New Moire Ribbons in widths 50c. New patterns in Silk Beautiful values in serges and fancy stripe dress goods.' The selections we offer is worth your examination. goods made, no better be offered. See them. TRIMMED MIIXINERYReadytowear Hats for Ladies First display of newest arrivals. SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR Mens', Ladies and School Shoes. The same reliable qual ities you have always found here. A good quality of Outing Flannel 5c per yard. Butterick Fashion Magazine 25c with coupon rebate for 15c on any pattern purchased. S. E. Albany, ion,ooo ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store without one single mistake just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treU you right. The store of quality. BURKHART & LEE 100,000 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Aek the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West r irst St Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, i 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First - class -work ' guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODERS, DEALER IN; CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS.l Second and EllaworthlStreetg.SAItriny H. A. LELNlNGrER. Dentist Cnwford Block, - - - - Albuj. 5 12 inch'Oriental net brown match. for waists. Real Cluny terns. Combination Muslin Underwear No better values can Corset cover, pants and petti coat in Young & Son. - - - Oregon. 100,000 100,000 The BEST in Jew elry is none too good. F, G, WILL Has it. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to lock just as good as made to ,ouk just as new. Waists and cresies nf deiicate color and ma , im ial we r-nnviite to the delight of th i owner. W M o dye any grmnnt Jt- airuu in uvuuuiui snaues hpu cjju rings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY. Prop. 4'0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 J. W. BE NT LEY Democrat Building, Albany, Is prepared to make and repair boot and shoos for men, women and ehil ' dren in workman tut manoet. laces in French blue, and black, Bands to lace. Variety of pat suitable especially for the hip less form. one garment $1.7a, $2.25 bUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c. For painting and paper hanging see Bicker, 832 E 3rd st. Home phone 255. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Kawnngs. tie Handles a 1 makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at l the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than ! anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set it desire"- . , Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have the best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want (the best, neat and clean. I Minute Coal l)il stove. At the Albany Hardware Co's. No wick, no odor, perfectly safe. Best thing out for summer use . See it work IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Razor or Pocket Knife where to so to tret the I best the kind that Bears a personal yuu gel. just iiuu xroul US' ' prices aie right. See our window. BURKHART &ILEE. A pint bottle of EHMANN OLIVE OIL has as much nutriment as lour large beef roasts. Do you think now that olive oil is too expensive to use freely? uwen Beam Co. Minced razor clams, 2cans for! 25c Regular price 20c a can,ai the' Metro politan. ! Said the OIdNm?fo The B03 "The Only Watch that has given perma nent satisfaction to YOUR father, to MY father, YOU and ME, is i THE HOWARD The Watch De Line." Why not be able to say the tame to Your Grandson? Let Us Tell Yon Abont HOWARDS , F. M. FRENCH. Wholesale and I L retail. I Delivered ev- I zf erywhere. s Keep cool thii summer. Order at AU any Ice Works GLEN JUNKIN8. M0m THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Trains. Early Jack Currie and Del Bogart, two prominent drummers, were at the de- pot. Currie had a fine looking bird dog and Bogart a gun, and. together, it is guessed that they will be able to make a killing of pheasants when the open season gees here at midnight. Mrs. C. C. Parker and daughter ucicu, ui i utuauu, amveu Mum vu- valhs, and stopped off to see Albany friends while on their way home from Newport, where they spent three months. ' Hoyt, the chaffauer, left for Elk City. Mr. Sid Watson went to Salem on business trip. Mrs. A. M. Blackburn, of Lebanon, went to Salem on a visit with relatives. J. F. Alton, who has been with W, B. Stevens during the past year, left for Portland to make arrangements to move to that city on Friday, having accepted a good position there. Mr. Alton is a very competent man in his line of store work. Judge Duncan went to Jefferson and perhaps to Turner. Lawyers Garland and Tussing came down from Lebanon and Brownsville, Mrs. L. M. Jones arrived from Leb - anon. Rev. J. L. Beattv. at Lebanon the East year, left for Creswell to look over , is new field of work. A car on the Brownsville train con-j tained a cow or two and a good many ; hogs and sheep, all mixed up, a hit and ! miss crowd of animals. George Finley came down from Craw- I fordsville. - I Mrs. G. W. Phil'ips and children left on a trip to bcio. W. A. Long, of Tallman. left on a trip to the farm of Chas. Scott, at Sum mit. Mr. Scott and family left yoster day on an Eastern Oregon trip. . T. H. C. Brasfield came down from Shedd. The Yaquina train left on its last morning trio for the season and there was a pleased look on the face of Billy Toner. Tomorrow the train will begin arriving at noon and the Corvalhs trains will have a schedule of their own, with out Philomath. A Dakota Judge Here. Judge Neeshaw, of Pembina, with the accent on the last eylaole, ha9 been in the city today, visiting his old Da- kota friend, Mr. Richie, of the Richie Land Co. The Judge is thinking of in vesting in Oregon laris- He will go to the Ruoge River valley, which he had in view on coming west. He is pleased with the Willamette Valley, and will be welcome here if he should ever make up his mind to take a permanent hike this way. Johnson's Best is Best. The best is never any too good. Johnson's Bst is always the best flour. If you really wish the best bread mode use the rest flour Johnsons Best. Particularly good flour is needed for cakes. Johnson's Best hits the mark. Many of the troubles of life may be saved by using first-class flour. John son's Best is always good. . We are having some of the latest de signs in "Egyptian Matrix" Jewelry. French, the Jewelry. MUSIC LESSONS.