Democrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER J 6 1908 SO. 11 you xliv Albany Carpet Cleaning Bv M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. Again ready for business. Home Phone 210. re&mland The New Moving Picture Play House. The latest and best, pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c. matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. H N ei Firat stre3t,op nosite Stev n' s store. C. H. NEWS Probate: In estate of Halber Reiter, a minor, real estate ordered sold. In estate of Geo. D. Overton inven tory filed. Value of all property, real estate, $4033.03. Deeds recorded: J. A. Boone to Ann R. Couch 3 lots Harrisburg $ 300 Leander Berry to ChasG. Allen y. a Mill City.... ........ . 200 J. R. Pearl to G. W. Gentry 38. 17 a 381 J. O. Garrett to T. J. Garrett 5 lots N. Brownsville 800 Mary C. Hickman to J. J. Whit ney 80.67 acres, adjoining farm of Judge Whitney Mortgages $400 and $1750. CHICAGO WON AGAIN. Detroit, Oct. 10. Before an aud ience of twenty thousand yelling fans, amid showers of drizzling rain. Chicago defeated Detroit in the first of the ! it u ; : i 1 .. ' nunu 9 iiiuiiipiunauip series - wuujr, Scoro 10 to 6. Lots of tires at Baltimore's, op"3' -site the Democrat office. TRY the Bitters prom ptly when you need, an absolute pure rem edy lor Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Costive ness, Sleeplessness or Female Ills. It has ways given satisfaction. WAR IS INEVITABLE. London, Oct. 10. Advices from Bel grade state that Servia sees no way to avoid war. Many wild rumors are in circulation in Paris but are unconfirmed. GET THE BEST THAT'S HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS o fisan the Signature of ITOIIIA. ,m KM toil Have Always Boiigfl RECENT SUCCESSFUL BOOKS NOW AT 55c These are books that sell well because they are ever popular. Many of the editions are the same as when they sold for $1.50. Here are titles. We have many more: A Furnace of Earth The Strollers Zelda Dameron Pigs in Clover When Patty Went to College The Sea Wolt The Call of the Wild The Fair God The Spoilers The Blazed Trail The Gambler The Princess 10 of these for $5.00 The Christian Sword of the Old Frontiers Ben Blair Pam The Wright of Way Graustark Crisis The Virginian The Jungle The Clausmen Eber Holder Tillie, and many moje. lBwBsigwmgra&, T .'-f , JOKr. 1 SPEAKER CANNON. i HARRISBURG. Bulletin: Ed Nixon will leave in a day or two for Portland where he and his family will reside. Julius Falk of near Halsey has pur chased the farm known as the FraKes place three miles north of town. Price 25.00 per acre. Lawrence CamDtunof Scio. a nenhew of Geo. DeVaney, has purchased the Goodlin ranch of 66 acres six miles north of town. The considera tion was $1600. P. H. Couch received the insurance on their place last Friday, the $500 in full The loss occurred Thursday. That is a pretty quick settlement. Mr. and Mrs. Couch immediately purchased a new home, the Bailey residence, considera tion $300. Mrs. M. J, Hochdanner brought in samples of apples the other day from two year old trees. They were very fine specimens She promises to have a box of the best ones on display at the fair in Albany. It is not her expecta tions to win a prize, but rather to show what can be done in fruit culture around Harrisburg. The bodv of James Nixon, who was drowned last week Tuesday, was found baturday about 3 o clock by Clarence George, Carter Allingham and Ed Walk er. The funeral was held from the Christian church Monday, Rev. J. S. McCallum of Eugene conducting the services. Wants a New County. Cottage Grove Leader The question of forming a new coun ty from north Douglas and south Lane with Cottage Grove as the seat of gov ernment in the new county, is at last nearing a settlement, the proposition having been taken ud bv the Cottage Grove high school debating team for final disposition at one of their forth coming meetings. The Leader is with the iiriirma'ive. It Missed. WE REMOVE THE CHAFF. Use Diamond Blend cof fee because it is the best. Just received 1,000 lbs. newcrop tea. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. J TIM nvurrnn PfPRhvtftri&nB. with many other excellent people in the U. B. want deteatea, HEISER & MEISER Hollowe'en Post -Cards 2 for 5c Subscribers who fail to gettheir paper should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomerv street call up Ked 3132 Pac ific if missed, and your paper will come, if between Broadalbin and Montgom ery Home, and if west of Broadal bin street Pacific Black 892. