It's EASY Em Palnrina if not to hard if you pet the right paint. The varnish you put on a floor ia not good for other woodwork ; paint for the porch is not alwaya right for a chair. All thii hoi been made easy by the ACME QUALITY mark which directs you to the perfect paint for every purpose. That is why we sell Acme Quality" paint, enamel, stain, varnish. It enables us to five you exactly the right paint for your needs. "The Selection and Ise ol Paints and Finishes" is a book that makes the work easier bv explaining how to paint anything. xoun free whan you purchase. Ohling & Taylor I IT ms-mmC All IweJ mm0tr KIND Get Into Your Class Become a subscriber of the Home Telephone Co. Best telephone service Al bany has ever had. lleai deuce Hates 81.03, $1.25, $1.50 Tiusiness Hates $2.00 Long distance service to Portland and other points. J. C LOWE, G. E. SANDERS, Local Manager. Assistant Manager. A. L. TETU, rGeneral Manager, Portland, Oregon. AT THE HOTELS A crowd of Portland men at the Revere were just down from the Big Bottom country, where they bad been for an outing: F. N. Henion, W. B. Starr, John Buchler, C. F. Willis, H. L. Wil son. J. W. Wilson, the Lebanon livery man. M. J. and Amy Knerr, of Mill Citv H. E. Badger and family, Ashland." vv'm. McKillop, Scio. Mrs. D. Given, Salem. J. T. Lighter, Portland. J. T. Albert, F. L. M arsters, Medford. Isabel Collier, Bridal Veil. Ivy Stevenson, Halsey. D. Denton, Spokane. HOME AND ABKOAO. Ten acres of fruit land has just been aold at Hood River for $16,000, a new record. The Portland stock show is havintr Wo work to get a crowd right after the stute lair. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts A good library makes a better town. Help everything that hclpj Albany. Well, Haskell isn't running for president. More smoke stacks in Albany will be welcome. Habit is a big thing, habit of boosting. Get in the Some people in this world seem built along rail fence lines. to be About all Hearst cares for is to stir things up, an easy job anywhere. These awful primaries. Mead sper.t 3569 over in Washington, and then lost. Seven Wa dport men have each killed an elk this season, now opened. L. V. Colvin got the biggest horns and the finest teeth of all. John Anderson and John Leggett, prominent students at Albany for sev eral years, have entered the theological seminary at Eugene, for the study of the ministry. Governor Haskell has resigned as treasurer of the national democratic committee. Trying to make capital a gainst Bryan on account of his failings is small business. W. F. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, has been in Portland this week showing himself and attractions. He I the pi is getting to be cimte an old-timer. enea. The wild west spirit continues to inter est, but there is no longer any wild west. The east has become the wildest part of the country, and Wall street is tne worst ot all. CAST0I7M The foot ball heroes will soon make t the presidential candidates look like 5c pieces. It is time those basket ball baskets were put up in the gym. life season is ! about here. j Yes, let the smelter smelt in Albany's suburbs, just far enough away to not smell too much. Roosevelt will take the stump if Taf t needs him. So if the president speaks the public will know taatTatt isinght- Special rates are offered on the South urn Pacific lines, as follows: To the Trans-Mississippi Congress at San Francisco Oct. 6-10. Sale dates Oct. 3 4. Good for 29 days. Round: trip $25. Irrigation Congress at Albuquerque, N. Mex. . Sept. 23-261 Good for 29 days ! Round trip $55. -Graduates- I ii-.H ton HIGH SCHOOLS and DISTRICT SCHOOLS in Linn cou nd elsewhore : Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. ALBANY COLLEGE Offers you largo advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighth grade to a Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teacliers Course -or A Four-Year College Course Address H. M. Crooks can be happy by- keeping the digest ion perfect, the liver active, and the bowels fiee by using the Bit Meier & Frank, of Portland, are ad vertising their 974th Friday surprise sale. Wonder where the surprise conies in by this time. ALCOHOL 3 PER ntVT AVcgelableRtparattonfo-As-slrailatingiheFoodaratHegufa ling (he Siomachs andDowelsof Promotes DigestionjCkerfW-i ness and Restfontalnsnektcr : Opium.Morphine norMitmralJ WOT