i JJ This next week you will hav the pleasure of seem? them, of trying them on, of learning, first hand, from an expert ccrsetiere, all about them. She will explain the "New Art of Figure-Building" Eveiy woman in Albany, who Bets value upon a perfect figure, should see these splendid models of the Gossard Cor set, which alone induces the slender, sinuous, girlish back so greatly desired by the woman of fashion. Gossard Corsets are conducive to health, as well as grace ana beauty, because they give just the support which every woman needs and appreciates, and make life worth the living. We ask you cordially to attend this exploitation sale which will begin Thursday in our corset section. We want you to meet Madam Redding, the corsetiere sent here by the manufacturer, to personally introduce, explain and fit Gossard Corsets. We want you to see for yourself how infinitely superior is the Gossard to every other corset you ever saw. Be sure 10 come. S. E. Albany, 100,000 100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store without one single mistake just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. jSOur prices are right. Wetreityau right. The store of quality. BURKHART& LEE 100,000 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First bt Plumbing j and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. , Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First-class work; guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL,! Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODERS, DEALER INI CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS.1 Second and;Ell3Wort)i3treets.;A lrnny H. A. LEIN1NGER. Dentist Crawford Block, AJbaay, We Announce Three Day's Exploitation Sale of THE. 'CJfaczrfe (Front? YOU have heard of these famous corsets which have created a furor in France and America the new idea in corset-buildine. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Young & Son. 100,000 The BEST in Jew elry is none too good. G, WILL Has it. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, . when cleaned by our method of dry ! cleaning, ore made to lock just as good i ': as nir.de to ,ook jut as new. ' Waists an'l lrws-.es of .eiicate colors and ma terial we n nov ite to the ileliht of th owner. We lo dye any gnrrnnnt e- sired in beautiful shades and colorings. : j THE CLEANER, E. SHELL.EY. Prop. 40 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 ;J. W. BEMLKV j Democrat Building, Albany, Ii'prepared to make and repair boot and hos for men, women and chil area in a w.rkman lute mannet. Oregon, BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 6e. For painting and paper hanging see Eicker, 332 E 3rd at. Home phone zoo. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Kawnngs. tie handles al makes and keeps supplies for any ma chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilf uliy set H desire"- Oysters-Oysters. At the Oregon Market and Grocery. The season has now started at the Uregon Market and Grocery. We shell our oysters freeh each day, having en gaged the oldest and most experienced oyster opener on the coast. Onr oys ters are not torn in shelling as a good many are. IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Razor or 1 Pocket Knife where to go to get the i best the kind that Bears a personal guarantee you get just this from us , prices are right, see our window. if URKHART & LEE, IT PAYS TO BUY your SCHOOL SUPPLIES at Charles Knecht's OYSTERS Ary style Try. our rpecial Cocktails -vr THE ELITE Chocolate Shop. Bruxe & Andeison's Barber Shop In temporary quarters at the office of Anderson Rooming House, corner of F-rat and Washington a recta, where they will be glad to attend to old and new customer!; THIS MORNING News from Albany's Mx Early Trains. Detective Reilley, of the S. P., was here J. J. Collins and E. J. Seeley left for bates, where they went to act as arbi trators in the settlement of a farm line division. Hon. J. M. Philpot and wife, of Har risburg, left on a trip to Laceyville, Penn., where relatives reside, and ex pect to be gone until about Christmas. Mr. Philpot will be home in time for the convening of the state legislature, of which he is a member. He left his Missouri home in 1851 when three years old, and this is his first trip back, his intention being to stop on the way. Mrs. J. R. Rolla, mother, and Miss Harper, an aunt, of Mrs. J. D. Ellis, left for their home at Marseilles, 111. The former has been here two years and the jatter several months, making many irienas. Mrs. J. C. Mayer, or Lebanon, went to Portland and may go to Pendleton before returning home. Mr. Edward Allen, the efficient S. P. agent at Shedd, for several years, left lor ins new cnarge at aneriaun, wnere he will be joined by his familv in a few davs. F. H. Colmtts returned to his work at the Gold Creek mines. Prof. J, B. Horner and Norman Lilly returned to Corvallis after being over to attend a session of the commandery. Dr. J. Kj. booth came down from Leb- non. Rev. J. L. Beatty and family went to their new field of work at Creswell, Lane county. Lawyer Newport came down from Lebanon, Something We Want. A. J. Caldwell, manufacturer of men's socks, is down from from Stay- ton, with a fine display of the product of his factory. Mr. Caldwell wishes to come to Albany with his plant to secure