Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 09, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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    National Democratic Ticket.
For President-William J. Bryan.
For Vice President-John W. Kem.
For Preaidental Electors. -0 P.
Coshow of Douglas county. August
Huckestein of Marion county, E. S. J.
McAllister of Multnomah county, Sam
uel White of Baker county.
The New York Herald' Figure.
The New York Herald which pos
sesses a 8k II of accuracy seldom
equaled in feeling the political pul3e,
is astonished at the result of its recent
investigations. About the first of Sep
tember, they estimated that Mr. Taft
had 206 sure electorial votes and that
Mr. Bryan only had 161 sure votes of
the 212 necessary to elect. In a recent
issuo of that paper they declare! tha
Ohio, North Dakota, Kansas and Ore
gon which they had placed in the sure
republican column must be taken out
and placed in the doubtful column with
strong, democratic leanings. The New
York Herald during the last twenty-
eight years has been an unerring po
litical prophet and while it is an inde
pendent paper, the forecast that they
make, shows that Bryan's electron is
now almost certain, fhis discovery
was a great puzzle to the Herald at the
outset but they have now discovered
the secret. It is Roosevelt's despotical
dictation to the republican leaders that
has resulted in a feeling of disgust and
apathy not equaled in Harrison's over
whelming defeat in 1892. All the lead
ing republicans feel that the nomina
t,on of Mr. Taft was not made by the
republican party but by the direct ap
pointment of Mr. Roosevelt himself
This is a kind of political game not
rensnea oy republicans and it is said
that hundreds of life-long republicans
in every republican county are going to
cast their bnllot for Mr. Bryan :
reDUKe for this dictatorship. They
want to teach Mr. Roosevelt a lesson
that will be remembered by all his sue
cessora in the vVhite House.
jHild Slinging.
It was hoped by members of both
parties that this campaign would pass
oil without any bitterness or mud sling
ing being indulged in. It has remained
for .Mr. Roosevelt, the president of the
United States, to lower himself to the
level of a ward politician and to revive
the old disgusting methods of mud
slinging campaigns. Every man in the
country that knows the rocord of Mr.
Bryan, knows that he is as incorrupti
ble as .Lincoln or Washington ever
were, and superior to Roosevelt or Taft.
Everyono .nf, the policies that Mr.1
Roosevelt claims as liis own was taken
bodily from the teachings of Mr. Bryan
and democia'.ic platforms and it is a
fact that Mr. Roosevelt never origi
nated a single one of them. This is
...what makes Roosevelt so mad.
Albany Full.
One thing is certain, and that is that
Alhany is going to need more room for
transients, as well as for permanent
new comora. Several limes people J
have been unablo to find a place to i
sleep at the hotels. One night recent'y
a man and his wife after hunting went
into a confectionary store when ar
rangements were made for them to go
home with the proprietor, sleeping in
the bed of a son. This should be mot,
not by Bonding word to Mr. McMurry
not to put any more people off at this
city, but in a sensible way, by having
more room for people. The hotelB
should make arrangements for extra
Bleeping rooms.
Automobile Liberty.
These automobile races are becoming in the work and to give what they can was at least one commission man who
-a menace to life, one rarely occurring ' to help defray the expenses, and to did not attend this meeting, however,
-,,!.., fti m.,n purchase new books from time to time, and he sneaked off to Hood Riverand
.without a fatal accident. Perhaps men f they ar(J neede() and cnlled or A bouRht boxes
have a rilit to run risks in this great I donation9 ma, be handed to the librar- , Hon John Barrett, Director of the
. American free republic, the land of ian, Miss Gard, who is treasurer of the international Bureau of American Re
liberty, but all freedom is hedged about , bonrd. ...... publics at Washington, D. C, who was
hv roriet'ons and it is about time Wo n0Pe b the generosity of the n attendance at the National Irrigation
by juunctona and it is about time I olie mldou, own ondeavors to be able Congress last week in Albequerque,
auto races, null tights and prize lights s0l)n to keep the rooms open every day. wiu be present at the Trans-Mississippi
were plucod in the same catogory. Ex- Wo have been asked "what expenses Commercial Congress at San Francisco,
citement sometimes is all right: but it do you have?" many people forgetting : then comes north for a visit to points
is not necessary in a community as a ' th,lt we tav,e.ron' t0 Pay' and, that. al" in Oregon and Wbshington.
is not ni-Ltssaiy in a community as a , th n tn b r n jlns s0 far glven . .,, :i,,n.
pMicv. and the average citv is bettor XL .,;,.. h ...mnor r.nnrim,r, In An 1 Rnth Fr. da .and. Saturday, nights
Off without sensations.