-Piano and organ. Phone black 971. Helen Elkins. DR. W. R. BILYEU, uentisi ; Over Wcodworth's Drug Store. Both 1 phones. Brui.e & Andet son's Barber Shop : In temporary quarters at the office j of Anderson Rooming House, corner of j Jvrst and Washington s'reets, where! they will be glad to attend to old and new customers. I C.H.NEWS Probate: In estate of Susan Griggs citation for sale of real property will be heard Nov. In estate of J H. Sterling personal property ordered sold. Over 1150 hunters licenses issued with pr0spects of 40 or 50 more before the office closes. Last year the number . was 1170 when the season opened. $329.80 received by the recorder this month, a busy one. ' , ! Monday will be the last day for pay. i"B taxes without the 17 per cent penal' ' ty. Deeds recorded: Catherine M. Payne to R. N. and Frankie Torbet 66 by 100 ft. . .$ Albert Caufman to Wm.Toltman 2 lots Albany H's 4th ad Mrs. E. E. Sloan to Minnie Keeny 1 lot Crawfordsville C. H. Cable to Geo. and Mary 100 450 500 Frum bl Brownsville 1400 Jas. Bowen to C. B. Serfling 80 a 2000 J. K. Smith to Lee isuyeu i a i Lebanon ... S. L. Goan to J. D. Gainer 5 a I Lebanon J- L. Hill to Wm. Ehleft 120 a. . j M. A. Miller to E. L. Kellenberg- ! er 20 by 159 feet Lebanon .... . R. G. Keene to Wm. Ehlert 160 a. Chas. Harte to Wm. Ehlert 205 a 3000 650 10 2500 1800 5125 Mortgages for $330. $1270, $2480. Releases for $1000 and $125. Patent R. li. Keene. IN ANO AROUND ALBANY. Dr. Lowe the optician, who is to be here Oct. 9th and to noon of 10th, has boen coming to Albany over 17 years. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elin Knapp on Saturday night, Sept 26, a boy, a live youngster already on - the scrap. All doing well. The finest brand of scissors in the city at Haltimores, every pair guar- anreo. money dbck in ten days u not periectiy satistactory. An exceptionally good program at Dreamlend tonieht. All Elk's should attend as it is running a song especially written and dedicated to the order. The regular meeting of the Albany Commercial Club will be held tonight, with several prominent matters forcon- , sideration. The directors are requested to be prompt in being present. , Friday and to Saturday 0ct. 9 Bnd 10 Dr. Lowe, the well known optician and refractionist will be in Albany at Hotel Revere. Consult him about your eyes and glasses. 19 years experience. Parties wishing student help may se cure it by applying to the college Y. M. C. A. Phone the college or see John Guy. Short jobs or permanent posi tions of a few hours a day regularly wanted. Take a table spoon full of EHMANN OLIVE OIL at each meal. Always be tween your meat and desert; never on an empty stomach. It will help digest food and nourish the body. Owen Beam Co. Try a Patrick (Jordan Cigar. 6 cent FOR SALE. -An all glass bread and cake case, capacity 100 loaves of bread, bran new. Call on M. Soth, at the Mission. NOTICE. The party taking the bunch of keys from the office of the Albany Mill & El. Co. will avoid trouble by returning same at once. 4m u jj IM Hind Vcu Ha.a lway f McKinstry's Studio Photos and Enlarged Portraits. Next to the P. O. Home Phone 318 Meals Only 15 c at the Royal Bakery and Restaurant Prime Roasted Beef, Roast goin of Pork, Veal, all kinds of fish in their season; also Fruit Cakes, salads and the best of Coffee. Corner.2nd and Ellsworth. THE reconstruction of our store, is nearing comple tion, and when so completed, will more than fill our anticipa tions and promises. Watch for our opening j an nouncement, which will appear in a few days. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. THE STORY OF DR. LUKE Mrs. Katherine Oliver McCoy last evening at the Baptist church charmed an Albany audience with a presentation of the famous story of Dr. Luke of La brador, one of the prettist and most af fecting things ever told, a matchless one as presented by Mrs. McCoy, who has a gift of dialect, rendition and char acter delineation that is wonderful, al most making the characters of the story live, so vivid is her style of story tell ing. And this Labrador story is a les son too for the selfish people of the world surrounded by the advantages of an ingenius age. She was also heard in a humorous Scotch selection. Mrs. McCoy is accompanied by her husband, Dr. McCoy. They were school-mateB together at Monmouth, III., College and both fellow students for several years of Rev. W. P. White, of this city. CONCERT TONIGHT. Tonight at the United Presbyterian church the first concert of the newly organized conservatory of music will be presented. Admission free. It will be an introduction of the new teachers and an opportunity to again hear the old ones. A rule of the conservatory will be to begin all entertainments promptly on time, and tonight it will start at 8 o clock sharp. The program win consist oi .vocal solos by Prof. Palmer, piano and organ solos bv Misses Hanson and Tawnev. violin solos by Miss Fallerius and read ings by Miss HlacKwell, representing the faculty of the conservatory. IT PAYS TO BUY your SCHOOL SUPPLIES at Charles Knecht's OYSTERS Anytime " Ary style Try our Special Cocktails AT THE ELITE Chocolate Shop.