Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 09, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Possibly one of the strongest items you desire in all the merchandise you buy, is quality You naturally want
want the full value of your money as well as stylish up-to-date garments Quality at the price is a Btrong feat
ure with ub, aid when we secure something especially good we give our customers the advantage of the same.
In all that we offer you the rembrance of quality will be with you long after the price is forgotten.
Kimona Cloths
We are showing an elegant line of beau-
tiful new Kimona cloth in the outing
and crepe effects at per yard
16c, 18c and 20c
Also ready made Kimos in new styles
and patterns at
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $6.00
A large assortment of patterns in
dark and light outings.
flic Jmurm
tttufvu i uiu pom oitiue, Aitmuy, Or
4 er;on(l Ihbb mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.0?.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year &1.50.
The weekly Advance per year $1.26.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work. Cal I 102 East First St.
WANTED. A girl to do general house
work. (Jail at 338 W 6th street.
WANTED. Clean, white rags, 1 ct. a
pound, at C. G. Rowlings.
FOR SALE. Now single disc plow.
Apply at the Central feed shed. tl3
LOST. A young Irish setlor, eight
mouths old, at Millers, but is probably
in Albany. Reward for return to Chas.
Baldwin, S. P. freight depot.
FOR SALE. Household furniture,
within ton days. Call at 640 E 6th
FOR SALE. Apples, cheap, wind
falls, Jonathans, free of worms and
scales. 30c per box in orchard; 35c
per box if delivered. Not sold in less
than 6 box lots. Delivered on Friday.
S. G. Tulia. . Phone Farmers IX,
week or month, at Blount's, 314, Ells
worth St. 5t
FOR SALE. A fine bird dog 18 months
old. Inquire of John French.
MUSIC LESSONS. Piano nnd organ.
Phono black 971. Helen Elkins.
LOST. A dray post, hickory, with iron
end. Will give $1 for its return toG.
M. Knox.
WANTED. A boy to work in telephone
oflico, before and after school and
Saturdays. Cuil at the Postal.
WANTED. Bynn experienced woman,
position to do any kind of work. Ad
dress Mrs. L. A. Wiles, box 264.
Clargo pears below cost. I must
move thorn now at 50c. per bushel. Or-
dcr now, only a few more bushels left.
Home phono 13U. u. Kj. wyatt
FOR SALE. An nil class bread and
cake case, capacity 100 loaves of
broad, bran now. Call on M, Soth,
at the Mission.
FOR RENT.-Unfurnishcd rooms. 710
Walnut St., Mrs. Gingrich.
WANTED. Men's washing, ironing
and mending 10c n garment; ladies
shirtwaists 15c to 25c; skirts 15c to
25c, aprons 5c to 15; underwonr 5c. to
&ti5S. "A, work
neatly done. Last painted house on
W. Seventh St. Homo phone 1259. ,
ij i tin ni....... I i : i, -
muitimui. o uiuiuiu. .111411110 niuuira
House Bldg.
THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro
fessors celebrated hand loads had
better get in their orders pretty soon.
Ono party who got 100 loads of us last
year ordered !)00 this year. He said
they dono the work. Baltimore Gun
& Bicycle Works.
has them, to be delivered anywhere
in Albany. Phono Farmers 2x1. Bell, j
tDl I
SODA WATER. -Cascnilia water from 1
the Geiscndorfer springs, may be had
av be had
nt Tomlinson & Holman's and at the
i eucucn biuuiub, at i.uu u"zcn. ;t
FOIUIENT -Furnished house keeping
WOOD SAWING.-liy C. M. West
brook. Homo phono 7U01. tl8
AERMOTER gasoline pump, aircoatcd
with pump jack, ready to hitch to
pump for only $45. Crawford the
Aermotor man will be glad to show
McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bunk Bldg. Both phones.
WOOD SAWING. See me before you
engagoyour wood sawing. Gasoline
used. ueo. v
Brown, Home phono
FOR SALE. -Model N Ford runabout:
with top, only run ono season in fine I
c ndition. Apply to W . W. Craw
ford, agt. Ford Motor Cars.
