Democrat VOL XL1V ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9 1908 NO 10 Albany Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. Again ready for businesa. Home Phone 210. Dreamland S. P. AGAIN BEATEN. San Francisco, Oct. 3. Applica tion Southern Pacific and Oregon and California roads for an injunction to re strain the putting into effect the rate of $3.40 on lumber, was refused and the case goes to the Supreme court. A decision is likely in sixty days. In the meantime the rate from the Willamette Valley to Bay cities is in force. A Steamer Sunk. RELIGIOUS First Presbyterian church: F. H. Geselbracht minister. Morning wor ship 10:30. Theme: Tenacity Essential in Purpose. 11:16 Rally program in the Sabbath School. 4:00 Christian En deavor Rally service. ti:00 Vesper ser vice. Musical numbers: Prelude, Evening Prayer Wilkinson. Anthem, There's a Wideness in God's Mercy Williams. Anthem, Angel Voices Geibel. Solo, Mrs Geselbracht. Anthem, God's Way Best Aahford. Offertory, Elevation Ley bach. Solo. Dav is Ending Bartlett, Prof. SCIO A Real Political Speech Given, to be j News: ! M. V. Bilyeu is now engaged in mov ; ing from the farm, which he sold some weeks ago, to Albany. Mart says v ' 'moving is gobs of fun. " I Mr. A. M . Yonng, bookkeeper in the Merchants National bank, of Portland, is using part ot his annual lay off in visiting his father, N. Young, o this city. The Democratic political campaign Tillamook Oct 3--The steam schoc ner Bandon, capt. Keese, struck on the bar at 11:45. n ";.'o- tr-i.i. t Akanii I J-he Uemocratic political camp; Short sermon: uur reeu; r-, Cain8 HbU( p7m;on Tuesday, bctT rw-.f M!. JTmolm C Hansen 6- At that time, Hon. Geo. Fred Wil Organist. Miss Emehe C. Hansen. K of Magsachusetts, will be Dres. First M. E. church: s-unaay bcnooi ent and ,jejver tne iodine address. WE REMOVE THE CHAFF. Use Diamond Blend cof fee because it is the best. Just received 1,000 lbs. new crop tea. COMMERCIAL COFFEE 223 First Street) & CROCKERY CO. Opposite First National Bank. last night in crossing out and sprung a it leak. The fires were put out. drift- The New Moving Picture House. Play The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children Be. F. P. Stowart, proprietor and mana -ger. I! V es Firit strjat.op Dosite Stev-n's-store. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, op" :site the Democrat office. ed on to tide floats, with water. where it lies filled A Country Town. The E. A.- Anyone who had left Sweet Home eight or nine months ago would scarce ly know the place should they be drop ped down there now. During that time the street has been straightened, graded and graveled, and is now a smooth hard surface, an object lesson in good road building. Old sidewalke have all been replaced by new, and a number of blocks of new walk built. Several new busi ness buildings have been built and a number of dwelling houses, while more are in nrncess of building and others contemDlated. Rent is high for the size of the place, and yet is almost im possible for new comers to get a house. Rally Day y, Oct. is postponed to Hon. M. A. Miller. Oregon's National Committeeman, will be present and in troduce Mr. Williams. Brownsville. next Sunday, Oct. 11. First United Presbyterian: Hours of service: 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The morning suDject will be: Christian Re demption. The eveniDg subject will be: who,- id rina Kaiifrmn i nmnrrw will Ka Roll., nau in fVia Snhhntn Kphnnl. A I Times, verv elaborate and helpful program has I J. S. McNair, of Portland, has pur been prepared. The aim of our Sabbath chased the J. F. Venner block on HAVE YOG TRIED OUR Pickling Spices We save you 12c on the dollar when you buy our spices. MEISERS' School is to get the older people as well as the children interested m tne stuay ' of God's word. Baptisms tomorrow. On Monday evening at 8:45, the pastor will give an Mlustrated lecture on: "The Land of The Incas, or from Pan ama to Cape Horn." , Admission free. St. Mary's Church.-Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Services next Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Evening service at 7:30. Father Lane will officiate and preach at these services. The public is cordially invited. Evangelical church:-Sunday services: Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor H. R. Geil. Persons not attending ser vices elsewhere are cordially invited to attend here. Christian:-RaMy Day, Rally Day. We begin at 10:30 a. m. Every one be on time. The usual church service will be somewhat changed for the morning. Special music Rally features will be continued through the day. Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. Evening sermon, "Tha Thoui?ht of God in the Life of Christ." A place, work and welcome for all. Baptist Church.-Regular services at usual hours. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. S. A. Douglas, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. MiuweeK prayer service inurauay cycl ing 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P A. 6:30 p. m. All are invited to attend these services, SP! Holcomb & Walker, paying $2,000 for ine same. A. L. Foster and T. C. Isom have completed tne building of neat new houses on their farms southwest of town. The country as well as the city is feeling the touch of progress and Erosperity with which this section is lessed. R. E. Warner, who went to the Al berta country with David Sterling and family, returned home Sunday, having visited Montana and Idaho since leav ing Canada. He says he saw some rood country in Canada, Montana and Idaho and some not worth much. The Oliver Typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu- latory attachment is just out. Seejone of the Oliver agency, 338 w. otti at. Phones, Black 2062 and 218. Take a table spoon fun ot EHMANN OLIVE OIL at each meal. Always be tween your meat and desert; never on an empty stomach. It -will help digest food and nourish the body. Owen Beam Co. At the Empire, Wonderful is the moving picture, givir-g one a remarkable conception of the doings of the world, with the hu morous side of life, often giving one t lesson not to be forgotten. ine tmpire has a hne program on, a striking lesson for all, vividly portray ed; tnere is also tun enough tor any body and the songs are the best, splen didly sung by Mr. Kolle, with a good orchestra accompaniment. Want a Railroad Bad. Cbas. Red field, chief engineer of the big Deschuttes irrigation project, ar rived this noon on a short visit with his father and Bister. He reports great interest through Crook county over railroad projects. The people there will be glad to get anything, and the first will be the most popular. Irriga tion is proving a great thing for that country. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c but taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. NEW COLLARS COMBS BELTS, BAGS 100 New Suits by Express To-day Chamber's & McCunc FOR STOUT WOMEN REDUCIO" CORSETS PER PAIR $3.00 We can show a half thousand suits tor you to make a selection from and no two alike, something new by express every day; no trouble to show you suits from $7.50 to $75.00 The New Tailored Waists in man:3h effects, choose from a Urge variety of colors. Prices at $1.50 to $2 60. COATS In the New Directoire models in all colors and mixtures $5.00 to $45.00 Manish Box Coats for School Wear, Priced at $4 50 to $20.00 Silk and Net Waists In all the new shades and two tone effects. $15.00. Nets white and Ecru $2.50 to $17.50. Taffeita silks ac $3 50 to LooK at the New Shoes Colored tops to match your suits in BUTTON LACE and BLUCHER. Pticed from $2.00 to $5.00. Pall Underwear tmr stocks are now complete in cotton, silk and wool union suit's and separate garments. Union suits $1.25 to $5.00, separate suits 50c to $5 00. AT THE CREST you will find Swetland's Ice Cream, Aldon Chocolates, Cigars, Fruit and Nuts. L. L. JPOTT'S 316 W. 2nd St. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas's Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest hn merit ever devised. A household, rem idyiin America for 25 years.. ALBANY iCn A , supply co., Senders' Wholesale dealer in fruit. Dro- duce, paper bags.Jwrapping paper and twine. 442 W EST FIRST STREET. i M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats- of, all kinds from selected stock-. , 435 West First 5t., Albany, Headquarters for "Alsen and Pyramid" Portland Cement, "Ronche Harbor" Line, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray. Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and Lihr-rty Bel' hard wheat flour. Hay, Gruirtl- Mill Feed and Salt. kEP an h.) c uii I n Vienna ti ak f r good (.tiings to EAT. SecirdBt' bstweeo Elbwortfc aod"'.vori ttel. REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 6)4 acres, S4 miles from Albany, all in cultivation, small buildings. Price $1000. 10 acres, mile from Oregon City, 6 room house, good soil. Price. $1200. 19 acres, )i mile from Corvallis, one nair in cultivation, lair buildings. Price $3000. 24 acres, Santiam River bottom land, one-half in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $1860. 30 acres riyer bottom land, 17 acres in cultivation, fair buildings. Price $2100. 39 acres, 30 acres cultivated, 15 acres orchard, small buildings. Price, $3500. 40 acres, one half in cultivation, all bottom land, fair Improvements. Price $2250. 42 acres near the city, 26 acres in cultivation, no buildings. Price, $4100. 190 acres, all Lot torn land, one half in cutivation, fair improvements. Price $6500. Homestead Relinquishment, 120 acres 100 acres carrbe cultivated. Price $400 Guod 8 room hoii le and 2 lots. Lyon St. 1 rice $3260. 6 room hovss on 4th street, one lot. Price $1050. 6 room house' and one lot, dose in, best buy in the city. Price 13W. 6 room house, First street,' one lot with barn. Price $1000. 7 room house, barn and oWe fufl bloi-Ic of land. Price $1600. , j 8 room house, barn and' 0WS lbf , coetf location. Price $1500 Full particulars as to teiW and lorpV j tion given on calling at my otticu at No." 102 East First Stieet. No information'' given to inquires made over the tele-1 phome. If you are looking for bargains in re I estate you should investigate thu list at once. C. G. BURKriART. 102 East First St , Albany, Or. The HigheBt Market Price paid for SEEDS Of all kinds, at SOTO 8 0-'. P..I D ih HOP WAifflilM Ferry and Water Streets. Albany. OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR. CUSTOMERS. Don't think we Want Only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrens the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. , We also curry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen- erally. Holt's Market STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits etc. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and: Baker m WEST t'WHT HTKKETALBAN Y OIIEOON,". First class goods in their season. Phone Main',56. I Seed cleaned wiihuut wast? l-3c per pound. Sucks furnished tree Home Phono 307. BlpjSftiiitK. Steer's Cash Store