauer, being from a priest
nt Beaverton.
-Apple pickers 1 mile east
of Albany
on the aantiam road, s.
U. laha.
RONING BOARDS. The best made.
See Ed Davidson, 739 E. First St.
Three sizes 5 lb.. 6 lb., 7 lb.,
Tliey make vour work easy. Try onei'for
your next ironing.
306 WestFecond St.
Have customer now for houseand
A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for j
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. !
Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.'
F. H. Pfeiffer has returned trom a
Crook county trip, where he had been
to look after his stock.
Mr. Dave Froman went to Halsey
this afternoon to attend the Leeper
Bramwell wedding tonight. Mr. Fro
man was married in that city, and has
numerous scores to even up.
The Misses Fischer, former Albany
young ladies, sisters-in-law of T. C.
Bloomer, a former rjronrietor of the
Hotel Revere, are in the city, promi
nent members of the isle ol bpice
i Kenneth Merri'l returned this morn
ing from Northern California, where he
had been on a hunt with his father.
On bis way home he stopped off at San
Jose, Calf., several hundred miles south
of Weeds, on a visit with some former
Albany people.
The University of Pueet Souud team
of Tacoma, will play 0. A. C. Saturday. . children in physical culture,and all were
Chief Wells, of Corvallis, is hunting , delighted with the worn, something
for concealed weapons. One $10 fine i every child does well to become fam
recently. That ia a law that ought to j iliar with. The class will meet Tues-
i be enforced. , days at 4 p. m. and Saturday mornings
! George McDonald died at Corvallie at 9 o'clock.
. this week from "snakes." Not being i ,
! able to get whiskey he finally filled up 1 OYSTERS, served in all styleB, Bnd
on Uhamberlain 8 cougn meaicine ana
other dope.
In Lane county the Democrats will
cover the county in speech making
during the remainder of October.
speakers will be J . D. Matlock, L. Bil-
J. Walton, Lawyer John Medley, C. B
Hamble, Jack" Rodman and A. H, King,
The Alco Gym.
the baskets will be put up. basket
ball practice begin, and an Alco team
Try a Patrick Gordon cijar 5 ceiti
HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly
served, according to taste.
ct jSi. aa sr zu- x s. .
the 1118 " i ou Taiasivvays iagf
7 .
Uh.:PR0F. F. D. DeLONG,
agnatic lreale:t
Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder
trouble, Stomach trouble. Liver trouble,
Female trouble of long standing, Lum
bago, Heart trouble. Chronic Constipa
tion, Apendicitis.Imflammation of Bow
els. Chronic Ailments of lone standing
Portable s:eam bath. Office 418 First
St.. Albany, Ore. No. of Phone 142.
Calls promptly attended in city.
Will be open for skaters Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights. Go and
enjoy the spprt. t21
Mr; Chas. 0. Hargrave,
Graduate of William H. Sherwood's
i School of Music, will erive private in-
structions in Pianj at the Private Par-
lore Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours
Mag-;5to6. .
We are now ready to do custom sa6.
ing. Good road to mill pond.
Bring your logs while the roads are
Albany. Oregon.
lot in Alhary.
Pricp'mnsr he rih.
W. P. Jeffries was at the Revere.
He had Stanley Hammell jumping
around like a chicken with its bead cut
'off over a fake telephone message
about electric liehts
T. Wilcox, Portland.
Mrs. C. F. Stribhell, Mill City.
J. Prag, the Portland milliner.
J. C. Moses, Cottage Grove.
J. A. Heron, Portland.
A. H. Howard. Salem.
Hugh M. Guthrie and Jesse P. De-
- ; witt, of the U. S. forest service.
o. F. Heisley, Athena.
Emil Schrader. Silverton.
E. A. Taylor, Eugene.
T. Whitbeck, Springfield.
J. N. Olmntead, Salem.
Fred D. Eisman, Grants Pass.
V. Vincent Jones, with the most
striking signature, from Portland.
A Physic&l Culture Class.
Miss Blakewell last evening at the
cbllege, organized a class of fifteen
oy tne pinn or quart, at hoiiicho.
Fairdale Plant harm.
T W. tew aala a rhnirt Inf rif nlnnfa
' for fall planting at reasonable prices.
viooseDerries, red ana wnite currants,
loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb,
hedge plant and sage.
Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 6.
I R. SHULTZ, Manager.
221 Nights in Chicago. 4 Solid Months in Boston. 3 Solid Months
New York at the Majestic Theatre.
H. H. FRAZEE Presents the Piquant Musical Mixture
Book and Lyrics by Allien Lowe, Geo. E, Stoddard and Frederick Ran
kin. Music by Paui Schlinder and Ben M. Jerome. Original Dances,
Groupings and Effects by Gus Sohlke.
! PRICES-50 and 75c, $1.00, $l.b0.
jf m i
I A range is not oought every day. A few dollars more or less in price does
j not determine whether a range is cheap or dear. You want the best; that is
I the very first consideration.
j The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are:
How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack,
I break on warp? Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in
cooking and baking? Will it wear well? jjg;
j The "Quick Meal" Factory is si well equipped with latest and most improved
machiney, that 'Juick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco
nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the
i best for no more money than what you would have wo pay for the ordinary,
I cheaply constructed range. For sale by
The Isle of Spice.
Among the principals of H. H.
Frazee'e "Isle of Spice." whichwillbe
offered here tonight, are Roberta Wil
son, Sam Hose, Harry La Velle, Harry
B. Watson, Harry Williams, Percy
Bacon. Robert Wilson, Edwin Lang,
Marie Watson and Lorette Broadwell.
These are assisted by a chorus of pretty
young ladies who are excellent dancers,
and possess singing voices of a quality
rarely found in musical comedy.
Valley papers speak highly of the Isle
of Spice.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Oct. 14, 1908. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Cliff Abrams. Sarab Brown, J. W.
Chambers, Mat Carter. Attia Carter,
Ivan Hope, M. Florence Luger, Bert
McClurken, Marhetta Moore, Mrs. L.
J. McFarland, Mrs. Nona V oodley.
J. s. Van Winkle, P. M.
Milk Notice.
Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for
milk, will be as follows:
Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $2.10
' " pt. 4 " " " $1 20
In can lots 20 cents per gallon.
Cream per gallon $1.00, quart 25
cents, pint 15 cents, H pt. 10 cents.
H. M. Palmer,
Prop. Golden Rule Dairy.
Seat Sale at Woodworth's.
Go to
for fresh Fruita and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a spe.ialty. BARGAINS
n Crockery and (-laRsware is we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get our prices and Bee cm
fit up-to-date store.
Both Phoiitf UtiB iS.