Keity should be sprinkled. Sea W. M. i
Kidder about it. Twohit, plenty
of water. Keep the rfust i ut offyo
hom. j I
Hamilton's Bazaar
Our Millinery Deptartment
, . ... .
secur,n new thln or our
patrons. You will find here all the latest
creations in trimmings and shapes, of
the n,Bhest cla8s workmanship. If
you haven't already secured your fall
hat you should now. We are ever at
your service.
The People Sy.
Here is a good one:
Senator Fulton went to Oregon, and
asked for re-election, and the people
"We want a change!"
Senator Hansbrough went to North
Dakota for re-election, and the people
"We want a change!"
Senator Kittredge heard it in South
Dakota, from the people:
"We want a change."
Senator Long asked the people of
Kansas for re-election, and the people
"We want a change!"
Senator Hopkins went to Illinois and
asked for re-election, and two-thirds of
the republicans of Illinois announced:
"Wo want a change!"
Almost one-half of the republicans of
Iowa, even when asked by their distin
guished Senator Allison, replied:
"We want a change."
The voice of the people is unmis
takable. Wherever they have had a
chance to speak, they have earnestly
lifted their voices saying:
"We want a change!"
That sentiment is sweeping the
whole country:
"We want a change!"
A Scientific Game
Base ball has become such a scien
tific game that in the great leagu es of
the country the teams end the season
neck and neck. In both the big leagueB
the three or four leading teams are
only a few points apart, so close to
gether that a fortunate hit may give
one of the teams the championship.
They are no longer one-sided. The
editor ofthe Democrat remembers a
tournament about thirty or more years
ago when the Cincinnati red stockings
came out so far ahead it was hardly
I known they had any competitors, win
; nine-noarlv all the trames. But that
doegnt CCUr any longer. In all the U.
. . n..0 :, nn nr i
" -- - -
one league m which m vitiur won iu
por cent of the games, in most of the
leaeues onlv a few over 50 ner cent. It ,
meana tlmt bas0 ba ia more of a
science thun evor before.
Mil to H Start.
Pinntu r t;,o f ti,i no f.
P" " n." building
m Albany, and it should be done. Ac-1
tion is what is wanted now. Albany
Bhould get a move on, make a start,
that is a t int n nnerinrt. Just nrnnn
the button, and time will tnke care of
the rest. Give the city paved streets, j
and there will bo a boosting of things in
Albany never beforo seen. The '
cost will be nothing compared with the
increase in price of property, created
by the improvement.
I'l CI). Cll '1 llOllglltS,
xeuuy ivoosoveu, jr., nas reacneu
his majority, and will cast his first vote j
in November. If he craved notoriety
liko another we kn)Wn )cr8on
could electrify the country by his on-1
nouncement of a purpose to vote for ;
Bryan and Kern. j
Count Tolstoi dares the Russian Gov-
crnment to take his birthday away
from him. j
The general impression appears to be i
so far the republican Presidential cam-!
paign has been almost as Blow as n '
Philadelphia street car. i
We don't remember ever meeting a:
girl whose shoes were rot "a mile too;
big for her.
The trouble with that imitation whis
key is that it doesn't produce an imi
tation jag.
FOR RENT. -Furnished or unfurnish-.
cd rooms, with or without board, 728
E 4th street.
In this line we show some very striking
new things. Among them is the
new Butterfly cloak in a tan stripe
very nobby and serviceable, at
New empire Btyles and semi-fitting back
in plain, colors or novelties and rang
ing in price from $10.00 to $35.00
With new suits always arriving, our
line is always complete.
An Ode composed bv the Rev. Mary
E. Norton, of this city, and published
wimout ner consent, j
Oh thou miserable flea!
Wherefore dost thou bother me?
Jumping, crawling all the day?
Do, I pray thee, get away.
Only just the other day,
I heard a learned doctor say,
He would all fieas bottled Bee.
Then in water'd boil thee, fla.
Oh, abominable flea!
Would we dinner take, or tea,
First one scratches, then another.
Shame on thee, tormenting bother.
Would we at night retire to rest,
First through every fold of dress
Hunt we must, through gather,
But to meet thee in our dream.
Would we our morning toilet make
Then again we look and shake,
Vainly think we're rid of thee.
Gormandizer! Ugly flea!
There! I feel a dreadful nip,
Grab twixt thumb and finger tip,
Roll thee good, prepare to snap.
There! He's gone. Oh sad mishap.
