SHINGLES Use our No. 1 Edj?e Grain. They are the best in the market. Our No. 2'n are the equal to thoBe usually sold as a first-class article We make three grades. We pack them closely, you . pay 'for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect then, see them i made and be convinced !iuX they arf the BEST. Remember the place. 'The'old Wool- en Mill Warehouse. I THOMPSON S: CRAMER THE WHITCOMB SL4GL i To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and ; forepart of October. Stage leaves Lebanon TucH.lays, ' Thuisdays, and Saturdays at 7 a. m. i Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days and FridayB at 7 a. m., arrives in Lebanon in time for the afternoon I rain to Albany, it Board at Whitcomb $7 per week. Handy Tools One of the handiest tools imaginable for the home, or to slip into the pocket when going any where that tools might be needed, is the Keen Kutter Awl and Tool Set. In ithe handle are Chisels, Screw-drivers, Awls, Reamers, Gimlets, Drills, Gouges, almost every tiling to meet an emergency. This is but one of the handy tools to be found among the famous urn mm Tools and Cutlery They are the ideal tools for use in the home or on the farm, for they require less attention and give more years of useful service than any others. In buying Keen Kutter Tools you are sure of satisfaction, because every one is tested before leaving the factory and guar anteed. The trademark on each vtool identifies it ask for Keen ( Kutter Tools by name. We sell them. DHL1NG h TAYLOR Graduates -1 i i Miff I .1 i; 5 I JCH00L3 and nd elsewhere: Make up your minds lo secure complete preparation. ALBANY COLLEGE Offers you large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighth grade to a m Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course A.bany College H Oregon. Pres Beware of Detective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. Established in 1892, our patrons receiving tho benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd ar J Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm Kll. Sr.llm 1.. l'r prlctor Breeder anil Importer of O. I. C. Hogs, S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rocks, Li'jlit KrahniBS. R. C. i Rhode I:i!and Uo ls. V hite Cochin l'.antu... , . It. Turkeys, Wu. den Cioosc, i i bucks, . o 1 Citiino i" Winner of 17 pi izrs mvl 22 on Poultry nt the Lewis Av ('lurk Fair. Kirgs in Season - Stook for Sine l'hone, Fnrmers 95 - - R 0 No 3 al&amy onTcon 8 Want's Your Patronage Teloption Red 671 fl IN ANO A OUND ALB-.M The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimore!), every pair guar- antea. Money back in ten aays u not perfectly satisfactory. W. J. simith, of Riverside, left a couple of apples at the Democrat olhci-, which he wants named. They areseeu lings, large, line looking fruit. The Democrat stated that Mr. O'Brien went to his room at the fat. (Jharles al ter his gun. This was a mistake. It was elsewhere. We beg the pardon oi the St. Charles. The Railroad Commission has direct ed the attorney general to bring suit against the S. P. to compel it to operate trains between Tallman and Crabtree, discontinued on account of the bridgr, being washed out. - a j iSk. .. J J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWING BLACK 2033 BELL Dill' Jf SCHOOLS in Linn cou At the very low rate afi$25.00 for the r.iiin.l trip. Tickets good for 29 days. lime open for everybody. Account Tr.ins-Misstssippi Commercial Congress C. K. FRONK. AKt. iiii!nn ...0- k mm Oct. im& lih HOME ANu rk.O . A Eugene councilman has gotten mad and tendered his resignation. , Prineville has issued a nuaraniinr o.der against bend on account of small pox. The body of J. F. Nixon, drowneri nt Harrisburg, has not vet been recover ed. A reward of $130 has been ottered lor it. Pittsburg, New York and Chicago in the National League are having a rrdhw game for the lead, and are in the ordii stated now, a point apart. Assessor Geo. W. Staley, of Douglas county, nas given me o r. assessment a terrinc boost for the coming year, $44,250 a mile, an increase of $14,Z5J a mile. He said it is made to meet a Dr j- portionate