' The best sign seen yet is the fact
that the entire Willamette Valley is
g ling uhead. not one city alone, but ul
of them. People aro comintr to this
valley thick and fast and stying.
There may be a question which city
will grow the most and fastest, but
there is none as to all nt ilium going
ahead. The Dkmocuat dooan't know
. ...... ,
of any place havmj better prospects
than Albany. It is improving in the
kind of a way that ounta in the long
A Seattle girl has thrown a base ball
195 tcct, and they consider the feat a
record breaker. That's very mild com
pared to the Albany girl who threw
her month-old wad of clewing gum
away so that she could begin on a fresh
package. Statesman. Nor of the Sa
lem carpenter who threw his hammer
into the middle of the river, becauio
there was no use lor it in the city.
Now, hit Albany again.
Frenzied Thoughts.
What the "Big Stick" says to the
New York republican managers goes.
Even Bryan himself didn't begin to
believe that Taft was bo easy to lick.
The Hon. John Temple Graves wants
the joint debates ot the land, and let
who will be president.
When T.; Roosevelt sails into the
campaign, it is time to start another
Ananias Club.
One of Willie Hoist's Independence
clubs down in New York deserted the
great leader the other night, coming
out for Bryan and Kern. They just
cannot keep off the Bryan band wagon
this year.
In Kansas it is necessary for Mr.
Taft to run on the democratic platform.
He and Teddy are both trying to get
on it.
Mexico wants Diaz again for presi
dent. Probably because she can't help
Oklahoma has a depositors guaranty
liw, and since the law went into effect
the deposits in the banks have in
creased $3,644,540.56, and it had been
in force only six months. The unse
cured banks show a big decrease in de
posits. The right kind of a guaranty
law will be an immense thing for the I
One ol the owners of the First street
property to be covered with a brick
reports seven or eight applications for
store room. This fact tells its own
story. Albany's business interests are
the best in its history.
The worst fool campaign argument
used is that we might have a panic if
Bryan is elected, and we have just had
one, and a live one under Mr. Roose
velt. It simply shows that some one is
frightened. I
Seen by an Albany Man.
F. H. Colpitts returned last evening
from the Gold Creak mines, where he
has been for some time in work of dif
ferent kinds connected with the mines
nd the new townsite. A fine road has
been built to within two miles of the
mines, good enough for bicycles.
While Mr. Colpitts was there a com
mittee from the Salem board of trade,
F. J. Rice, F. J. Lafy and Herman W.
Barr, were in to make an examination
of the proposition in the interest of
Salem and the promotion of the $100,
000 smelter. They were much pleased
with the ondition of aifairs, and have
macie an exhaustive report, covering
about three columns in this morning's
Stattwmin, endorsing the enterprises
involve. I. They go into details in con-necti-"
-ith the different mines.
Th j great need of the district is more
money $100,000 is needed for develop
ment, were should be an electric road
in, and the people of Salem are urged
to give the enterprises involved their
hearty support.
er Uulll 0lliem to iK
it. is on.- wnicn interests Amany, cios-
The Library.
Editor Democrat :
There having been many inquiries as
to the conditions upon which one can
take books from our library, we
thought it might be well to publish in
the papers a little explanation regard
ing this matter, that all might know
there are no " conditions only respons
ibility for the books; that the books are
free for all to read, and that every one
is welcome to the reading room when
the library is open.
We nope, nowever, mat every patron
I nt ih lihrarv will feel imDelled to heln
so very long.
A Lane County Tragedy.
Lane county has a tragedy.
Tabor, postmaster at Alpha,
, quarrel in Tabor's pasture with Harry
! lZil
wi-, her husband. Both men are said
to have drawn their revolvers at about
t"0 samo timo. Tubor claims Stuckey
reached for his lirst. Mrs. btuekev
j, t,mt Tllbor whirleJ arouml lllld
ahnt her husband without any warning
at all. The men had trouble for some
. ti'""-
A Socialist 'ddress.
E. J. Lewis, the socialist speaker
sent out from the East, spoke last
night on the llarret Bros, corner to a
good size! crowd. He is reported to
have been a good talker. Of course he
pursued the usual course of socialist
speakers tHying the old parties and
ex.illi ig secihlism. Mr. Lewis il a former
mine worker, and makes a good appearance.