I shake and look, but all in vain,
Flea I cannot find again.
Oh, that we a freeze might see,
That would fix thee, hateful flea.
A pint bottle of EHMANN OLIVE
OIL has as much nutriment as tour
larce heef roasts. Do vnn think nnw
----d- - - j ........ .... .,
that olive oil is too expensive to use
Try a Patrick Gjrdm ciir 5 cents
HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly
served, according to taste.
The County Board of Equalization
will meet at the office of the County
Clerk, Monday, October 19th, 1908, and '
rcmaim n session six (lavs tor the pur
pose of publicly examining the assess
ment roll and to correct all . errors in
valuation, description or qualities of
land, lots or other property, and all
persons interested are hereby notified
to appear at the appointed time
place, and if it shall appear to said
board that any land, lots.or other DroD
ertv be assessed twice or assessed in
tne name of any person or persons not
tne owner thereof, or assessed under or
Deyona its value, or any lands, lots
other property not assessed, they
maKe tne proper correction.
D. B. McKnight.
County Assessor.
Milk Notice.
Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for
milk will be as follows:
Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $2.10
In can btslb cents per gallon. 20
Cream per gallon $1.00, quart 25
cents, pine ia cenis, j pc.iu cents
H. M. Palmer.
Golden Rule Dairy.
Three sizes 5 lb.. 6 lb., 7 lb.,
They make vour work easy. Try oneif or
your next ironing.
306 WestJecond St. Albany, Oregon.
Have customer now for house'snd lot
A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for
sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet.
Ask VM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it.
I Rev. J. C. Elliot left this noon for
, the synod at Ashland.
1 Frank Wire, Btopped off this n ion
' after a hunt up the road.
Mr. and Mrs. Greenhalge returned
j from a visit with Halsey friends.
Mrs. L. E. Blain is attending the
I State W. C. T. U. in Portland this
: week.
! Misses Lena Miller and Ima Redfield
have gone to The Dalles on a visit with
I Mrs. Alton Coates.
Mrs. T. J. Butler left this afternoon
for Spokane, Wash., to attend the ses
! sion of the Woman's Missionary Board
' of the M. E. church,
i Elder S. G. Irvine, of Newport, was
in the city this noon on his way to Ash
land to attend a meeting of the synod,
which Mr. Irvine rarely misses.
Rev. A. M. Williams, of McMinn
ville, was in the city this noon on his
way to Ashland with numerous other
brethren from different parts of Ore
gon. : Dr. W. H. Davis, wife and two daugh-
ters returned this noon from an outing
at Newport. They failed to catch any
; salmon, for the reason that they are not
running yet. They did run once for a
1 day or two, but it did not last. Any
; day a report of a big school may be
: looked for.
I Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Stratton, of Mil
! lers, will leave in two or three days for
j Somerton, Ariz., where a brother Mr.
! Sam Stratton, resides, to spend the
coming year. They will go by the
northern route, visiting in Iowa and
other middle west places, then to San-
diego, Calif., for a visit with their
! JlnBreekemide
Robbed of $25.
Statesman: J. McKinney, of Albany,
was in Salem yesterday, much exor
cised over money which he claims to
have lost in Portland Sunday night.
Mr. McKinney states that he passed
the night at an overcrowded boarding
house, and that during his slumbers one
of the other inmates searched his pock
ets and secured $25 and a ticket for
Albany. Luckily he still had left thirty
dollars which were in other Dockets,
and believes that his restless move
ments frightened the thief away. He
did not notify the police, as he felt the
chances of recovering the money to be
Josh Coming.
"Uncle Josh Perkins" will undoubti
edly attract a large audience on Friday
night, when it is produced, as the piece
has proven one of the most popular of
all rural comedies that have been pro
duced in recent years. While "Uncle
Josh Perkins" has a most interesting
plot, the lines are well writtten, the
characters well drawn, and the action
natural and not forced. To add to the
production, H. H, Frazee has equipped
uiuuubuun, u. xi, 1'iaica imo cvjuippu
ft with a complete scenic environment,
while the acting company is made up
of the very best metropolitan talent and
I includes a number of well known local
i favorites.
A Stove Bargain.
A good 18 inch air tight stove for
only $1.75, at the store of the Albany
Hardware Co. -
wood. Phone E.