raise in the value of pther property. Following is the condition of tka sev eral national banks of Tortland, at the close of business, September 23rd, First national assets, ii!,i!a4,354; United States National ,102,021.86; Mer chants National 13,974,649.42: Lumber man's Natnnal $1,443,217.07. The combined assets were $26,816,142 35. A new order in the poatofnee depart ment went into effect last week, By its terms defaced stamps hereafter are worthless. Should a corner be torn off. no matter how small, or the Btamp be mutilated in any way it cannot longer be used. All letters bearing such stamps will be held at the post office two weeks for recovery, and at the end of that time, if not claimed, will be sent to the deadletter office. C. and E. Time Table. Effective Thursday, October 1st, irew time card will go into effect on the Corvallie & Eastern Railroad, as fol lows Through traios 6:45 a. m. leave Ya- quina; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. Leave Albany 12:38 p. m.. arrive Ya quina 6:15: CorvalJis Local &30 a. m. leave Cor vallis clail1?;: 2:15 p m. . daily, except Su.iday; 6:'J0'p. m: daily. 7:55 a. m. leave Albany daily; 3:35 p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. m. daily. J'NO. J, SHEA, Agent. fnone Ked tl; Home pnone . TRYtheBatrapram. ptlV Wh0H yOU H68Cl;v.orce- Correct, but if the man was a ail aDSOrU.tej TDUre rem-1 edy tor Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Costive-' , , neSS, fcJleepleSSilieSS Or Female Ills It has ways given satisfaot- ion. GET THE BEST THAT'S HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS RUBBER GOODS: W R h.-ive it last found what we hava been looking years to find; a com plete line of Rubber Goods that the manufacturers have confidence er h m to absolutely guarantee for 2 year. the consumer, we honestly believe eve no ot tnen 'i last 5 y The line is so muc&Qut. of the ordi yourseH.. are righil tnn. in facti eheahor than the other kind, considensa the quality. See our window display this weefc am then come in and let us explain the WH! of it. Remember we are the exclusnr agents in this town for "THE EVERRIT1 LINE. Manufactured by The Ideal Kuuua 1 . Mpo. Co., of Chicago. Woodworth Drug Co. IXU tALtoolTL LUAIO, WHT A nfll I ID IW CTAriC viXJi A UULLAKtlll O I UCh.t NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO OTHEfl BUSINESS TO KEEP UP. JUST STRA1GHT.0LD FASH IONED BANKING. J. W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Albany, Oregon J. 'SfT' RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AN'.) COLLECTIONS. have money tn loan in small nnri large amounts. Notes and mortgap bought. 1 will boml you. i'ropertv handted for non-rpidonta CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of 3!aSiffl&&&Ai MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Should a crime ever be compromised. Albany continues to be a fortunate town. The best townanywhere in the world: Albany. Mbany is now all right, everything is .ill right, and let all boost. Subscriber:-Yes, assault with intent to kill is a penitentiary offense. There are lots of things in this world under the surface that have to be kept there. Come to the Democrat office with ynur boosts, personal, social and in dustrial. Times: What has become of that proposed electric line from Albany to Brownsville? Portland Journal: A Blind pig is es tablished near a cemetery in' Albany. That seems rather appropriate Now, lets have harmony iw Albany and all work together in making this a1 peerless city, one of progress, peace and fellowship. An exchange suggests the follwing appellation in the presidental candi- dates: "Taft the fearless, Bryan' the I peerless, Chaffin the beerless. Debs1 the ; gearless One of the contributors to the Bryta fund at Portland is B. F. Davenport,, an uncle of Burner, the artist, who send in $2, which will juat about offsetsHDm'' er's cartoons. j ed the decision is a. mighty poor one. rTx r a ; 0afne Caimot Be Cored j by local applications!, as they cannot reach the diseased' portion of the ear. ! j. utm; ta uijij kiiiv way tuctiicucfUiicaB, and that is by the tonstitvtiona) rem