Who Is about to stump Oregon for
Taft, whose, managers here are said to
be somewhat frightened.
Deeds recorded:
E. Thrall to G. J. Shrader about
one lot bl 60 Albany... $ 2500
uiin a. stainaKer tou. j. snrader
Iotbl60 450
U. s. to John i. Dolan 40 acres, patent.
Mortgage for $1000.
Satisfaction for $800.
Notices location of Mininer Claims
the Sunny Side and the Russian, Santi
am district by M. W. Yoeman.
Final account approved in estate of
ti. B. Hackleman.
In estate of Eveline Tycer final hear
ing set for Nov. 7.
' 1323 hunters licenses. The heaviest
hunter is Peter Ruettner, who gave
his weight at an even 300: H. F. Mcll
wain is next at 280. Other counties will
i take notice.
Circuit Court:
Crandall Bros. act. A. E. Carstenet
al. Two suits for foreclosure of build,
ing liens. N. M. Newport attorney,
l 1349 hunters licenses.
The Democrat yesterday eae- the
heuviest hunter. A license issued' yes
: terday for Klmer Churchill showed' him
to weigh 105 and to be 5 feet tall,
about onethird of Ruetner's weigbt.
Marriage license: Cuthbert C.
Cooper, age 20, born in Oregon, of
Tangent, and Cora S. Anderson, aged
15, born in Kansas, of Piainview.
Deeds Recorded:
Alviny Mackey to E. A. Wilson
160 a $
Jas. V. Wright to Chas. S. Hand
320 a ...
Oregon toC. H. Wheeler 200. 77 a
R J. Keeney to Edwin Russ 50 a
Leander Berry to August T. Koe-
nehe 50 by 100 feet Mill City . .
John Tway to C A. Mann 175.38
a 10-5 E ;
Mortgages for $2000, $50 $500.
j Satisfaction for $400.
I Portland, Oct. 5.
The numerous Hearst publication
have been personally represented
throughout Oregon' and Washington,
recently by Ray Washington Taylor,,
who is writing a series of articles snow
ing agricultural, industrial and horticul
tural actualities in this portion of the
united gcates.
It is rumored that the fruit brokers
of New York City got together recent
ly, had a midnight meeting down in the
sub-way, and decided that they were
not groin? to nav fancv prices for Ore-
trnn nnrl Wuariinrrtim tinnlea. There
trnina tnnlf imnri rifMPfrntlnnn nf
trom the Pacific Northwest to attend
the conference of Coast commercial
bodies to be held in San Francisco this
week, and also to participate in the
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress.
Getting a Franchise.
teo. b. banders, assistant manager
of the Albany office of the Home Tele
phone Co., returned this noon from Jef
ferson, where he had been to secure a
franchise for the Co., which will prob
ably be granted at the next meeting.
As one of the councilmen is the mana
ger of the other company at Jefferson,
the situation is pn interesting one.
Fell Down Stairs.
Mrs. Bridgeman, who resides with
her daughter, Mrs. Weaver, of North
Albany, this morning, was going down
stairs, and was near the bottom when
she fell, cutting quite a gash in one of
her hands. As she is about N years of
ago it was not known how badly she
was injured and Dr. tins was sent for.
Tortunately no bOTes were broken
County court:
Regular October term: Judge Duncan
and Commissioners Butte and Russell
present. The usual bills have been ai
lowed. Seven or eight road matters
are up for consideration, including a
petition for one by Mrs. McCoy, of
Sweet Home fame
Mrs. Clara A. Crosby, by L. M. Curl,
her attorney, has begun proceedings to
register title to two lots block 21
Hackieman's second addilion, Albany.
1363 hunters licenses have been grant
ed. October has made a poor start for
taking the lead in the marriage license
record of the year, which it has always
done, with only three in seven days.
The following jurors have been drawn
for the term convening Oct. 26:
Albany. C. A. Gray, Peter Ruetner,
S. I. McDaniel, Frank Froman, W. D.
Stevens, C. V. Littler.
Price A. G. Propst, D. Erb, D. fl.
Bodine, Everett Knox.
Center. W. J. Morgan, F. M, John
ston, W. E. Parker.
Tangent. J . E. Owenby, W.J Smilh
G. C. Stellmacher.
Lebanon. C. D. Steen.
Shedd. C. E. Barton, L. A.' Scott.
R. B. Anderson. I
Halsey. I. N. Alford.
Harrisbnre. P. H. Hareret. J. C. 1
oaDin, joon unities.
Tallman.-J. B. Swank.