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c but taste like 40 cts. ' GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. The Very Latest. The Bill Board, just received, gives three of the latest and best films of the day as The Motor Race, The Loaded Dice and the Happiest Day of her Life. It is an interesting fact that thes e are the ones now on at the Empire, an d may be seen tonight. The race is won derfully realistic: the loaded dice gives one of the prettiest deceptions ever presented, and that of a young girl taken, en ill just before taking the holy com munion, a striking thing in the life- of the young member of the Catholic church wonaeriuuy ponrayea. The Oliver Typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu- latory attachment is just out. See Ot ttte ULIVER AGENCY, OdB YV . Din Ol. Phones, Black 20(515 and 218. - Five per cent more nutrition in the EHMANN OLIVE OIL than in any im ported. Hence physicians prescribe it. Try a bottle and it it don t suit, nring back halt a bottle or the empty bottle and its money back. 25 New Fall Suits To-day Sent Out by Our New York Buyer All the New FALL PURS Are Her j Snappy Up-to-Date Shoe in colored tops and plain colors. Style and Quality Combined Chambers & McCune Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 8W acres, 3. miles from Albany, all in cultivation, small buildings. Price: i $1000. I 10 acres, 1)4 mile from Oregon City, 1 6 room house, guod soil. Price, $1200. 19 acres, 1)4 mile from Corvallis, one half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price ' 13000. 24 acres, Santiam River bottom land, one half in cultivation! fair buildings. Price $1850. . 30 acres river bottom land, 1? acres in cultivation, fair, buildings. Price $2100. 39 acres, 30 acres cultivated, IS acres orchard, small buildings. Price, $3500. 40 acres, one half in cultivation, all bottom land, fair improvements. Price $2250. 42 acres near the city, 25 acres in cultivation, no buildings. Price, $4100. 190 acres, all Lottom land, one half in cutivation, fair improvements. Price $6500. Homestead Relinquishment, 120 acres 100 acres can be cultivated. Price $400 Good 8 room hou ie and 2 lots. Lyon St. i rice $3250. 5 room house on 4th street, one lot. . Price $1050. I i & room house and one lot, close in, , Best boy in the city. Price $1300. & room nonse, irst street, one lot With barrt. Price $1000. 7 room IWrase, barn and one full block of land; Price $1600. 8 room1 house, barn and one lot, good Iocatiori: Price $1500 Full particulars as to term? and loca tion given ort calling at my othce at No 102 East First Stieet. No information given to inquires made over the tele phonic. If you are looking for'hargairts in rea' estate you should investigate this list at once. C. G. BURKriARP, 102 East First St , Albany, Or. OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR . CUSTOMERS. Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv , too well pleased to furnish our patrens the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also carry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's MarKet , STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop,, First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker to9 WKST KIBBT BTKH ETiLBAN Y OKEGOS,': First class goods in their season. Phone MHin'.fSe. 1 The Highest Market Price paid for I AT THE CHEST you will find Shetland's Ice Cream, Aldon Chocolates, Cigars, Fruit and Nuts. L. L. POTT'S 316 W. 2nd St. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dealer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. 44SWEST FIRST STREET. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas's Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest lin ment ever devised. A household rem dy in America for 25 yean. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all. kinds fr in elected stock. Senders' FEED SI ORE, 435 West First 5t . Albany, Or. ' Headquarters Jfor "AlsenJ and Pyramid" Pjrtland Cement, Roache Harbor" Li ne, Rulieroid Roofing, Wood Fibre Planter. Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bel hard wheat flour, Hay, Grain, Mill feed and Salt. fe.EE-7 an Y t uu me Vienna r ak , . f ar go .d things to EAT . Stcci 1 s :t b etwe :o Ellsworth and 1 von itree it Of all kinds, at I 1 B tO.. U D i AHJ CHOP WAREHOUSE j Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. ', Seed clcmed without wfst? for ' l-2c per pound. Sacks fu.nished free. 1 Home Pine 307. 1 Stetter's C tsh Store