NARCOTIC. Psofkto Sted" JteSataa SxhtlltUls- tmtSttd IneXiakStJa f ItimSrrd- I Cantltd Sunar AnirfeclRemedvforCcmsfiM- Hon . Sour. Slnmarh. Diarrhoea; Worms jCoiwulsions.revcrisir ness andLoss OF Sleep. JacSimfe Signature of NEW YOHK. CflSTOMA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of AW Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THroiKTMroe When the extension of She CorvaHis1 and Eastern s ordered it will be from ! the New York office and everybody willj knovr about it. Lodge Meetings. today. Our private i tJJtanxD is over neck. ! BE SURE THAT YOU GET I HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Disap pear if the Advice of This Al bany Citizen is Followed A WOMAN'S BACK. ! Th K. O. M. every Saturday even-! Thft onlnmna nf tha rtomAAraf or mo fhMK. School MmmflnrlfiT. ' 'onenfforboostsforthecitv.hercitizens. Tb Woodmen of the World every Jhe Aches and Pains Will l i ii. . H niir atriMiinnr I. I. .Vtirfu fIALr terS. A 55 years' closed to knocks against the' city,. ! 5"!"5ttti:irj!!2 and3rd Mondays, record backs it. Start g00d t" men and charact3r; HW 3 w. Monday, evening. I W. M. Pariter financier. O. P. Dsn Carnegie is going to send a fund of., nels M. W. $1,250,000 to England to eneourage wM.oder.r1' Wn0meJl 2nd H?n,d- 4J.n heroes. Better send it to Oregon and Wednesdays. P4 kM- .P2",dwVj C' keep the money (it home. The Man ! 5yal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes- ?lT'n Wi" De sauanea w"" a! The ladies of the Grand Army of the1 Backache-is really kidney ache; ! Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues- j That's why Doam'S' Kidney Pills care aay arternoons- in tne u. a. . nan. ;t A womsjis- back baa many aches-and pains. Mosi' tis the kidneys' fault;. Special Rates. The Democrat is informed privately that John 0. Rockefeller, the richest I man in the world, is never invited out ! in his own city. People aro afraid to I know him. How would you like to be rich. Strangers- belonging to this order wrtT rsceive a royal welceme. Mrs Jennie j M. Bv.jwnv Secretary. i Many Albany women know this. Read wfeat one has. to say about it;. Color-gravure Picture'. SHINGLES Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. They are the best in the market. Our No. 2's are the equal to those usually sold as a first-class article, We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and insnect them, see them made and be convinced that tbey the BEST. Remember the place. Thejold Wool en Mill Warehouse. THOMPSON St CRAMER THE WH8TC0MB STAGL To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and forepart of October. Stage leaves Lebanon Tuesdays. Thuisdays. and Saturdays at 7 a. m. Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m., arrives in Lebanon in time for the afternoon train to Albany. Board at Whitcomb $7 per week. ! Mrs. B. TC.FiagR, of 231 Main St.,. Albany. Ore.-, savs?: "I have suffered Bbwlisgs-hasalot of coloyvgmrare f"!a.t'-y 5aln' m' fm? ,bk VSS,0 piaturesThipped him by mistalsl and is he '01ns d down.into the limbs. There advised to pet his freight out oft them. haf been hmes-whon. I was unable to, o ..i' ..r. j;I.. in. get about to attend' to my housework. Justaredat the Oregon Market ' 'ook-r assortment.. Choe . and grocery. We have abut 250 pounds j IOE 0,8nu tKS- j The kidneyvsecreJiuiw were disordered! of the best tea grown, and to move it I . " , and though Ii ke-fetayig different rem.- quickly have put a price of 65e the ' B-r" kpL fbl trS adies I swmed to-get worse constantly . pound. This tea is the regular 75c "r.? fjt I A neightwr inducXne to try DoaJs. suffler. All Druggist3 sell it. ioox for me at Pbshay A Mason's drng- store. After usijpfr them about three- Can't took well eat well or feel, wel weeks nitan achoor a pain remained. L wath. impure blood feeding yoor body, 'have been doing- my own work since Kaepi the Wood pure with Buedcck j without the least inconvenience.- Ii Rlonii. RaUers. Eat simDtv. take exer- else-, keep clean ana you win ntvvtr iis life. New Crop Tea. grade and none better comes to country. You will save money by lay ing in a siipply now as it is the new crop put up in air tight cartons. We wil aheerfully refund money if it is not al or better than we claim. Ask for Pte ferred Stock Tea and get the genuine 11 Missed. Subscribers who fail to gettheir paper should kick at once. If beyond Mont gomery street call up Red 3132 Pac ific if missed, and your paper will come,, if between Broadalbin and Montgom ery , ery Home 273, and if west of Broadal- oin atretic racmc omc& 04. "i;have been soniew nat csatiwev but Doan.'s.Begulets gave just the restaha desiseA They act mildly and. regulate the bowels; perfectly. 