Syracuse. -Jos Conner.
Waterloo. Jas. Bellinger.
Deeds recorded:
Martha A. Waggoner to Elon I.
Waggoner. 49.6 acres
J. S. Jennings to Wm. Curtis, 10
acres 15-4 W
Edith M. Baker to t. S. Jennings
10 acres. Harrisbure
Est Lorin Baker, minmr, to J. S.
Jennings. 10 acres
Frank Kiernan to Curtis Lumber
Co.. 160 acres 10-6 E...
Elon I. Waggoner to Mav&ba A.
Waggoner 40.49 acres...
Mortgages $500, $150..
Taxes now paid will require' a penal
ty of 17 per cent. About $10(000 re
mains unpaid, which will be collected
under the new law without advertising
the list.
As seen 1 hrough the Stereopticon.
A large audience, probably four hun
dred people, attended the illustrated
lecture of Kev. White, at the U. P.
church last night. It was on the land
of the Incas, a series of pictures show
ing the condition of things and the
country from Panama to Cape Horn,
down through Ecuador, Peru and Chiliv
on tne racinc, wjtn some striking viewa
well explained, ending up with a scene
of the natives at Terra del Fuego, the
jumping off place in civilization as weit
as physically. The principal cities along:
tne way an, uma in reru and Valpa
raiso and Santiago in Chili, the latter
being the largest South American citv
on the Pacific, with a population o
The slides for the pictures are se
eured through the M. E. board, most of
them made up frjm the pictures off
amateurs, bat they were good and fuli:
of interest and instruction.
At the Hotels.
John Butterworth, post clerk, up to,
attend a meeting of the commandery ...
Archie Johnson, Portland. '
Mrs. A. A. Wright, Woodland.
E. E. Rudd, the Hazelwood man.
Bert Morehouse, Gates.
Prof. W. F. McMinn, Salem.
C. M. Matison, Portland.
H. G. Smith, Portland
G. W. Maxwell, Portland.
W. E. Plummer, Marion, Ind.
E. U Liggett, Boise.
Pete Auger. Lebanon.
Willie B. Smith, all the way fram
George Samuels, advance of the fam
ous Isle of Spice Co., which has Albany
on the list.
Walter Woods, Medford.
N. E. Hoover, Hoover on the Sn-
Loyd Templeton, Halsey.
K. C. Graham, Portland.
Now in Chicago.
Prot. and Mrs. C. J. BushnMI are
now in Chicago, where they wilt spend
the coming winter. Mrs. Bushnell tak
ing a post-graduate course in t!se Chic
ago University, wmie rrot. tsusnneii
works on a book he is preparing, along
sociological lines He has made a spec
ialty of model governments, during the
Kas" three years during the summer
aving charge of amateur city govern
ments, for the instruction of children,
at Washington, Cleveland and Indiana
polis. Cottage Grove L,eauer: This week
Frank Crabtreo commenced putting
stone and other material on his lots on
Wall street hdjoining Mr. Rees' proper
ty, for a $1500 modern cottage on wnich
work will be commecced at once. Mr.
Crnbtree will occupy this cottage him
self. E. T. Allen, of Portland, is district
forester, in charge of the 6th dis
trict, the Northwest country. He has
been a ranger since 1S9? and last year
was state ranger of California. Re
cently he has been chief inspector of
Oregon, Washington and Alasko.
A- A. Bender, of Tangent precinct,
was in town today. His family have
been having their share of bad luck.
Mrs. Bender is just out of the hospital
and a son has his head in a sling from
the kick of an animal on the head, re
tiring the aid ol id. Albany ;urcun.
Washington, Oct. 7. Bourne has
engaged ai22 room apartment house i
Stoneleigh.court, the most expensive in
Washington. He expects to entertain
lavishly the coming season.
Rippety roost, rippety roost,
Boost, boost, boost,
For Albany.
"Who will, who will?
Bill will.
Which Bill? Which Bill?
Our Bill-Rah."
Mr. Puter continues to sputter.
When boosting don't forget the library-Tom
Lawson seems to have become
a joke.
Several rookeries should become
It is easy to be on time if you get in
the habit.
Singing needs heart service as well
as preaching'.
This is the best year in the history of
Albany, altogether,
i i
) The nw Elk's brick is said to be the
pretties? m" the valley.
1 Hearst has become a (Treat mud j
thrower, a' regular barker. J
1 ' Foot ball nas become a parlor game
compared wiJH'the autmobile.