edies. Deafness is caused bv an in flamed condition of the'mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a' rumbling sound ot imperfect hearing;, ant) when it is ' entirely closed, Deafness- is the result, ; and unless the inflammation' can be 1 taken out and this tube' restored to its . I normal condition, hearing will be de-1 stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten i ! are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing j but an inflamed condition, of themacoos i 8u"acea.. . I We will give One Himdred Dollars for any case of Deafness (canrae by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO. ..Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pilli for consti pation. If Missed. nary thn we i c? "o'Jj Subscribers who fail to geHftheir paper scribo the should kick at once. If beyond Mont dif fereacav gomery street call up Red 8132 Pac- b e t w e e t. ''lc 'f missed, and your paper will come, "THE EVE9- if between Broadalbin and Montgom- RITE LIKET e?y Home, and if wesfctof Broadal and t & f 'B 8treet Pacific Black 892. other kindj ' miCOLItS & &OTYE drop in a4 a . our stor. ? Real Estate ail Insuran and see fori -7TrrrrTT" Buy and sell realty. Insure proj- erty and transact loans. Large or small timber traces. 12 W. FIRSTST, ALBANY. OR. SUMMON la thn Circa it Cinrt o( tl FU a of Oietfon for lilun Oouofy.. Department No. 2. Brl Alwonrl, PlfttDtlff,. VS. ChTl68 W. Alwootl, Defendant. I To Chnrlea W. Alwood ibe above Y,m are herahy notified and reqnirvd o i Bl,tl Pner n 9&id court in Bid Piiit, nn-i R.iet thcompla-nt ol tltt nhove ! nnmi'i i ittinun now on Hi inerem, uu orKp(irthe 16th dny of Njveoaoer. 190ft, ami ou are further notified thrt if vou fait to apDcar aoA answer bhmI complaint a ahove rpqjair for wti' thceot tne pfti.l tilainnft will tke a ri - crt asrtit'Bi you tor the rt lief prived Inr in sai fl (i-'inpiaint, ivwm : A, 'twree ol conn dtpijo'vinte ih bondti o: iiiatrraoT tmw xidtinii l tfen you and flttid D iin tiff .. This pumraonH in eerveu upon yon hv n'l.i' io the eaid IB b duv of Nuvenih-r 1 in r'oany uhi y iinftLOcrat.x n-w - up. r t.u tinned diW in Albany, Ln C'Hiutv, Oreyon, and n( gennral ciruuU tint, in aid County nv order nl thn Hun. J. N. Duocan, Uonnt Julgfn! 8tid L'nu Cjunty. 0 enn, wliici ald order ber datfjOcto er 1st. 190S, ad BHl j. Si. UUQ040 a J untie - I f-a count?, in said orHer for the said pnh- ItCdtlon I Ihts snunonl up in on prescribed iai'1 !ft n iia n N ivvmhr 1S, na 'ht lime, on ur befire wi i you shall appear and aneer the t-i-ci 'tdnint in fid auir. Tne date of the first publicatin.i of 1 1- siiuimnn in tatd newspaper 0' Jnd. 193. W. K. BILYEU. A'tornev for Puinnff. CHINESE DOCTOR J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hone Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. Theunder signed recommend him and guaran tees satisfaction. Cad or write him at New IV) West Second st.( Albany. Or itU WSSTFALU. Vlt The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, and fJtrf-- sonal supervision since its infancy, '&4CU4i() Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-asgood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience againsS Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine' nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constfpation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OCNTAWH COMPANY, TT HURIIJIV THCCT, NEW VBK MTV. Lodge Meetings. Itde K. O. M. every Saturctiy even- j msj. (Jhas. scnoei commanoer. She Woodmen of the World every Fnaejy evening. JL. Li. fawaw eiere. , Manasinita Circltf Jst and 3rd Mondays, HiiRa Warford G. N. A. O. U. W. every Monday evening. W. M. Parker fituancier. O. V. Dwn nels 'i&W. n j ' Modern Woodlaen 2nd and 4th , A woman's back has many aches and Wednesdays. P. M. Powell V. C. ' ing The 3adiea of the- Grand Army of the j Backache is really kidney ache; Republlir meet every 1st and 3rd Tiies-i That's1 why Doan's Kidney Pills cure day afternoons in the G. A. 5 hall. ; -t Straneera belonging to this oriterwilt , ... 