Bell, 204 Home.
-Some good
M. Perfect,
tfjMr. Chas. 0. Itarav e,
Graduate of William H. Sherwood's
School of Music, will give private in
structions in Pianj at the Private Par
lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours
5 to 6.
We are now ready to do custom saM
ing. Good road to mill pond.
Bring your logs while the roads are
good. .
in Alhsnv. Priro must h riwhf.
Doing Good Work for bryan and
i '
Hon. George Fred Williams, of Mass
achusetts, came down from Lebanon,
where he spoke last night ti a large
audience. A big crowd also greeted him
at Scio, andtnere was much interest in
his two addresses. Mr. Williams is an
eloquent speaker, holding his audiences
enrapt in the interest of his argument.
He is fair and gentlemanly in his treat
ment of his opponents, but speaks to
j the point.
' Mr. Williams reviewed the Roosevelt
fiolicies, and showed how under repub
ican rulethe government has been get
j ting far away from the people. His
argument on the guaranty of bank de
posits was convincing. The govern
ment requires a guaranty of its depos
its in the national banks, and the state
does the same, why not a guaranty the
same in the interest of the farmer
and others. Mr. Williams handling of
the trust question, showing how noth
ing hab been done under republican rule,
, was maBterly and unanswerable,
i He is confident Bryan will be elected,
the indications being strong everywhere.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Oct. 7, 1908. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Irwin Adams, Nora Arnold, Harry
Bullock, Maurice Baker, Felia Bird,
Miss J. E Brown, Mrs. Myrtle Bailey,
Mrs. Foley Gebamon, C. F. Hanson, A.
I. LaRosa, N. E. Markley, E. A Mitch
el, Mrs. J. A. Miller, J. McCormick,
Mr. McFarland, Mrs. Elda Pickle, Mrs.
J. A. Prag, J. A. Pugh, J. Peter Peter,
Mr. Jessie Roberts, C. R. Roberts, J.
Sinders, Frank Waters.
J. s. .Van Winkle, P. M.
I. r. SHULTZ, Manager.
Friday Evening, October 9th
Uncle Josh Perkins
With a Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Positively the Largest
and Best Production Ever Given This Famous Play.
PRICES-25, 50 and 75 cents. Seat Sale at Woodworth's.
A range is not bought every day. A few dollars more or less in price doe9
not determine whether a range is chap or dear. You want the best; that is
the very first consideration.
The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are:
How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack,
break on warp? Does it heat up the kuchen, or is all the heat put to use in
cooking and baking? Will it wear well?
The "Quick Meal" Factory is s- well equipped with latest and most improved
machinev. that "Ouick Meal" Steel Ranees are made more nerfepft nnH cnn.
nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a ''Quick Meal" you get the
best for no more money than what you would have vo pay for the ordinary,
cheaply constructed range. For sale by
F. E. Rogers, Lebanon.
Norris B. Gregg, Portland.
Mis. McCoy, o: Sweet Home fame
Ed. Zeyss and wife, Portlani, up for
a hunt.
Hugh Freeland, of the Gold Creek
M. E. and Walter Shier, of the Black
Eagle Mining Co.
O. P. Wolcott, the Portland milliner,
formerly of Albany.
Mrs. K. A. and Leva Pratt, Mill City.
J. C. Pewtherer, Rickreall.
Rev. C. L. McCausland, P. E., Cor
yallis. Z. M. Brown, Portland.
R. A. hiresh, "
S. S. Gimble, Saiem.
H. A. rrazier, "
J. W. Shumate, Eugene.
Geo. H. Graves, the broom drummer,
of automoiile fame.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 72-38.
The river .08 of a foot.
The prediction: fair tonight, Thursday
probably showers.
Hereafter instead of taking the tem
perature at 8 a. m. Mr. French, the
local displayman, will take it at 3. p.
F, M. French local observer.
Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina
Bay at the Metropolitan.
Will be open for skaters Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights. Go and
enjoy the Bport. t21
Fairdale Plant harm.
I have for sale a choice lot of plants
for fall planting at reasonable prices.
Gooseberries, red and white currants,
loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb,
hedge plant and"sage.
Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 5.
Go to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
n Crockery and Glassware as e in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get out prices and see our
ean up-to-date store.
Both Pnooet Mils 56.