Ostrich ezga' are wwrth $20" each.
Unfortunately onr crop is short.
Here's to the new Wfll-Stark-Bren-
ner block.. It fills a gap iij Albany.
One or the silliest campaign' canards
is that Standard 011 is backing' Bryan.
The foot ball is loose in the land;: but
it has wings compared, with the auto
mobile. I mere are ,Duu,uiwteiepnoaes-rn' cire
world, of which about a thocaand' are-
in Albany.
In union there is strength. The- Pa
cific states' have united, and will' face:
The prohibitionists have selectedl the
camel as their fighting anitaali He
drinks enough to last nine days-.. '
Ten new policememhave been' added:
to Portland s force. Perhaps it will he
possible to see one occasionally stow.
There is great rejoicing at Corvallis.
Jameison and Pendargrast, star foot.
Dan men, nave returned to the Wl &.
G., Now they Willi winf. win! winrl!
No one ever heardiof a booster- nam
phlot. no matter where published!, in
which it was not claimed that the' fin
est climate in the world existed at the
It is declared) &ia telephone- girt
makes the best wife. She let other
people do the talkim?. she has patience.
she is always busload is trained. to. the
last minute.
The average ioareese of $200 aj month
in the receipts abthe post office-, is a
good sign for Albany. The indications
are that the totall, for this vaar will)
reach $14,000.
After his trip-to Oregon Mis Harrf-
man remark le "We find ouraelves m
lar better shape after the- senseless
money panic off las; fall than, mirfit
have been expected and the lest year
leaves us witttftardiy ascratuftv. ' whreh
reminds us .that the extension: o-f the C
& is now in order.
Pretty aood weather, bui better wea
ther woul&be some rain.
No'.fea-js hereby given "bat the un
dersigned nas been dais appointed bv
tne uimuiy ooortot una iroantv, u .,
aammistrmor oi tne es'Bte ot Luvia An
dre a, lle ol said county, deceased.
All p4.i&oda hiving claim" t'gtinat the
enema oi aaiil fldceBed are required to
ore wot tii nnsie, with ornner voacaer
to Ihe und-reiiiiitHl, ab his office in tbe
citv ol Albany, in atd eonnty, within
eji mouths from bs "ale ol this uot '
Dated this 9th day of October. 19.18.
HEWITT & SOX, ' Administrator.
Attorneys lor A Iministrn'o.-.
Notice la hereby given that the nndr
aigned has been duly appointed by the
County Coo'i of Lian County. Oregon,
administrator oi the atate of Addle H.
Andrewa, Ute ot aaid county, dece-iaed.
All person navinR cairns againat the
ntaie ol eaid decraaed are required tn
present tb same, with proper voa rhart,
to tbe andsrslgued, at his . office in tin
city ol Albany, in said, coua'.y,- within
tlx months from tbadatu of lbi notice.
Dateu tbi. 9tn put o October. 1908.
HEWKrAOX. Admlniittao
Alioratya lot Adaiitjlstta.tQi.. .
A Tie With Chicago.
New York, Oct. 7. New York de
feated Boston in the Nation League to
day leaving the pennant race a tie be
tween Chicago and New York.
These two teams play off the protest
ed tie game at New York tomorrow
which decides the pennant race. Pitts
burg is out of the race with a percent
age of .631.
Chicago and New Yorks' percentage
is 641.
I.ONnnM. Ozr 7 C.rvtt tniinv nrn.
claimed a union of that Island and
iireece. The war cloud in the lialkans
is crowing darker. Turkey and Servia
nrA nrnfoafinn. an-oinof fha arin if
Washington, Oct. 5. S. A. D. Puter
is here endeavoring to induce the- ad
ministration to employ Heney to pros!
ecute land fraud cases of Linn and Lane
counties?. He fears the government
may fail' in its efforts to cancel the
patents to a million and a half acres
claimed by U. A. Smith of Minneapolis,
unless Hcsey takes charge of it. He
says District Attorney McCourt has so
many matters on hand be cannot givst
land fraud cases proper attention.
London,- Oct. 5,-Bulgaria proclaimed;
its independence of Turkish rule today.
War clouds are looming over the Balk
ans. France will act as mediator and"
Germany and! England may join in the
effort to prevent threatened bloodshed.'
Cincinnati Oct. 6. The decision of
the directors in the protested Chicago
New York National League game off
Sept. 23, is that the game is a 1e and'
can be played oil if the Giants desire.
ihe game will be replayed Uct. s.