3..l !Ui. Mrs. Jlennfe Many Albany women.ftj.ow this. M. Brjwa, Secretary. Cotor-gravusre Picture. Rawlinga has a lot. of color-giavyrB pictures shipped hi mi by mistake and: is- advised to-gec nis iresKnt. uui, ui wictii-.. . See the '.window display and come- in. and look over the assortment. Choice for 5 and 1ft cts. Hives, ecaema, l'.ca or salt ranum seta you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate case- Why suffer. All iDruggists sell it. Can't lookTweil eat well or feel we with impuredslood feeding your body. Keep the Wood pure with Buaiock Blood Bittera. Eat simply, take apir cise, keep claan and you will havetiongr li'e. S"l'have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the rwuits desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowela perfectly." Georga- B. Krause, 30C, Walnut Ave.. Altooxa. Pa c The entire inner portion oi cur lining callail mucous membrane; this is Tkspt in healthy-condition by the jj nourishment and vital vigor it receives from: the blood. Se long as thei circulation remains pure this membrane wil.Bie healthy , bdsanoen the blood ; becomes infected with catarrhal! impurities. anJ poisons tSia-iitaier lining oft the body becomes irritated sod diseased, wii the unpleasant and seriouss symptoms, of Catarrh commence. . There: isi a tight, sttifty- feeling in the4 nose, waty eyes, buzzing reuses in the ear, often slightoieatness, difficulty breathinir.etc. The disease aamnot be reaciiteii lv external itieaiinent. thoueidt such measaires afford tempary relief imswne instancta S. S. S. curesii. Catarrh by cleansing the bkwd of all impurities and poisai Then as rictt pure blood circulates througb the body, tfae inflamed, iririiared membrane: heal, the fliscnarge ceases, aeaaacdes are.-reiieved and evpyr symptom dtsap-j pears. Catarrh, being a disease in wlttfe the entire "diood circulation ij affected, fan only be cured! by a remed;v that goes to tjte very bottom atnl I removeaevery particle of He impurity Som the blood, -.Mjd this is just what ' S. S. Svioes. Book oa, ijAtarrh and. lay medical advice free to all who write. TEE SWI-SPECIFIC Cfti, ATLANTA, GA. a "cTARK- m r 1'HRST NATIONAL BAK A. STARK, M. D E W LANGDOS S E Youn - PHYSICIAN AND StiRGEON Preside S E YOUNO 0 .1 Schmitk k Rldll Alhnn Vke-preMoi EWLan(rJ n,a' (VIOBna AOSCHMITT ACP-hmin Cuhier Transacts a general banking btisiness. . Accounts kept subject to chsek. TO T T TTTT T Sight exchaage aud teleeraphio trans Xv u J-l XXXJ-li-s fer sold oi New York, San FVncisco. Chicago and Portland, "tivsictan and Hunreon Collections made on favorable terms Albany-'" coff'sSantal-PepGupes FIR A it HfiriitF! &? rorlnnimnmlonorCtarrhor un. Mi u. iiuuulc PW0isB,ss,ssa,,8iBsr,eS; TIEN'TT ST p ik teiVronnoS A X 'X A. M. W -t rt, jJV yn( no matter of bow Odd Fellows Temple. Albany. Oregon l ' rr.W!tM. Jti!J.rid, ill. 8 txnee, 12.75. WxiJffTHESANTAL-PEPSI8CL . JC W Jr( JCiiOj For le " Bnrnhrt A Lee veterinarian. vmtu rtwim-iMmn Qlfice Albany Sublea. Both Phone U Bought, and which has been has home the signature of has been made under ins per- Signature of i A WOMAN'S BACK. The Aches and Patns Will Disap pear if the Advice of This Al bany Citizen Followed. 1 Road iiat one has tcaay about it: Mrs. Bi V. Flagg, o9 23a Main St., Albany, &., says: "3 have suffered Isreatly vth pain in my back, through tie loins and down into tile limbs. There has been Srroes when I was. unable to jret about to attend to my housework. 1 1 found liotle rest day ou night, because !? the peraipteni- aching and soreness. I The kidney secretions ware disordered and though I keit tryinjpdifferent rem 'adies I seemed to get worse-coostantly. I A neighbor induced me So try Doan's Kidney's- Fills and my husband got a I box for 3ie at Foshay & Mason's drng store. After using them about three weeks ncA an ache or a pain, remained. I ! have beem doing my own work since without She least inconvenience. I heartilv recommend Dtoatu a Kidney Pills."' For sde by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FosterMilburn Cr. Buffalo, New Yack, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. BEST TREMMENT rnn rTfnnu run LAiaftKR . bodies.;! covered witiaaiisofl. delicate !) V