our superior shipping and business ad vantages, and will present the matter ta the Albany Commercial Club tonight. it should he given a practical encour- ; agement. It is just what we need here. Some of his goods may be seen at the , show window, speaking for themselves, a splendid product. Left for the East. Mr. Jack Hammell, cr.e of Albany's best boosters, and wife, left this after noon on their eastern trip. They will go through Salt Lake and Denver, and remain several weeks in Nebraska, be fore going as far east as Ohio. Jack has his trunk full of Albany boosters and will make Albany and Linn county an issue. Coming to Albany with an empty pocket book he is one of the city's prosperous citizens, with a good deal to show for it, and believes thor oughly in the Willamecte Valley. Wanted a young man as general help er. Apply at once to the Magnolia Steam Laundry. Johnson's Best is Best. The best is never . ariv too good. Johnson's B-?st is always the best flour. If you really wish the best bread mode use the rest flour Johnson? Best. Particularly good flour is needed ' for cakes. Johnson's Best hits the mark. Many of the troubles of life may be saved by using first-class flour. John son's Best is always good. VITIOJiBVO I WANTED. Apple pickers 1 mile east I ot A many on the santiam roaci, a. ; raha. RONING BOARDS. The best made. See Ed Davidson, 739 E. First St. WANTED. A good young work horse, weight about 1200 pounds. Apply to J. F. Peebler, route 1, Bell phone 16x1. LIBRARY DOINGS. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Albany Public Library was held at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the library, President Hewitt in the chair. The librarian reported 293 books is sued from Sept. 12 to Oct. 1st, on the eight days the library was open, an an average of about 37 a day. The reading room attendance was 193 child ren, 300 adults, a total of 498. $226 05 was reported received from Uio uurary day hold ups, over $150 sub scriptions otherwise, and $25 from the Empire theater show of the afternoon. Vote of thanks and appreciation were ordered extended the Modern Travellers and Mr. George Rolfe. The book committee were directed to order books amounting to $226 as soon as selected, and $25 worth of maga zines and periodicals for the coming year were ordered from the theater fund. The manner in which the library movement i being appreciated by the people of Albany is very encourging to the library people. Don't Want Grants Pass Sand. Arrangements are being made to put in a Grants Pass platform around the new 3. P. depot If there is any way of stopping this it should be done. Nothing but cement ehou Id be used. The Grants Pass sand is a first-class nuis ance. The platform at Eugene cement, the only thing fit for a good depot, particularly a union depot, such as the Albany depot is to be. Please, Mr. O'Brien, don't sand us, cement us. If the attention of Mr. O Brien is called to the matter there is Utile doubt that he will order a cement Dlatform, the business, men of Albanv universally declare should be put down instead of Grants Pass sand, which is very unpop ular here. Try a Patrick Uordan Cigar. 5 cent We are going to give away a fine $16.00 Ruby ring on Saturday evening. October 17th at 8 o'clock to the one giving the first correct number of deta in and around the above ring. See our show- window for full information. (Movp quickly) F. M, FRENCH, The Jeweler. McKinstry's Studio Photos and Enlarged Portraits. Next to the P. O.- Home Phone 818 Meals Only 15c at the Royal Bakery and Restaurant Prime Roasted Beef, Roast goin of ork. Veal, all kinds of fish in their season ; also Fruit Cakes, salads and the best of Coffee. Corner 2nd and Ellsworth. THE reconstruction of our store, is nearing comple tion, and when so completed, will more than fill our anticipa tions and promises. Watch for our opening an- nouncement, which will appear in a few days. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. S. P. HOTEL To Be Moved to Lyon and Ninth Streets Work was begun this morning on the lot of Chris Vandran, at the corner of Ninth and Lyun street, less than a block away from the new depot, prep aratory to making the foundation for the hottl to be moved across the track to the corner, for a permanent home, under the new order of things. The depot is to be reconstructed, and somewhat changed in form, several thousand dollars, it is said, to be used in remodelling it. The change will probably not be made until the removal of the freight depot, and where that will go no one Knows, at Amany. An Adv."uid It. R. C. Churchill has sold the place he advertised to a new comer from the east. He has moved into his new home, and not wishing two places sold the one he has recently vacated. It was easy. He simply planted an advertisement in the Democrat and in four days had a buyer. Notice. To my many friends and customers:. Although I have lose much in the fire I am again ready for business. New goods will be here as fast as I can get them. Call and see me, I need your trade now more than ever A. SCHMIDT, 128 Ferry St. FOR SALE. Two horse gasoline en gine, jack and pump. Call upon J ' S. Morgan at the brick j ard, phon black 382. J. S. Morgan t3 DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist Over Woodworth's Drug Store. Both phones.