Portland, ' Ctet. 6.-Two workmen,,
both unmarried .were caught in a cave
in a Brooklyn sewer, on the east side,
this morning and buried sixty-five feet -below
the street and killed.
Chicago. Oct;, b.-Detroit won the
pennant in the American League today
over Chicago by the score of 7 to 0.
Notice Is hereby given that O. P.
Hendricson and M:.. J.. Hendricfion, as
exec-Horn of tbe estate of W. F. Han -
etriceoo, deceased, hava filed their final
account an executor wtih tbe Uounty
Clerli ol L no County,, State ol,
and that Hon. J. N. Duncan, Cjuncy
Jndueof aaidLionU.mntv.lyiM appointed
Saturday tbe l ill dav ol SotolDt, rji)8,
at One o'clock p. m..of aa d d ai tne
time,, and the County Conn room aa the
place to beir obecinnn to said tiaal ac
coattt, if anv there be,and for tbe settle
ment of said estate...
M. J.'.H'ENDRlOe'ON.
SEO. W. WEIGHT; Executora.
Attorney tor .Executors.
In the Circuit Oonrt of the State of
Or-KOO. for thn Conotv of lias.
RoBe E. Younn, Blaintltf, vs. P. H.
Marlev. Defendants
So P. H. Marley, the above- Mined d- -
In tbe name ot tlie Stale ol Oregon.
"Sou are haretiy required So appear and
answer tbe complains si the plaintiff -
above named la thn above entitled i
oourt, now on file-with. the Clerk of said
onuri on or before tba9tn day ot No
7-mner, turn, and vou are hereby
rotinvd that ii yeut hub te appear and i
aoswrr said eocaplatnt ae hereby re
tttrtd tne plaintiff: U1 apply for the.
relief praed tw in said' complaint to
wi. : aujudging plainuifr to- re the owner
in fe ("tuple of the litrnhi it-funbed in
piaiul ff'- coiuDiaiot i 24 One and
Two in BIock JS... 37 in Hacklemau'a
A-euuU Addition to the city oi Albany,
Linn Comity, Oregon v am d declaring the
hi deed issued ibv the- Sheriff of Llnti
Couuty, O'eii'in. daoed tne 23rd day of
Dect-tubH., 119. and recorded Anguat
IMP, 1900. in Book of Deeda Vol. 07 oa
Pite 84 of tne Ha- o& of Deeds lor Linn
Cjnnty, Orenou, bf deoreid void and of
no lori'a or effect and that the same be
e ncelled, at,d that plaintiff recowr ber
uoata and dieburseEaente to o, taxed,
rbia summons teaerved by pubicaion.
bv orar c tbe Han. J.'N. Duncan,
Jurtgn ol the- Conty Conn for Linn.
C -unty. ))t:oadiil maue on the 22ndi
djv nt Seoti-uioer, 1908.
rht eatnorder teqnirea 8aiieuDimoni
to ri4 turblisb'd tot six c.oiiaeca'iva'.
weka In tne Albany Dnmotrut, ihuBritt
pnttiia&ir. to-be rou'eo" the 25th dun
Septfuhar, l'9t'8 and the lost pnnltea
tiou to ft, midwon the 6ch day of N iv
ember. 1 MH, and requires lie defendant
tn aupjor and answer the eomplaiut i t
nlainitf on or belore tne 9th day oi
Novenii r, 1908. ffYATi".
Attorneys lor flaiuliff.
Kotice is hereby iriven that tbe under
sized, administrator ol tbe estate o
Granville Marsh, deceased, haa filed bis
final account aa sncli administ ator, aod
lus-couniy court nj ijinn countv. Ore
gon, baa Bet Mm.dav, Xov. 2, 198S, it
the court bouae ia Albany, Or. forbear.
imk uojeu iuua iuereio,ana lor tne eett la
ment tberecf.
Aloanv, Bept. 2b.
M I. Wi. wnT i.i . I ...
J.J. WntTSiT, Attorney.
Notice ii hereby given that Ihe nn-
- . ul lub uiunty C'jirt
ol Linn county. Oregon, haa been p-
.ioiiuuu me estate ana last
will and teatamnnf nt Wao.t iik
reased. All per.ona having da:mi
otiulitMail.i.... . . i . . ..
-B T , . . . "'"crea to u e tns
taeae with J.J, Whitney, Albany, O ..
muun.a irom tne aate Here
of, properly verified s by law reqi. , .
1 D.tMl Kant y& la q H
t t HlI8K? A"". Exeeat i..