'George- B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ave.. Altoona. Pa Pills.' For aale by alii dealers. , Price 50i cents. Fosten-Milbam Co., Buffalo, New York, sole-agents for the Unitedl States. Remember the name Doan's BndSttd no other. twrnu ...0- S OUT C (? r DHJSE 'k "v . Albany College Albany, Oregon Pres Beware ol Selective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. II. RllDD, Maiiarier Oi the nai iropt-rty you intend to purchase, or accept as security for nioiu-y loanco. F'tablished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of Srd ar i Broadalbin straets, Albany, Or. Nt) EXCESSIVE: LOANS, NOT A DOLLARilN STOCKS, NU SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO OTHE. BUSINESS TO KEEP UP jusr straIght.old fash. IONED BANKING. J. W. CUSICK&C0. BANKERS. Albany, Oreson XMT "RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have monev to loan in smalt and large amounts. Notes and mortgai;r nought. 1 will bond you. property handled for non-residents ttet. 3rd and 4th At the very low rate af$25.00forthe round trip. Tickets good for 29 days. Kate open for everybody. Account Trans-Mississippi Commercial-Congress. C. K. FRONJC, Agt. Colis & Oeviye Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 132 W. FIRSTS!'. ALltANY, OR. The-skin is not simflljc- an outer cove-ring.; ofi Hies bdy, but througlu its. ' tnonsanos 01 pores anaigianos it pertormithegraat' arui necessary warlcof regnlating our temperauresv and also assists. .in rasposiji of the refuatid waste matters of the system by. the canstant evaporation that goes n through these little tttBeSi. To perform these dhties: tfte tissues anafibres which connect and surround the pores atrdigl&n(?&!must6eeontinuall-rritsr-ished by pure blood. Wliea from any cense thcairculaJaon becomes infected with impurities and bumors, it loses its.strengtSuniiig; powers and begins to uiscase ana lrruaie ira neiicaie tissues, .ana. pumices Stetema, Acne,. Tetter, i or some other itching, disfiguring skiritroubltx S S.S. cures skin iiseases ot every kind by going down into the cireulatioitiand cetttralizing anti remov ing the impurities aud humors. It changes tl wqunlity of the bloodiSrom an acrid, fiery fluid toia cooling, healtli-prodm-mg stream, which, instead of irritating and inflaming the skin, cures ani nourishes it by its soothing, healthful qualities.. Salves, washes, "lotions, may be used for any tem porary comfort or aleanliness they aiford, bitftskin diseases cannot be cured until S. S. S. has.purified the blood; Book on Skin Diseases and any med ical advice sent free. THE SWXET SPECIFIC CO.. ATT.AWT4. OA . JZZZJSIH OR. I Telephone Red 671 A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON k Bldg, Alfcan; DR. J. Xj. HIXjL, Pbyaiclsn and Surceoii Mill Illock - - Albany. Ot FIRST NATIONAL BA4K A. J. HODGES DENTIST . Odi FbHows Temple, Albany, Oregon CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Koo, an . . experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Honu W1 Wf tVT TT' Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish II ii al I I 1 1'. Chinese medicines to all. Theunder- T T JL " XlXJkJ signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write hun VoTftfinarian t No. 110 West Second St., Albanv. V CICI IllrtI Itt'l. Or J.mWestfalu Ml offic8AlbMT 310,. yoth Phones - O-RTEG-OKT 1MKKCTOKH S K Youne V tv ;.Klwin O-.l Scbmitt L W Lnnplnn A CP-hmiu IK LAN1SBON President S E YOTN!) We-President AC SCUM ITT Cashier Transacts a general bankii. business, Accounts Keptsubjeet to check. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland, Collections made on favorable termsi Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsuls A POSITIVE CHS n .: 3 1.1 at FcInflmmntIon orCatfcrrfcof tho Bladder and Dlvasrd KiJ. ji. nu uuiiL no r&i, Lnr.ia iicKlr and pemmneniW th WOMt rnioa of innuhAA. and Gleet, no matte nt bow .w, or or man. .00, or by w&ll, poet' .S boxes, . 75. THE SANTAL-FEPSIN GL BlekinuliM, Ohle. For tale br Burihrt & Lee 3 .CMS 1" O JrJ T A . SjiU Tin Kind Von Han Alw.w 3oaQ pani